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Would it be so hard to get a ms word going here?


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Here is what I want our forums word to have.


1. Spell Checker- The most important, really annyoing especially when its me of all people. It will help with puncutation and spelling which for reading some posts, will make it easier to read when you know what the actual word is.


2. Caps blocker - Blocking obnoxious caps. Only allowing a certian amount of caps per sentence would be nice. So for example 




After the blocker forces them to re write it as.


Examle 2: SO ANYWAY, I was just wondering who your favorite PONY is.


Even if we do not get a lot of that. It would be really nice. Makes it easier to read, makes us look like we are more intelligent when our spelling and caps lock is not going out of control.



3. Font size 24 in my opinion is about as big as our font "should: be able to get.


Its Really annoying to see font size 48 or even 38.


Do you see how obnoxious that is? How childish, rude, and annoying it is? Its not making anyone respect that person by seeing that on our forums and the fact that others who may visit may see that sort of thing. It does not make any one of us here look good.


So could we please remove Font size 38 and especially 48 please? Thank you!



4. One thing I do not notice is we do not have a Spoiler tab. I know we can just put

with its closing tab and do it that way. However, not everyone knows that. It could be nice to help hide spoilers in a spoiler bar by having a short cut to it.


5. Short cut for videos form youtube or soundcloud or whatever would be nice.


6. I am not sure if there is a blocker for smile faces or text but there should be just in case.

For example. Having safty measures to keep a certain X amount of smile faces, Same letters of text such as XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   from appearing and keeping a video, picture and other stuff like that from appering in a single post by a single person per post would be nice.


So for example. Max smiles should be 3. Max pictures should be like 5. max videos should be like 5 and most of the same letter or punctuation mark in a row written should be like 4. Because no language on earth as a word with 5 of the same letter in a row. Since this is english based I know for a fact that no word in english ever has 5 of the same exact letter in a row. Maybe the same word but not in a row.


so no seeing zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz from someone displaying sleep in the form of z's. Kinda annyoing to see something like that.




Why do all of this?


1. Its more professional and makes us as a community look better if our posts are better and done more professionally.


2. It cuts down on childish, spam, and unimportant and useless text.


3. Easier on the eyes and ears


4. Easier on bandwidth.


5. When restrictions like this are turned on, people tend to become better posters.


6. Spellchecker is nice because if people keep making the same mistake over and over again. They will never get better. They will only get better at doing it the wrong way.

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1. Its more professional and makes us as a community look better if our posts are better and done more professionally.


We're not a corporate business. We're just here to have fun.


"2. It cuts down on childish, spam, and unimportant and useless text."


"It cuts down on whatever I think is stupid!"




5. When restrictions like this are turned on, people tend to become better posters.


Proper spelling makes it look better, but it doesn't make the post any smarter than what it actually is.




6. Spellchecker is nice because if people keep making the same mistake over and over again. They will never get better. They will only get better at doing it the wrong way.


>implying people care how they type online.


I'm sorry. This sounds like a great idea, but it's not for the forums.

Edited by Otty~
  • Brohoof 3
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^^this, pretty much


You sound very judgemental here, friend.

I know you have good intentions, but I guarantee you others will not respond as nicely as the above posters have at your suggestion of censorship and limitations.

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While this is somewhat obnoxious and I think it should be discouraged, it would be wrong to actually ban stuff like that.


Maybe something to prevent excessive line breaks?



Those are annoying.






Makes stuff hard to read.

  • Brohoof 2
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So...you're trying to control other people's content?

If by that you mean keeping people from abusing language and helping them become better. Then yes!

Look at every other forum in the intertet. Pretty much 90% of them have a spell checker at the minimal and many of them have things that keep people from doing like 50 smile faces or tons of the same letters in a row are still very great communities and if people practice better skills even while on the internet.


It will make them better writers in the real world in addition to being able to do better for their posts


warning...for some reason my text is getting messed up somehow. I dont know whats wrong... so I am wrapping this up in a quote bar.


I did it once betore in my opening post as well. If you put a few things in line that keep people from at least doing this much and throw in a spell checker.

Not only will it help people correct many of the errors they make, in addition it will also help them think more on what you write and how to write it so that thier message will get accross at a much better level then just simply using over abusive and oversized letters.


Its the use of too much spam letters and over sized letters that degrades a person and makes them look bad. If your making up for your lack of skills in writing with oversized letters and bad language habbits then you will never get better and just make yourself look bad.


I think many people could benifit from this. Its just simple really. The bare basics of what I purpose is simple the removal of font

size 48 and maybe 38. Then add a spellchecker to the forums with some Handy short cut tools added to our toolbar such as a spoiler tab bar and one for adding videos.


What is so hard about that change?





Yes people do care how they type online. Many people care and that is why the internet etiquette rules were invented in the mid 90's and have been expanded on since then. These are simple unspoken yet written down and talked about before many times. 


for example



this is not imaginative, expressiono of someones self or good to read.


did you read all that? kind of annyoing isnt it? Its what I mean. Just something that spell checks and keeps excessive caps lock away. plus the over sized font and a few handy tools added would be nice in my opinion.

Edited by Ramsey the Goat
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You are implying that MLPforums members constantly write in obnoxious font sizes and with horrendous grammar. That's not true. Nearly every post on here is at the very least understandable.  


Removing the font sizes and other things you mentioned would only restrict our ability to post almost whatever we want, especially in the forum lounge when people should be fooling around, for example. If you don't like them, you can always ignore them. 


While it may make the forums seem more organized and professional, that is not the point. The point of the forums is to socialize and talk about ponies. This isn't a business forum. We came here to have fun. On the contrary, I think this will drive away other people from joining this community due to a much more serious nature of the forums if this is implemented.

  • Brohoof 3
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While I find myself partially agreeing with the sentiment, having those restrictions just does not seem like something that this forum truly needs, not to mention sounding like a royal pain to implement (I may know almost nothing about computers, but some of those seem like they'd be a challenge to implement and glitchy as heck.


I won't argue with the spellcheck idea, though. You can heed it when you want to have the right spelling, or ignore it if thats wat u liek, but once again, implementing a good spellcheck sounds like a pain.

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Most browsers have built in spell check. Firefox and Chrome do, I know. But the forums themselves could probably benefit from them.


And it likely wouldn't be difficult to implement.

  • Brohoof 1
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Also the benefit of having spellcheck is well, Learning to spell crap more! I am gonna have to really watch that in my writing class now. This is because I have moved onto the next writing class level in a new term and 90% of my writing is expository and hand written in class rather then on a computer where I am much better.


For people like that it could help quite a lot over time.

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So spellcheck = autocorrect






*takes a deep breath*




Also, just fyi




For example. Having safty measures to keep a certain X amount of smile faces, Same letters of text such as


*safety *smiley *same why did you capitalize Same? Same Shame on you.


Now, as for the text sizes...


Sometimes people use them in titles of big threads. Like one that I've been typing up for the past few weeks in my spare time. Big letters are cool. I love big letters. So this is pretty much a 'get rid of stuff I don't like, because I don't like and everyone must agree' thread. If people want to use big text sizes, let them. I can read them pretty well, i'm sure other members love the sizes, can read also read them pretty well and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Max smileys to be three? You're kidding, right? I despise the smileys with all of my heart (But if MLPF wants to keep them, so be it) and sometimes I use 5+ smileys in a post. Judge me. I've seen quality posts with 10+ smileys. Let the people enjoy their smileys even if I cannot.


Caps blocker? But what if someone was writing an extremely long text post that they put way too much effort into, like say 1000+ letters wait one damn second and they used a lot of caps? I've seen quality posts like that. Are you saying they can't enjoy the GLORY OF THE ROYAL CAPSLOCK VOICE THAT I CAN PROFESSIONALLY SAY I LOVE, EVEN THOUGH I DON'T KNOW HOW SPEAKING IN CAPS CAN BE PROFESSIONAL. 


Speaking of professional, this is a freakin' forum. Take one glance at the forum lounge to see how ridiculous we are. We have the most childish, annoying, fun-filled, amazing people here, myself included in the annoying and amazing department (Nope not vain at all). If you want a professional forum, you won't get one here. Unless you go to Tavi's Hall. They have pretty professional art there.


As for the spoiler thing, that is actually a pretty good idea. Mods, implement please.


...as for the maximums, mods, please please please don't implement. I use 5+ pictures on posts regularly in the forum lounge and we already have a max for pictures, pretty sure it's 10 or 'round that. Videos, I barely see  ANYBODY abusing that. Seriously, if you can find anyone abusing videos, give me the URL. I'll give you cute pictures of cats.


Just my two cents, despite the fact I put way too much effort into this post and it's over 1500+ words.


Edit: I meant characters / letters, not words.

Edited by Half Life 3
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Also the benefit of having spellcheck is well, Learning to spell crap more! I am gonna have to really watch that in my writing class now. This is because I have moved onto the next writing class level in a new term and 90% of my writing is expository and hand written in class rather then on a computer where I am much better.


For people like that it could help quite a lot over time.


If you personally want to watch for your own spelling online, you should use a web browser that has spell check on it already.


I use Google Chrome and I misspelled a couple of words here by accident while typing this, and spell check caught the mistakes. :)

Edited by RockinRarity
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I'm not sure about everything you suggested, but I agree with the spellcheck. I feel stupid editing my post when I make a typo..

  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly, the primary goal of this community should not be to post high quality, in-depth posts. That is definitely a great thing to do, but the main point should be to have fun and make friends. Of course, we should uphold a reasonable expectation of quality (not including in Cloudsdale Colosseum), but the purpose of that is to make serious discussions more fulfilling for those who wish to participate in them. That is an aspect of helping people to have fun or otherwise enjoy themselves here.
There are occasions in which I am in the mood to churn out a word wall in response to a serious topic of discussion. There are also occasions in which I just feel like messing around in the Forum Lounge or posting ridiculous things on friends' profile feeds. The latter is not inferior to the former just because it did not involve seriousness or proper grammar. Both are perfectly valid methods of communication, and perfectly valid ways to have fun here.
That being said, I will now respond directly to your suggestions.

1. Spell Checker- The most important, really annyoing especially when its me of all people. It will help with puncutation and spelling which for reading some posts, will make it easier to read when you know what the actual word is.

I like the idea of a built-in spell checker, but it should not be forced on anyone. There may be people who would not want to use it, and that's fine. It should be an optional feature that one could toggle on or off in their user settings.

2. Caps blocker - Blocking obnoxious caps. Only allowing a certian amount of caps per sentence would be nice. So for example

I disagree. I often like to talk in all caps just for the fun of it in Cloudsdale Colosseum, or in status updates, or status update comments. This does not harm anyone. I can see why that would be distracting in serious discussions, which is why I generally avoid doing so in those. Honestly, if people were spamming all caps all the time in serious discussions I could agree with an argument to implement a system that you are suggesting, but at this point I have not seen any problems with this. If any ever did arise, it would be relatively easy to deal with.


3. Font size 24 in my opinion is about as big as our font "should: be able to get.

I disagree. As long as it's not being spammed in inappropriate situations it is not harming anyone. I have not yet seen any problems with this either, but this would also be easy to correct if it ever did occur.


4. One thing I do not notice is we do not have a Spoiler tab. I know we can just put [ spoiler ] with its closing tab and do it that way. However, not everyone knows that. It could be nice to help hide spoilers in a spoiler bar by having a short cut to it.

I'm not sure what you mean. We do have a spoiler functionality, and it works like so:

harry potter is a wizard

There are two ways to use spoilers: by typing out the code, or by selecting it in the Special BBCode menu which you access by clicking this button: 9fcf56c060.png
I generally opt for the former option, as it is quicker for me. All you have to do is type the following (not including the code tags that I use here to show you what the code looks like as opposed to making an actual spoiler box):

[spoiler]text hidden inside the spoiler should be typed here[/spoiler]



5. Short cut for videos form youtube or soundcloud or whatever would be nice.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but you are able to embed Youtube videos in posts. This post explains how to do that.

6. I am not sure if there is a blocker for smile faces or text but there should be just in case.

There is a maximum text limit for posts, but it is astronomically high so no one will ever reach it. There is a limit to how many off-site images you can embed into a post, but there is no limit to how many images you can use in your post that you uploaded as attachments. Whether or not there are similar safeguards in place for emoticons and videos, I don't know. If there are none for emoticons, I honestly don't think that's a big deal. I have almost never seen emoticon spam occur here.


Why do all of this?

1. Its more professional and makes us as a community look better if our posts are better and done more professionally.

2. It cuts down on childish, spam, and unimportant and useless text.

3. Easier on the eyes and ears

4. Easier on bandwidth.

5. When restrictions like this are turned on, people tend to become better posters.

6. Spellchecker is nice because if people keep making the same mistake over and over again. They will never get better. They will only get better at doing it the wrong way.

I often try to be professional because being serious sometimes is a part of my personality, and I also feel like that's the best way to act in various staff situations. However, at the end of the day, I'm here because I love the people here. I love talking to them, I love saying stupid things with them, I love having fun with them. I come here to have fun and enjoy myself. I do enjoy participating in serious discussions, but that's not all I enjoy doing, and I don't see any reason why seriousness and professionalism should be forced on anyone. 
It is important to uphold a reasonable level of quality outside of Cloudsdale Colosseum, but in my opinion the tone and overall nature of the system you are suggesting we implement is too strict. 
Ultimately, a forum is for communicating with people and, if one wishes, making friends. The job of the staff is to ensure that communication occurs smoothly in a friendly and appropriate environment for this site's intended audience of people 13 years of age and older. Part of this includes ensuring that discussions outside of Cloudsdale Colosseum meet a reasonable level of quality, but that is not the most important aspect, in my opinion. The way I see it, the most important thing is to make sure that people are not acting in a way that harms others here in any way, shape or form.
It is not the job of the staff to impose strict expectations of quality and rigour upon individuals who wish to use this forum. As long as one is following the rules, it is well within each individual's rights to choose which discussions they want to participate in, and in what manner they wish to participate.

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