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The Tales Of Being A Closet Brony


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I have a rainbow dash figure in my closet as we speak, I can only guess my parents have seen it once or twice.

Also I was watching mlp on my phone and my mother starts telling me to turn my volume down because she can here everything.......

Every so often my mother mentions mlp but I just laugh and reply "hell no" I hope that's a good sign.

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I can always (or at least I think) minimize my MLP window in time.  I always have another window in the background with something more normal on it, although sometimes I'm too lazy and just set it on the new tab page.


Don't put headphones on with load music playing while on the site, your parents can easily walk in see you on it without you realising they are even there.... Luckily I was reading a long post, and nothing pony was showing in the screen and they didn't think much of it, phew!


This nearly happened to me just now.  Loud music in my headphones, MLP Forums, the whole thing.  Thankfully, anyone who comes into the room I'm in knocks on the door fairly loud, which gives me about two seconds' response time.

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EDIT: This thread has been reopened. Please feel free to discuss your experiences or thoughts on closet bronies.

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Telling my friends was pretty easy, since they didn't really care and I didn't keep going on about it. I even got a couple of friends into watching it. :P Family though...I don't tell them anything. I also keep my bisexuality a secret from them. And my online friends...if they found out they'd probably react in a completely over the top manor and take my Internet devices away. .___. They're that overbearing. That's why I'm dying to move out in a year or so when I'm 18.

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  • 3 weeks later...
 Thankfully, anyone who comes into the room I'm in knocks on the door fairly loud, which gives me about two seconds' response time.

I have a lock on my door for private MLP time and other stuff and that people tend not to knock as much in my house.

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When I first became a brony, I was kind of a closet brony, but one day I was watching an episode on t.v. and my mom came over and said "Are you watching MLP?" I said, "Yes." She doesn't care because I'm an adult and I can watch whatever I feel like. She bought me a blind bag one time and I asked her for a comic for xmas. My family knows and are cool with it. One of my aunts is into the show as well, and my buddies at work don't care, They tease me in good fun, but say "I don't care what you watch, everyone's got their weird interest." They're good friends though.

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Literally the only people who don't know in my life are my coworkers and boss, and that's about it.


When I first became a Brony, I was a little worried, but eventually I said "Screw it!" and just didn't hide it, and eventually everyone started finding out about it.


And that's why I can't relate, but I will say this: this topic made me laugh pretty hard, so keep sharing these stories. Nothing like finding the most creative ways ever of hiding an interest.

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My family mostly knows I'm a brony, they just don't care.


Once though, I was getting a pinkie pie plush from a Publix during a shopping trip, and when it was on the register, the lady asked if "she wanted to hold it." "What?" I said. When she pointed towards my little sister I realised what shed meant, and giggled through, "why YES of COURSE!" And put it in my sisters arms.


Of course pinkie is safely in my room now but I'll always remember that funny little experience.

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I can't say I know what you guys are going threw. But I'm sorry society has placed the stigma apron something you enjoy simply because it is out of the norm. I've always been up front with people about what I enjoy and found it to be a weight off my shoulders. If friends

criticize and berate you for not being a sheep to an idea of what society expects then they arnt the greatest of friends. All I can say is be you because when you become what everyone expects you to be you are no longer you.

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I can't say I know what you guys are going threw. But I'm sorry society has placed the stigma apron something you enjoy simply because it is out of the norm. I've always been up front with people about what I enjoy and found it to be a weight off my shoulders. If friends

criticize and berate you for not being a sheep to an idea of what society expects then they arnt the greatest of friends. All I can say is be you because when you become what everyone expects you to be you are no longer you.

Yes I agree. The fact that people are so judging these days is astounding. Society is becoming worse and worse, however a plus of this is that it allows it to be easier to see who your true friends are, those are the ones that won't judge you.


It does make for some funny stories as well though! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Closet bronies for a reason to avoid the drama that comes along with people hating on us. Although bronies are becoming so popular that its becoming tredy kind of like regular show and adventure time although there is still a negative stigama attached to it

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One day I went to visit my parents for the weekend and stay over a couple of nights.

There I was listening to some of the newer pony remixes that have come out when I was called in for supper.

Well, I was late finishing up and after I had eaten and I walked into the room I was supposedly sleeping in.

There was my younger 13 year old step brother listening to my iPod which I had accidentally left on.


His response was something like this:

"hey I'm just listening to your music... It's... interesting....." 


I had no idea what to say. I replied:

"Well it's not that great! No, nothing special about it at all, just music. Yep. Here, let me take that back."


To this day, I have no idea what song he heard or how much he knows.


When people ask "Hey what are you listening to?" While I'm listening to said remixes, I have no idea what to say and It's usually a very awkward moment indeed.

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I don't have any MLP stuff and do everything MLP related on my iPod Touch when everyone thinks I'm sleeping. I have told only a couple close friends. I just made the mistake of telling one person on my bus a few weeks ago. He seemed ok with it at first, but he kept screaming about rainbow ponies and stuff. I tried to get him to be quiet because one of my friends thinks people shouldn't be bronies but seems to be ok with one person he knows is a brony (and its quite obvious, he has a couple of Derpy things) but I don't want him to find out about me. He now keeps telling me that "My Little Ponies" will rape me while I'm sleeping. My parents don't seem like they could know without saying things (even though my dad and I used to love Power Puff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) and I don't want them to think badly of me. :(

  • Brohoof 1
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First of all, I feel sorry for you Bruin, I understand that must be very hard to deal with on your rides to school.


Saying that though...


I will admit I cracked up hard at "He now keeps telling me that "My Little Ponies" will rape me while I'm sleeping".


Yes, folks, I'm immature. I don't give a buck.


*Takes a puff on pipe*

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First of all, I feel sorry for you Bruin, I understand that must be very hard to deal with on your rides to school.


Saying that though...


I will admit I cracked up hard at "He now keeps telling me that "My Little Ponies" will rape me while I'm sleeping".


Yes, folks, I'm immature. I don't give a buck.


*Takes a puff on pipe*

It is funny to think about, just annoying. Plus there's the fact that he doesn't say it quietly. I don't care I people on my bus know I'm a brony or anything but I don't want them to think its something it isn't.


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It is funny to think about, just annoying. Plus there's the fact that he doesn't say it quietly. I don't care I people on my bus know I'm a brony or anything but I don't want them to think its something it isn't.


I completely understand, man. He might be doing it because he thinks it's funny, but if it bothers you that much, you really should say something to the guy if you get the chance.


However, I do realize that he might not be a person who listens to reason or you might feel like mentioning it to him won't work, but you oughta try to nip it in the bud before it gets worse. Who knows what he'll say next, am I right?

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I actually discovered the other day that I'm somewhat a closet Brony, it was while at work.


I was planning on telling my co-workers that I was a Brony, just to see what would happen, so I thought I would test the waters and see what they think of Bronies in general, at first.


They weren't too pleasant reactions... ^^"


However, I finally told them on the day of the Season Finale, I came to work that afternoon with only 3 hours of sleep (due to so much hype the night before), and they asked why I only received 3 hours of sleep.


So I told them I had to watch the season finale of my favorite show. They asked what it was.


That's when time seemed to stop at that particular moment, I felt a nervous rush flow through my body, I had no clue what was going on.


It was at that moment I realized that I was a closet Brony, and I had to make a choice then and there whether I wanted to keep my love for the show a secret, or come clean with my co-workers.


So, I told them. I told them that "My Little Pony" was the name of the show.


Still nervous, I heard them all begin to laugh, they thought it was a joke at first, honestly. After they had realized that I wasn't laughing, and that I was serious, my manager asked, "really?", and I responded with a "Yes, really."


The workers looked at each other, trying to see if they were thinking the same thing.


There was a girl there, and she refused to believe my brony-hood with everything she had. I brought out the Twilight Sparkle necklace I wear to work every day, and she kind of laughed a little bit, again asking "seriously?"


She told me she believed that I had a younger sibling who gave me the necklace, and I wear it for sentimental value, which was obviously not the case.


She asked me who it was on my necklace, and do you know what I told her? I said "This is Twilight Sparkle, the best damn pony to ever walk the lands of Equestria." She laughed some more, but still refused to believe me.


Her final question, she asked me to "name them all", so I clearly said to her, "Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity."


She ran off laughing, and I haven't really worked with her since. xD

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I completely understand, man. He might be doing it because he thinks it's funny, but if it bothers you that much, you really should say something to the guy if you get the chance.


However, I do realize that he might not be a person who listens to reason or you might feel like mentioning it to him won't work, but you oughta try to nip it in the bud before it gets worse. Who knows what he'll say next, am I right?

I've tried asking him to stop. He doesn't listen. Expected from a 6th grade kid.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes I agree. The fact that people are so judging these days is astounding. Society is becoming worse and worse, however a plus of this is that it allows it to be easier to see who your true friends are, those are the ones that won't judge you.


It does make for some funny stories as well though! :P

Most parents would react this way.


Defcon 1 Parent freakout mode.


"My son likes MLP AHHHHHHHHH we must send him to a psycologist now to get his brain pumped full of meds to clean of pony stuff becuase that is not what guys are supposed to like or maybe just to be safe a labonomy"


Maybe not exactly but you get the point.

Edited by GXPBlast
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I'm not a closeted Brony (no rooftop "I'm a Brony!" shouting as of yet, though), but I think it sucks that you have to / feel that you need to go to such great lengths to hide something that's a part of you or your interests like that.  I mean, you've done absolutely nothing wrong by being a furry and Brony.  It's anyone that would disown, ostracize, or criticize you that would be in the wrong.  Surely you must realize that, though?  I hope that - sooner rather than later - you get to a point in your life where you won't have to go to so much trouble covering your tracks and outwardly denying that part of who you are.


To be fair, *I* can say this crap because I'm 1. 30+ years old, 2. my internal shame-o-meter is mostly broken, and 3. I have people to whom I'm close that accept (and pretty much have gotten used to) my incredible weirdness.

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