eh eh hem
to those who have been effected my the annoyance of the character limit blog its twisted clones and the return of the bitching and moaning of people who after four Feld0 damn months still have seem to adjusted to it.
I did not wish for this to happen my only purpose was to convince the newer member not to bypass the character limit because they will start to rack up warning point and once they hit 500 like my self it will start to get bad for them, so new members plz do not byp
I took a quick nap, and started dreaming weird nonsense, that I forgot about but after a while I started to have a dream with more sense, but still didn't have much sense at all. I had a dream with my dead grandma, who died in 2006 at the age of 84, I'm still not sure to this day the reason of her death. I just have in mind that she died due of complications for being old...
well, this is more of a slice of dream, because my dreams most times don't make sense, I mean, they do make sense when
Last night, I had a few really strange dreams.
In the first one (not really all that strange), I dreamed it was Thursday already and I had to go to work. All of my family members were being annoying. That's it.
In the second one, my brother's ex-girlfriend somehow got hold of my jumping stilts and was jumping around a city. Then she fell into a fountain, where she proceeded to swim.
In the third one, I was in the same city from the second dream. The government had decided that there
So like many people I am a HUGE fan of a Japanese animation studio named Studio Ghibli! Studio Ghibli is best known for their movies such as My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away
Though for the longest time I haven't seen a large chunk of the Studio Ghibli library, so I'm correcting that today by watching a bunch of Ghibli animations that I haven't watched!
I figured since I'm doing this I might as well take a break to write a few mini-reviews on the movies, spoiler free of course!
Let's see, I haven't made a post lately, so here goes nothing...
So first a topic...
Should I choose something controversial, so there is stuff to talk about, yet not have the subject be taboo...
Or something about my daily life or a recent event...
I'm going to go with my life, seems more easy.
Now we need an event.
How about writing this, that seems like fun.
So I'm writing about writing a blog...
So currently it's almost 3:00 A.M. Here, I realized no one would car
So today in warz me and my friend joined a server and both spawned in Clearveiw and Clearveiw is a PvP hotspot so we hid in the bed of a truck only to see 4 guy rinning down the street popping zombies off with there guns and they were running right at us so we just sat there as he ran up and gave us a hammer and asked if i had skype so after adding him i was invited into a call of 6 other players who was in the same server so we looked pretty badass walking around Clearveiw in a large group. Lat
Meh, at least I thought it was pretty funny. But hey, quantity over quality right!
Or maybe it was the other way around....
Ah well, can't have it all can we?
I really love this picture and i personally think it represents not only this site but the whole MLP fan base in general. I mean little kids are not the only MLP fans and in fact you need to be 13 to even have an account on this website so basicly repeat this quote when ever any body tells you anything negitive about loving ponies. I know I do.
Now I stumbled upon this pic by accident but now I can place it on here and anybody can proof if they are a brony. It's kind of like a game: if you awnser corectly you qualify and can (in my mind) legaly be called a Brony! So go ahead and see if you can name all the ponies in this pic!
We all think that the mane 6 look really good with the hair styles they have. but I am willing to change that. Take a look at this pic and you will see what i mean! Now tell me who you think looks best with whos style!
Now that you have thought about who is faster, would they make a good team? You know like in one of the Sonic games if half way trough you could change into Rainbow Dash!
Nightmare Moon was a intreasting foe but how do we know Luna ever wanted to become Nightmare Moon. I mean she says sorry once she is transformed back into herself. She was just jelous like all of us get, but that is just my theory. What do you guys think, do you think she was just jelous and everything more or less happened by accident or that it was more planned or something totally different?
Twilight Sparkle may have a seceret, and that secret may be a whole other life. In this pic Rarity has found somthing interesting while snooping and look what she found.
Hi y'all, and welcome to my second rant blog. This issue that I'm going to address is really delicate and probably risky for my account, but I want to take the risk, because I won't keep my mouth shut when it feels like something it's unfair to me and because this is a problem, that for me, still has the wound open and hasn't fully healed.
I think that the moderating system has a big flaw. Now, is not about the work they do to keep in balance this forums, in fact, they do an AMAZING job, it
One Bad Apple? More like One Bad Episode!
Okay, okay, I kid! I guess Pinkie Pie got me in the mood to make some bad puns!
But I guess I'm not all that impressed with the new episode. Its not really bad, but rather its generic. Normally I'm okay with MLP:FiM picking up these really generic plot structures because they usually have a pretty original spin on it, but it really doesn't pay off this time in my opinion.
It has the usual CMC episode adorableness, so if you are looking for ju
So, you all know how the Homepage looks like:
And I found myself annoyed by two things:
The "Subscribe" button which is actually superfluous.
The Information box which rotates to partially useful things but in the end it is just a visual distraction.
To cure this problem in the easiest way possible I use AdBlock+. Obviously this sounds weird as neither are ads. But the way AdBlock+ operates is that it just makes the frames/divs of ads invisible. The same thing can be applie
Note: this was pasted from my Tumblur. I want your reviews and opinions on to whether this is accurate. If not, please comment or send feedback to my Tumblur.
I want to explain what a brony is.
No no! O dear goodness no. Thats a clopper. I'll make a note about them and another form of My Little Pony (MLP) fan base after this one about Bronies.
A Brony is a teen/adult Male or female (normally male. For females its Pegasister), that is proud to watch "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic",