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open Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero [RP]


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(Well, That escalated quickly)


Hazmat heard somepony fire a missile and stood up "Whats going on now" He said to himself as he walked to the shack. He was 99 percent sure it was the Ranger who fired the rocket. "ED-E stay by the fire" ED-E stayed by Hazmat's fire. Hazmat looked at his revolver and it was still not fixed yet. He grabbed his hunting rifle instead and loaded it with armor piercing rounds before continuing to walk towards the shack. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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   Noble kept an eye on the approaching Ranger and placed one hoof around Kayle’s middle, gingerly pulling himself closer to her. He subtly gestured for her to rest her head against his uninjured shoulder, hopefully giving the impression that they were lovers, and whispered to her.


   “It’s alright, Kayle. I’m not gonna let him hurt you if I can help it. I’d die first.”


   He would’ve hugged Kayle properly, if not for her armor, his own injury, and how he was counting down until he passed out from exhaustion. As the Ranger came closer, Noble got ready to draw his pistol if something went wrong, looking the Ranger up and down for any weaknesses in his armour. Still, he tried to act casual while the others began a round of introductions. That is…until the Ranger entered the shack and fired a missile.


   “What the hell are you doing?! What are you shooting at?!” He yelled as drew his pistol and positioned himself to better protect Kayle, despite the fact that her armour was better than Noble’s and her weapons fired much faster. But it’s the thought that counts.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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In all honesty missile launcher fire was sorta something me and my rangers were used too. If I didn't know any better I would have blew other opinions out the window...like my missile. I didn't know they would all start aiming there unique amount of weapons at me as I opened the door." To be honest there was nopony inside the shack, I shot at something from a distance. I didn't knew what it was so better safe then sorry no?" That probably didn't justify crap and the group of little ponies I just met looked sorta weary and paranoid, like something is gnawing at the back of there heads. I...am probably wrong about the assumption but that's how I stay cope with myself." Oh and the likely hood that if there was a friend in this shack they packed up a left. Also the very small chance that the thing I shot at was your friend it would have missed I assure you." I said clearing my throat trying to justify my sudden attack of probable overkill.

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I awoke startled. I had apparently drifted off during the conversation and now there was some feathering Steel Ranger firing a missile out the shack window. I noticed a blip on my EFS where the missile had gone and a lack of ex-slavers at the fire. Anaphora must have run, but why? Would she come back?

In any case, I floated my rifle to his hooves and quickly loaded a clip of armor piercing bullets. I pointed Silence Ranger's face and waited for him to make a move. Once this was sorted out, I'd lead a party to look for her if need be. "What are you doing here Ranger?" I sneered at him and glared. "You'll not harm one of us even slightly lest you wish to perish. I will protect everyone here."

Amber whispered something in my ear and I nodded. I looked over to Noble across the fine and nodded for no reason, hoping the Ranger would look over.


"I'm gonna go find her. Can you nod in the direction her blip went and distract the Ranger?" I whispered to Steady. When he nodded, I waited. One I thought the Ranger to be distracted, I ran past the shack and towards the direction Steady had nodded. I hoped I would find her quickly.

Once far enough away, I started calling Anaphora's name. It was to dark for me to see her, but I prayed to Celestia for her to answer me. Damn mare wasn't allowed to run away now that I was actually making good with her. "Anaphora, damn it!" I said, "You show yourself right now before I try shooting you myself!"

Edited by 2 Happy 4 You

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Kayle snickered at the steel ranger as she realized she had way more support than she anticipated, but then again she wasn't expecting him to do something stupid like fire his damn rocket launcher for no good reason. She had set her weapons to electrify her rounds to effectively disable the ranger's armor if needed to shoot, not that it was information anypony needed to know. She felt herself blushing a little as she realized just now that Noble and Steady were protecting her even though she was Enclave.


"For everyone's safety...we're gonna have to ask you to relinquish your weapons right now!" She demanded with some spite, not towards the ranger as an individual, but at the rangers in general. "I don't ask twice" She added swiftly thinking about having a ranger at her hoofs, oh the irony!

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Hazmat walked up to Ranger and pointed his hunting rifle at the group. "Let me take care of this!" He said before looking at the Ranger "I recommend that you get the hell out of here, you getting to the Rangers in the Moohave maybe the only chance of them surviving and I don't want you dead" Hazmat said to Hazel "The Moohave is in that direction, You will know you made it when you see the Lucky 38 tower. The Steel Rangers are in a bunker in Hidden Valley" Hazmat whispered to make sure the Enclave pony did not hear. "Also, what ever you do, do NOT tell them that I told you this"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Threat assessment time for poor little old me. There was at least five of them one which ran off the other direction. All of them I suspected to have armor piercing rounds except for the enclave probably has some special fancy crap. In all honesty the only thing I had to fear was from the hunting rifle and the enclave mare with who knows what, no no no this needs to be solved diplomatically. I took of my helmet revealing a strong face covered in multiple scars with eyes that showed experience. I stroked my beard before pulling out and lighting a cigar." One...if I wanted to kill ya I would have five minutes ago with four HE missiles. Two when I went into the shack it was empty and I had no intentions to hurt any of you. Three...if whatever i shot at was your friend I missed, if I wanted it dead it would have been. Four would you rather have my contingent against you or with you, they already fortified a facility here in masse. So how about we forget this little misunderstanding and be best friends forever. Because we don't want me pushing this red button now do we." I said pulling out a controller out of one of my compartments." Oh by the way this doesn't make anything explode I pinkie pie swear." In all honestly I was being sincere in this situation, so I hope they believe me.

The sudden assistance by hazmat gave me butterflies in my stomach. "Thanks, in all honesty I was here to regroup with the rangers in this region. But I'll make sure they get help also, I smiled at the group. By the way star paladin Hazel nut at your service or would you rather call me inquisitor." I looked back at the enclave mare eyeing her, she looked young I was pretty much twice her age." You know why would they let you test out there fancy new suit and gear, and do you even know how my suit works it's sorta different then your own light weight junk. Better at protecting from lasers then lead and explosions your suit does." I sighed walking up to her locking my weapons down. I walked up to her practically looking down at her to see eye to eye." I may not of had the best introduction but forgive and forget right." I said as I offered my hoof to be shaken.

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   Noble stayed quiet and kept his eye on the Ranger and the other pony from before. From what he saw, the Ranger was trying to be diplomatic and the other pony was armed with a hunting rifle. The Ranger was likely too close to use missiles, especially since he stated they were HE Missles, and the other one simply couldn’t fire fast enough to eliminate all of them. They were simply outnumbered and the only weapon that could take them all out was also a suicide attack.


   His threat and subsequent revelation that the threat was a bluff was either very clever or very stupid, considering the firepower pointed at the pair, the fact that the Ranger had removed his helmet, and that he’d moved into very close range. One wrong move and somepony could die here.


   “We’re willing to resolve this peacefully, but don’t threaten my marefriend. She might wear Enclave armour, but that alone doesn’t make her Enclave. She took the armour off a dead officer, since the armour is thick and does a decent job of keeping her safe. She just hasn’t changed the logo yet.” Noble said, quickly coming up with something he could use to defend Kayle and avoid an unnecessary firefight. Though he hadn’t expected to call her his marefriend. That part just slipped out on its own.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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" You know I take you for a snake with a silver tongue, would of convinced me if I haven't fought the enclave before." I let out a puff of smoke before lowering my hoof to face the battered unicorn." She looks young and inexperienced with the wasteland but her eyes shows that she got smarts. That kind of pony is expendable but useful at the same time, perfect for testing out a prototype suit judging by how it's built. Enclave officers wear light barding or hellfire gear but I only saw that once don't know how common it is. One more thing, you need training to use in power armor no matter the model and she's trotting in that thing like a spring filly. That was your first mistake. Look I already told ya I mean no harm to your group so i'm not gonna blow us all up or something like that. So we can put the guns down and share a couple of drinks. Last thing, what I said about my contingent wasn't a bluff or a threat it was genuine fact. They already hunkered down in a M.W.T facility." I turned to face the enclave mare again hoping to actually shake hooves.

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Kayle didn't notice that Noble had paired them up as a couple, but she definitely caught that definite bullshit of his, sure she could find the armor off an officer, but the training that comes with it is too complex for any ordinary pony to learn by themselves or be taught by any other than rangers and enclave. That red button must have not been a weapon, but rather a call for help so that rangers nearby can track him, he would be vulnerable until they arrived, however.


She angrily grabbed his hoof holding it firmly instead of shaking, as if to crush it. "How do I know that you aren't calling for a firing squad with that device of yours to kill me hmm? And give me a reason why I shouldn't fry your armor until it malfunctions leaving you helpless. All you rangers are conniving bastards so your word isn't gonna cut it here."


She really snapped at this ranger, she didn't know why him in particular, perhaps she was fed up with the little war them and the enclave were having, but she couldn't help but smile as her guns were point-blank and pointed at him, sure she might risk electrocuting herself but it would definitely shut his armor down if she wanted to fire off a few bursts. She felt sick inside as she showed her real anger off, she didn't know if she scared the ranger, but she felt like she terrified everyone else.

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@@Defender of Tomorrow


Hazmat looked at the Enclave mare, he started to remember all the times he had been attacked by Enclave, the only thing that kept him from killing her were all the other ponies with guns. He would probably bring a few of them down with him but he would die also, and he couldn't avenge his family dead. He lowered his rifle and said "You Enclave are no better" Hazmat said to Kayle. He signaled ED-E to come over and ED-E flew over to Hazmat. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Have you lost any pony through our conflicts?" I stammered."I know I have, you know my mother was helping some townsfolk learn to read when you fellas came flying in. Some thought you were saviors you know that, finally came to swoop in and clean up the wasteland and all that. Something my group was expected to do but failed to recognize that as our purpose. Little starshine even got some pre-war balloons to greet them with. One of them thought that she was contaminated and gunned her down before they could get so called infected. Her mother came in screaming for her child, turned to dust before she could even reach her filly. Then they decided the whole town was filled with savages when one of the guards fired back. Soon it was a slaughter, everything in the town that wasn't one of their own was wasted. My mother tried to get some others out of the town before getting shot by lasers then impaled by one of your tail blades. The enclave left after the one who killed my mother was gunned down by me.YOU THINK YOUR ENCLAVE IS ANY BETTER!!!Do you think those soldiers were protecting your civilization do you think there families knew what they did." I spat my cigar at her armor"You probably lost friends to my group sure...everything gets personal when it comes to war, it always does. There's always two sides when it comes to war and you always see each other as targets not as ponies. Your living proof that not all enclave are bad. My mother died protecting random ponies she just met for the day, I would of killed you earlier but that's not what my mother would have wanted. If that doesn't prove anything nothing will, but I..I'm trying to change, I really am." I said before putting back on my helmet.

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She was almost away from the campfire, and Anaphora was almost about to enjoy the luxury of relief...until a missile came flying her away. Shocked, she tried to jumped out of the way, but the missile hit a dead tree, the shrapnel getting into her hoof. "Augh...fuck!" Anaphora muttered as she winced from her wounds. The best thing to do was not to pull it out just yet; Baryon taught her that when she got hit by a bullet. Having little time for reaction, she continued rushing away, dropping one of her collars and dripping some blood on the way, near the burning tree. 


Suddenly, the EFS blip on all of the PipBucks disappeared, which either meant that Anaphora was out of range or died from the blast; and what was left at the scene may have convinced most of the group that it was the latter. Baryon, along with Steady Hoof and Amber, were the first to notice, since they were the closest to her; Baryon flew near the tree and landed near it, his general warm attitude disappearing as he paused and merely stood in front of the burning pile. And the fact that Ana was missing...



Edited by Original Suri
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(is Anaphora even out of range of ED-E's sensors which have a larger range) 


Hazmat looked at ED-E. ED-E looked at the Ranger  and the Enclave mare. Hazmat then sat down and continued to repair his revolver. He pulled out his switchblade and carved 'I.V.' on the bottom of the hilt before he put the finishing touches on the revolver. He then put his revolver away and called ED-E over. "ED-E, Protocol Sleep mode" Hazmat said as ED-E fell to the ground. Hazmat set ED-E down in front of him and began to attempt to finish repairing ED-E's database.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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   Noble holstered his pistol, despite it being a bad idea, and tried to stand up and grab Kayle’s hoof to stop her doing something she might regret, limping over towards her with the little strength he had left. But the moment he stood up, his legs gave out under him and he collapsed to the ground with a thud.


   “Kayle… Don’t do it… You’re better…” He said before passing into unconsciousness. His vision faded into black and his mind started to grow quieter. After holding out by force of willpower, Noble had passed out from sheer exhaustion and his injury.


    Running. Shooting. It was the second day since being on the surface and Noble had managed to piss off a local raider boss. Now he and his friend, Serene Wind, were paying for it.


   “I can’t take it, Noble. We can’t stay holed up in here forever. Why’d I come out here? It’s nothing but trouble.” She said, almost snapping from the stress of the situation.


   Noble put down the rifle and looked into Serene’s eyes. “Look at me. We’ll make it out of this. No matter what, we’re gonna be alright.”


   “How do you know? How can you be sure we’ll make it?”




   Noble’s eyes glowed for a brief moment, and Serene’s eyes had a faint violet glow that faded in seconds. Then her eyes widened in horror when she realized what Noble did.


   “You…Why? How could you? Turning that spell on me… Noble, how could you?!” She shouted as Noble ran back and picked up the rifle, shooting out the window.


   “It was a hard decision… But this was the best option out of everything.” Noble responded, taking aim at a raider and putting three rounds in his skull. “I’m sorry I got us into this, Serene. Just hold together a little longer.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"To hell with it!" Kayle exclaimed as she let the ranger go from her death-grip and immediately looking to Noble. He was passed out from probably the exhaustion, or the pain and he needed a place to rest real bad. 


Awkwardly contouring her body, Kayle picked up her companion Noble using most of her remaining strength and lifted him a small distance to the shack placing him on the available bed inside, though it wasn't the best place, it was definitely better than the floor. She watched Noble for a moment as he lay on the bed and couldn't help but feel helpless, unable to help him any other way but to provide a resting spot. She caught herself staring at him and thought about him in another light, but she quickly shook that off as that was unknown territory to her, and with that she went outside the shack to give another earful to the ranger.


"So what exactly do I get from sparing your ass? Because the way I see it, I turn my back and you shoot me, or you have your buddies track me down, and of course, shoot me." She turned for a moment to look around for Baryon "Does any pony know where that stable pony went?" She figured that maybe he could use some of his magic to help Noble or something, then she turned back to the ranger, still worrying about Noble.

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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I looked at my hoof after butt hurt Pegasus let go. It was really dirty celestia damn she's gotta clean that armor better. The actions of the enclave probably didn't even cross her mind but then again who could blame her. I put my oh so friendly arm around her neck and pulled her close." The way I see it your one unlucky bitch, miles of dirt in a place full of things wanting to mop the floor with ya hundred years of bred hatred or otherwise. You gonna need friends and a whole army of rangers are a really good backup crew, well on second thought it don't sound to pleasant. Either way my resources your resources and I got a lot of resources. You also get the limited edition specialty of me not gunning down any enclave that comes for your rescue if they hadn't forgotten about you yet. So what do ya say friends?" I asked very politely trying hard not to smash her face in for disregarding mother. Judging by her face she need a little push." I'll also toss in this healing potion and bottle o fresh water!" With a final sales pitch of probably not gonna cut it I pull out a healing potion and fresh water.

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The two's argument was interrupted by a shout mixed with anger and angst from a pony least expected – Baryon. "I HATE THIS! I hate all this fighting! Aren't we supposed to work together? Why are we pushing ourselves away?" Baryon yelled, throwing the inactive explosive collar away. "All of you made her dead! I lost my FAITH in this place! I lost faith in EVERYONE!" 


His enraged but teared face turned to the Steel Ranger, pointing at him. "Why did you kill her? WHY?" Not waiting for a response, he drew out his weapon and aimed it at him. "You're a MURDERER! YOU KILLED HER! IN COLD BLOOD!"

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Hazmat heard all the yelling before he just snapped "Will all of you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I can't work with all this yelling!!!" Hazmat closed up ED-E's panel and stood up. "Did you find a corpse? any body parts besides that collar... If not, She may still be alive. Just... Shut... Up... and I will go out there and find evidence of her still being alive" Hazmat yelled at Baryon. He was tired of all the yelling and he would do anything to get the yelling to stop.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Losing his reasoning, Baryon turned his sudden aggression at Hazmat instead. "And you think that you can command a pony like me? What do you know about her?" he shot back, until realizing that the stallion was right – there was no corpse found. "And even if she is still alive, we made her go away. You scared her away, all of you. And if she IS dead" – he stepped toward Hazmat with the pistol aimed at his head – "I'm going to...I'm going to..."


He sighed, dropping the pistol down on the ground as he snapped back into his typical thinking attitude. "I smelled burning skin when I was there. She could be burned to ash or injured. Either way, the Steel Ranger isn't going to receive any pity. I want him gone."

Edited by Original Suri
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Hazmat just stood there, not trying to fight back "What you gonna shoot me! It won't bring her back you know!" Hazmat said as he put his hoof on the pistol. "Just calm down... before somepony gets hurt" Hazmat said as he tried to actually calm Baryon down. Hazmat was actually ready to stab Baryon in the throat with his switchblade if he needed to.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Look you bumbling stable dweller if there was no corpse then she is not dead and you just let her run away by coming here. Missiles kill by impact burning and shrapnel, there would have been a corpse missiles don't disintegrate. If you think she was injured you should have looked around I mean seriously." I let go of the enclave mare to face palm my helmet.

Edited by steelranger22
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Snatching up the potion and water Kayle told the ranger "If you wanna change you can start with that mouth of yours." Turning to the Hazmat pony she retrieved Baryon's gun as politely as she could.


Walking to the crazed and distraught Baryon she spoke to him in a warming and soothing tone "Baryon...you know Ana is a tough pony, I know she isn't dead." Although Kayle could careless about the fate of Ana, she valued Baryon and Noble for their skills and charm. She put a hoof around baryon and hugged him shortly after. "Baryon...we should go to the shack...I don't trust these two out here."

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Hazmat looked at Baryon and Kayle before he turned around and reactivated ED-E, He hadn't put full power back to ED-E's sensor yet but he will finish that later, Because he was planning on leaving tonight. He hadn't spent one whole day with this group and he already knew that he didn't want to spend another minute here.

Edited by Sabertooth the Puppy

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Why you never had a superior officer yell profanities at you during training. Either way twenty years of wasteland and you'll get a mouth like mine." I needed a gun with more tear so i'm gonna call for a delivery, I thought to myself as I pushed my red button. On second thought it was really fun so I kept pushing it for a minute straight.

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