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open (This RP IS CLOSED) Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala!

Lightning Bliss

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@@Lightning Bliss,


@@Doc. Volt,


Roac sat by as the two mares left, only showing any signs of anger when they began to talk about the royals there. He calmed down once they left.


After all that has happened, he has lost the innocent and playful demeanor that he displayed out in the garden; now he's gone back to his quiet, reserved self.


When Bliss begins to talk and looks to Roac, he simply nods in agreement. No words were necessary to convey his message.

As Bliss went on, Roac simply sank his face into his claws and sighed with exasperation. "In one night I have had to encounter both a dangerous-- or, at least what I thought was dangerous-- criminal, and I found myself on the wrong end of a black spell. I speak in all truth when I say that I am at least as tired of this night as you are, Bliss... But, if it helps you at all, I came here looking to make a profit, and I, instead, found a treasure far beyond anything that gold can buy..."


He sighs again and leans on the table. "I have found a friend. And that... That is something that I have not found in years."


He smiles at the group. "Now, I know that you all might not have been quite as lucky... But this night was not a total waste!"

  • Brohoof 1


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@, @Polaris, @Doc. Volt,


Her arms and legs, even her wings seemed to react faster then her mind was thinking it. She leapt into Roac's large chest and hugged him tenderly, feeling honored and thrilled to have met a friend like Roac. Even though she was suspicious about what he said when talking about making a profit, she didn't care in the slighest in that moment. She rubbed her face into his soft feathers, then smiled up to him before turning back to Volt.


"You know Volty," she grinned at the blue pegasus, "you said you wanted to ask some lonely mares out for a dance. Well I am a mare, and standing right in front of you and Polaris!" She giggled and hinted her eyes at them with intention. "But since you two are a little preoccupied with gawking at druken mares, like your colleguaes Polly," she giggled again making Polaris blush with distaste she was sure, "I think I'll ask this nice gryphon friend of mine to a dance then! Feel free to cut in, if you two studs are brave enough!"


She took Roac's talon then, and began to pull him towards the dance circle. "Roac Gryphon, show me those dance moves of yours again!" :squee:

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


As he is glomped, Roac first looks quite surprised. His surprised expression turns to a lighthearted grin, and he laughs a little. His laughing is deep, masculine, and it sounds like it would sound more appropriate for somepony's grandfather than a grounded bird-lion.


As Roac stands quietly, almost stoically, Bliss started talking again. Her words almost sounded flirtatious, but she was married, and Roac could not fathom how a wife could be unfaithful to a husband like Night Lights.


Bliss goes on to drag the griffon back onto the dance floor, requesting another dance. Roac grins at this, and uses his momentum to move past Bliss and twirl her around, starting off the dance with excitement.

"I was not informed how affectionate people are in Equestria, nor all of this..."



He chuckles at that, keeping the banter lighthearted and... Well, not serious.

"Well, I have found that there is quite a bit about Equestria that I'll have to get used to, and even more that I'll have to learn... People of different races and backgrounds, all in one place... Almost unheard of, elsewhere."

  • Brohoof 1


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She giggled at his face of confusion as she followed with his dancing. "It's not like I'm asking you out on a date or anything Roac," she smiled to him happily, feeling like finally they were all recovering their night some, "dancing with friends is always a way good way to express our relations with each other. Besides I'm saving the romantic dance for Night Lights when the Gala comes to an end." She winked at him to ease his confusion then happily fluttered around him to stretch her legs out gracefully like he were tossing her into the air, only in a mock drop. Then fluttered down and continued on with the dancing.


She turned to watch as Volt and Polaris continued to wonder what to do with themselves for awhile then drifited off in thought as she wondered how she was going to get Nights involved into their own personal dance. She knew he felt very shy about dancing, especially in public. But getting her husband to dance with him, would mean the world to her in completely the thrill and romance of being at the gala for her.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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after grell walked away be left the gala per-say he went to the royal crept his fur turning black and his eyes glowing crimson he sat down and contacted the dead royals and other magior ponies such as starswirl conversing with them learning of their lives and what they knew he was expanding his knowledge he thought about talking to starswirl about magic but decided to wait so he didn't spend all his tone with starswirl. As he done this he gave off a large magical energy that could be felt by the alicorns in and around the castle and it was obvious to them it was death magic but it felt as powerful as it would coming from an alicorn grell didn't know he was putting off such power levels he just kept conversing not knowing that he could be drawing in the alicorns in to possibly arrest him or worse he kept talking he was learning so much he loved to learn and he couldn't stop smiling he learned that before celestia and Luna death magics and other dark magics where allowed so long as they weren't used for evil

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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@@Doc. Volt,


He smiled at the gryphon's remark, before Bliss snatched him to dance with her on the dance floor. As he observed the duo dancing for a while, his attention was broken from them when he noticed miss Photo Finish standing again at the edge of the floor with some of her acquaintaces, looking at all the ponies dancing around occasionally with a sad look that even he could see through her thick glasses and a fake smile she had to put up for her friends as she kept talking to them.


Poor Finish... He thought to himself as he continued to feel sorry for the cerulean earth pony mare's current state, before sighing out and turned to look at the blue pegasus next to him with a pretentious smile. So, beside those two terrible mares earlier, have you spotted anypony interesting? He scanned the room a bit by narrowing his eyes as they jumped from pony to pony around the room with a purpose. Hmmm... What about those three mares over there? He pointed his hoof towards the entrance of the ballroom, where three well dressed mares mingled with each other. The on the far left was a white earth pony, who was wearing a bright red dress and black hoof warmers. The one in the middle was a tan unicorn, who was sporting a spectacular looking ocean blue frock with white highlights, while the third one on the far right was another unicorn of grey color, who had a pretty patina colored dress with deep teal highlights.


He turned to look at Volt with a grin. What are you waiting for, my friend? Those mares look like they're practically calling out your name! He chuckled out gleefully at him.

  • Brohoof 1


                                            Special thanks to Lightning Bliss for this awesome signature!


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@@Polaris, @, @@dashian500,@Doc. Volt,


She felt a sad and at the same time, painful shockwave of magic touch her horn...No pony else other then her could see it, but a small spiraling ribbon of magic seemed to attack her horn, squeeze it...then dissapear...She stopped her dance for a moment, shaking her head as she felt the pain and sense of...death...echo in her head. Her head throbbed violently...not sure what could have caused her convulsions...only to realize her own magic had interpreted for her.... Dark magic...


Her eyes flickered white for a second as her own alicorn magic quietly fought off the intruding dark magic that unintnetionally hit her head...then finally fade back to normal. "Gah..." she rubbed her head trying to shake the dizzy feeling from the back of her mind, only to feel some relief by crying from the pain and sadness she felt. "Grell..." she whispered to Roac then... "magic...Grell...dark magic...I am not trained to deal...with that kind of...magic? It hurts...he hurts...I don't feel so good...Could you...go find...Night - Lights..." her words trailed out before falling to her side and passed out.


-- Meanwhile near the ballroom entrance --


"Sister? Did you sense that?" Princess Luna asked her elder sister Celestia.


"Yes Luna I did...It's Grell... Seems he's found the royal barrel grounds." She spoke firmly and quietly to her sister, not wanting to draw any attention from the other ponies as they passed them, bowing and greeting them.


"That magic would have been felt by all of us then... prehaps we should remove him from the gala as not to cause panick amongst Cadence, Twilight and...Lightning Bliss?" Luna asked concerned for the wellbeing of the other alicorns.


"There's not point now Luna, Cadence and Twilight appear to be unharmed. And we know Grell has never used his magic for evil before. It would be improper of us to shuu him out for something he didn't intend to do." She nodded shutting her eyes in deep thought despite Luna's concerns.


"But Lightning Bliss....you've not trained her in any magic to tolerate that?" Luna snorted at her sister, making it clear her concerns were valid, "she could be overwhelmed and-"


"Luna you worry too much." Celestia cutted her off, "if Bliss hasn't learned to deal with magic like this, then this is a good way to start. Call it a tough love teaching... she's an alicorn now, she needs to learn to handle magic spurts that occur. Especially if she's not going to accept being who she is, and prefer to live outside the royals while attending her duties."


"That's not fair sister..." Luna snapped back, "she didn't choose to ascend into an alicorn... She' was once a pegasus, she was married just a few years ago, avoiding an army and death itself in the process. You honestly expect her to accept all of this in one day?"


"It's been three years Luna..." Celestia shrugged and began to walk away, "and she still chooses for her and her husband to live in the mountains outside Ponyville, hidden from our subjects unless it calls for diplomatic proceedings... She's acting like a filly. If she were to accept who she is and live in Canterlot or the Empire, where alicorns can properly teach her magic, she wouldn't have these risks. If she chooses this life then she chooses the consquences of it too."


"But sister..."


"This conversation is over Luna... Go on and mingle with the rest of our subjects while I speak with Prince Shining Armor, it's been awhile since I've seen him and Princess Cadence." The great white alicorn of the sun left at that, making her sister snort with frustration knowing Bliss was probably terrified right now.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"what about THAT ONE!"


volt said pointing his hoof to a white sad mare pegausus, leaning toward a table, and that  with a bored attitude was poking a glass toward the edge if the table


"her eyes.... "


Volt noticed that not only the red color of her eyes were strange but also, the shape of the pupil, something almost feline


".. oh... she looks so lonely.. so strange and misterious! i wonder what her cutie mark means!.. let's take a look!"


walking a bit from his side. he noticed something, her coat was white, but half of her left wing was red,  his curiosity was almost killing him, finally Volt was able to see her cutie mark: a strange symbol, unknow to him


 "ehi polly.. who is that mare? isn't her.. particular? maybe Photo finnish or Bliss know her... she is so alone.. s..shall i try and talk with her?"


Volt whispered at Polaris, trying to look for blissy around the room, finally he was able to locate her


"w..what is wrong with Bliss Polaris? "


he asked noticing her strange behaviour


"we must help her!"


Volt added while trotting toward her,, ignoring the other ponies dancing

  • Brohoof 1


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightning Bliss,


@@Doc. Volt,


Roac becomes very alarmed as she says this, and darts to the side as she passes out, whipping his claws outwards to catch her. He carries the unconscious mare over to her friends.

"Go get Night Lights, NOW..."

"... I'm going to have a few choice words with a certain necromancer."


As Roac leaves, another ripple occurs, this time striking Roac as well. He gasps in pain and covers his right eye, staggering backwards for a moment before untying his bowtie and using as a bandage for his eye, continuing on his march to confront Grell.


~Alright, if I were a crazy necromancer, where would I cast my evil maleficar spells?..~

~How about a graveyard? Nice and cliche. Plus, this place has a burial ground...~


Roac turns to the graveyards and marches with indignation, looking completely ridiculous with his bowtie bandage. He reaches into his coat pocket to pull out his blackjack.

Once he arrives, he gets reasonably angry at Grell for (what he believes is) an uncalled for attack on Lightning Bliss, one of the nicest females that he has met (other than the manager at the orphanage he lived in as a cub.)

Edited by Roac
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Grell was sitting in the crept talking with the dead the souls he was conversing with where visible to Anypony who walked Into the crept grell was sitting there happily conversing with the dead it's how he normally spent his life but this was a special time because he was talking to ponies souls he'd never have a chance to again he knew that he'd probably never have a chance to come to the gala he still hadn't noticed that he was giving off so much dark power had he known what it was doing he would have stopped but he didn't instead he kept going reaching deeper into the land of the dead calling forth older souls to speak with causing even more stronger burst, he was havering so much fun he never wanted to stop but he knew he'd have to when the gala ended possibly before it ends of celestia and Luna decided to come stop him although he couldn't think of a reason that would draw them to the crept so he figured he was safe

((Ugh I really hate to do this but I can't think of anything else to put

  • Brohoof 1

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Her eyes were sealed shut, refusing to open as her alicorn magic of peace struggled of its own free will to block he onslaught of dark magic that was emitting from Grell several yards away in the royal graveyard. With every wave of conjuring he was emitting, the more the dark magic grew in strength, biting away at her own instictive force. She had no idea what to do with the unusual magic activity seeming to duel at each other in her own mind...all she could do was tolerate the straing and servere migranes it was producing as an ugly side effect.


Her legs twitched in pain with each lash out of dead souls seeming to respond to the dark magics call. She could almost sense what was going on through Grell's conjures...it wasn't of evil...but...conversation? Regardless that the magic wasn't being used for evil, it was disrupting the balance...the Border between life and death... The souls weren't at rest, and some of them seemed angry for being disturbed, while others were emitting a dark feeling of jealousy for the living... She cried as she cringed her head...praying the magic conjures would stop.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Roac charges in, his blackjack at the ready.




The griffon halts and takes a few steps back in horror, watching the necromancer's work unfolding from the crypt. He came in through the entrance.


"Grell!! What in Tartarus are you doing?!"


Roac soon put the pieces of his own puzzle together, concluding that Grell was attempting a channeling spell. "Grell, you need to stop this! You're harming the ponies in there!.. Grell, if you don't stop this, I'll be forced to-- AAAAH!!!"

The griffon was then assaulted by a ripple, causing him to scream and clutch his eye. Some of the spirits began to sizehim, dragging him to the ground.


"Ngh.... stop... this.... Grell..."

Roac is pulled down by angry and jealous spirits that had been foolishly called forth, crushing him and causing him to drop his blackjack and begin to groan weakly with pain.


"Agh.... Grell... please!.."

Roac struggles against the spirits, and you see a pale, blue light coming from behind his makeshift bandage. He appears to be getting loose...

~Have to... Get free... they're so strong... Allah!..~

Edited by Roac
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Grell was banishing the souls that here jealous and angery allowing only the kind ones to stay and convers when roac came on he distracted grell and that's what caused the souls to attack him tell fought the souls of sending them back to the other side once done he cad a healing spell on roac "go away"grell said "you caused those souls to get lose you're lucky to be alive right now never interrupt somepony when they are working with such dangerous magic it could have killed you me and everypony at the gala" grell said, he hadn't paid any attetion to what roac said when he came in because he was trying to handle the souls, turning away from roac he went back over to the Peacful souls he'd been speaking with still sending out waves of dark magic to keep the souls in the land of the living it took a lot of magic and foucus to move them between the plans of existence that's why grell liked being alone for the most part and why he had slipped away to the crept in the first place it was the one place that no normal pony would go during the gala

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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@@dashian500,@, ,@@DashieHeart


His joy quickly disappeared as Dark Star felt a slight tingling in his horn. He took a quick look at Catcher.


 "Stay here." He said decisively.


The stallions horn lit up as he tried and locate where the center of the disturbance was happening, knowing the whole castle by heart he cast a teleport spell to where he thought he sensed the magic from.


Withing seconds he appeared at the crime scene, noticing two figures. Grell, standing performing a spell. And the griffon Roac, lying on the ground.

Reacting withing seconds after noticing what caused the anomaly Dark Star first quickly put a shield spell around the griffon, then he threw a disorientation spell upon the caster, trying to draw his attention away. After all that he quickly began multitasking at breaking all the channeling bonds and sending all the souls away, casting spell after spell. Tens of anti-magical barriers appeared and disappeared in the room over and over again. After everything seemed to have been more stabilized he cast one final powerful spell, destroying the channeling spell once and for all.


Hardly standing on his legs because of exhaustment after casting so many complex spells he turned to face the pony. 


"You fool, I do not know if you are allowed to or not to use such magic! I do not care if you possibly had it under control! And I do not care that nobody got deadly injured!" He shouted at him with the full power of his lungs.

"You endangered lives of everyone at the gala! One slight problem popping out and we would all be no more! We should consider ourselves lucky that the griffon decided to warn you before he attacked you, or else we would ALL BE DEAD.


He made a strong stance and prepared for any kind of combat if it had to come to it.


Looking at the griffon he spoke in a way more calmed voice, he also noticed that the magical shield he put around him earlier was gone so he recast it. "What are you doing here anyway? Griffons can't sense these kind of things, heck even almost all unicorns can't sense these. Also, are you hurt or anything?"


He thought for a second, taking into information he felt and known about what happened here. "Unless you were helping him. " He gave him a deadly look. But he honestly didn't expect the thief griffon to be the co-worker.


Turning back to Grell. "The guards will arrive here shortly, I suggest you surrender, Necromancer, you will answer in court. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Grell smirked "you take me for a fool" grell said "you are

The one that caused the danger by distracting me whilst I cast you could have just as easily ended up like him you're just lucky none of the souls decided to resist your magic and I am far more than just a lowly necromancer I am a death master far better then any death magic that can be learned from books no I suggest you walk on Luna and celestia could easily feel my magic they know of me and what I do so your little court threat holds no weight you have watered your time and put everypony In danger you do not know death magic plus your magic is weak you trying to control the souls is like a filly unicorn trying to control the sun or moon you're just lucky the souls played along and done as you wanted had they decided to they could have easily attacked you and ignored your magic" grell said "and to make matters worse celestia and Luna would have been here by now if there was a problem with what I'm doing you're a fool tryin to do others jobs now go dance and party" grell said turning his back on him

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Roac soon got up after having a shielding spell casted on him, and looked at the unicorn.


"Well, fancy meeting you here. Sorry about the skull fracture earlier, your words were... Well, suspicious, to say the least."


Roac then replied to his question, saying, "Well, for starters, I was dancing with Princess Bliss-- by her request, I might add-- when she suddenly started saying something about Grell and death magic. She then told me to go find Night Lights... Just before she fainted."

"As for me being okay, you should know that I've been in worse... Besides, whatever it is that you unicorns are picking up did something to my eye!"


Then, suddenly, Grell started acting all cocky and indignant, turning away to cast another spell. Roac decided that he would have none of this, and leaped out of the shield at Grell, before any spirits or whatnot could grab him.


First, the griffon rushed to the master necromancer and delivered a vicious blackjack attack to the unicorn, in the back of the head.


His bandage came flying off of his face as he attacked Grell, his eye being revealed. The griffon thief's right eye is glowing with pale blue magic.

Grell, you've just turned Roac into a magical creature. *sarcastically* Congratulations.


To Roac, as soon as the bandage comes off, everything has a blue, ethereal tinge to it, and they are moving very slowly. He can also clearly see almost all the spirits in the crypt, as glowing blue wraiths.

However, Grell appears as a bright, blood-red figure.


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Grell ducked dodged the attack and summoned his scythe shoving the shaft into roacs stomach "you really are something else attacking an unarmed pony while his back is turned that's low I thought griffins had more honor then that"grell said pointing his scythe at him "now think for a moment of what I was doing is a problem celestia and Luna would be here dealing with it do you see them because I don't all I see is a griffin and pony that think they have to be Heros when there's nothing that Anypony needs to be saved from besides their pen stupidity" grell was angery in raged even how dare these two come in and disturb him it's not their place the princesses would handle it of this was a problem grell was ready to end them but he wouldn't because he wasn't big in fighting he prefered to use his words he viewed fighting as Bruteish and uncalled for "now you can take your Bruteish ways and leave before I decide to stop being nice" grell said through gritted teeth "leave or you'll wish you would have"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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[Darn, Dashian replied while I was writing my post, now I got to redo my whole post.]

Dark Star took a look at himself, hearing out the words of the pony. Anger building up inside of him as he heard that the princesses are okay with this. He hardly could stop himself from simply casting an attack spell upon the necromancer.


As Roac jumped Grell he could only feel a weight come off him. He slowly came up to the pony.

"Oh, I didn't know what I was doing? I would be glad to inform you that I studied all sorts of magic. I was not trained in how to summon souls but I was trained on how to send them back and control such a situation. So do not call me a foal. I knew perfectly what I was doing, you foolish soul whisperer. If you won't answer to the Princesses then you will answer to the families of the ponies of which the eternal sleep you just disturbed. " He said not even caring if the necromancer is conscious to hear him or not.


As he approached the Griffon he noticed the blue eye. Quickly stepping away a bit he spoke.


"Griffon, are you sure you are alright?"


Not wanting to risk getting an answer he cast a mind reading spell upon Roac[This one does not cause head aches]. Seeings the last few seconds of his life threw his eye, he was horrified by what he saw. Quickly pulling away from his mind he took a few more steps back.


Before he could respond a group of guards entered the area. Forming a spear war on all exits. What the guards saw was simple, two ponies who attacked their known co-worker Grell. Without taking another moment to think the captain responded.


"Step away from the guard, you are under arrest you criminals, you will answer to the law. " He took a good look at Dark Star. "Especially you, Dark Star. After this I can guarantee you a swift and soon death. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Grell rolled his eyes " at the ponies comments he wasn't listening to him he was about to cast an attack spell when the guards showed up he smiled at the guards " thank celestia you showed up what took so long these ponies attacked me while I was doing research approved by the princesses" grell said banishing his scythe "I had to defend my life because you where so slow" grell said

Steel was flying and seen what was going on at the crept he landed by the guards "stained steel personal guard to Luna In other words I out rank you ponies making me the commander of this little group now what's going on" steel said looking around "I see a wanted criminal a griffin and a everyday pony take the criminal chain him up take him before celestia or Luna as fir the other two leave them be they don't seem like trouble In fact that one with the crimson mane defended lightning bliss's honor so I know he's fine and hadn't fine anything wrong" steel said knowing full and well about the death magic


my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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@, @@dashian500, @,


(OOC Seems I have a mess to clean up, I wasn't expecting this to go this far. Guys this is a mingle RP, we can have a LITTLE BIT of action, but this is throwing everypony off who wanted a bit of romance or a dance. So mind what I say next and respect it and move on.)


Luna heard a scuffle going on in the ballroom and trotted in hastily. Many of the ponies stood back as the Princess of the Night entered frantically, knowing fully that Bliss was probably in agony, no thanks to her sister's lack of compassion.


"Stand back," Luna said firmly to Volt and Polaris who were trying to coax her up. With that Luna focused her magic, and in a sheer of brilliant lunar light, her magic shot out a wave of light blue magic, banishing all the souls back to their resting place and neutralizing Grell's magic instantly for a short period along with a message, not to do what he did again. "Princess Lightning Bliss...rise you are alright..." She said as she coaxed the white alicorn to sit up.


"I...what...happened?" Bliss asked as she rubbed her head, "It felt like a magic duel was going on inside my head."


"Indeed, that is because a subject of ours...Grell, was doing some research with dark magic in order to speak with the souls who passed on," she sighed and nodded, "however this isn't the time nor the place for such things... This is a royal gala... where ponies mingle and get together to socalize...I will be talking to him now, why don't you accompany me?"


"Yes ma'am..." she slowly rosed to her feet while nuzzling Volt and Polaris in thanks for their help, then followed Luna out to the graveyard site where she new Grell would be. She was surprised to see that Roac, Steel and that unicorn Dark Star were already at the secene with a handful of guards. Steel seemed to be in the process of making orders. "Stop wait!" Bliss called out them before rubbing her head again trying to shake off the aftermath of pain.


"It's alright Bliss," Luna spoke, "Guards stand down, you too Steel. I'll address the situation..." She waited for the guards to back off then approached Grell firmly, "I know what you were trying to do... and I can understand why you do it. But this isn't the time nor the place for such magic Grell... A stallion such as yourself should have known better... Sadly you weren't aware of it, but your magic disrupted and harmed Princess Lightning Bliss... Her lack of ability to use her magic to prevent others powers from entering her center caused her great pain..."


Bliss lowered her head feeling embrassed and weak while Luna spoke the truth.


"This is a Gala Grell...not a magic class...and certaintly isn't the place to be distrupting the dead just so you can talk with them. If you had such needs to do so you could have sent me a letter of request...I order you not to use your magic anymore in regards to necromancy on this night... IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!" She snorted out in her Equestrian loud voice.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,




Roac is scared and confused right now. All of the guards, especially Steel, were now highlighted in the same red tinge that Grell had. The princesses, however, were a bright gold, and Dark Star was a pale blue.


Roac quietly walked over to Dark Star, whispering, "Thank you for your assistance. I wish that your sentence may be merciful."


And, with that, Roac disappeared into the night, his beak lined with sadness and conflict. He didn't understand why all this was happening to him, nor did he know why everything looked different. But, just before he left, he decided to leave a note to Bliss.


He left the note where he was originally standing, and returned home to his clocktower. On the way, he returned the suit, and got back into his thief's clothing. Lighting his fireplace, he sat at the floor and contemplated, blinking his eyes one at a time. He found that his sight returned to normal, and everything sped back up to its normal speed, when he closed his blue eye.


~This night went to Tartarus FAST... But, it was still mostly good...~


(To be continued in the Birthday RP! Thanks, this was good! Enjoy the rest of the RP, everypony!)


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@TheDarkStar, @dashian500, @Roac,


Luna nodded at the gryphon as he quickly took off from the gala, obviously dissapointed his night was ruined.


Even Bliss teared up to see him go... "We didn't even get to finish our dance..." she whimpered some, making Luna feel even more for the mare's circumstances. Here was this new small alicorn, tramautized by magic she couldn't comprehend, her first time as a royal at the gala...trying to make friends and socalize with their subjects like Celestia ordered...and Celestia didn't show enough compassion to help her in times of magical distress. Luna was disgusted, and turned to her guard Steel.


"There will be NO arressts this night Steel," she ordered him abruptly, "Dark Star..." she eyed the unicorn just as firmly, "Is being looked after by former Captain of the Guard, Prince Shining Armor. Now then..." She nuzzled Bliss to stand up, "I will not tolerate any more unneccissary magic use, threats, or trials tonight. This is a Gala and I expect all ponies here to act respectfully. Go about your business Steel... Grell not another attempt at magic with the dead. Bliss..." she turned to the white alicorn, "If you are not feeling up to it... you can leave if you want."


"I..." she sighed feeling so off from what just happened. But she knew she had a job to do as a royal and stood up, "No... you and Celestia said I should partake in this event...and that's what I'm going to do."


Luna smiled at her composure and nodded in respect.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss

Dark Star felt disgusted by the very sight of the Princess of the night after what he heard from Grell and experienced just now. 

He felt disappointed by how low the royalty has dropped. But what caught his attention was Lightning Bliss, after everything the Alicorn still stood her ground and was ready to return to the gala after everything she just had to go threw. "Maybe you are not half that bad of a Princess" He though to himself, focusing once more on Luna.


Giving her a frustrated look he spoke in a rather angered tone.


"I cannot see how you and Celestia allow this... necromancer to perform his tricks. He is defiling poor souls, what do you think the families of the ones who lost their beloved ones would think about what you HELP do? I cannot believe how low you have dropped. Believe I used to be stupid enough to believe in your greatness. Do excuse me. "  


He turned not wanting to look at the Princesses anymore, not bidding farewell his horn lit up and he teleported to where he had left his to be dance partner. 

Taking a glimpse at Catcher he felt himself calm down, but still deep inside angered at the Princess. He tried and not give out what he has been threw to the mare. Acting as natural as he could. Noticing that he has been gone for hardly even two minutes. 

"I am very sorry, but please don't get into why I left. shall we continue?" He smiled. Hoping the mare didn't mind. 


Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Grell nodded "sorry bliss I didn't know that it was causing Anypony pain" grell said then he look to Luna. " I understand and I'm sorry had I planned this I would have wrote you the only reason I came here is because the dead is more inviting then the ponies out there" grell said his head slightly lower then normal as he spoke his fur changed back to white and the color of his eyes faded back to their dull dried blood color "anyways I'll be off then" grell said

Steel nodded "but Luna he's a wanted criminal how could you let him go you could have held him until tomorrow" steel said he turned "since I have the night off im leaving there's no place for me here with out somepony to guard" steel said he started walking out the door he looked over his shoulder "i see you first thing In the morning Luna" sye called

((Ok I'm sorry bit I'm out if things to say I'm sorry but just don't read past this point please and also don't report this post please for filler thank you Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz))

  • Brohoof 1

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight had been sitting zoned out for a while and knew that the other pegasus probably wasn't going to join him anytime soon so he just sat there and almost fell asleep, he wished that they had planned more "exiting" music, like hiring the brown Cello players friend, whom he had known for a long time midnight skrewed up his face and tried to imagine more exiting music, the only thing that granted him was some fancy looking pony asking if he was okay. He decided to just leave that part if the gala and go to a balcony where nopony can see outside, being alone for once was nice and he could practice magic without being judged, a few months ago he did some tests and realized that a pegasi's wing bones are made of the same bone that a unicorn's horn is made of, he was planning on sharing it with the public as soon as he find out but he decided more tests were needed before he could tell anypony, he started by putting a nearby stone on the ground and picking it up with magic then he aimed the tips of his wings at the sky and released two bolts, lasers rather, into the air then decided to stop and just enjoy the view.

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