My head felt weird, it wanted to Both hurt her and hug her and cry. Instead something slipped out, and I'm not saying me. The sonofabitch fat stallion stepped out of the back. He was fat, brown small strips of hair that looked combed over, his cutie mark being a cider mug and a single pre-war bit. As I said, he was a sonofabitch. He was my boss someday back. Caught me drinking on the job. It seemed like he was wobbling with his weight, hitting the bar counter sometimes. He then said in a snobby, pig like, deep voice, "Line Plucker... Aren't you banned here, remember?" I picked my head, and gave a sarcastic smile, "Well, hi to you too, Mug, how's your ribs." He then put his hoof on his ribs, yes I broke almost all his ribs. He said to me in a far deeper, darker voice, although still disgustingly like a pig, "You will pay, and I told you to get out, Line Plucker"
I then picked up my face, and smirked, "I am paying, you see my caps, I'll add a cap for each one of my Next drink. I know you like them caps, don't ya" He then darted his eyes from my purse to my eyes, then he said, "Well... You can stay if you keep up with your deal. i don't want you messing with my new bartender." He then walked over and looked at Caprisha who was... Nuzzling me. He said, "Why, what a beautiful Mare, do you want to see a real Stallions is like in bed." I then darted to the occasion, "Fuck off or I'll break more bones!" He then gave a sneer and walked off. I then looked to Caprisha, "Don't listen to the fucker, he'll rape you, drug you and sell you." I then started to tap my hindleg hooves on the wood, I then saw behind me... A stallion trying to drag Libby out while she was passed out, book still in hoof. I pointed my rifle at him, "put her back over here or I will hurt you bad, raper..." That stallion then did just that, although the earth pony Stallion said back in a angerful voice, "Fuck you, Bitch!" I calmly replied, "come back and see how that turns out!" He then huffed off, mad. I hope they understand what I just did for them. I then realized, a little better now that I got to release steam, which is rare. "hey, sorry about them. It's just, I don't feel right. I just don't wanna talk, let's just talk about other things... Please?"