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This is my first attempt at a My Little Pony fan fic. It was inspired by someone's drawing. You can read about how I came to write this story in the link to my DA page here


I apologize for the bad spelling. This story is old and I wasn't paying attention to the spelling like I normally do. I forget why. Hope you enjoy it anyway.



The Accident. 

A My Little Pony Fan Fic


All the ponies in Ponyvile were preparing for the big storm the pegusi had planned. It was going to be a big thunder storm,complete with lighting. The Apple family was busy trimming the apple trees to prevent fires by taking the loose branches down as usual. However this time they were running late. Applebloom had wanted to learn how to trim down branches since she now felt she was strong enough and old enough to do so. So AppleJack took in upon herself to teach her sister the correct technique of looping a rope around the branch and pulling it down. “You can get a rope and pull the small branches down by looping the rope around them just like I did when Rarity helped me clean up the park near Twilight’s house.” said Applejack  Applebloom tried her best to do as her big sister said but she wasn’t having any luck. “I’ll never get it right” she sighed. Her ears went down behind her head. Applejack saw this and tried to encourage her “Aww keep tryin’ you’ll get it”. Applebloom tried pulling harder. The branch finally came down but the rope she was using broke. “Oops” “It’s okay. Just go get another rope” said AppleJack. “I’ll go get one out of the barn” said Applebloom and ran off to the giant red barn. “Hurry back!” said Applejack just as the sky darkened and the winds got stronger. Applejack continued to pull branches down as fast as she could. A small raindrop landed on her snout. “We better go inside” yelled Big Mac. Applejack nodded and ran towards the farm house after Big Mac. The rain got stronger as they got inside.  Lighting flashed. “you younguns got inside just in time” said Granny Smith. She looked and saw only Applejack and Big Mac standing in the doorway drenched. “Where’s that little Applebloom?” Granny wondered out loud. Applejack’s eyes widened as she suddenly remembered that Applebloom had gone to the barn all alone. Applejack was horrified that she had let her sister out of her sight at a time like this. “I’ll find her!” Applejack said as she rushed outside once again. The storm was getting more dangerous by the moment. Applejack knew she shouldn’t be outside but she also knew she had to find her sister. More lighting flashed. 


Meanwhile Applebloom had found her rope and was ready to rejoin the branch removal when she heard thunder. She remembered Applejack had told her not to go outside during a lighting storm. Applebloom decided to stay in the barn until the storm cleared. She went to the center of the barn because the noise of the thunder was freighting her. Going to the center of the barn at that second saved her life. A loose branch near one of the barn’s glass windows was suddenly stuck by lighting. It burst into flames. The branch crashed into the barn window. It narrowly missed Applebloom by just a few inches. Applebloom screamed. The hay in the barn caught fire and the fire begin to spread. 


Applejack hoped Applebloom had stayed inside the barn so she would at least be dry. Until she saw flames and smoke coming out of the barn windows. She heard a distant scream. “NO!” Applejack cried. She raced toward the barn. She prayed in the back of her mind that Applebloom had escaped or maybe had not been in the barn at all. She reached the door of the barn. A huge cloud of smoke greeted her. She coughed as she ventured inside. The smoke was too thick for Applejack to see anything. “Applebloom!!” she called out. She heard nothing. Applebloom was low to the ground holding her breath. She had covered her nose with her front hooves to prevent herself from smelling the horrible reeking smoke smell that filled the barn. Applebloom thought she heard a faint cry but she couldn’t be sure because of the crackling noises which flooded her ears from all sides. “Applebloom!!!” Applejack called again. Every inch of AppleJack’s brain and body were telling her to get away from the fire but her love for her sister overpowered her instincts to flee. “Applebloom!!” she called one more time. This time Applebloom heard Applejack. “AppleJack!” Applebloom called as loudly as she could. Applebloom tried to get closer to where she had heard Applejack’s voice but was blocked by a large wooden piece of the barn. “Help!!!” Applebloom cried. Applejack finally heard Applebloom. She felt around with her hooves until she found Applebloom blocked by a wooden beam from the barn ceiling. Applejack lifted her sister up with her mouth and got her outside by breaking a window and dropping Applebloom out. Applebloom felt grass under her hooves and knew she was outside even though she still couldn’t see anything. AppleJack jumped out the same window. “Run!” Applebloom did as she was told. Little did they know Applejack and Applebloom were running in opposite directions. Applebloom ran for the house but Applejack had been disorinated from the smoke and was headed for the gorge at the other side of Sweet Apple Achers. AppleJack started to feel weak from the lack of oxygen. She tripped on another fallen branch and tumbled down the gorge. She passed out. 


Applebloom reached the house. Big Mac and Granny smith were so relieved. The gave Applebloom a big hug. “I’m safe thanks to Applejack. She rescued me right App-Applejack’s not here!” 

Applebloom screamed. Granny Smith and Big Mac looked at each other bleakly. 


Rainbow Dash started clearing the clouds after the storm when she saw something usual in the gorge. “What’s that?” she asked herself. She flew down closer to investigate. It took her a moment to realize what it was. A pony. “What are you doing down there?” Rainbow Dash called as she hovered a few feet above the pony. Rainbow figured the pony had not heard her so she got even closer. “Applejack? Are you okay?” Rainbow Dash landed and saw AppleJack lying on her side completely still. She ran over and tried to shake AppleJack awake “AppleJack?! Can you hear me? What happened?” She turned AppleJack onto her back to see if she was breathing. AppleJack’s breathing was so faint that Rainbow Dash couldn’t hear anything. Rainbow Dash wasn’t a doctor so she obviously didn’t know what to listen for. Rainbow Dash saw her friends’ scraps and burns and thought the worst. “NO!!!” Rainbow Dash cried. Rainbow Dash began to cry into AppleJack’s chest. “How can you be dead? Don’t leave me and our friends!” Rainbow Dash saw all the memories of her friendship with AppleJack flash before her eyes. A tear fell and landed on AppleJack’s face. AppleJack felt a cold drop of liquid land near her left eye. She opened her eye half way. Luckily Rainbow Dash happened to see this. Her heart filled with joy. “You’re okay!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly. Rainbow Dash hugged AppleJack. The hug made AppleJack’s body hurt as she moaned. “Sorry” said Rainbow Dash letting go of AppleJack. 


Rainbow Dash knew she had to get help for AppleJack but she didn’t want to leave Applejack alone. Luckily Rainbow Dash spotted Fluttershy and Twilight with her new Alicorn wings flying overhead. Rainbow Dash raced up to meet them. “Twilight! Fluttershy! AppleJack is hurt and needs help!” Twilight and Fluttershy exchanged a worried look and followed Rainbow Dash. “Oh, my goodness! What happened?!” said Fluttershy when she saw AppleJack’s condition. “Remember what Applebloom told us about the fire...” Twilight and Fluttershy thought about what had happened a few moments ago. Big Mac and Applebloom had told Rarity,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy and Princess Twilight to come to Sweet Apple Arches at once. Applebloom had also tried to find Rainbow Dash but couldn’t track her down anywhere. The rest of Applejack’s friends met at the farm house. “The barn caught on fire when the branch hit the hay. Applejack rescued me by dropping me out of a window. She told me to run. I figured she was right behind me but I saw no sign of her when I got to the farm house”.  Applebloom explained. “This is awful!” said Pinkie Pie. “Oh my stars! This is the worst possible thing!” said Rarity. “We’ve got to find Applejack.” said Twilight and organized a search party. Pinkie and Rarity would search the east side of sweet Apple Arches and Twilight and Fluttershy would search the west side. The teams spit up. Rarity and Pinkie Pie saw the destroyed barn first. They showed it to Twilight and Fluttershy. Everyone was shocked. The barn was nothing but a few charred pieces of wood. Twilight and Fluttershy thought back to the present moment. “The fire certainly caused the burns but I wonder how she got all the way out here.” said Fluttershy. “Beats me. She was out cold when I found her.”said Rainbow Dash. Twilight flew off to find Pinkie and Rarity. “Rainbow Dash found Applejack!” called Twilight. “When did Rainbow Dash join the search party?” Rarity thought out loud. “This is a party?!” asked Pinkie Pie. Rarity rolled her eyes. Twilight lead them to the gorge.

Edited by StitchandMLPlover
  • Brohoof 1

My short independent films about physical disability!





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I am going to finish this at some point and I do plan to give it a happy ending but I just haven't had time to type up any other parts yet.

Okay then. It just seemed like the buildup came crashing down. 

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I can't hold all these feels I have for AJ.  :(  Besides the grammar I quite enjoyed this as sad as it was. It was nice to see Applejack do her duty as a sister and go after Applebloom when she saw the smoke from the start to barn billow out. wouldn't mind an alternate ending or another chapter expanding on this. I got the feeling of being I guess let down at the end. Sorta left it open ended there with just Twilight bringing Rarity and Pinkie over to see AJ in a frail state. You would think Twilight would pull out a healing spell. Unless you meant for that to be interpreted as Twilight thinking there is nothing she can do about this so she might as well bring the others over to say their last good byes then I can understand it.


Sig by @Boo

"We stick together the pony way!"

Rarijack is best ship! Rarijack Fan Club here!


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Okay then. It just seemed like the buildup came crashing down. 


Good point. 


I can't hold all these feels I have for AJ.  :(  Besides the grammar I quite enjoyed this as sad as it was. It was nice to see Applejack do her duty as a sister and go after Applebloom when she saw the smoke from the start to barn billow out. wouldn't mind an alternate ending or another chapter expanding on this. I got the feeling of being I guess let down at the end. Sorta left it open ended there with just Twilight bringing Rarity and Pinkie over to see AJ in a frail state. You would think Twilight would pull out a healing spell. Unless you meant for that to be interpreted as Twilight thinking there is nothing she can do about this so she might as well bring the others over to say their last good byes then I can understand it.


Thanks! For some reason I couldn't think of where to take it after this point so I just stopped here and uploaded it. Having feedback from you guys helps me think of some good possibilities for the ending. 

Edited by StitchandMLPlover

My short independent films about physical disability!





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Thanks! For some reason I couldn't think of where to take it after this point so I just stopped here and uploaded it. Having feedback from you guys helps me think of some good possibilities for the ending. 

Some possibilities off the top of my head are. That nopony can do anything so Twilight brings the rest the rest in time to see AJ pass on. Twilight is able to hold AJ in a healing spell or stasis bubble until RD or somepony else can get a Doctor to help. Both of which could lead to a second chapter or end it. A possibility is to take the sadness of the story deeper is have something AJ survive but something like her hind legs are broken and she can't buck or do anything she could do but of course you can twist it around. Have it like AJ survives, she goes onto normal life, and happy ending. Just a few thoughts of course  ;)


Sig by @Boo

"We stick together the pony way!"

Rarijack is best ship! Rarijack Fan Club here!


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  • 1 year later...

Based on your feedback and the feedback of others on DA I made a short little 2nd part to this fan fic. Please keep in mind that I plan to continue the story some more but want to plan the next part carefully before uploading it. Any feedback on what could happen in part 3 is appreciated. Please see the DA link for more info! Enjoy! 




My Little Pony "The Accident" part 2. A My Little Pony fan fic. 

Pinkie and Rarity were shocked at the sight of Applejack. Pinkie Pie and Applejack had always been very close friends, at one point Pinkie believed she might be a distant cousin of Applejack,although their familiar relationship was never proven, they now considered each other true family, so even the normally optimistic pony was very concerned. She was quiet. A small tear formed in her eye. "Do some kind of healing spell Twilight?!" said Pinkie Pie. "I don't know any that would work on injuries like this." replied Twilight. “Then we must get Applejack to a doctor at once!” said Rarity. “But the smallest touch really hurts her.” explained Rainbow Dash. "How do we get her to a doctor without injuring her further?" “We may have no choice but to hurt her to save her.” said Twilight. Fluttershy put her hoof to her mouth in thought. “Unless...Remember when you levitated my animal friends? I was afraid that they would get hurt but at the end they told me they liked it." "What are you getting at Fluttershy?" asked Twilight. "Can't you use the same spell on Applejack?" "I would need more help to do it with some pony of Applejack's size." said Twilight. Rarity stepped forward. "I have magic, teach me the spell."  "What if it takes too long to learn the spell! We don't have time for nonsense!" Rainbow cut in. "It's the same as the levitation spell but you think "soften" as you do it." said Twilight. "I can handle that, I'll do it for Applejack! Let's do this!" Rarity proclaimed. They both got on either side of Applejack, Twilight near her head, and Rarity near her burnt hind hooves. "Ready Rarity? 1 2 3" Both girls' horns began to glow, Rarity was straining more than Twilight but they both managed to lift Applejack up gently. Applejack smiled weakly to signal to the others that the spell wasn't painful,aside from the existing pain of the injuries themselves. "We have to hoof it to the hospital as fast as we can! Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash, fly ahead to guide me and Rarity so we can focus on the spell. It's very important that we don't drop Applejack." Twilight commanded. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash nodded and flew ahead. 

Edited by StitchandMLPlover

My short independent films about physical disability!





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  • 1 month later...

Based on your feedback and the feedback of others on DA I made a short little 2nd part to this fan fic. Please keep in mind that I plan to continue the story some more but want to plan the next part carefully before uploading it. Any feedback on what could happen in part 3 is appreciated. Please see the DA link for more info! Enjoy! 




My Little Pony "The Accident" part 2. A My Little Pony fan fic. 

Pinkie and Rarity were shocked at the sight of Applejack. Pinkie Pie and Applejack had always been very close friends, at one point Pinkie believed she might be a distant cousin of Applejack,although their familiar relationship was never proven, they now considered each other true family, so even the normally optimistic pony was very concerned. She was quiet. A small tear formed in her eye. "Do some kind of healing spell Twilight?!" said Pinkie Pie. "I don't know any that would work on injuries like this." replied Twilight. “Then we must get Applejack to a doctor at once!” said Rarity. “But the smallest touch really hurts her.” explained Rainbow Dash. "How do we get her to a doctor without injuring her further?" “We may have no choice but to hurt her to save her.” said Twilight. Fluttershy put her hoof to her mouth in thought. “Unless...Remember when you levitated my animal friends? I was afraid that they would get hurt but at the end they told me they liked it." "What are you getting at Fluttershy?" asked Twilight. "Can't you use the same spell on Applejack?" "I would need more help to do it with some pony of Applejack's size." said Twilight. Rarity stepped forward. "I have magic, teach me the spell."  "What if it takes too long to learn the spell! We don't have time for nonsense!" Rainbow cut in. "It's the same as the levitation spell but you think "soften" as you do it." said Twilight. "I can handle that, I'll do it for Applejack! Let's do this!" Rarity proclaimed. They both got on either side of Applejack, Twilight near her head, and Rarity near her burnt hind hooves. "Ready Rarity? 1 2 3" Both girls' horns began to glow, Rarity was straining more than Twilight but they both managed to lift Applejack up gently. Applejack smiled weakly to signal to the others that the spell wasn't painful,aside from the existing pain of the injuries themselves. "We have to hoof it to the hospital as fast as we can! Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash, fly ahead to guide me and Rarity so we can focus on the spell. It's very important that we don't drop Applejack." Twilight commanded. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash nodded and flew ahead. 

It's a good start to a second part, and i cant wait to read the rest.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by FallenTrench

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  • 5 months later...

Another small 3rd part of My MLP fan fic called "The Accident" I started a long time ago that was inspired by a drawing that DA user Fluttershy626 made. Special thanks to Fluttershy626!!! This fan fic is also featured on DA account here http://stitchthebest36.deviantart.com/art/The-Accident-part-3-550510020   I apologize that this part is so so short yet again! I sort of wrote it off the top of my head today and want to plan out the ending more carefully as I go along part by and make it more emotional etc like the first part to the story whenever I have the chance. At least now I think I know where I want this story to go thanks to your feedback about Applejack possibility becoming disabled and some recent emotional experiences that I have gone through this fall and I will explore my own emotions a bit through these characters as a way to formulate and process everything I have seen in these last few months. I added Spike to this part because I realized he wasn't in my other parts and I want him to be part of such a big event in their lives. 

Story Synopsis: During a lighting storm, the barn at Sweet Apple Acres catches on fire with Applebloom trapped inside. Applejack rescues Applebloom but runs the wrong way and becomes seriously injured. Rainbow Dash finds Applejack and at first thinks she is dead. Will Applejack's friends be able to help her in time? 

My Little Pony©Hasbro/The Hub/Discovery Family. I OWN NOTHING!! Story part here!:


My Little Pony 

The Accident part 3


The doctors and nurses at the Ponyvile hospital saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy leading a badly injured Applejack in a magic bubble created by Rarity and Twilight coming towards them and fetched a gurney at once. They ran outside to meet the mane 6 half way. Twilight and Rarity positioned Applejack over the gurney and released the spell and slowly and gently as they possibly could. "Uhh!" Applejack moaned. "We'll take it from here" said a pink pony nurse and Applejack was whisked inside. Rarity and Twilight finally took a moment to catch their breath. Both girls had exerted a lot of energy trying to help Applejack but Rarity was panting harder. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked Rarity. "Yes, just a bit tired. I just hope it's not to late!" said Rarity. "Somebody needs to go get the Apple Family and tell them" said Twilight. Rainbow Dash was all ready to speed off to the farm when they heard an accented voice behind them. "We're already here for my sister!" Applebloom announced. Big Mac and Granny Smith were standing next to her. "How did you know?" asked Fluttershy. "We saw you and Rainbow Dash fly in the direction of the hospital and figured that's where Applejack was headed. " said Granny Smith. "Yup. " added Big Mac. "Plus we wanted Applebloom checked out just in case." Granny Smith said. "What?! I'm fine!" "Better safe than sorry. Applejack would want to be sure your okay" said Fluttershy. Knowing Fluttershy was right,Applebloom relented. They took Applebloom inside where the doctors checked her lungs for signs of smoke inhalation, and her body for any burns. She had a minor bruise here and there but nothing serious. Luckily Applejack had rescued her before any real damage was done.   Applebloom went back to the waiting room. 


The rest of the Apple Family and the other Mane ponies waited in the hospital waiting room for any news on Applejack's condition.  Twilight paced back and forth. It was her way of dealing with anxiety and fear. She tried not to pace or become too anxiety ridden since becoming a princess with the help of Spike but her nervous behaviors would still resurface from time to time. Suddenly the door swung open and Spike rushed in. "Spike!" the ponies said in unison. "Rainbow Dash came and told me you and Rarity carried Applejack and that she had all these burns on her! I came here as quick as I could!" Spike explained panting. "I'm so glad you're here Spike! Everything happened so fast! I meant to come get you myself but I didn't want to leave Applejack for too long and I wasn't sure how to contact you without the use of your fire breath. I'm so sorry!" Twilight said hugging him. Earlier Rainbow Dash had bolted over to Twilight's castle and banged on the door. Spike had come to the door and was utterly horrified by the news of Applejack's injuries. He immediately gathered some supplies that the others might need at the hospital and left. "Is Applejack okay?" Spike asked. Spike had always really cared about Applejack but their bond grew even deeper after the 2 had saved each other's life from a pack of terrifying Timber Wolves on the edge of the Everfree Forest. "We're still waiting for news Spikey Wikey" explained Rarity. 

Edited by StitchandMLPlover

My short independent films about physical disability!





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  • 3 months later...

The last part of My MLP fan fic called "The Accident" I started a long time ago that was inspired by a drawing that Fluttershy626 made. Special thanks to Fluttershy626!!! http://stitchthebest36.deviantart.com/art/The-Accident-part-4-592331377 You can read the previous parts above.  This fan fic was finally finished in part thanks to all your feedback on here on MLPforums!! Thank you!!! 

This part was inspired by my interactions with a teacher of mine who had a stroke that left him with a disability and the time my best friend nearly chocked to death and was left with dizzy spells similar to the ones my teacher suffered from his stroke. http://stitchthebest36.deviantart.com/art/Dizzy-Spell-583236560  The special boots are a magical version of some of my own adaptive devices for my cerebral palsy. These scenes are based on my rough idea of what caused the spells but these scenes are not meant to reflect real neurology and NO offense to the disabled is intended! MLP has both science and magic in its world so I took some writing liberties here. My apologies if this is dark or disturbing! This story is darker than the show. 

Story Synopsis: During a lighting storm, the barn at Sweet Apple Acres catches on fire with Applebloom trapped inside. Applejack rescues Applebloom but runs the wrong way and becomes seriously injured. What are the lasting effects of these injures? My Little Pony©Hasbro/The Hub/Discovery Family. I OWN NOTHING!! 


P.S To see more of my writing related to disability see here http://cripvideoproductions.com and here http://cripvideoproductions.tumblr.com   

See end of fan fic below. 


My Little Pony "The Accident" part 4. A My Little Pony fan fic. 


They kept waiting for what seemed like forever. Then the doctor finally came walked through the big green hospital doors. They all looked up. "There where 2nd and 3rd degree burns to her hooves and she had a bit of a lack of oxygen to her brain and other organs which may have caused other side effects but we're not totally sure." The pony doctor explained. "Is my sister going to die?" asked Applebloom. "No,she's stable now. Luckily you got her help fast." the doctor replied. Applebloom was relieved Applejack wasn't going to die. She took a breath and relaxed a bit. "When can we see our Applejack?" Granny Smith asked. "You can see her now but she's still sedated so don't expect her to respond much" They all went to Applejack's hospital room and peaked in. Applejack looked like she was sleeping with a frown on her face. She had bandages on all of her wounds. Fluttershy and Pinkie started to tear up. Fluttershy could not stand to see anything in pain, especially her friend. Pinkie didn't know how to process what she felt when she looked at Applejack. She felt something like fear mixed with sadness and it made her stomach knot up and gurgle slightly, her way to deal with this was the tearing up. Applebloom walked closer. She was scared but she was also wanting to see if Applejack was really okay or not. Applejack opened her eye half way and saw Applebloom was there. "Hey," Applejack said with an exhaustion in her voice. "SIS?" Applebloom said startled Applejack was awake and aware of the fact that she was in the room. "Oh Applejack,Oh thank goodness!" said Rarity. "Fww!" said Rainbow Dash. "I'm so glad your not dead AJ." Twilight blurted out suddenly embarrassed by her bluntness. It was usually Rainbow Dash who was the blunt one. Applejack smiled at Twilight to reassure her she was not angry or bothered by the comment. The friends and the Apple family decided Applejack should not be left alone so they stayed with her in the hospital in shifts in accordance with the hospitals new rules which now allowed visitors to stay overnight. Twilight took the first shift and stayed by Applejack's side the entire night for which Applejack was most grateful. Applejack wanted to find a way to thank and repay her friends kindness somehow.


Zecora visited Applejack in the hospital when Applebloom told her what happened. Zecora worked with Applejack's doctors to find remedies to heal Applejack's wounds so Applejack would not require skin grafts for the burns. After some more time in the hospital Applejack was discharged and allowed to return home to Sweet Apple Aches. Recovery was slow and boring to Applejack but she was making steady progress. It was the sitting around the house that drove Applejack bonkers. Applejack was finally able to be more active after a month. She was able to walk around with a limp and tense walking gait. Applejack made a strained facial expression when she moved with her eyes wrinkled and mouth slightly open. Walking was painful but Applejack preferred to move so she sucked up the pain and kept going when she felt she had to.


One day while Applebloom was siting at a little desk putting hoof stamps on some letters she happened to look up at Applejack who was standing nearby. She heard Applejack breathe fast and then moan a bit. Suddenly Applejack's eyes rolled in little circles very quickly. Applebloom gasped and by some miracle was able to stop herself from screaming her in panic. "You okay?" Applebloom said relieved her voice did not quiver. She did not want Applejack to see how afraid she really was. "I'm a little dizzy" said Applejack. "Oh! Do you want help or anything? Is there something I can do? Should I get some pony?" asked Applebloom quickly. She had never seen any pony become dizzy before. "Is the dizziness why her eyes rolled just now?" Applebloom asked herself in her head. "No, I just have to rest." Applejack replied. "Alright" was all Applebloom could think to say.  Applejack went over to a tree and sat down. She rubbed her uninjured front hoof over her forehead. 


Applebloom sat there for a few seconds in shock at what she had just seen. Had it even really happened?? Applebloom couldn't tell and she wasn't sure if any pony would believe her if she tried to explain the event. Applebloom was going to let the whole thing pass. "Maybe Applejack's fine…." but then Applebloom replayed the image of her sister struggling in her head and got scared Applejack might pass out or have some other kind of emergency. She ran to find Big Mac. "Big Mac will know what to do" Applebloom reassured herself. Big Mac was loading some shovels into a wagon elsewhere on the farm. The shovels would normally be stored in the barn but Big Mac had not finished the barn repairs just yet. "BIG MAC!" "What's wrong?" Big Mac asked in his soothing deep voice. He could see Applebloom was in distress. "Applejack….dizzy…HER EYES!" Applebloom panted. Big Mac galloped to Applejack. The Mane 5,Spike, and Granny Smith rushed to the hospital again immediately when they heard Applejack's health may have been compromised. "Tell me exactly what you saw" the doctor pony told Applebloom. Applebloom almost didn't want to say it at all. She paused then replied "Applejack's eyes went all…" Applebloom tried to roll her own eyes in the way she had seen Applejack's eyes roll. "…then she said she was dizzy but refused my help." "Oh!" Fluttershy said in fear. "I guess I just felt tired and then it was like the Apple trees were spinin' " explained Applejack as the doctor looked into her eyes. "Hmm…it sounds like a dizzy spell from lack of oxygen to the brain. This lack of oxygen could be from either the smoke inhalation from the fire or the fact that she lost consciousness." The doctor announced  "It seemed like she was out cold for a long time when I found her. Does that mean she's brain damaged?" Rainbow Dash said with her usual bluntness. "Possibly. But these spells can happen even when the brain is not damaged. Ponies who choked or get temporary damage from a minor concussion can have dizzy spells even months after the initial episode. If the brain is injured or oxygen to the brain is compromised this is a major shock to the brain and neurological effects will remain. The brain treats injury or lack of oxygen itself as life or death and will go to great lengths to protect us and make sure we survive the ordeal." The doctor explained. "So Applejack's brain is trying to protect her from dying by making her dizzy?" Twilight asked. "Essentially yes" the doctor answered. 


The prospect of this plus her other injuries worried Applejack. Applejack requested time alone with the doctor. Her family and friends respected her wishes and waited outside. Applejack looked the doctor in the eye. "Will I have more spells?" "I don't know. If you were tired when it happened try to save your energy whenever possible. If you have more spells they likely won't be as bad as this first one but you need to be careful." The doctor tried to answer gently. "What 'bout my pain? Will I ever be able to apple buck again?" asked Applejack. "It depends on how well the soft tissue heals really" replied the doctor. Applejack was more upset about her burns than her dizzy spells. Applejack was scared now because she was the main provider for Sweet Apple Aches. If she could not apple buck her family could lose their farm. To a lesser extent she also worried if she would ever be able to complete in a rodeo again. She came home more subdued as she tried to ponder what her future would be. Applejack asked herself if she was now disabled. Meanwhile Applebloom could not get the awful image of Applejack's dizzy spell out of her mind. She kept wondering what the doctor pony meant when he said Applejack had to be careful. Applebloom was terrified she had hurt her sister so whenever Applejack would ask if Applebloom needed help she said "I'm fine". Applejack was disappointed her sister didn't want her help. Applebloom voiced her fears to the other 2 CMC members. Sweetie Belle finally said "Who do we know who is an expert on fear?" Applebloom shrugged. "Fluttershy!" Sweetie Belle squeaked in excitement. So Applebloom went to visit Fluttershy and ask her for advice. "Why am I afraid of my own sister?" Applebloom asked. "I'm afraid too. Me and the girls have had to figure this out too. Twilight has been studying neurologic conditions and burn injuries ever since AJ had that spell but everything Twilight tells me from her books sounds really awful. But maybe the kindest thing we can do is treat Applejack like Applejack."  Fluttershy advised. "But how do I do that?" Applebloom wondered aloud. "Honesty is her element…" Fluttershy pondered. Applebloom now knew what she had to do. She went home to find Applejack and preceded to tell her EVERYTHING. Her feeling guilty for causing Applejack's injuries, her fear of causing Applejack to have more dizzy spells. "I'm sorry!" Applebloom sobbed when she was done spilling her emotions out. "I just wished you had told me sooner." Applejack then returned the favor by telling her sister all of her own feelings and worries about her condition and the future of the farm. "None of that changes how I feel about you sis. You are still Applejack, no matter what!" Applebloom said hugging Applejack. "Thanks! I consider myself very lucky. Disability is WAY better than death." Applejack said beaming. 


Applebloom thought about what Applejack said about apple bucking and came up with an idea. She went to Zecora and pleaded with her to find a way to help Applejack work again. Zecora came up with the idea of special boots to protect Applejack's sensitive hooves. Zecora had Rarity design the boots and enlisted Twilight to add a bit of protective and comforting magic to the special boots. They presented the boots to Applejack as a beautifully wrapped gift.  Applejack was unsure if the boots would work but was thrilled when they did. Over the next few months Applejack had a few small dizzy spells when she over exerted herself, and she still lurched to the side when she walked but had almost no pain, she was able to work on the farm with her boots, help her friends on their friendship missions, and kept improving to the point where she could volunteer to do minor jobs at rodeos even though she could not complete any longer.   

Edited by StitchandMLPlover

My short independent films about physical disability!





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