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There are 25892864756180294782772937555254374927894729393278365109292912111094672946829473929387 particles un the universe that we can observe. 


The legend of the rabit in the moon is shared by at least 17 ancient cultures


We are close to the 150,000 generation of our species.


The world has ended at least 3 times since the human kind started recording our history

Edited by Colt
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The fear of long words ironically has over 30 letters in it: hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.


And a second one given the fact that the royal couple are now expecting:

A 41-gun salute is the traditional salute to a royal birth in Great Britain.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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The A-10 Thunderbolt/Warthog can only fire it's anti-tank cannon in short bursts. It is so powerful that it has a retro-rocket effect, and if use for too long can cause the plane to stall out.


The SR-71 Blackbird's fuel tanks purposely leaked fuel while on the ground to compensate for expansion at operational altitudes and temperatures. As a result it was only given enough fuel to get off the ground before being filled by a tanker midair, before proceeding to its service ceiling of 70,000+ feet and speeds in excess of Mach 3.

Edited by Sky Nomad


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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  • 1 month later...

The generic magic term "hocus pocus" most likely originated as an anti-Catholic parody of the Latin words used by the priest during Mass: "Hoc est corpus meum"



Vatican City is the only place in which ATM machines have Latin options.



The first published work solely dedicated to the promotion of atheism was ironically written by the Roman Catholic priest Jean Meslier. His works were published posthumously.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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President Nixon was considered for impeachment due to his involvement in the watergate scandal, but resigned before he could be impeached.

Edited by Modphase
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Illinois is the USA's largest consumer of pornography.


A single beam of light can circumnavigate the earth's equator 7 times in one second.

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here are some facts u bet you didn't even know.hope everypony enjoys the randon facts.you could also go to the WTF Facts site for more




"Even the quitiest person could be the most outspoken one"-My OC

"Not knowing is the best surprise of all"-My OC

Add me on PSN,Fatal Crest_777

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A zebra is, in fact, Black with White stripes not White with black. Look it up.

Now one about facebook: In 2003, Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg created Facemash, where he placed photos of undergraduates side by side so viewers could rank which one was “hotter.” Zuckerberg would later turn Facemash into the now ubiquitous Facebook

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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FUN FACT!: There is enough bones in your body to make a human.Also,it is impossible to breathe under water for an more than a hour



"Even the quitiest person could be the most outspoken one"-My OC

"Not knowing is the best surprise of all"-My OC

Add me on PSN,Fatal Crest_777

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In the Navy the term 'boat' is the official word used when referring to a submarine, all others are ships, frigates etc.


In the county of Shropshire it is illegal to not practice archery on a Sunday.


Rats can't be sick.


The cochineal is an insect that when crushed is used to make a red dye that gets used in some foods, clothing and makeup.


elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.


Under their coat zebras are actually black skinned.


The French Secret Service bombed the original Rainbow Warrior to stop peaceful protesting of nuclear testing. The photographer Fernando Pereira died from drowning while on board.

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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  • 1 month later...

Pigs can become alcoholics.


Within a week of Match.com being launched, the creators girlfriend left him for a man she found on Match.com.


The term "natural" or "all natural" has no nutritional meaning and is not defined by the FDA, allowing restaurants and packaged goods to use the term at will.


The most stolen book in the world is the Bible.


Continuous farting for 6-9 months releases as much energy as some nuclear weapons.


When you pee, a small amount of urine enters your mouth through the saliva glands (unless you wee straight into your mouth, then a large amount ends up in your mouth.)

Edited by Coffee123
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Here's some interesting useless car facts

-The first airbags were tested in 1951, and the first car offered with a passenger airbag was a 1973 Oldsmobile.

-The first car radio was made in 1930 by Motorola.

-The first hybrid car was made in 1901 by Ferdinand Porsche.

-The Volkswagen Beetle was invented by Ferdinand Porsche and Adolf Hitler.

-The first car with air conditioning was a 1948 Packard.

-The 1994 Honda Accord is currently the most stolen car in the United States.

-The most expensive car ever sold at auction was a 1936 Bugatti Type 57C Atlantic at $43.7 million dollars.

-The Bugatti Veyron's fuel economy is 8 city and 12 highway.

-My dad works at Rolls Royce XD



-DID YOU KNOW? That Nintendo used to be a Card Making COmpany back in the late 1800s when it was founded?

  • Brohoof 2

*Insert amazing signature here*

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If you take the 3 different letters in the word "Banana", B, A, and N, you can make exactly 729 different words. Most of them are gibberish, though.


Here's how: since BANANA is 6 letters long, and there's 3 different letters in it, you go 3^6, which equals 729. Don't believe me? Try it on a calculator.


You can also use this simple little thing to find out how many words we can make.


26^1=26; 26 1 letter words (Obviously)

26^2=676; 676 2 letter words

26^3=17,576; 17,576 3 letter words

26^4=456,976; 456,976 4 letter words

26^5=11,881,376; 11,881,376 5 letter words


And on, and on, and on



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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The fictional planet Coruscant (aka Notron and Imperial Center) from the Star Wars universe has ~500 million people named "Jax Pavan" living on it.


Alex, Alex! You're walking away from history! History! Did Chris Columbus say he wanted to stay home? No! What if the Wright Brothers thought that only birds should fly? And did Galoka think that the Yulus were too ugly to save? -- Centauri to Alex Rogan; "The Last Starfighter" (1984)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Welp, time to break out my Ph.D in Factology. *cracks knuckles*


Vending machines kill more people annually than sharks.

Bananas are the most radioactive fruit. If one ate a banana a day for 200 days, they'd've consumed the equivalent radiation of a chest X-ray.

Aztec emperor Montezuma believed xocolatl (a drink made from cocoa beans) to be an aphrodisiac. He was known to drink up to 50 goblets of the drink per day.

The atomic symbol for lead (Pb) originates from the Latin word for Lead, "plumbum." If it sounds similar to "plumbing", that's not a coincidence. The Romans used to use lead to line pipes. They also used it to sweeten wine, which is a bad idea by modern standards.

12% of England is left-handed.

Whaling is illegal in Nebraska and Utah.

Fruit flies are more resistant to radiation than cockroaches.

The core of the Earth is estimated to be only very slightly cooler than the surface of the Sun.

If Bill Gates were to drop $1000, it literally would not be worth his time to pick it up.

Chuck Norris is an honorary Texas Ranger.

The leading method of suicide in Hong Kong is autodefenestration (throwing one's self out a window).

The gut flora, or intestinal bacteria, of every person is different.

The average person's heart will beat two billion times in a lifetime.

Due to its size and the potency of its venom, the Irukandji jellyfish is one of the most dangerous animals in the world.

Statistically speaking, you are more likely to die while picking up your prize than you are to actually win the lottery.

Food eaten is technically outside the body, as the digestive tract is technically a hollow tube open at both ends.

A blue whale's tongue weighs more than a motorcycle.

The largest object in the Asteroid Belt is Ceres, a dwarf planet that contains roughly a quarter of the belt's overall mass.

The Punch Out character Little Mac is a boxer that weighs 107 lbs. Hitmonchan. a Pokemon known for its boxing ability, is number 107 in Pokedex order. Both series are made by Nintendo

In the King James Bible, in Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first is "shake" and the 46th from the last is "spear." It was written when Shakespeare was believed to be 46 years old.

The "Lazarus Syndrome" is a condition in which CPR fails to revive someone, but the pressure it builds is enough to restart a heartbeat minutes or even hours later. It has happened less than 10 times in recorded history.

In theory, anything can become a black hole if compressed tightly enough. However, the object would have to be incredibly massive to make a significant black hole. Even a black hole of Earth's mass would only be the size of a small pearl.

The Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas is the single most powerful flashlight in the world.

In ancient Egypt, harming a cat was punishable by death.

Stephen Colbert has a species of spider named after him.

The average smartphone is more powerful at computing than all the computers that worked on the Apollo Moon landing.

An object has to be moving half the speed of light to escape the gravity of a Neutron star.

The Hyoid Bone of the neck is the only bone in the human body that does not form a joint with another bone.

Katanas were actually used by the samurais, not the ninjas.

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the same day, within hours of eachother. It was July 4th.

Sir Isaac Newton was born in the same year that Galileo died.

French Fries are actually a Belgian creation.

A lightsaber has been created. Unfortunately, it takes an apparatus the size of a building to power it.

The Wilhelm Scream is the most commonly used sound effect in the film industry.

The Pokemon Mewtwo is loosely based on Giygas from the original Mother game.

Gold and Copper are the only metals that are not white in color.

Alfred Nobel, known for the Peace Prize, invented dynamite.

It takes light from the Sun eight minutes to reach Earth.

Giraffes have as many neck vertebrae as humans.

A goldfish would be able to survive in a tank of human blood.

V886 Centauri is suspected to be the single largest diamond known to exist, being estimated at 10 billion trillion trillion karats. This is due to it being a white dwarf star composed of mostly carbon whose age has allowed much of the carbon to have crystallized. It is also known as "Lucy", and will probably start getting shipped with Tom any moment now.

Edited by Yosef von Uzenvard


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The longest known lifespan of a person is that of Jeanne Calment, who lived to be 122. In addition to that, she:


Claimed to have met Vincent van Gogh when she was 13 - though nothing can be known for certain, the claim was likely. She lived her entire life in Arles, which van Gogh had then been visiting, and she was working at her uncle's fabric shop at the time.


Smoked until she was 117 - an exception rather than a rule, needless to say.


Aged 90, agreed with a lawyer to sell her apartment to him after her death, and the lawyer would pay her a monthly sum of money. Not only did that mean the lawyer lost a lot of money, but the lawyer died two years before her!

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The platypus closes its eyes when it dives to hunt. It finds its prey by detecting the electric fields generated by the muscle contractions of its prey with receptors located in its bill.
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  • 2 months later...

French Toast was originally called German Toast, but the name was changed in America during the First World War.
The equatorial speed of the earth's rotation is 465.1 meters per second.
Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you talking about the "Zombie Fungus?" This 3 minute clip shows a rather chilling testament to a parasite fungus that takes over the brain of its victim...

ah the cordyceps virus is a species of virus that inhabits more tropical location and will inflect particular species of insects and arachnids such as ant and spiders. the fungi takes control of the brain and makes the victim act strange or 'zombie' like. the victim will then die and fungal shoots will sprout out of the victims body and release spores to infect other victims.


fact a strain cordyceps virus has been featured in the new video game released by naughty dag call the last of us ( which has been rated R18 in Australia )

Edited by HunterScars



signature made by DaReaper

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  • 1 year later...

~Contrary to popular belief, Hitler was born in Austria, not Germany.

~The girl who claimed she was the lost princess Anastasia was actually "a crazy autistic Polish girl" (my history teacher's exact words). She literally thought she was the princess and confused a bunch of Russian people.

~Erwin Rommel was not a Nazi; he just admired Hitler. In fact, he was against Nazism.

~Emily Dickenson was obsessed about death (seriously, read her poems).

~An avocado is actually a fruit.

~During the Battle of Midway, the Japanese thought they sunk one of the "two" American carriers (the Lexington I think). In reality, the Americans had more than one carrier and the Lexington did not sink until it was hit the forth time.


I learn so much in school it's great!

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