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private When in Manehattan RP

Jack Baker

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@adept aiden peace


"Well, I just wanted to see you before I leave.. Look at the paper you'll see why.."


She almost started getting teary eyed at the fact of leaving Manehatten.


"Sad, isn't it.. If you picked me, I would've stayed. See my suitcases..?"


The waiter went to Creamy's table and asked for her order.


"Oh, I'll just have a dumpling of lobster. I'm vegan.."


She came back to the table.

"You know what I mean by picking me.. that's why i burst to tears, and why I'm leaving."


She put her chair back and went to the front desk. "Where's the private bathroom for mares?"


"Oh, right over there by the sushi bar."


She ran over there and went inside.


She cried softly..


@Harmony Cube,

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@Adept Aiden Pearce, @ChibiDashie

Shooting sat down as Creamy came over to them. That's odd... She's coming over here... Shooting thought.


"Hey Creamy. If it's not too soon, what happened earlier?" Shooting asked. She smiled at both Raze and Creamy. Wonder what happened earlier... Shooting thought.

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@@Harmony Cube,@,  

Raze was a bit confused to what she was saying. "...huh?" he said when Creamy left the table. "That was... surprising." 


What the hell did she mean by "picking her"? he thought to himself. He looked at the scrap of paper. It was a flyer for a double dance.


"Hey, take a look at this," he said to Shooting, handing her the paper.

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@Adept Aiden Pearce, @ChibiDashie

Shooting looked at the paper. She mentally facehoofed. Now I get it, she ran off the stage because she had a crush on Raze and got jealous so she ran off because we were going couple stuff... She didn't have to leave Manehattan because of that though. Shooting thought.

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@Adept Aiden Pearce,


Creamy's lobster dumpling came to her table. She was so excited to eat at MAZE for the first time..


Creamy thought sadly, But why should I leave just because of a crush. Well because maybe I hate looking at them as a couple.

"Well," she said, "Let's try this dumpling.. maybe I'll order dessert.."


She used her magic to grab the dumpling and put it in her mouth.


She turned around to Shooting and said, "This is scrumptious! You should get it.. also, sorry.. i am jealous.

I shouldn't be like this when you have your first boyfriend. It's just... I've never had a true love. I just wanted to see what love is like.

I just felt like you took it away from me.. Well, sorry.."


She kept eating while thinking, What if she hates me now because of what I just said..? Well, I did explain why. Hopefully she understands.


@Harmony Cube

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@ChibiDashie, @Adept Aiden Pearce

"It's fine, you just could have told me you were jealous and I would have got it." Shooting said. That explains a lot. Still... Hey, I wonder what I should do for Creamy so she's not mad at me... Shooting thought. Maybe she'll always be mad at me, some are like that... She thought, trying to keep herself from sighing and banging her head on the table.

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@@Harmony Cube,


Raze kept quiet throughout. He didn't really know what he should say, it just seemed like a sudden surprise to him.


So, she was jealous.... How the hell did I let that kind of thing slip by me? Maybe I was inadvertently trying to be ignorant... wait, that makes no sense.


A waiter came by to their table. "Welcome to MAZE. Can I get you started with something to drink?"


"Just water for me," Raze said quietly to the waiter. He wrote it down.


"And for you, miss?"

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@, @

Shooting turned to Raze. "Something on your mind, Raze?" Shooting asked. He's being too quiet... Raze always says something. She thought.


When the waiter asked what she wanted she put the menu off the the side of her. "I'll have a lemonade." Shooting said. She looked back at raze.

Edited by Harmony Cube
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@@Harmony Cube @

((OOC: Stick to the plan, Creamy... please? :( ))

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing... I'm just... contemplating something," Raze said, smiling slightly. "I'll be fine, don't worry your pretty little head off about me."

He looked around while waiting for his drinks.


She coulda said something, instead of worrying me and Shooting, he thought again. Then again, if she said something, it might spark some conflict, and I don't think I should be put in that situation. That'd be bad, very bad...

Edited by Adept Aiden Pearce
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@Harmony Cube,


Creamy finally finished her dumpling, and the waiter came to take her plate.


"Any dessert, ma'am?". She answered, "A vanilla crème brulée, please." She handed the stallion the menu as he walked away.

Wow, Raze is awfully quiet today.. It's probably because of what I had said to Shooting..., Creamy thought to herself.


"Here's your dessert, enjoy!", he walked away. She started eating the dessert. She thought it was super good. 


"Ugh.. I wish Raze wouldn't be so mad at me..", She said quietly.


After some minutes, she finished the dessert and put some bits on the table. "Hey, Shooting.. It was nice seeing you. I'll see you at the hotel. I gotta put these suitcases back." She giggled and winked as she walked out the door. 

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"Just making sure your fine." Shooting said. Shooting looked around at the restaurant. What would he be contemplating? I'll figure it out later then! She thought.


"It was nice seeing you too Creamy. See you later!" Shooting said to Creamy, facing her direction.

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@@Harmony Cube

Raze looked at the way Shooting said good-bye to Creamy as she walked out the door.

She's not even mad about it... I think. I guess gotta ask her he thought to himself.

"Hey, how do you feel about this whole jealousy thing with Creamy? Are you mad about it in any way?" he asked Shooting

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

Shooting looked back at Raze. "Not at all! I get it, it's nothing to be in a big fight about. It makes sense for her earlier actions. Mares always work it out in the end." Shooting said calmly, with a smile on her face. "I know everything will work out in the end. Why were you asking?" She asked.

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@@Harmony Cube

"Just wondering," Raze said with a slight smile. "I'm glad that you're not."


The waiter came back with both of their drinks on a circular serving tray. "One water and one lemonade?" He handed both drinks to both Raze and Shooting. "Now, are you both ready to order?"

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

"I don't like it when mares if her over a guy, it's dumb and useless." Shooting said.


When the waiter asked what they wanted she realized she forgot to look at the menu. "Want to just split?" Shooting mouthed to Raze. He scarfed that pizza down last night easy, I could always look though quickly and get something small. Shooting thought.

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@@Harmony Cube

"Sure, we can split," Raze said, looking at the menu.

Though I can't exactly put my hoof on what I want to order... he thought. Hell, I didn't really think it about it at all...


He then decided to settle on a random choice. He randomly put his hoof on an item on the menu: sushi. "I'll just take that. Make it a big platter; I'm splitting it between the two of us."


"Alright; I'll try to get it out to you right away." The waiter left, and Raze smiled sheepishly. "I hope you like sushi..."

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

"I'll have to try it, I've never had sushi before." Shooting said, returning the sheepish smile. "What about you, do you like sushi?" Shooting asked. I hope I'll learn to like sushi, if I don't like it. She thought continuously, her face completely normal.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Harmony Cube,

"I absolutely love sushi," Raze said, smiling to himself thinking about it. "I don't know why, I just have a big taste for it. You might say it's one of my favorite foods..."


"Look, I'm really sorry for making you try something you've never had before..." Raze said, an embarrassed smile on his face.

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@Adept Aiden Pearce

(OOC: Yard-work... It was being nice and as I call it, unnatural for sun around here.)

"Well, if I don't like it, you can have mine. Or I just get full..." Shooting said.


"It's fine, if I don't like it, as I said, you can have it or I can just have a big dinner tonight. Don't feel bad, alright?" Shooting said. She noticed his embarrassed smile. "It's just fine, don't worry about me." Shooting smiled.

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@@Harmony Cube

((OOC: Sorry for the delay; I had to go to someone's graduation party...))

Raze smiled back at Shooting. And that's why I love her. She's always so understanding and nice...

After a short wait, the waiter came back with their order. "Here you are, one assorted sushi platter," he said, setting it down, along with two pairs of chopsticks. "Enjoy!"


"Thanks," Raze said to the waiter, then began to eat.

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"Thanks." Shooting said when the platter was placed on the table. She took the chopsticks and ate a piece of sushi. Not so bad, I could go with it or without it. Shooting thought as she took another bite. "What do you think of the sushi here?" Shooting asked him.

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@@Harmony Cube

Raze took a bite out of one piece. "It's pretty good. Then again, I think it probably should. This place is Gourdon Ponies restaurant, and he is a really strict chef when it comes to anything. 'This food is too oily! The lobster is undercooked! Look at this food. It. Is. Raw!'" Raze said, imitating him. "Chef Gourdon only hires the best."

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"Point." Shooting laughed. "But you probably shouldn't imitate him, he might have cameras around." Shooting joked. Her laughing died into giggling. That came out as a joke, but it had some truth in it. I hope there aren't actual camera around here... Shooting thought, still giggling.

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@@Harmony Cube

"Maybe," Raze said, laughing as well. "Oh, sweet Celestia, what if it's true?" he said jokingly. "What if he's watching and he does take me to work in some kitchen just to complain about how crappy a cook I really am? I gotta hide after this..." He dipped his head and tried to act discrete, at the same time still eating his food.

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"You'll be put in jail then." Shooting said jokingly. She was in the middle of a bit when Raze pretended to hide and nearly choked. Shooting returned to her giggling. Shooting kept eating her sushi, still smiling. He's really random for that, that was really funny. Shooting thought.

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