GXPBlast 597 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 (edited) We all know that many haters depict bronies as people who clop to MLP characters or are just creepy people who have romantic feelings for cartoon horses. Just being a brony alone for liking a kids show meant for little girls and being harassed about is is bad enough.There are many bronies who just like the show for what it is and are not involved in the clopping or have romantic feelings for fictional horses or the "waifus". Some even look down on that part of the fandom.But even for the bronies that convinced their families or friends that they just like the show and are not part of the more "mature rated" part of the fandom and they accepted that, what if they are actually hiding that negative stigma that is given upon many bronies such as clopping or just being so attached to their favorite pony that they would like to have a romantic relationship with a fictional character.For those bronies who are into the more "mature rated" part of the fandom, how would people around you react if they found out you do indeed clop or are heavily involved in fantasy RP's similar to what is on MLP forums as well as "what if" threads of being in a relationship with your waifu. For me I am a closet brony and the people around me especially my family would go crazy if they found out I am a brony in general. So nobody knows I am a brony except people on the forum.Any of you guys have people catch you liking clop or getting deeply involved in RP's or thread "what if" situations involving romantic relationships with ponies? If so describe what happened.If it has not happened what do you think would happen if you were caught? What I mean by caught is just finding out you like such material but not in the actual act of doing so lol. Edited May 19, 2014 by GXPBlast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lighting Star 93 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Well my close group of friends wouldn't see it as out of the ordinary for me, cause they know me too well. We all prescribe to the mindset "To each there own" and we never judge anyone for anything they do. Heck, I actually made it clear one day when we were recording a video over skype that I was looking at Sonic the Hedgehog hentia the entire time and they didn't mind. 1 On a one-stallion war against all trolls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryzu 984 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 (edited) If I was even caught looking at a pony I would be eaten alive if I wasn't making fun of it. My Village SUCKS. Edited May 21, 2014 by Ryzu 1 And I won't allow you to blind those who are important to me! Looking for some friends to chat with? Join The Party Pony Plaza! Click Here! Show me who I am HERE. OCs: Faron Trail Burning Ash Wendy Skies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 (edited) Anybody who knows me knows I'm deeply in love with Rainbow Dash. I would go to the ends of reality for her, simply because I can't see living my life without her. She's my happiness, my joy, and my whole world. If she were real, I'd ask her out in a heartbeat. Of course, when I admit this anywhere else but here, I get the usual weirdo/beastiality responses, but I don't care. I'm proud of Rainbow, I'm proud to be in love with her, and I would never, ever, be ashamed to admit that. Edit: this is about clopping?! Oh god, my post sounds so bad now! I thought this was a discussion about Waifus!!! Edited May 19, 2014 by Dinos4Ever 3 Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 (edited) It would end so horribly that I don't even want to think about it, I already got that awkward "don't wear pony shirts because a bunch of perverts make porn of the show and 'jack off to it', the brony fandom is full of pedophiles, you won't find a girlfriend and people will think you are one of them and beat the hell out of you" speech from my Mom because my brony hating brother for whatever reason just had to tell her about the "dark" side of the fandom because he is "concerned". Part of me does want to tell them though just so I don't have that in the back of my mind but another part of me says that there is a crap load of other fetishes I have that I haven't told them because it is none of their business because I am full grown adult damn it. How the hell would you explain something like that? Especially when you already know that the response is going to be extremely hostile. It is one thing for random strangers and other people to find out but family? That is a nightmare. Edited May 19, 2014 by EarthbendingProdigy Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GXPBlast 597 May 19, 2014 Author Share May 19, 2014 Well my close group of friends wouldn't see it as out of the ordinary for me, cause they know me too well. We all prescribe to the mindset "To each there own" and we never judge anyone for anything they do. Heck, I actually made it clear one day when we were recording a video over skype that I was looking at Sonic the Hedgehog hentia the entire time and they didn't mind. Now thats some awesome friends. Sadly alot of people are not as lucky Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Appleloosa 90 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 (edited) Honestly devastating. My sister knows (she got me hooked) and my parents would understand and not think twice on it. But my peers, oh GOD my peers. Im a really sporty guy, so If my teammates found out, my season would be a nightmare. We already get on each other for every little thing, imagine MLP. I would honestly quit. My friends are a mix of open/anti/indifferent to bronies. Mostly anti- though. UNLESS they just act that way to cover their interests. And yea, the girl I talk to probably will stop talking to me altogether. Best keep it a secret. EDIT: OH GOD DID NOT KNOW IT WAS ABOUT CLOPPING OTHERWISE THAT WHOLE "MY SIS GOT ME HOOKED" PART WOULD HAVE BEEN REALLY WEIRD HONESTLY THOUGHT IT WAS ABOUT JUST LIKING THE SHOW. NOTE TO SELF: READ THE TOPIC ALL THE WAY THROUGH NEXT TIME (I dont clop) Edited May 19, 2014 by Appleloosa 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nulln 755 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 I'm not into that, but I think my friend is. haha I would never bring that up with family if I were though, that'd just be a whole new level of weird. I wouldn't expect them to be ok with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 I don't think my family would react very well. I can imagine my mom getting extremely concerned and trying to get me to see a therapist. It's harder to tell exactly how my dad would react but I don't think it would be much better. Then again I don't tell my parents anything. I've been keeping secrets since elementary school. Most of those secrets aren't things I'm ashamed of or that I view as bad. Just things I know my parents would have a hard time accepting. I love them, but I've never really felt like I could trust them with the knowledge of these things. Especially considering I've got more NSFW art of ponies than I do people. I don't even remember the last time I looked up anything like that involving humans. I can imagine that fact making it even worse. 2 Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'aiq the Liar 5,804 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 The same reaction when someone says they want to have intercourse with a celebrity or a favorite adult entertainment star. Slight shock, and then complete apathy. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vera-yeoman-r5921Muh pleb tier OC .http://mlpforums.com/blog/1663/entry-12477-pony-waifu-wedding-13-maiq-x-fleetfoot/ MLP forum's #1 Fleetfoot fan also married to fleetfoot <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windseeker 546 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 I don't think my family would react very well. I can imagine my mom getting extremely concerned and trying to get me to see a therapist. It's harder to tell exactly how my dad would react but I don't think it would be much better. Then again I don't tell my parents anything. I've been keeping secrets since elementary school. Most of those secrets aren't things I'm ashamed of or that I view as bad. Just things I know my parents would have a hard time accepting. I love them, but I've never really felt like I could trust them with the knowledge of these things. Especially considering I've got more NSFW art of ponies than I do people. I don't even remember the last time I looked up anything like that involving humans. I can imagine that fact making it even worse. Exactly! I been through the same thing. And forget humans! Ponies don't alter your perspectives of real life females, or animals for that matter. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celtore 2,770 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Well, everyone has at least one skeleton in the closet. Anything of this nature being "outed" to the would would trigger a negative response. That being said though, this would still be one ghastly skeleton. My friends and family wouldn't mention anything because that isn't the sort of thing they'd want to bring up. If I found my friend was on some kind of weird adult forum, I'm not going to discuss it with him or pursue further, that's their business. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nit Pick 247 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 I'm sure people would react the same way with ANY rule number 34 porn. People been 'enjoying' Balto porn when that movie came out. Way way back, people been perusing through Disney's Robin Hood Porn, need I say Disney's Jungle Book? Heck even Lion King had fans claiming adult Nala as their Waifu as well. I just don't think this whole pony porn business shouldn't be hated by it's self, to those who hate MLP rule 34 stuff; I say hate all rule 34 porn. MLP porn is no different to me than Animaniacs porn. You CAN have a distaste for the other but calling out on Bronies who clop while said hater is enjoying Backyardigans porn; is just plain hypocritical. I hope all that made sense. 2 Nit Pick's ask blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lighting Star 93 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 I'm sure people would react the same way with ANY rule number 34 porn. People been 'enjoying' Balto porn when that movie came out. Way way back, people been perusing through Disney's Robin Hood Porn, need I say Disney's Jungle Book? Heck even Lion King had fans claiming adult Nala as their Waifu as well. I just don't think this whole pony porn business shouldn't be hated by it's self, to those who hate MLP rule 34 stuff; I say hate all rule 34 porn. MLP porn is no different to me than Animaniacs porn. You CAN have a distaste for the other but calling out on Bronies who clop while said hater is enjoying Backyardigans porn; is just plain hypocritical. I hope all that made sense. You are probably one of the most rational people I've ever met when it comes to this topic 2 On a one-stallion war against all trolls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Regulus 2,769 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 (edited) I'd assume that people would react negatively. I would say that I'd be disowned, but I doubt it would go that far. I'm not sure, honestly, and it's something I probably won't ever have to deal with. I'm an adult. I live on my own, and I look after myself. The only way anyone would ever find out about my presence in this fandom (or worse) would be if they invaded my privacy. And in that case, it would be along the lines of, "if you didn't want to know about it, then you shouldn't have been looking for it." I mean... it really isn't anyone's business what my fetishes and love interests are, except in regard to the person who is my love interest. I'm pretty sure everyone has something to hide, and while I'm not specifically a clopper, I have other weird fantasies that are similar enough to be comparable. Heck even Lion King had fans claiming adult Nala as their Waifu as well. Well... ugh... this is awkward. *whistles* Still, there are worse things. Actual bestiality and pedophilia are much worse than your run-of-the-mill clopping, as is anything unconscentual. Maybe I just haven't seen much, but what I've seen hasn't exactly struck me as being any worse than your typical human on human porn. It's just weird, not necessarily something inherently unethical. And while people react strongly to weird things, I think it's important to remember that everyone is a little deviant. I can't see it as being any different than foot fetishes, urine fetishes, or boob fetishes, or anything of the like. Clopping is only considered weird because of the time we live in. What is socially acceptable changes based on culture--I'm sure that somewhere in the world, at some time in history, it would have been viewed as perfectly fine. Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't tell anyone. I wouldn't want anyone to find out, either. However, if someone did find out, I'd probably want to die of embarrassment. That's really all it is, though. I wouldn't say that there's a skeleton in my closet that's any worse than anyone elses, I'm just saying that I don't want anyone to see what's inside of my closet. And on the flip side, if anyone admitted to being a clopper in front of me, I'd just shrug it off. It's no big deal to me. Unfortunately, I do think that other people would react unnecessarily strongly and negatively to such a thing. Edited May 19, 2014 by Regulus 2 Tumblr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GXPBlast 597 May 19, 2014 Author Share May 19, 2014 (edited) Anybody who knows me knows I'm deeply in love with Rainbow Dash. I would go to the ends of reality for her, simply because I can't see living my life without her. She's my happiness, my joy, and my whole world. If she were real, I'd ask her out in a heartbeat. Of course, when I admit this anywhere else but here, I get the usual weirdo/beastiality responses, but I don't care. I'm proud of Rainbow, I'm proud to be in love with her, and I would never, ever, be ashamed to admit that. Edit: this is about clopping?! Oh god, my post sounds so bad now! I thought this was a discussion about Waifus!!! Honestly devastating. My sister knows (she got me hooked) and my parents would understand and not think twice on it. But my peers, oh GOD my peers. Im a really sporty guy, so If my teammates found out, my season would be a nightmare. We already get on each other for every little thing, imagine MLP. I would honestly quit. My friends are a mix of open/anti/indifferent to bronies. Mostly anti- though. UNLESS they just act that way to cover their interests. And yea, the girl I talk to probably will stop talking to me altogether. Best keep it a secret. EDIT: OH GOD DID NOT KNOW IT WAS ABOUT CLOPPING OTHERWISE THAT WHOLE "MY SIS GOT ME HOOKED" PART WOULD HAVE BEEN REALLY WEIRD HONESTLY THOUGHT IT WAS ABOUT JUST LIKING THE SHOW. NOTE TO SELF: READ THE TOPIC ALL THE WAY THROUGH NEXT TIME (I dont clop) No need to be ashamed of being a clopper. What one does in their own privacy should not bother anyone as long as nobody was harmed. Its not just about clopping though, its anything that involves the deeper part of the MLP fandom that some may find weird such as having crushes on fictional characters or roleplaying as if you were actually were interacting with ponies. Edited May 19, 2014 by GXPBlast 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 No need to be ashamed of being a clopper. What one does in their own privacy should not bother anyone as long as nobody was harmed. Its not just about clopping though, its anything that involves the deeper part of the MLP fandom that some may find weird such as having crushes on fictional characters or roleplaying as if you were actually were interacting with ponies. Well, I'm not really a clopper, but that second part kinda applies to me. Does ranking to a plushie as if she were real count as "role playing"? Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GXPBlast 597 May 19, 2014 Author Share May 19, 2014 (edited) Well, I'm not really a clopper, but that second part kinda applies to me. Does ranking to a plushie as if she were real count as "role playing"? I guess talking to an inanimate object as if it was a living thing may be considered a living a fantasy that some would find out there and label the fandom negatively. As others have said, there are far worse fetishes out there that are way worse than MLP NSFW material and in some cases more accepted which is really hypocritical on those peoples part. Edited May 19, 2014 by GXPBlast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ziggy + Angel + Rain 11,303 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 (edited) Though I've been met mostly with acceptance by close family members / friends (I think family can be friends, too), *I* felt a bit more awkward admitting that... I actually enjoyed the show lol. The other thing actually predated my entry proper into the fandom. What I think happened was: I let slip during an online chat with a cousin that I liked the ponies a bit more than some. And, some time thereafter, oh... Other people in my itty bitty social circle suddenly knew. See if I tell my cousin about my amorous feelings regarding colorful, talking cartoon ponies again!!1! (Actually, I linked a perfectly SFW - albeit somewhat risque - pic of Pinkie Pie to my cousin's FB page sometime later.) Only my cousin seemed weirded out by it at all (and not significantly so, I don't think), and he seemed okay with it once I assured him that I wouldn't be jumping any fences and "getting to know" any real-life mares. My brother never gave me any flack for it whatsoever, and a friend - with no interest in NSFW pony stuff themselves - kinda wanted to send me pony pics. That's what I call a friend, right there. I've even gone so far as to inform my mother that I was "attracted" to the ponygirls. But hell - she knows I had the hots at some point for a cartoon mouse lol, so I doubt the pony thing even phased her. And perhaps I gave her a clue or two years ago when I all of a sudden HAD TO HAVE some pony figures. I'm becoming less and less guarded concerning my special affection for the ponies; though I'm likelier to ogle a perfectly SFW (or even show-derived) image than anything else. Though I have been to the darker corners of the internet - and lived to tell the tale!! I used to watch stuff with tentacles, and that basically prepares you for most anything. Idunno how I'd deal with a stranger or neighbor getting on my case about MLP. Maybe if I told them I had the hots for Rainbow Dash they'd just slowwwly back away?? Edit: I actually have an extraordinary amount of affection for RD lol. I answered in the affirmative on another topic concerning making hybrid pony / human babies, so... Yeah. ^^; Edited May 19, 2014 by PegaMister "It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessper 735 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Well, as far as family goes, on the occasional weekend lunch or phonecall I have with my parents, we have a tendency to not talk about masturbation at all. That might be just my family tho. It's hard to catch me per se, since I live alone and have security doors. As for friends, I think everyone knows about my "clop", since we have the bad habit of always talking about such things. Also each of the people I call friends knows me well enough to not be shocked, disgusted judmental or surprised - the fact I don't befriend biggoted, close-minded asshats helps as well, I would think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John 793 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Finding people to admit to this would be a very hard task haha. Also keep in mind that there are varying degrees of such behavior. Some people enjoy their pretend-romance without the "clopping" bit. Others just watch the show without even considering it. Everyone is different. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nit Pick 247 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 You are probably one of the most rational people I've ever met when it comes to this topic YAY! Thank you! I have Aspergers so I couldn't sound this concise if I wanted to in person. Nit Pick's ask blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 Honestly, I'm getting very tired of society's incessant need to label everyone with these black and white titles. You're a brony, you're a furry, you're a clopper, you're a zoophile, you're a this, you're a that, this one's ok, this one's not, blabbity blah. It's just gets tiresome. My policy has always been that I am tolerant of whatever a person wants to do as long as they are not hurting anyone else. That condition is pretty vague, as well. What constitutes "hurting others" could obviously be debated all day. Everyone is going to have their own definition. But, anyway, that's my policy. If you aren't hurting others, then whatever you do in the privacy of your home is fine by me. That said, everyone has fantasies. Everyone has fleeting thoughts that they wouldn't want anyone else to see. Having a random fantasy or fleeting thought about some animal or cartoon character being sexy or some such doesn't mean you have to now identify as some specific group member. They're just harmless fantasies. And if you do identify as part of the group, that's fine too. It's not a big deal. None of it is a big deal. You can daydream about being in a romantic relationship with a pony or something. They're just thoughts. It's harmless, and it doesn't mean you're weird or f*cked up or something. Moreover, I think that hating anyone for having random fantasies is just hypocritical. Society just needs to chill and stop labeling everyone and building up these assumptions and negative connotations of what said label means. Hope my ramblings made at least some sense. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GXPBlast 597 May 19, 2014 Author Share May 19, 2014 (edited) Hope my ramblings made at least some sense. It made great sense. Awesome post. Edited May 19, 2014 by GXPBlast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 May 19, 2014 Share May 19, 2014 I'm sure people would react the same way with ANY rule number 34 porn. I wish that was the case but nope there are plenty of people who will unzip their pants and go to town on themselves for futa and tentacle hentai but if someone does it to cartoon ponies they must be some sick bastard. My Mom found out I watched porn years back and was fairly understanding about it but judging by that same "speech" she gave me that I mentioned in my previous post her response to my clop collection wouldn't be as understanding. I wouldn't be disowned but there would probably be a lot of talk about how it isn't "normal" and probably pressure for me to get "help" for it. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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