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What if Discord was the creator of Equestria?


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I know I sound crazy, but hear me out. I watched the video Daddy Discord, and it got me thinking. At the end of the video, Discord triumphantly holds his daughter Screwball in his hands and says "Now, Equestria can be returned to it's natural chaos state!"


I was thinking that that's just fanon, but then I remembered reading that Discord did rule Equestria for a while, until Celestia and Luna turned him to stone with the Elements of Harmony. Remember, Celestia and Luna first appeared to solve the war between the 3 races. I'm willing to bet that they fought against Discord, around the time they were getting all the races to play nice.


Also, when you consider other things, it makes more and more sense. There's a forest of all kinds of weird otherwordly creatures. Sounds like Discord's back yard. There are random cow/bunny stampedes, and the ponies are terrified every time. Who enjoys random stampedes? Who enjoys looks of terror on people's faces? Discord. I think that Discord created Equestria so he would always have someone to torment. This wouldn't make him evil though. His very nature makes him want to cause chaos and disharmony. But this would explain why ponies are so terrified of simple things like a bunny stampede. Discord created them to be easily frightened.


As for why the Elements of Harmony existed, I think Discord created them on purpose because he thought that noone would be able to use them against him. Just like how he gave them a perfect target when he thought that the Elements of Harmony wouldn't work against him.

  • Brohoof 4
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I think Discord is a primordial being, meaning he was one of the first things to pop from creation itself, seeing as he stated, 'You ponies are the most fun I've had in eons', with an eon being about a billion years in astrological time, and 'a really long fucking time' in geological terms. Meaning he's easily outlived even the oldest of characters, being Celestia and Luna, who are at least two-thousand years old. This not only makes him immortal to both age and probably even death, also giving him powers beyond any other character yet seen in the show, I don't believe he was the sole creator of the universe. While 'everything comes initially from chaos' is what a lot of mythologies follow, I can't see Discord purposefully making -anything- harmonic on purpose, no matter the self-centered reason.


Chances are he and some other being (The Tree of Harmony or some creature or magic that created the Tree of Harmony) were born from *insert thing here*, and things went from there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I approve the idea. I think Discord created the Equestria as his ''playground''. Of course as he is immortal he got bored and lonely as nopony was able to stand against him and their lives were too short compared to his. I think to deal with it he created his own enemy who was strong enough to combat him and were immortal: Luna and Celestia. They both were immortal and have the power of all of the three major pony races: Earth Ponies, Pegasus and Unicorns. But as it weren't enough he also created an "ultimate weapon": the elements of harmony. But of course he was smart enough not to make them too powerful. After that, as he was too bored from always winning, he let them "win" and transform him into a statue. Knowing he was able to get out of his stone prison when he desires, the only logical explanation would be that he created his own game rules, like not evading prison. That leads to the conclusion that Discord is a fair-player.  Also, maybe he created living creatures to study their behaviors and relationships. So Equestria would be a huge psychological experiment. But honestly I prefer my firs theory.   

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I doubt it. He himself says he's not a god, he says he's a spirit. If he was the creator, he's a damn jackass for allowing the Tree of Harmony to pop up. Before people say he planned it, no, this face says no to that


He totally looks like he planned that. He's screaming "NO!" and writhing around like the dogs of Hell are onto him. 



My headcanon is that while he has a god complex, he's not a actually a god. He's just a physical manifestation of the discord between the three tribes. Him being a chaos deity is a huge misconception. Cheerilee outright says that he's NOT chaos. Chaos and discord are different anyway

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If Discord would create the world, is like Lucifer creating the world.  They are both pretty much the explanation of Chaos and Disharmony, so I think that would be a mistake, IMO.    However, you brought up a very good theory in which i applaud that in respect. 


All humans are mortal

Lauren Faust is a human.

Therefore, Lauren Faust is mortal.


Nelson Mandela reference im guessing, :D

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Lucifer actually has more in common with Sombra.


True.....but in terms of chaos, and trickery.   However, we could say Lucifer may resemble both Discord and Sombra.

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If Discord would create the world, is like Lucifer creating the world.  They are both pretty much the explanation of Chaos and Disharmony, so I think that would be a mistake, IMO.    However, you brought up a very good theory in which i applaud that in respect. 



Nelson Mandela reference im guessing, :D

So maybe Lauren Faust is the creator of Equestria. She has the power to create and Discord the power to change. Like the daedre and aedra in The Elder Scrolls. Discord is like the opposite to Faust. Because the good and the evil in the universe has to be in a perfect balance. The good cannot exist without the evil . If there were no evil, the good would not be compared to anything and nopony can say that the good is good without the evil to compare to. The pure chaos and the pure harmony can not exist because it doesnt support the living beings. Like the Yin Yang Symbol

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So maybe Lauren Faust is the creator of Equestria. She has the power to create and Discord the power to change. Like the daedre and aedra in The Elder Scrolls. Discord is like the opposite to Faust. Because the good and the evil in the universe has to be in a perfect balance. The good cannot exist without the evil . If there were no evil, the good would not be compared to anything and nopony can say that the good is good without the evil to compare to. The pure chaos and the pure harmony can not exist because it doesnt support the living beings. Like the Yin Yang Symbol


Exactly........"Good cannot exist without evil, whereas evil cannot exist without good" - St. Thomas Aquinas.

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If Discord is really a god, he's a piss weak one. The Tatzlworm terrified him and considering the good job Twilight and Cadence were doing of holding it back, that probably means dragons could also turn Discord to ash

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It's an interesting idea, but I don't think he created the world.


I'll give you that Discord could have created the forest, but stampeding of animals is just something that happens. I don't think Discord programed every animal to stamped at random moments. That's just what happens when a group of animals are together.


Also there would be no reason for someone to create a weapon that could stop him and just hope no one finds it or use's it on him. No one, would do that.

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It appears that the Tree of Harmony is the most powerful force in Equestria and more powerful than Discord's magic. Even though he's chaos incarnate it doesn't appear he's a match for the TOH or the EOH as we've seen. He's not a god and maybe not as powerful as he likes to think he is.

Edited by Nature's Spell
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Maybe Discord wasn't like that all the time. Maybe he once was a spirit or a god of harmony (Accord) but as he had too much power he was cursed and lost a part of his magic and mind. Like Sheogorath from The Elder Scrolls. It could even be done by Faust if she was jealous of him and want to be the only creator. So she manage to lock his memories and the power somewhere were he couldn't reach it and spread the story that he was evil and she was the only ultimate creator. As he loosed his mind he believe in it too or just play the game. His power and memories could be locked in that box who appear from the tree of harmony. As Accord became Discord he could't stand against the Harmony magic. It really makes sense but include Faust are not as good as it seems.

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Maybe Discord wasn't like that all the time. Maybe he once was a spirit or a god of harmony (Accord) but as he had too much power he was cursed and lost a part of his magic and mind. Like Sheogorath from The Elder Scrolls. It could even be done by Faust if she was jealous of him and want to be the only creator. So she manage to lock his memories and the power somewhere were he couldn't reach it and spread the story that he was evil and she was the only ultimate creator. As he loosed his mind he believe in it too or just play the game. His power and memories could be locked in that box who appear from the tree of harmony. As Accord became Discord he could't stand against the Harmony magic. It really makes sense but include Faust are not as good as it seems.

...That's incredibly biased and there's no evidence behind it. It makes no sense...at all

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I know I sound crazy,
It's not creazy, it's just baseless. Which means, you can speculate about things like that, but as long as there are no canon facts supporting your hypothesis it remains speculative.

However, that doesn't mean that's impossible, but not in a way you have formulated it.

In the ancient greek mytholigy chaos was the initial state of the universe. And everything else just evolved from it somehow building cosmos (order) in process. So it's not like chaos created cosmos but chaos was the source of it.

Regarding Discord it's highly unlikely that whatever he might have created he would allow any possibility for it to gain order and harmony. Because any order and harmony just eliminate all those endless possibilities chaos gives.

You've also mentioned forest: from our point of view the Everfree Forest is a perfectly normal self sustained ecosystem. But equestrian inhabirants consider it unnatural and fear it beacuse of that.

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Making sence? What is fun there in making sence?

You're either a troll or you are really doing this. Either way, let's see. If things don't make sense, I could make Discord a prostitute who sleeps with dragons and ursas and is also a girl. Same thought process 

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