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private Johto Storm


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@@Vaporeon,@, @@Umbreon,


Alery had listened intently to Falkner's words, and began thinking about what they could do with Ho-oh. Didn't the Pokemon have something to do with life and pure hearted people? What could a bunch of arsonists want with a Pokemon like that? Alery flinched slightly at the other trainer's mention of the Hoenn organizations, feeling a large pang of guilt, but showing nothing. At Falkner's proposition, Alery considered his options, and decided he'd go check it out. "I'll go to Ecruteak. Talking to Morty doesn't seem too difficult..."


((This is basically what I'm using to get out of going to Azalea town.))

Edited by Jolteon
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Stella scratched her head. She was clearly frustrated. Not only had Boomburst just basically blown her ears out, but Mawile had been healed from Helioptile's Thunder Wave as well. Joy. Helioptile, seeing no other options, retreated onto Stella shoulder again. Phanpy had been taken by surprise by the loud noise of Boomburst, and didn't notice the Magikarp flying into him. The two slid across the ice in front of Stella, Phanpy having fainted. "Phanpy, return. Good job." The girl said, pulling out a pokeball to return Phanpy to. Magikarp looked to be completely fine, and flopped happily about.


Then the energetic one pointed at both her and the boy that had randomly showed up. She commanded her Chatot to attack them, and Stella winced in preparation to be thrown back. However, instead of that, Magikarp had jumped in front of the bulk of the attack, absorbing most of the hit that was about to hit Stella ((Though not Muna)). The water type was flung back into her arms, and the girl skid back a few feet, though managed to remain on her feet. Magikarp had fainted, and Stella pulled out a pokeball to return it. "Your legacy will be remembered." She stated, returning Magikarp to it's pokeball. "Damn... I'm down to two pokemon. No way Axew can do anything against a fairy like Mawile, and Helioptile can't do much with Vileplume around..." Stella pet Helioptile lightly on the head, as to mean no hard feelings. She then began to walk towards the Dragon's Den, carefully making sure not to fall on the ice. She breathed slowly. "Can't give up yet... The poor dragon types might be hurt..."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"It looks like I'm going to Ecruteak as well." Cilla says after Alery speaks up. "If the people of Ecruteak know so much about Ho-oh then chances are those guys will head there sooner or later." While part of Cilla didn't want to get involved in this whole mess, she felt like she had to after seeing what happened at Sprout Tower. "If any of you want to come with me then I suggest we leave now." She says before looking around. "Oh uh speaking of which, where is the way out?"



"Huh, pretty cool place." Sable says looking around. However before she could start exploring, the two trainers that had freezed the lake entered and started attacking the entire den. "Damn that's loud!" Sable said covering her ears as Chatot's Boomburst went off. "Come on Umbreon!" She said running down one of the bridges that led to the shrine in the middle. It was here that she noticed Goomy. "Really, that's a dragon Pokemon?" Sable said never having seen a Goomy (or many other Kalos Pokemon) before. But seeing as two people were attacking the den and there were few other dragon Pokemon in sight, Sable shrugged and decided to catch the little pile of goo. "Let's hope this works." She says getting an empty Pokeball from her bag and throwing it at Goomy.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Vaporeon,@, @@Umbreon,


Abigail looked between the three other people with her on the roof, the two trainers saying that they would be going to Ecruteak. Abigail Looked down, uncertain of what to do. Her eyes drifted to her belt, where she saw Isabella's heal ball. She unclipped it and held it in her hand. "What should I do? Wouldn't I be getting in over my head, dealing with this kind of stuff? Didn't I promise her not to follow her to Sinnoh to avoid this kind of thing? I..."


Abigail's mind wandered, half in contemplation of what to do in the moment, and half in thoughts of back home. She eventually clipped the heal ball back to her belt, and perked up her head. "Umm, mind if I tag-along to Ecruteak?" she asked the other two trainers, but her eyes settled on Cila, "oh, we haven't actually properly been introduced, yet. My name is Abigail, nice to meet you!" She gave a friendly smile.

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@@Leafeon, @@Umbreon


“Aud-!” Audino cried out in pain, blasted from the top of Vileplume by a direct hit from Boomblast before she could execute her Secret Power. Flinching as she hit the ground, Audino struggled back to her feet, glaring at the two trainers and their Pokemon as they retreated from the battle, heading across the lake and into Dragon’s Den. But not before Viro had her Chatot launch another Boomblast in the direction of Stella and Muna. Audino! She yelled in distress, arm reaching out towards Muna as if to protect him although he was too far away from her.


“Oh, Audino!” Muna shouted, watching as his beloved partner was blasted off of the Vileplume. Stella’s Pokemon didn’t seem to be fairing to well, either. Just as he was about to run over to Audino, Viro’s Chatot launched a Boomblast aimed at him and Stella. “Aaaaaaghh!” Muna screamed, squeezing his eyes closed and bracing for impact and most likely a decent amount of pain.


“Coocoocoocoocoocoocoo…!” Muna, completely oblivious to Cascoon at the moment, failed to have noticed that it had started glowing minutes ago. In fact, it had just finished its metamorphosis. Fluttering out of Muna’s arms and knocking him back a few steps in the process, Muna’s newly evolved Dustox hovered between its trainer and the oncoming attack.


“Duuuuuus…TOX!” Dustox cried, projecting a green forcefield around itself and easily deflecting the Boomblast away. Proud of itself, Dustox proceeded to flutter around Muna in the air. “Dustooox!” He trilled, landing to rest on Muna’s head after a few circles.


Muna grinned. “Wonderful job, Dustox! My little hero~” He reached up to rub the fuzzy moth’s head in praise. At this point in time, Audino had reached Muna and Dustox, the healing Pokemon a bit out of breath after recent events but not without energy left to battle.


“Aud?” She asked, hands on her knees as she caught her breath.


Muna nodded down at his partner. “Yes, I’m okay. Thanks for being such a trooper, Audino.” Looking towards the Dragon’s Den, his face lit up with eagerness and determination. “Now, let’s go save some Dragons!”






Muna then set off after the two enemy trainers, his Dustox flying next to him and Audino sliding alongside him on the ice. Having some experience with ice skating, Muna was able to move rather quickly along the ice without falling over. He soon caught up to Stella, slowing down to match her pace. “Sorry about your Phanpy and Magikarp; Audino can heal them, if you’d like,” Muna offered, waiting for the girl’s response, "My name's Munashe, by the way, but you can call me Muna."


In the meantime, Dustox decided it was a good idea to perch upon Stella’s head, nuzzling its face down in her floral-smelling hair. “Duuuuss…”

Edited by Sylveon









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Stella paused at the boy's offer. She spun around to face him, for the first time actually making direct eye contact with him. "You can if you want, I guess. Though they've both fainted." She said bluntly, summoning both Phanpy and Magikarp who had indeed fainted. When the trainer said his name, Stella was about to answer back, when she felt something land on her head. She then felt something moving on her head, and a soft sound being produced from said something.


Helioptile also heard the sound. It climbed up onto Stella's head, and looked at Dustox with great distaste. She swiped at the bug type with her tail, letting it fall off of Stella's head for the girl to be able to catch it in her arms. Stella looked at it for a few seconds, before spinning around suddenly and exclaiming; "Oh! You're so cute!" She then began to hug Dustox, completely ignoring anything else going on.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Dustox flapped its wings joyously as he spun around in Stella's arms, immediately taking a liking to her.  "Dustox, Dus!"  He mumbled into her hug.  Muna chuckled at their antics; he was glad that Stella also found Dustox to be cute.


Audino hustled over to Phanpy and Magikarp, holding her hands out over both unconscious Pokemon.  Her Heal Pulse enveloped the two Pokemon in a soothing pink light, mending their cuts and bruises.  However, she was unable to revive them, as Heal Pulse wasn't strong enough of a healing move to do that.  "Dino!"  She said, announcing the completion of her Heal Pulse.


"Good job, Audino,” Muna praised, patting her on the head.  They were just outside the entrance to Dragon’s Den, and loud noises of destruction echoed from inside.  “Okay guys, I don’t know what’s going to happen once we go inside, but we have to be ready to fight again.  You ready?”  Audino nodded seriously in response.  Dustox, on the other hand, mumbled his response, still burying his face into the front of Stella and practically purring with delight.  In all honesty, Muna was slightly jealous of Stella right now; not that he would ever admit to it.  “Ooookay then!  Into the den we go!”  Charging inside, Muna cursed under his breath at the destruction being laid out before him.  Something had to be done fast!  “Dustox, quick, use Confusion and redirect that Thunder!”


“Dustoooox!”  Fluttering out of Stella's arms and up to where the three enemy flying Pokemon were, Dustox used its newfound telekinetic powers to manipulate the lightning from Emolga’s attack so that it was aimed directly at Chatot.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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((OOC: Posting from my phone so my spelling/grammar might be a bit off. I also won't have any font colors. I'll edit this in as soon as I get on a PC. I might also lack paragraph formating.))

Jason gave Allen a nod. "Lumi, if you want you can spend the trip to town in your pokeball. Fighting a bunch of steel types must of been tough." He offered Lumi. Jason's Glaceon responded with a nod and she was returned to her pokeball in a flash of light.

The two trainers set off towards Blackthorn. Jason thought about what was happening to Allen. Like Lumi he began to piece together the little things they talked about getting a general idea of what was going on with his friend.

After several minutes of walking together Jason spoke. "Allen, I'm sorry." Jason's tone sounded more serious than his usual self. "I know you've been feeling not up to par with some other trainers; and me showing up probably made you feel worse. I want you to know; though I have yet to witness you battle. I think you are an outstanding trainer. Being a pokemon trainer is not just about battles and victories but the relationship you have with your pokemon. You have something a lot of others lack. You show care, empathy and genuine interest for the pokemon with you. You are a great pokemon trainer. Though you may not think that way just give it time and effort and you will end up far greater than any of your peers." Jason finished his speach to Allen and looked down. "Now once we get to Blackthorn; if you want to part ways. I understand. Lumi will probablly miss you." Jason did not want to lose his only friend in Johto but if Allen wanted him gone he would respect that.

The Joltik listened to Jason's speach from his shoulder remaining quiet the whole time.

((OOC: I am so terribad at making these motivational speeches. :| ))

Edited by Glaceon
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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The Pokeball shook a couple of times before the Goomy popped back out, still seemingly oblivious to the chaos going on in the Den.  "Goooooo!"  The little pile of slime opens up its mouth with a big grin as it cries out, before hiccuping out a few bubbles.  




@,@, @@Vaporeon,


Falkner rubs the back of his neck and points towards an elevator that would take them to the bottom floor of the gym.  "You can get out that way, and the quickest way to Ecruteak is to leave town and go west...  But...  Listen, don't rush off too fast, alright?  That guy was tough, if you run into more like him on the road right now, it might not end so greatly...  It's getting late, you could rest here at the Violet Pokemon Center and leave in the morning.  Spend the rest of the evening training...  Check out the Trainer's School, or stick around and try for my badge or something." The young gym leader shrugs and lets his hands drop.  "Not saying you have to, just my advice...  And traveling at night probably isn't the best idea."





@@Glaceon,@@Aerodynas, )


Thankfully for Chatot the redirected Thunder had missed, as the move wasn't accurate in the first place, but it did cause the flying Pokemon to turn around.  Emolga starts to glow as it flies towards the trainers at the entrance, as though preparing for another attack, when -


"Dragon Claw!"  A rush of orange flies into the entrance of the Den before striking the little flying rodent, knocking Emolga backwards.  Clair jumps off of the Charizard's back to land on one of the stone ledges around the outside of the Den.  She looks at a couple of the young Blackthorn trainers and nods towards the door, both trainers running out to spread the alarm before turning her attention back to the situation at hand.


The Blackthorn Gym Leader crosses her arms across her chest as an amulet around her neck starts to glow.  Her Charizard begins to glow as well before suddenly growing larger, its orange skin turning black as blue fire starts to billow from its mouth.  Charizard had mega evolved!  


"Damn," Yiree mutters as she looks up towards Clair.  "I'll handle Clair, Viro, deal with the other pests."  "Right!"  Altaria and Emolga start to circle around Charizard, though the now-dragon fire Pokemon quickly darts forward to slam a fist into Altaria.  While they continue to battle, Viro turns back around to Stella and Muna.


"Oh hey, it's you guys again!  Did you want to play some more?  I'll try not to go so crazy this time!"  The purple haired girl giggles as she tosses out a Pokeball, a flash of light accompanying a Seviper landing on the ice in between them.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Stella immediately returned Phanpy and Magikarp to their pokeballs once Audino had healed them, sighing and putting the pokeballs in her bag. She wouldn't have to worry about the health of those two. On normal terms, she would have rushed towards a pokecentre, but she obviously couldn't right now regardless if she knew the two were fine or not. Once she had finished nervously fiddling with the things in her bag, Stella followed Muna into the Den. When she had arrived, Dustox had already intercepted the Thunder. Kinda impressive, as much as she didn't want to admit to another trainer possibly being better than her.


Stella was about to summon Axew to intercept whatever attack it was Emolga had planned, when something rushed passed her, knocking her into one of the walls of the entranceway. "Ow..." She muttered, squeezing Helioptile who had just fallen off her head. The girl then looked to see what the force was. "Clair. Of course. Though I suppose that means I'm not going to die here, I guess..." Stella didn't seem at all content about the fact Clair had arrived. She didn't want to have to say another word to the gym leader, as she had run away at the end of their battle. Oh well. At least Clair hadn't seem to noticed her yet.


When Viro summoned her next pokemon, it was one Stella was very familiar. Seviper had been one of the first pokemon she had ever caught, back at her home in the Hoenn region, so she knew the most effective ways to battle with one. Thus, she knew the perfect way to counter one. Helioptile wouldn't be helping here. "Okay... Axew!" She said, summoning the only pokemon of hers who had no clue what was going on. Axew stood proudly for a second, then looked around with a confused expression. "Scary Face on Seviper!" Axew growled at Seviper, looking as intimidating as an adorable pokemon like Axew could.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Come on I don't have time for this, just stay in the ball." Sable said impatiently. Just then she heard someone's voice followed by a loud roar. "What the hell?" She says to herself as see she's Clair and, more importantly, her Charizard. Only this was no normal Charizard for it seemed Clair had the ability to mega evolve. "Cool." Sable said quickly shrugging it off. Though she had never seen mega evolution before she was preoccupied with this Goomy and wanted to catch it before it was too late. "Umbreon, use Confuse Ray on....Whatever that's suppose to be." She says before getting out and throwing another Pokeball. Surely Goomy couldn't be that hard to catch.

Looking up at the sky Cilla could confirm that it was indeed getting late. "Then I'll just have to hurry." Cilla says somewhat coldly. "I don't want those people causing anymore trouble. Besides I've been through worse back in Unova." She says reassuring both Falkner and herself. "Neither of you have to follow me right now if you don't want to. I'd be fine with meeting up at Ecruteak tomorrow if you don't want to travel at night." She says to the other two trainers. "Oh right. I'm Cilla, nice to meet you Abigail." She says to the girl with a slight smile. "I must have gotten so caught up in this that I didn't bother to introduce myself."

Edited by Vaporeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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“Darnit,” Muna mumbled, Dustox having failed at hitting Chatot with the redirected Thunder attack.  He was about to issue another command to the moth Pokemon, seeing as Emolga was charging towards him, when both he and Stella were thrown against the entrance walls by a powerful gust.  “Agh!  What the…?”  Muna gazed upon the scene unfolding before him; Clair, the gym leader, had just rushed in on the back of her Charizard to counter Emolga’s attack.  Soon after, in a blinding display of energy and light her Charizard mega evolved into Mega Charizard X, a fearsome and ferocious-looking black beast.  “Oh.  My.  Gosh!  Muna vocalized his awe, never before having experienced mega evolution in person.  It was breathtaking to say the least.


That’s when the purple-haired girl turned her attention to Muna and Stella, challenging them to a proper fight.  Noticing her choice of Pokemon, Muna nodded with a smirk.  “Alright!  Just to let you know, I’m not gonna hold back simply ‘cause you were nice to Audino earlier.”  Looking up in the air, Muna shouted his command to Dustox.  “Dustox, use Gust and blow Seviper into its trainer!”


Dustox spiraled down until it was floating just above Axew, and then began flapping its wings at a blinding speed.  “Duuuuuuuuusst!”  A gale of wind whipped up by its speedy flapping rushed forward at the Seviper, carrying with it an updraft intended to lift the Seviper off the ground and crash the venomous snake into Viro.  Ideally Axew's Scary Face would've lowered Seviper's speed enough to prevent evasion of the Gust attack.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Goomy watched as the confuse ray circled around it, grinning widely at the glowing light before being sucked into the Pokeball again.  The ball shook once...  twice...  and then Goomy burst back out of it, sitting on the ground and gazing upwards at Sable.  "Gooo?"







Seviper hissed at Axew in response to the Scary Face, before the wind began quickly picking up around it because of Dustox's Gust.  "Seviper!  Use your tail to stay anchored!"  Hissing at both of the opposing Pokemon, Seviper slams its tail spike deep into the ice they were battling upon as the gust starts to lift it up.  The gust did make Seviper's body push backwards, but its tail anchored in the ice stopped it from flying into Viro.


"Alright, use Coil!  And start to spin with the gust!"  As though for emphasis, Viro starts to pirouette on the ice.  "Sevvvviper!"  The snake quickly starts to wrap in around itself, going in the direction of the wind initially.  With little traction on the ice its inertia makes it start to spin with its tail as a pivot, the spinning picking up speed rather quickly.  


"Aaaaannnndddd releaaaassseeee....  NOW!  Poison Tail!"  As Viro shouts 'Now!' Seviper pulls its tail out of the ice, the spike on the end starting to glow with a sickly purple color as the spinning serpent begins sliding along the ice towards Axew and Dustox, bouncing and swerving on a somewhat uncontrolled path in the rather...  Unusual attack pattern.




Behind Viro, Altaria hits the ice knocked out while Emolga frantically tries to avoid Charizard's attacks.  Yiree has sent out her Beartic to take Altaria's place, but it seems as though Clair has the upper hand.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Stella was somewhat confused by the pattern Seviper was going in. It would make the move a bit difficult to counter. However, she believed it was still possible to pull off. She put a hand out towards Muna, stopping him from moving forward at all. She looked rather confident all of the sudden. "I've got this." She said with a grin. ​"Alright. Helioptile, in front of Axew. Shield him from any possible attacks." Heloptile nodded, giving Stella a cautious glance. She obviously had no idea what her trainer was up to, but jumped in front of Axew nonetheless.


As Seviper neared, Stella pulled out a pokeball. "Alrighty Axew! Return!" Axew gasped in surprise as it disappeared into a red light. Helioptile was equally confused, but kept her eyes on Seviper, who was almost upon her with it's tail. "Now, Parabolic Charge!" Helioptile released an arch of electric current. A move that would have hit Axew if it was still out. 


Parabolic Charge would do one of two things. The first was hit Seviper. This would slow down the poison type considerably. The second was that Seviper would leap into the air to dodge the attack. This would be the best outcome for what Stella had planned. "Now, Axew. Use Slash on the slit in Seviper's tail!" The fact Axew had been summoned instead of attacking normally allowed it to hit Seviper from above, giving it much more of a chance to hit where Stella had commanded it to, hopefully that would drive Seviper's tail into the ice.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sable faced palmed when Goomy escaped the Pokeball again. Why couldn't this thing just stay caught? "Alright, I was going to go easy on you but you leave me no choice. Galvantula?" She says releasing the electric spider from it's Pokeball. "Use Thunder Wave to paralyze it and then go for a Signal Beam." Galvantula obeys, sending a weak jolt of electricity at Goomy before hitting it with a multi-colored beam of energy.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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@,@@Umbreon, @@Vaporeon,  


"Cilla?" Abigail rolled the name off her tongue. It was not a name she'd ever heard before, but it sounded nice. "Cilla, umm, I really don't think traveling all that way would be wise right now." Abigail looked bashfully away for a second, "not that I think you can't handle it, of course."


Abigail gaily skipped over to the exit, "it's just, I think it'd be better if we went along together. You might get slowed down on your way there, anyway." Abigail put her hands behind her back, and smiled. "So... I think I'm gonna go prepare myself for what's ahead, okay?"


She stepped into the elevator, and unclipped her two pokeballs from her belt. She summoned her two pokemon, "okay, Isabella, Jeanne! Let's check out that school, mmkay?"

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Goomy winced as the Thunder Wave hit it, leaving it paralyzed, and then was struck by the Signal Beam.  The Signal Beam knocks Goomy into the water, where it soon bobs floating to the surface...  Seemingly no longer paralyzed, thanks to its Hydration ability.


"Gooooo!"  It seemed as though the Goomy thought this were a game of sorts, and it opened its mouth wide to shoot a hazy green Dragonbreath at Galvantula.






Seviper was caught completely by the unexpected attack pattern, his tail spike sinking deep into the ice as Axew struck it.  Viro stamps one of her feet, though that causes her to start to lose her balance and start pinwheeling her arms to stay upright on the ice.


"Heeeey, what gives!?  Sevipy, don't take that!  Flamethrower!"  "SeeeeVIPER!"  The serpent seems to swell up slightly before opening its mouth, a large blast of fire billowing out between its fangs.  It starts sweeping the flamethrower about in front of it wildly.  It was trying to hit the opposing Pokemon, but it also had one other effect...


The ice under their feet was rapidly getting thinner.






As Abigail approached the Trainer's School, it seemed like a class was getting ready to start.  A number of young trainers were taking seats around an open field, though there was no sign of an instructor in sight.


Suddenly a young woman would walk up behind Abigail and tap her on the shoulder.  She had short, somewhat spiky red hair, though her bangs were dyed blue.  There was also noticeable dark red eyeshadow around her eyes, and there was a silver Eevee riding on her shoulders.


"Hey!  Sorry to bug you, I noticed you had some Pokemon with you though.  I'm supposed to be teaching a quick class for some of these kids...  Would you mind having a battle with me?"  "Eevee!"  She blinks and glances at her Pokemon before smiling and turning back to Abigail.  "Oh, right, my name's Rin.  Sorry about that."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"Excellent work, Axew!" Stella said, grinning at her pokemon who leaped in front of Helioptile, quite close to Seviper's mouth. Meaning Seviper's Flamethrower hit dead on. Stella backed up quickly, her face almost going pale as the flames nearly touched her, and pulled out a pokeball. "Helioptile, return!" She commanded, returning the lizard to it's pokeball. Fortunately, Flamethrower hadn't hit her, due to Axew blocking it. Due to Dry Skin, such an attack would be devastating. 


Axew was being constantly swept at by the Flamethrower, each time hitting him. Though the move wasn't very effective, it still hurt. "Axew, use Slash on Seviper's head!" Axew nodded, and ran up to Seviper as fast as it could. It tried its best to dodge Flamethrower, running in a somewhat curved angle, then attempted to use Slash right on top of Seviper's head, hopefully pushing the pokemon's mouth shut.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Galvantula quickly jumped back, dodging the attack. "You're really getting on my nerves you know that?" Sable says to the gooey dragon. Just then Umbreon speaks up, motioning towards the front of the den where the battle against Team Storm was taking place. It seemed Clair was doing fine, being a gym leader and all, but Muna and another trainer were struggling. "Damn. Alright let's wrap this up." Sable says before throwing another Pokeball at Goomy. "I swear if you don't stay in that ball..." She mumbles to herself.



Once Abigail leaves, Espeon looks up at Cilla and gives a quiet "Esp?" "No, that girl was right, Espeon. It would probably be too dangerous to go out now. Though it's not like we haven't dealt with this sort of thing before." With that Cilla left the gym and headed to the Pokemon Center. "Nurse Joy? You wouldn't happen to have any rooms available would you?" She asks.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Muna faltered, surprised and intrigued by Stella’s skill in battle.  Maybe he had underestimated her earlier.  Turning his attention back to Dustox, he gasped as a haywire flamethrower was shot haphazardly around the area.  “Dustox, Confusion!”  Muna commanded swiftly; that was his first reaction to the oncoming attack.


“Duuuuuuuust!”  Dustox chanted, forcing the flames of the Flamethrower to recede back inside Seviper’s mouth and condense into a small ball of fire.  Hopefully, in combination with Axew’s Slash attack, this would force Seviper’s mouth shut and result in internal fire damage from the trapped Flamethrower (seeing how Seviper was poison type and wasn’t resistant to fire-type attacks.)


Audino was the only one to notice the ice around the den melting, and she tugged on Muna’s pants insistently.  “Aud, Aud!  She warned her trainer, fearing what could happen.  Her sensitive ears were picking up the sound of cracking ice, which definitely did not mean good news.


Muna absently patted Audino's head, attention focused completely on Seviper and Dustox at the moment.  "Not now, honey.  I'm in the middle of an important battle."









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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The Pokeball starts shaking again, and while it seems like Goomy is going to break out again, the Pokeball does manage to click shut at the last moment.  Goomy was caught.




Goomy.  The Soft Tissue Pokemon.  It's covered in a slimy membrane that makes any punches or kicks slide off of it harmlessly.


Gender:  Female              OT:  Sable                         Jolly Nature / Somewhat of a clown (Affects RP, not battle)

Knows Bubble, Dragonbreath, Tackle, and Protect.  Can be taught Absorb, Endure, and Acid Armor with training.

Ability:  Hydration








Seviper had started to turn its mouth towards Axew when Dustox's attack forced its mouth closed, giving Axew the opportunity to land another hit.  Seviper's head smacked down into the now very thin ice, abruptly breaking through it and disappearing into the water.  A blast of steam arose from the hole where the snake had gone, likely from the flames that had been in its mouth hitting the water.


"Hey!  Seviper, you're not supposed to be going swimming!  Get back up here!"  When the serpent doesn't resurface, Viro crosses her arms stubbornly across her chest.  "I know you can still hear me, Seviper!"  


A short distance away, Yiree had been forced to recall her Emolga and Beartic, and she was reaching for two more Pokemon.  "Damn it, Viro, be ready to run would you?"  As she tosses out the two Pokeballs, an Absol and Zangoose stood in front of her...


...Before Seviper burst from the ice underneath Zangoose, trying to strike it with Poison tail.  "Ah!  Damn it Viro, call off your snake!"  "Bad Seviper!  Bad!  No, come back!"  Forced to return her Pokemon before it could hurt Zangoose, Viro turns back towards Stella and Muna, laughing quietly.


"Sooooory about that!  I guess I'll have to use someone else now, huh?"  Viro pulls out another Pokeball, tossing it into the air.  A flash of light, and then a purple blur had disappeared into the water in the cracks on the ice.  "Alright Starmie!  Use Rapid Spin to break up some of that ice, would ya?"  Spinning quickly, Starmie comes up underneath the ice to strike the bottom of it before sinking back into the water, then repeats the process in a different place.  Each time it strikes the ice a spiderweb of cracks form in the thin ice, making it quite dangerous to walk on.






Nurse Joy smiles at Cilla and gestures towards one of the center's back rooms.  "Why yes, we have a number of free rooms available, you can take any of them you'd like...  We'll be having dinner soon as well, both for trainers staying here and their Pokemon, if you'd like to join us."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Abigail turned around, startled by the tap on the shoulder. She smiled widely as she saw the woman, and her adorable little pokemon. "Oh wow!" She looked at the oddly colored eevee with wonder. She'd seen eevees before, they were relatively common pets back in Lumiose, but she didn't know they could have such pretty shiny fur.


This excitement made her almost miss Rin's invitation to battle, but she snapped back to reality just in time. "Huh? Oh, a battle?" Abigail seemed a bit apprehensive. She had came here hoping to learn a bit, not to battle. But, she figured it would be a bit embarrassing to admit that she was wholly inexperienced at her age, and given the fact she had two pokemon with her. "Yeah, sure, Rin! I'm Abigail, by the way!"


"-ry!" her clefairy interjected. "Oh, and this is Isabella." she said, pointing down to her pokemon. She looked down to the krabby in her arms, "and this is Jeanne!"

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Stella laughed in a triumphant tone as Seviper was sent into the water, nodding approvingly at Muna. Wait. Water? That might not be good, right? Stella wasn't exactly a fan of water. In fact, she was somewhat hydrophobic. Seeing the ice crack caused her to zone out for a bit, until Starmie was summoned, breaking up more of the ice. Axew was having quite a hard time maneuvering on the thin ice, as he was of course a dragon type. 


"Agh. Axew, return!" Stella said, returning Axew to his pokeball. She was keeping both Axew and Helioptile's pokeballs on hand, as returning them was a great way of keeping the two out of harm's way. "Helioptile, use Thunder Wave!" Stella said, summoning her other available pokemon. It noted the water, knowing what was happening, then fired a weak electric pulse at Starmie. 

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Thank you." Sable says upon Goomy's capture, giving out a sigh of relief. Said relief did not last long as Umbreon once again alerted Sable to the battle against Team Storm. "Oh right, those guys are still here." Sable says as if she couldn't hear the various Pokemon attacks and cries. "Alright it's time to have some fun guys. Umbreon, I want you to use Faint Attack on that Zangoose. Galvantula, make sure Starmie doesn't do any more damage to that ice." Both Pokemon nod and carry out their orders. Umbreon appears next to Zangoose, seemingly out of nowhere, and tackles it while Galvantula crawls on the walls of the den and fires a Spider Web at Starmie to keep it from moving then attacks with a super effective Signal Beam.



"I'd love to, thank you." Cilla says politely before heading off to one of the vacant rooms. "Phew, it feels so nice to be in a proper bed again." Cilla says as she lounges on the bed in her room. "Come on Espeon, lets get ready for dinner and go to bed. Something tells me we're going to have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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“Auuud!”  Audino cried out, clinging tighter to Muna’s leg as the ice beneath their feet shook and cracked from Starmie’s actions.  Muna struggled to balance himself, now definitely aware of what was happening.


“Audino, stay close!”  He shouted, crouching down to lower his center of gravity and to hug Audino closer to his body.  Dustox, in the meantime, fluttered in the air nearby, prepared to use Protect to shield any attacks directed towards his trainer or Audino and also ready to use Confusion if necessary.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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