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My work tomorrow is gonna suck and plus it’s our new manager first day tomorrow. He’s actually not young as they said which it’s good but at the same time, “Great”. So again gonna ask him for a manager assistant spot for like the 100th time I have asked other people. Fuck, I’m tired of hearing excuses and people telling me go talk to this person back and forth. Just give me that damn fuckin position ya all bunch of old farts.

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By default, I am suspicious of Youtube videos that are approximately ten minutes long. If the presenter:

  • Speaks slowly
  • Uses filler words or filler sentences
  • Leaves multiple instances of extended silence in the video
  • Digresses to ramble on about "technical difficulties" (yet leaves it in the published video)
  • Gives unnecessary historical context
  • Uses lengthy introduction and transition scenes
  • So on

I tend to leave the video without finishing it as it becomes tedious to watch even at double speed; they all come off as artificially lengthening it. I tend to have greater patience with the aforementioned points if the video is notably longer or shorter than ten minutes.

  • Brohoof 1
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today is just.. a weird confusing day for me?
Yesterday was terrible but today is just odd? I have to wait for my boss to call me to come work but so far been told nope wait an hour because of a power outage when it's the end of month which is usually the day our orders go berserk {because we gotta finish stuff then} I think about how they are going to fix this mess lol

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Thinking what I’m going to write. Today is just my luck, because one of the higher up from my work came by. It was an opportunity for me to go and ask her for a supervisor position. She was thrilled about it and asked me to write a letter why I would be the best candidate so she can give it to her boss, who is our district manager.:eager: 

hmmm I have been in a ditch for so long, that I’m not sure what to write about my strength. Weakness is the easy part.. strength…need some time to think about. 

It’s not official yet but it’s a start. A good one. My mother is naggin about me again but I will let her be. Wait until she hears about this good new.:nom:

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On 2/26/2023 at 4:52 PM, Sparklefan1234 said:

Current thought: How did "@Princess Silky" earn her title? What/Where is she the Princess of? 

I was crowned in reverie by the power of Curiosity. Alas, I am not an alicorn -- so all of this is merely just wishful thinking. Come join me, Princess Sparkly, for some tea parties! 

As for what I am thinking... Truly...  justice, honesty and beauty holds power. Remain true to yourself, as cheesy as it sounds, like plant keeping its roots firmly grounded in its nourishment... and let things fall into place like raindrops. x3

What am I talking about? No idea. I'm a pastel freakin pegasus -- I'm not even supposed to talk! *Flies off into the sunset*

  • Brohoof 1
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10 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

I was crowned in reverie by the power of Curiosity. Alas, I am not an alicorn -- so all of this is merely just wishful thinking. Come join me, Princess Sparkly, for some tea parties! 


I don't think I'm a Princess.  :huh:

"JOIN US! We have oatmeal raisin cookies." :orly:

Woo! Sign me up! :pinkie:

Edited by Sparklefan1234
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1 hour ago, Princess Silky said:

I was crowned in reverie by the power of Curiosity. Alas, I am not an alicorn -- so all of this is merely just wishful thinking. Come join me, Princess Sparkly, for some tea parties! 

As for what I am thinking... Truly...  justice, honesty and beauty holds power. Remain true to yourself, as cheesy as it sounds, like plant keeping its roots firmly grounded in its nourishment... and let things fall into place like raindrops. x3

What am I talking about? No idea. I'm a pastel freakin pegasus -- I'm not even supposed to talk! *Flies off into the sunset*

Silky got the name for redirecting a rain cloud to hover over Rocko and had to leave to pick up oatmeal cookies:lookup:  

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1 hour ago, Luna the Great of all the Russias said:

So far, I am fairly satisfied with the progress of the drawing I am currently making.

NEW PFP?!?! I like it!

I can't wait to take a day off and not think of work at all.

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2 minutes ago, StarlightNyars said:

NEW PFP?!?! I like it!

Thank you. Unsure when the drawing will be completed in full, but it should not be too long assuming current progress rate continues.

3 minutes ago, StarlightNyars said:

I can't wait to take a day off and not think of work at all.

I suppose this is time you can use to pursue your strange dream of becoming a baked good of some sort that you have mentioned on multiple occasions.


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56 minutes ago, Luna the Great of all the Russias said:

I suppose this is time you can use to pursue your strange dream of becoming a baked good of some sort that you have mentioned on multiple occasions.

@Luna the Great of all the Russias

OH MY GOODNESS YOU ACTUALLY REMEMBERED AND I LOVE THIS XD This gave me a much needed laugh today, thank you my friend. 

Also, this is what I’m referring to whenever I mentioning being a big toasty cinnamon bun: https://youtu.be/xomLt3qX5GI

What made this even more hilarious with this forum is that many people either think I want to become a literal one or that I would like to eat one and I don’t clarify it XD




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58 minutes ago, Luna the Great of all the Russias said:

Thank you. Unsure when the drawing will be completed in full, but it should not be too long assuming current progress rate continues.

1 hour ago, StarlightNyars said:

I can’t wait to see it. I know you will do your best! 

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