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private Bloodlines~ (SOL / Dark mystery)

Midnight Scribbler

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Emerald Gaze.




"Indeed. There's less between myself and her daughters than between her and I, so I suppose that I cannot truly complain." Shrugged the mare with a playful smile and slight shrug. "Though I stand by what I say - 'Aunt Emerald' still sounds horrific. Please, Call me what you like, besides that."


It was all in good fun: certainly, she wasn't overly fond of the title - but the mare was proud enough to know that it didn't reflect her as much as she claimed it did. She chuckled a little again and took a drink of wine - savoring the potent liquid for a moment as she did.

Never quite forgotten.

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(OOC: I apologize, I really don't know how to write for this character...so yeah...this is probably out of character.)


Sunset Glow




"Of course, that sounds wonderful. Canterlot has so many marvelous little shops, restaurants, and cafes. I think it might be nearly impossible to find them all." Sunset said as she flashed a polite smile at Emerald, "Perhaps we could compare favorites sometimes." 


@@Evilshy, @@Umbreon@@


If anypony were to look out one of the windows, they would notice that they were in the middle of a forest. The trees were tall and large, they blocked out some of the sunlight, making it feel as if it were dusk.

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Fizzle had been thinking over what Emerald had mentioned while the others spoke, wondering what it meant.  Emb met her niece?  I wonder when he did that...  Does he know that someone in the castle has heard about him?  Probably not, he'd flip out if he did.  Suddenly realizing the conversation was still going on around her, Fizzle shakes her head and brings her attention back to the talk at hoof.


"You don't look old enough to be an aunt, Emerald!  Er, I mean, I know you've got to be older than I am...  But not that old!  Oh, this is not coming out like I meant it too at all...  What's it like having nieces close to the same age as you?  My aunts are both ancient, I can't even imagine what it would be like."  


As she spoke her gaze drifted between the two mares, causing her to catch sight of the view out of one of the windows as she moved her head.  Absently she made a comment under her breath, not meaning to direct it at anypony in particular but used to saying what came to her mind.  "Woah, it almost looks dark out.  Have we been on here that long?  Doesn't feel like it..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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Gardenia waved her hoof slightly in gentle assurance, "But of course, miss Emerald." She let her hoof back down, and reconsidered what she had just said. "Though, I suppose there's no reason for me to be so formal here, so I'm thinking that from now on I'll just call you Emerald. Or perhaps Emm? I don't know," Gardenia giggled slightly, "I'm not too accustomed to calling ponies by nick-names."




She turned to face out the window she was sitting by, when Fizzle pointed out the ambiance outside. "I don't think that's the case, Fizzle. There just seems to be a lot of foliage on this road. Must not be traveled often."

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Emerald Gaze.




"My dear, you can call me any name that you like. I've been called more than a few things in the past - and not all of them favourable at that." She finished the wine within the glass and tittered a little. "Quite so, no need for formalities. And it is quite gloomy outside, isn't it?"


'Well this is going far better than expected: these three delightful mares will be fine company at least - hopefully I can get to know them a little better. Now all that remains to be seen are Bluebloods intentions... I swear, if he things that we...' She shuddered mentally at the thought: most of what she knew of the prince were rumours and hearsay - but in her world, listening to rumours could save lives. Not only that, but he hadn't exactly proven them incorrect on the few occasions that she had observed his behaviour. Arrogant, rude and elitist... Emerald didn't have any problem in believing these things. It would be just like him to invite a number of pretty mares to a 'private resort'.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Coat Tail shrugged. "Well, black and grey are just... kinda bland, you know?"

This isn't so bad. Maybe I was over thinking things. But when we actually get there, it might be different.

His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the sudden lack of light. He looked out the window and beckoned to Muddle.

"Man, this looks really run down. Doesn't look like this road has been used since puffy tails were in."

  • Brohoof 1

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"I do wonder how far away this resort really is. Did anypony happen to have the opportunity to look over a map of our destination?" She looked outside the window she sat next to, putting her fore-hooves on the glass pane. She looked around the view outside, trying to discern any particular details. Unfortunately, it was too dark to make any specifics out. Discouraged, she pulled her hooves back off the window and set them down.


She eyed the refreshment cabinet once again. "Well, I am feeling a bit peckish," she thought, leaning towards it. She opened it and looked at the contents inside. "Well, there are some non-alcoholic drinks... but, well, hrmm. Maybe it's expected of me to drink something fancy? Emerald is drinking some red wine, after all. And, I mean, it's not like a bit of wine will get me tipsy." She pulled out a drink similar to the one Emerald had picked out, as well as a narrow glass.


She contemplated how she was going to actually fill the glass. "There really is no elegant way to do that with your mouth..." she thought, before turning towards her new unicorn friends. "Could one of you perhaps assist me with this?" She asked sheepishly, with a slight blush of embarrassment.

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She thought about what Coat Tails said about black and gray, 'Bland... doesn't seem to fit for who I'm thinking of.' Then she slightly shook her head. "Not exactly, but sometimes I wish I did."


The light's seemed to dim after she finished speaking and Muddle thought it was simply a problem with lighting. 'A candle went out?' She looked around for the candle but couldn't see one that wasn't lit... or any at all. This could be due to the fact that they left during the day. 'Then what~'


She saw Coat Tails calling her over to look out the window and decided to see what was happening. "I don't think it's been ever?" This was probably just an exaggeration, but that didn't stop Muddle from staring slightly at the driver. She shook her head slightly again and looked back at Coat. "Well, as long as we get to where were going right?"

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Coat Tail shrugged. "I'm sure we're going the right way. You don't get hired to transport guests of royalty if you're not on of the best." He smiled sheepishly. "Still, it is kinda creepy."


He turned back to look at her. "Well, I'm going to grab something to drink. I'd offer to get you one, too, but you obviously already have one." He began to walk away when he paused.

"You know, I never got your name..."

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Emerald Gaze.


"Could you imagine having to walk this trail? I'd imagine it hasn't been travelled on hoof in a long while - I certainly wouldn't want to. Thankfully, there is no need - our benefactor knows comfort at the very least."


Practically beaming, Emeralds horn shone a little more brightly as she lifted the bottle and two glasses into the air - pouring a generous amount into each with a warmhearted smile.


"No sense in letting this go to waste..." She chuckled lightly. "Not least such a fine vintage..."


In truth, she wasn't terribly knowledgable about wine beyond what did and didn't taste good - but found that the right words could make the most mundane things seem extraordinary. The right words, and a little magical assistance.


A glamour spell was a subtle magic - physically, it changed nothing. It was mental manipulation at its most natural level: it made something more appealing, more attractive or desired, and was unusual in that it was at its most useful when used sparingly and with great restraint. A spell that she cherished for its practical uses in her work... as well as for entertaining guests on occasion.


Just a trace upon the bottle, to make it that little bit more enjoyable.

Never quite forgotten.

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Gratefully, Gardenia grabbed the glass with grace. "Thank you very much, Emm." she said with a smile. She took a dainty sip of her wine, and was surprised by how much she liked the taste. "Hmm, it's sweeter than I expected. I can see now why ponies might enjoy drinking this enough to devote entire parties to tasting different varieties."


She lowered her glass and looked about the ponies in the carriage with her. She noticed that Emerald's horn was still glowing a faint green light, and thought it was a bit curious. She decided against mentioning it, as she didn't know much about the intricacies of Unicorn magic.


Other than that, the pony across from her, Sunset Glow, was oddly quiet, but she felt that she would probably have plenty of time to talk to her later. The stallion and another mare had been talking, but the stallion had moved about towards the drinks. Gardenia made certain to lean away a bit from the cabinet, but not so drastically to seem as if though she was being rude.


She took another sip from her drink, and pondered briefly about what the resort would be like when they arrive. "Surely we'll be expected. Do they have lodgings already arranged for us? I wonder what kind of activities will be lined up. I hope its not all athletic things. Not that I mind a good run, but sports aren't really for me. What are the odds of some theater? I do enjoy a good play."


Gardenia lowered her glass again. She didn't want to drink it too fast, for she'd rather savor the flavor. "And I wouldn't want to get inebriated."

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As the two mares were starting to enjoy the wine, Fizzle lets her gaze rest on the bottle after they'd poured their own drinks.  She was curious, and while she was unaware of Emerald's spell cast on the bottle, she was even more tempted to try it now.  How should I go about this?  I've never had alcohol before...  Maybe I should just give it a shot and try not to be awkward about it.  I mean, I -am- old enough now...


The younger mare glances around briefly before the bit of her horn that actually stuck through her mane started to glow.  Levitating another glass over, she sets it down before picking up the bottle with a similar spell.  She just wanted to try the wine, not get drunk...  So she eyed the amounts that Emerald had poured for her and Gardenia, and tried to fill her glass to about half of what they had.  Maybe a little more because the wine poured faster than she had expected, but it was close to half at least.  Setting the bottle back down, Fizzle grins at the others and chuckles slightly.  "Hehe...  Well...  Vacations are the best times to try new things, right?"  


With that said she levitates her glass to her muzzle, taking a sip of the wine before levitating her glass away a little.  Fizzle blinks a couple times while letting the wine sit in her mouth, until eventually swallowing it.  Smiling at her new friends, the younger mare reaches up to rub the back of her neck with one of her hooves.  "Hey, it's not bad!  I kinda like the taste."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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The interior of the carriage gradually grew darker, as did the forest outside. It wouldn't have been a stretch of the imagination to assume night had fallen, if everypony hadn't woken up just hours earlier.


The carriage slowly came to a stop. Any pony that was facing the front of the carriage might notice that a dull orange glow was beginning to illuminate the front of the carriage. The light slowly grew stronger until you could almost make out the surrounding forest.


The Coach Master walked around the carriage and towards the carriage door. The short distance he had to cover took longer than it should have, as every few steps he would stop to look around. The stallion opened the door slowly, almost as if he were trying to be as quiet as possible.


"I apologize for this brief delay, I didn't realize that it would be so dark." His voice was in stark contrast to his actions, he sounded confident and unafraid. "It will take a few minutes to light all the lanterns, but as soon as that is done we shall be on our way. I can not stress this enough, please do stay inside the carriage. Once more I do apologize for the inconvenience." The stallion closed the door and walked toward the back of the carriage.

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Sunset Glow






(OOC thanks for the fill in post, Silver. It was about exactly what I had in mind as a response anyway, you nailed it.)


Sunset sat quietly, taking in the conversations as they rolled along. The windows began to gradually dim, as the sunlight seemed to be increasingly blotted out by thicker and thicker foliage in the forest. The trees appeared to be growing more dense, and almost closed in on the carriage. It would have been a lie if she said she didn't feel uneasy about the surrounding woodland, and it seemed the others shared her concern. She gazed out the window for a moment, taking in the rather peculiar and dark surroundings. Then as if she was lost in thought, snapped her vision away, and noticed the refreshment cabinet had begun to be picked through. "Better get while the getting's good" She thought, and stood up, making her way over to the cabinet, and popped it open, scanning the contents. There was a plethora of choices before her, although the wine seemed to be popular at the moment. This was good, something she shared in common with the others. "Ah, very nice. I'm thinking I'll join you three on that bottle. It looks like a good year." She levitated a wide bowled wine glass from the cabinet, and poured a glass of the crimson liquid, just about halfway full. She lifted the glass, taking in the scent of the wine. It was good, very good. "Well everypony, cheers to this little vacation. I'm sure we've all earned a little time off." She chuckled lightly, holding her glass in a toast.





Out the window, not too far out can be seen a small clearing in the dense woods. The lantern light is Just enough to illuminate the figures of two foals, apparently playing in the woods. They stop, noticing the carriage, and stand, staring at it blankly, expressionless. Then they wander off, into the darkness, and out of view.



  • Brohoof 2

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Sipping at her wine one more time before putting it down, Fizzle had turned her head to look out the window, watching the coach master go through lighting the lanterns.  After a couple moments she blinks and glances back at the others, then back to the window, then back to the others.  


She considered saying something, but after a short pause just shakes her head.  It wasn't anything odd really...  Just some kids playing or something.  We must be getting close.  She turns her gaze back to her wineglass instead, distracting herself with how much of it was still in her glass...  It was more than she'd expected.  With a nervous grin she picks up her glass again, holding it up towards Sunset.  "Umm, cheers!"  Grinning, the young mare brings her glass down to take another sip.  A small one.  It still seemed like a lot of wine to her...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Emerald Gaze.


Emerald watched with a keen eye as the coach master acted... somewhat suspiciously. It was second nature to her: she couldn't help but eavesdrop and watch from the corner of her eye, even when she knew that there was clearly nothing to be suspicious of. Certainly, that level of paranoia had its uses - but it could be quite tiresome in situations where it wasn't called for... such as this.


Still, she remained aware at the back of her mind - watching and listening. She had half a mind to step outside and investigate herself - perhaps she could help with the lanterns if nothing else - reassure herself that there was no need to be concerned and finally put her mind at ease...


No - that wouldn't work at all. Worse - she would earn the frustration of the coach master, and all for nothing.


It was quite cold though... perhaps if they were much longer she might just... lean out and ask if they had a cloak she might use?


"Quite!" She answered enthusiastically to the toast: perfectly outwards composed and smiling as usual. "And to future friends - at least, I should hope!"


She took another drink - more of a sip this time - and leaned back in her seat. There was still the charming stallion and his companion, the darling filly to meet officially, but they seemed quite entranced with their conversation regarding shades or colours or the like. She left them be - no need to rush.


Glancing out of the window again, she once again saw nothing of note and reinforced her dainty sip with a second for good measure.


"As much as the drinks here are delightful, I do hope that there are other activities where we are going. With fine wines like these, I fear that I'll make a foal if myself in good company!" She simpered in a delighted tone - reminding herself that this was a sadly true fact.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Midnight Scribbler@, @@Umbreon


Smiling, Gardenia followed suit with the toast, "cheers, indeed." She took another sip from her wine, this time drinking more than her previous tastings. "I can't take a dainty sip for a cheerful toast, right? That calls for more enthusiasm, correct? My, I really have no experience with such things."


She ordinarily would've been on more edge from the coach master's actions, but she was feeling relatively comfortable. "I think I'm good on wine for now. I don't want my senses dulled... or judgement impaired... yes, I'll not take any more sips from my wine for a while."


"Oh, I do agree. I mean, our host must have something prepared for when we get there." Gardenia commented, voicing what she had just been thinking about moments before. "Blueblood wants us to have a favorable impression of the place, after all."

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Muddle's eyes seemed to slowly move back towards the window after Coat Tails spoke. She looked at the forest again before agreeing. "Yeah, creepy."


Her eyes only left the window once Coat Tails spoke to her again and started moving towards more drinks. As he walked away, Muddle gave Coat Tails short and confused 'later', before starring at her hooves. She wondered how she forgot about this drink and looked down at her hoof. 'He's right, and I really should finish this one soon.'


She sat back down in her seat and took a sip of her drink. After a moment she looked up. She was surprised to see that Coat Tails had stopped moving and asked her something else. He asked for her name...



She softly giggled to herself in order to attempt at hiding her embarrassment. ​'I was so busy asking about colors and shades of gray that I forgot to mention my name?' She gradually stopped her giggling and responded, "Muddle... it's Muddle, sorry if it never came up earlier."



It was around that time she noticed the carriage becoming even darker than before. Her attention was drawn, for a moment, by the stallion that held a lantern that had come onto the carriage. She couldn't quite hear all of his words, but she heard a small bit about 'lighting lanterns' and 'inconveniences'. 

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"Muddle..." Said Coat thoughtfully. "That's a cute name. Well, it was very nice meeting you, Muddle."




He walked toward the drinks, taking the opportunity to get a better look at the other ponies on the trip. The obvious standout was the all-black unicorn, a rare coloration even among as colorful a group as ponies. Her mane seemed to be styled quite nicely, and she seemed at ease with the others.

Not quite, though. Coat thought, looking at the black mares eyes. I've seen enough photoshoots to know a fake smile when I see one. It's all in the eyes...

Clearly something else was on her mind, but as to what, Coat didn't have an idea. Realizing he had been staring perhaps a bit too long, he quickly busied himself with pouring a drink. A Riesling would be nice right now. From what I've heard, this is a great vintage, too. Not that I'd expect anything less from royalty.


He turned to the ponies. "It seems I just missed your toast, but can I propose one of my own?" He held up his glass. "To Prince Blueblood, for providing us with some fantastic wine!"

Edited by Evilshy

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@@Evilshy,@,@,@@Midnight Scribbler


Fizzle raises her glass again at the second toast, draining what little was left in her glass.  She considered refilling it...  But, then again, that probably wasn't the best idea right away.  It was her first time drinking, after all...


Glancing around at the others, the young mare reaches up to rub the back of her neck.  "Umm, this may be a dumb question considering I'm already here...  But could anypony tell me who Prince Blueblood is?  I mean, I've heard the name and stuff, but...  Like, I've never actually seen him or really heard much about him.  I'm kind of a country pony...  Only been to Canterlot like, once."

Edited by Umbreon











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Umbreon,@@Evilshy, @,


Gardenia had some apprehensive thoughts about taking another swig of her wine, but she raised her glass again for the second toast and drank some more of it anyway. Emerald had poured quite a lot for her, so there was still some left in it when Gardenia had set her glass back down. She'd rather avoid drinking it all, if she could help it. It would be impolite to refuse a refill, but she thought what she had already consumed was more than enough.


Gardenia regarded Fizzle's question. "Well, you see dear, the Prince is..." Gardenia had no kind words to say about the Prince, and she only nearly stopped herself from expressing such words vocally. "The Prince is... a very proud stallion." Was the most vague description Gardenia could find for herself to say.

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@Umbreon, @Aged Rain, @Cinderscribe


Coat swirled his drink around a bit. "Blueblood... well, he stays out of the public eye more than most celebrities As far as I know, he's not at all closely related to Celestia, but he is technically royalty. And I've heard he's the closest thing to a prince Equestria has." He shrugged. "But I also hear he's a bit of a jerk in person."


He looked around at the others. "So, what are all of your names? I'm Coat Tail."

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Sunset Glow








Sunset smiled at Emerald and Gardenia's response to her toast. "Indeed, I do believe we'll have a wonderful time." She sipped generously from her glass, letting the wine flow over her entire pallet, taking in all the subtleties. It was really good, rich and complex flavours. She was left looking at her glass, and took another sip just as Coat tails proposed yet another toast. She raised her glass again, smiling, and took yet another drink. Her glass was already halfway empty within the short span of a few seconds. She wasn't worried in the slightest though, this was a vacation after all, and she could hold her own with wine. It wouldn't kill them to let their manes down a little bit.. would it? "I suppose it is fitting to thank our host, even though most opinions of him seem less than stellar." She chuckled, hearing the other ponies explain to Fizzle about the prince. "He wasn't all that polite in the invitation, but I suppose he may not be used to social events." Sunset turned to Coat Tails, realizing she hadn't introduced herself to him yet. "Oh, of course, I am Sunset Glow. A pleasure to meet you, Coat."

Suddenly the carriage jolted lightly, signaling they were in motion once more. The lanterns bobbing in the front windows, and the forest around them as dark as a moonless night. The thick branches illuminated dimly in the yellow light as they passed, casting eerie shadows into the areas beyond them.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Emerald Gaze.





Emeralds paranoia wasn't sated by the movement of the carriage: but it certainly put down any immediate suspicions.


Coat Tail's introduction had told her enough to know that he wasn't likely one of the princes usual lackeys - but that wasn't nearly enough information to make an informed opinion if him. Still, his off hoof comment did prompt her to turn back towards Fizzle for a moment.


"I believe that ponies are trying to say that you should mind your manners around Blueblood - take the utmost care of your words and mind what you say... even when he isn't around."


The last part of her sentence was said through clenched teeth as she stared pointedly towards 'Coat Tail' - before returning to her usual demanour


"Emerald Gaze." She nodded with a genuine, welcoming smile. "Diplomat - a pleasure to meet you dear."


She would have bowed in a less enclosed environment. Instead, she settled for taking another deep drink from her glass. Glancing outside again now that they were finally moving. Now she would have to wait until they arrived to request a cloak or coat of some kind... how tiresome.


@@Midnight Scribbler,


"So, Sunset. Tell me about these candles, if you would... they are enchanted you say, how so? They do sound simply exquisite - I would love to see them for myself."

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Evilshy,@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@,


The young mare smiles at Coat, one of her ears flicking slightly.  "I'm Fizzle...  Fizzle Sparx."  She was busy thinking about what everyone had said about the Prince...  Could it be as bad as they were making it sound without actually saying anything?  Looking around at the other ponies in the carriage, she made a mental note to try and stick with one of the others...  Gardenia or Emerald maybe...  They both looked like they would be able to better handle a situation like this than she could.


Propping her chin up with her hoof, a small wisp of smoke curls out of the tip of her horn as she feels the carriage lurch into motion again.  The little wisp curls around one of her ears, seeming to sit there for a moment before dissipating.  Turning her gaze towards the window, Fizzle tries to watch the scenery outside while the others talk...  Not that she could see much past the light of the lanterns though.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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