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Ever changed your mind about your favourite pony?

Rarity Paige Belle

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No, but the other 5 have changed around a lot, as I rewatched episodes, read analyses from people on this site, and dove into fanfiction. 


Pinkie will always be my favorite, and Fluttershy will always be my least favorite of the Mane 6. Rarity and Applejack are second and third, and while I officially list AJ as second and Rarity as third, they're sort of interchangeable, I like them equally. Twilight is very close to those two as well, and as her new princess stuff develops it might end up a three-way tie for second with all of them. Rainbow Dash I'm just kind of meh about, she has great moments and moments I don't really care for, so it's tough to see her moving up at all. 

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I changed it so many times it's not even funny. Right now it's Derpy. My first favorite was Pinkie Pie, then Rainbow Dash, then Fluttershy, THEN Nurse Redheart, and now Derpy. I like her colors and her eyes are the best.

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Kind of, my favorite pony has always been Applejack but Luna and Twilight eventually became tied with her though I still favored Applejack in polls and contests due to being underrated. With Applejacks keeping her momentum going from season 3 into season 4 with excellent character development brought Luna and Twilight down to second where they are now keeping Rainbow Dash company.

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First it was Rainbow Dash, then it was Poinkie Poi, after that It was Derpy Hooves :3, for a while it was Twi-Twi and now it is Vinyl Scratch but out of the mane 6 my fav is Twi-Twi.



Edited by Freezy ma reezy
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it was pinkie pie and rainbow dash equally for a while, but season 4 kinda diminished their characters, so now that's ruined. now there is no definite favorite, though applejack is less favorite than the other mane 6.

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When I first watched the first three seasons in one weekend, (Already out when I became a brony) my favorite pony was Apple Jack. But once I got into the fandom itself, my mind quickly changed to Vinyl Scratch. Now I have my room themed after her, so I don't think it will change anytime soon.

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Let me start the list

First it was Rainbow Dash

Second was Fluttershy

The next time it went back to Rainbow Dash

Then it was Twilight Sparkle

Then Rarity

Then Applejack

Then back to Fluttershy

Then Applejack again

Then Rarity once more

And currently Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.

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Yeah....i've been thinking about a new favourite Pony.


It's currently Celestia but recent events and certain fandom practices are causing me to lose faith in her and even cause me slowly to begin to despise her. :(


I think i wll probably need a new best Pony....Luna perhaps or Chrysalis or even Cadance...

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I switched back and forth for quite a while. I liked them all so much, and I just couldn't decide. Eventually it came down to Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie. I wasn't able to decide and switched between those three, not knowing who to pick. Finally I just did a marathon of all the episodes again. After doing so I decided Rarity was definitely my favorite.


 She has my favorite design, and voice. On top of that I admire her creativity and elegance, She's very generous, no matter how many people are somehow blind to that. Her drama-queen moments are hilarious, and she's a very loving sister. Sure she can occasionally be self-centered, or a bit ridiculous, but that just makes her seem more real. Everyone has flaws. I like her even at her worst.

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That happens a lot with me, but most of the time it's Rarity.


In fact, as I said in the Rarity Fan Club thread,

"At first, Rainbow Dash was my favorite and Rarity and Applejack were my least favorites out of the Mane 6

Now it's the complete other way around. Rarity and Applejack are my favorites while Rainbow Dash is my least favorite out of the Mane 6."

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