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One Year Retrospect

Rising Dusk


One Year Retrospect


Good evening everypony!  So, one year ago on this day, I took my first step into The Herd and oh what a journey it has been!  To honor this moment, I decided I'd reflect upon this past year to share some of my experiences and take the time to say a special thank you to some awesome pony friends that I've met along the way. :wub:


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I want to start with a little background on how I got here to begin with.  A story I shared in my Introduction, but that was a year ago so it's probably long buried.  When the first season of FiM premiered, I did actually watch the first five episodes.  I found the two part beginning quite intriguing that gave me the vibe of a show that might be along the lines of Sailor Moon, Card Captors or any of the many magic girl anime the west was being introduced to at the time.  After finding out through the next three episodes that the show was less about the Elements of Harmony super powers, I lost interest.  Too busy with college, my WoW addiction and other fandom interests to add another.  As time passed, I knew the Brony Fandom grew as a thing.  Seeing them pop up around campus and of course the peak moments that hit 4Chan like a wrecking ball.  I remained indifferent about it, not knowing any Bronies personally at the time and being part of another obscure fandom, had learned to accept others for what they like. :mlp_please:

Fast forward to, well, a year ago and work had taken me overseas.  Now I wont say they were dark days or that I slipped into depression, but I will say that I could feel the isolation.  Family and friends that my whole life I've been use to talking to everyday, or gaming with everyday after work/school, were all now on the other side of the planet.  As I was going to work, they were coming home from work, when I was getting ready for bed, they were just waking up.  Only leaving the narrow two days on the weekend anytime to do anything with them.  Getting to know the ones I worked with though I actually met my first Brony, well face to face anyways.  He was really shy and introverted, but we shared many other interests that helped break the ice pretty quickly.  And apparently I'd been the first person he'd talk to in a long time that wasn't bothered by his pony interest, still pretty indifferent.  Talking more and more with him though, I decided to do a little research on what the fandom was doing these days.  Then I stumbled across a documentary on YouTube called The Brony Chronicles - A Documentary on My Little Pony and Bronies by Saberspark.  It was really well made, with the most catchy intro song ever, and managed to get me to take a second look at the show, which was luckily all on Netflix. Giving it a real shot this time, I got hooked easily.  Even though I am a late bloomer to the fandom, I wouldn't say I regret not picking it up earlier.  I actually prefer to think FiM entered my life when I best needed it.  I didn't need anything complex, but what it really came down to, is that the show did something so simple...  It just made me smile. :mlp_yeehaa:

Next thing I knew, I was plowing through the episodes.  So many funny moments, smiles, emotional strings, stories and characters I just couldn't put it down. :darling:

The Herd

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I hadn't quite finished the first season when I reached out to the community and found the MLP Forums.  I made my Introduction post, but wasn't expecting much.  I'd joined other fandom forums before, all of which that went un-replied to with maybe a couple of views.  To my surprise though, I was getting responses within minutes of me posting, and for days after ponies were still welcoming me to The Herd.  I was shocked, stunned of not seeing anything like this in my many years.  This really kept my interest though, so I stuck around.  Lurking the forums and making a post here and there.  Whether about the show or other topics, nothing too deep.  Still trying to find my hoofs though I finally settled into the Cloudsdale Colosseum  Forum Games section and just hopped around playing in as many as I good between breaks at work or whatever game I was playing at home.  Still though, I quite hadn't felt I found my place yet. :adorkable:

Over the course of a week I was noticing this one topic kept popping up with Hot Topic and always at the top of Recently Posted In, but had no idea what it even meant.  That is when I discovered the WPCC.  I drink coffee and was a working pony, it just kinda made sense.  This is where I met probably the first pony I really engaged with.  Our most glorious and best princess of all, Princess @Alexshy!  She was so kind to welcome me to the WPCC and really opened up a whole new world in the forums to me.  Before I knew it, I was logging in for my morning cup of coffee and I had these three other ponies, @The Recherche @Mirage @Flutterstep, quickly rushing me along to change my avatar into a DJ Pon3 one and jump into somepony's status page for a dance party where we link music and commented on them.  I didn't even know these three very well, but there were already including me, it was awesome!  So for many months, I spent a lot of time in the WPCC where I met so really awesome ponies.  It was a lot of fun where it peaked into extreme chaos while how active it became, luckily when I got on so I could join in, but sadly like most things, came to an end as many moved on.  Many of the friends I made through the WPCC have gone inactive, but I continue to wish them the best and enjoyment of purple ponies.  I now have most my fun just posting in status updates. :dash:

I've enjoyed many of the forum events, so great kudos to the staff ponies for putting those together, especially the holiday ones.  I'm also quite grateful to have been a part of Team Moon and all the fun we've had this year for the Championship.  Overall, I've really loved the show and there isn't a better fandom community I can think of that matches this one.  I've loved the fan art and had a hoof of pieces commissioned that I couldn't see myself really doing for my other fandoms. :fluttershy:

Special Thanks

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Now I know I won't manage to get everypony that's had an impact on my time in the community, but if you're booped every Friday by me, then know that you have.  I might not have had enough time to get to know you enough, but hope I will in the future.  I do want to say some special thank yous to those that helped make the last year at least 200% cooler!  No.. That's not a typo. :-P

First to the regal Princess @Alexshy for accepting me into the WPCC and making me one of her Night Watch.  To the most fabulous @The Recherche and his best coffee ever, also super active in the WPCC so I always had a pony to talk to.  To the mystical @Mirage and all the fun DJ Pon3 dance parties we had.  To the tail nomming @Flutterstep for all the treats and status page to throw said parties.  To @CypherHoof for being the best coffee senpai.  To the adorkable @Wannabrony and being the best purple pone.  To @Fluttershy Friend for making sure I have my correct dose of Fluttershy kindness.  To @Longhaul, yeah I see you sneak on every now and then, and being the best Night Watch Bro.  To @Blitz Boom for the amazing RP on the forums, (Sorry the reply will be delayed so I could work on this.)  To @Lord Valtasar for the chats and newly converted naan bread lover.  To @Tacolantern for the daily chat and dose of best earth pone.  To @AJ2489 for my dose of Apples.  To @Rarity the Supreme, oh by the by ya'll, this is who ya'll can blame for your weekly dose of boops, they got me hooked long ago. To @Rikifive for bringing the power!  To @Sparklefan1234 for the daily status updates that give a fun head scratchier and awe moments.  To  @Vintjack Greasymane and @Nightfall Thunder for being part of the Blue Pony group and all the parties we put together for the WPCC.  To @Twilight Luna for all the conversations, muffins, coffee and best pones you make sure I'm never a day without.  And to the most sweet muffin, Move-Over-Raindbow Dash-A-More-Best-Weather-Pone-Is-Here @TheTaZe.  Also a special shout out to Sgtwaflez, he isn't on the forums, for making me take a second look at the show.

Thank you.

Phew, out of breath.  But really, thank you all so much for being as awesome as ya'll are.  And to anypony that is on my boop list.  Whether I met you in the WPCC or being one of those nice individuals that welcomed me in the beginning or even some of the new friends I met in status pages.  I look forward to getting to know some of ya'll better. :ticking:

Here's to a great first year, and for another great year to follow!

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here's to many more years, and all the naan and the mochi !
i had quite the oposite problem when i first joined the fandom which is even less than a year ago, i was on when activity was the lowest, but everyone still managed to find my posts and the games even if a bit late, this comunity sure has it's way of making you feel included

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One year? It feels like it was longer than that. :-P

Really nice story you have there, :darling: I've never met a brony irl. :-P

 I'm happy that you had a great time here and I hope, that the next years will be even better! :mlp_yeehaa:

Happy anniversary~! :mlp_yay::balloon:

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Happy anniversary my friend!:balloon:

I’m extremely pleased to hear that your first year with us has been as positive as it has.:mlp_grin:

You’re a good pony Rising Dusk. But then, I wouldn't expect anything less from my partner in boops.:-P

I hope that your remaining months and/or years on this website can live up to the high standards set by the last three hundred and sixty five days, and even though I may not be a part of that future, I wish you nothing but the best going forward.


@Rising Dusk


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@Rising Dusk

It's been a pleasure to do RP with ya mate, and I can't wait to see what will next come out of that devious little mind of yours that always seem to have some sort of answer for whatever is put in your way. :) You're honestly one of the best I've ever dealt with in that regards, and it's an honor to be mentioned in your one year anniversary speech. Here's for another year full of adventure, danger, and of course, copious amounts of cupcakes. :D Cue the fireworks!

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Also, don't worry one bit about delays. I ain't going anywhere, and neither is the thread, so it'll be there once you're ready for it. :mlp_yeehaa:

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Happy One Year Anniversary, Dusk! :darling: It is my utmost pleasure to have been at your side for the majority of your current run. No matter what may come next, I wish you good fortune in your future endeavors!

I believe a special one year anniversary coffee is in order, no? :-D


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Good evening, my friend! :D

I'm glad to hear your first year here has been amazing – I hope the next one is every bit as good, or even better! :ticking: Thanks for being an awesome friend! :rarity: A day wouldn't be complete without your status updates – even on a not-so-good day, it always cheers me (and I'm sure a lot of others too) up to read them, see the cute ponies you post and of course have a little chat! :mlp_yay: And no matter what kind of day you have, you're always friendly to everyone (even on Tuesdays)! :kindness:

Happy forumversary to you, and may there be many more to come! :grin:

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Well that was very kind of you! It's good to know you've had so many positive experiences here. :ticking:

And I'm always ready for a dance party. :D


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Thank you for your kind words friend! You are really nice pony who always have good words for the others.:P I usually read your status updates although answer very rarely simply because you are saying "good morning" while I am going to say "good night". ^_^

Congratulations @Rising Dusk ! Happy Forumanniversairy!:mlp_yay:


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Wow, you've been here for a year already? It has seemed like longer! Anyways, the past year with you and I have been fun! I would want to do it again!

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What can I say? This was really moving. :bedeyes: I’m so happy that you discovered this website. It’s people like you that keep me coming back here despite not having watched MLP in years - I really need to catch up someday. :adorkable:

Thank you for mentioning me! :fluttershy: I may not have much to offer in conversation, but have always enjoyed reading your statuses and nice comments. :dash: I hope you stick around and enjoy your time here for as long as it lasts. :)


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