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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. I can do lonely. Put me down for lonely. I can have it to you by tomorrow night. Does it need to be in color or will a simple ink or pencil drawing do?
  2. Every person wants to feel something....love....friendship....to feel apart of something. When you stop being somebody and start to become somepony, its a transformation in yourself. Yes there are people who just think its a cool show and after a few years it will leave them with just good memories but for some of us.....for a lot of us, its more then that. Its a lifestyle change. Yesterday we were talking about Rule 34 stuff and going back and forth with ponies who were for and against it. I added that a lot of people in their RP do hook ups and then when the story progresses that far, do the "fade to black" thing. We all know what happened in that room with those ponies and no one bats an eye. Now think about that................They. are. PONIES. PONIES...sleeping together ina romantic fashion. Now if I came to any of you 4 years ago and said "Yo, did you know you'd find RPing out a relationship as a horse and then sleeping with another horse appealing in a few years..and maybe taking a slight peek at some R34 stuff would be your thing" would you have believed me? NO! I use that as an extreme example that the community changes you...your perspectives and your own tolerance levels. Not every pony likes the same things but the longer you are in it, it changes you on a personal level. Its not a bad change, its a good change. We are at the beginning of it my fellow mares and gentlecolts. We must be careful to lay solid foundation so that those that join us everyday and those still far in the future can enjoy what we have now. Be an example. Lead by example and remember......Friendship may be magic, but its loyal, honest, generous, kind and fun ponies that put that magic IN friendship. Obsidian
  3. My name is Obsidian Winter. I'm a Mare who has a cutie mark of a Cresent Moon with a Snowflake in the center of it. I'm an adult, I work, I have 2 kids and I love MLP:FiM. Theres something else I love too though and thats this community. I started here on November 24th and have practically lived here since. Its been astonishing to me how few fights there are here, the friendships that are made, the art that is created....the coming together when people post hardships in their life. It really is amazing that among all the blackness and pain in the world, a place like this can exist. This is the kind of place that takes on a life of its own. Really, we might as well have our own city in Equestria because of how this place feels and IS a community. My life has been touched by your kindness. Recently, when I've nearly lost my temper I thought "How can I lose it and maybe say hurtful things to someone I care about, then log on here and preach, Rp and such about friendship and community." It stopped me in my tracks and I felt silly for being upset over what was really a small thing. Its the little things guys that this place does. Maybe I have an unhealth addiction to what is shaping out to be a way life. Much like the Steampunk and BDSM lifestyles before it, they all started with a foundation....with an idea and ideals and guidelines and that is what we have here. It is a type of magic. No one here hates on each other over religion or race. It doesn't matter. We're all bronies and even if we may not always get along, and yes maybe not even like each other, its for deeper reasons then just who we worship, what country we live in, what politics we follow or the color of our skin. No one knows how far this will go or what tomorrow will bring. I'm sure there are some dark days ahead for those of us in the closet or those who suffer the attacks of the intolerant and small minded. But there are great days ahead too. There are days that like the Elements of Harmony we will come together a vanquish those obsticles before us. We have done here, what many places all over the world have been TRYING to do for centuries. I may not know you all....I may not like you all and some of you may not like me, but thats okay. We are all apart of this massive thing and I hope and pray each of you realize that and keep it in your heart. So from one Mare to all of you...from one Brony to all others...Thank you. With love and light in my cold, shadowed heart, Obsidian Winter
  4. Bah, no one will be judging flanks! Its all about being apart of the family...being apart of this great and wonderful thing. I mean, I have a cutie mark tattooed on my Flank for real...some people mind find that odd but I wouldn't care....hmm...on a side note, I may need to adjust a pair of jeans so my new cutie mark can be seen when I want it to be.............
  5. Okay well then this at least could be our way of greeting each other if we meet in person like at bronycon or something else?
  6. "Listen, I am grateful you stopped. It was a kindnes but I just left the safety of somewhere else to be here alone. I just need time to think things through before making my next move. Please understand....what was it.....Draco?" She tilted her head to the side and even though her eyes were still wet, they were sincere in what she was saying.
  7. She looked up and sighed..... "Oh great..the Drunk Pony. I'm sorry but I would prefer to be left alone. Theres nothing you can do for me . I just need to be alone" She tucked her head under her wing and hoped he would take the hint. He seemed nice enough but she had little tolerance for what she had seen earlier in the night with him. She hurt too bad.
  8. She appeared out in the garden still running at a full gallop and smacked right into a tree.....ow..... She was knocked back on her back and just laid there a while. She felt her black wing ache horribly. She may have fractured it. Great. Well it wasn't like she used them much anyway. She cursed herself for not remembering to include her cloak in the spell. She looked up at the dying starlight as morning surely would be coming soon. She rolled on her good side and cried. She cried in pain, she cried because she let her fears and shyness get to her. She cried because she was alone and she cried because she missed the warmth she had felt only a few short minutes ago. She paniced....again......The only thing she could do was lay there and just let her pain out.
  9. Of course being chased just put her in that much more fear. She knew he would catch her using his wings and she knew she couldn't use hers in case someone just happened by so she closed her eyes and pictured the gardens outside the college. Her horn began to glow a...glittery black? Yep.....Sparkling like a bright light suddenly shown on snowflakes in a nightly winter storm, she was about to hit the wall at the end of the hall and vanished in a puff of snowflakes and dark smoke...her cloak didn't make the trip with her....it smacked the wall hard and fell to the ground, an empty reminder of where she once was.
  10. Obsidian looked between the too and her nerves just got the best of her. She smiled to Vinyl and lowered her head politely to Nightfall. "Oh, you know, I just remembered I need to try and get a layout of the land for tomorrow. I really am grateful for the invitation but I honestly just feel like I'm interupting....not in a coming between you two thing just -she paused- ....well, I just let myself get too comfortable. I'm sorry.... She had embarrassed herself by letting herself say some stupid and really open things to Nightfall. She let her guard down and she got a good first impression of this other Mare which meant she might do the same with her as well. She had to escape, like always. She dashed out the room and into the hall nearly in tears.
  11. -GASP- Are you serious?! Him?! Far be for me to question the sanity of anyone but I think you've flipped your lid! You can't HOPE to control that one!" He looked at the element around the pink ones neck "Plus why do you need him? I can gather the elements with a single spell. Its not like I haven't done it before. I swear Nova, I wonder if you have any respect for my awesomeness at all! Discord vanished and appeared next top Pinkie Pie, running his finger down her face. "Ah Pinkie Pie...My most favorite of the six. I have to say I'm so very happy to see you!" Discord looked at Nova. "Should I corrupt her like I did last time? I have a more fun way of doing it this time!"
  12. I can respect your opinion even if I myself do not share it. I see your point and it is valid. I just think she got what she deserved. Though in the end, she was redeemed.
  13. I don't understand the argument at all that Twilight Ruined Trixies Career. She ruined her own Career. Twilight didn't want to fight her. Twilight refused to show her up the first time around. The only thing Twilight did was beat the Ursa Minor which Trixie could not do. Period. If not for Trixie being an arrogant, spiteful, hateful bitch to begin with, none of this would have happened to her. She then decided on revenge as the course of action since she KNEW she couldn't beat Twilight fair. If you want to go head for head, Trixie is just a Trixster. Thats her talent. Tricks. Twilight is is far more advanced. As for the 'cheating' aspect, I don't see it. Celestia herself may have had trouble beating that necklace. THe mane six tricked her by playing into what she wanted most...more power. Even before the necklace corrupted her, she treated ponies poorly. I personally feel she got what she deserved. I have ZERO sympathy for her. I think it was kind of Twilight to not make the same deal with Trixie that Trixie made with her....Winner becomes exiled. There was no compitition...not really. They just wanted to get that amulet off her neck. Just my thoughts. Rage on
  14. Applejack Vs. Rarity has been done by EPRBH. The question is, would folks want to see another take on it. Would they still watch do you think? Just about everyone has suggested Twilight vs Trixie so that may be a shoe in. Luna Vs Nightmare Moon is an awesome Idea.
  15. Yes, throughout the past several months many people have tried to do Epic Pony battles but eventually they get busy as life has it and the idea gets put on hold. The goal here should be something that generates enough support to keep going. So as Appletree said, we need YOUR input to make our EPB project a success! What would you like to see? As Epic Rap Battles of History would say WHO'S NEXT?! YOU DECIDE!!!
  16. "Hmm? Oh....well, I'm hoping to focus my studies on magic. Just some fine tuning stuff." She hated to lie but the truth was far worse. She was danerous with her magic when she lost control. She wished should could just be a flyer, or earth pony, ANYTHING but what she was...a monster. "I have to give the dean my entrance letter and I hope to start soon, maybe find a place so I don't have to impose on you Nightfall.
  17. "Hmmmm, you make a good point. Not having to worry about those pesky ponies coming after ME would allow me to do my thing." He raised a clawed paw to his face in a mocking thinking pose. "You make a fine offer my dear. Lets see, you have some kind of bug queen, GROSS by the way. Let us hope she doesn't have holes in her brain like she does in her legs...." He hopped off his throne and it vanished, but he left the chocolate rain going. "Alright, you have a deal. Chaos like no other in exchange for my help. Brilliant! But pray tell my dear Nova, who's this final piece to your little game of chess?"
  18. Obsidian had quickly thrown her cloak back around her. She didn't have time to wrap the bandages around her midsection so she just pressed her wings close to her. She smiled, slightly embarressed being seen in a colts room with know pony else there.... She smiles ackwardly and lowered her head in respect. "Pleasure to meet you Vinyl"
  19. Hands down, Big Mac Vs Braeburn. I haven't seen an Epic battle with that combo yet and to me, it would make the best line up. NOw we need a Braeburn....
  20. Alright, let me work on it tomorrow. If I can't get it, I'll let you know so the part can go to somepony else. Thanks for the chance!
  21. "Hmm? Oh, no of course not. I'm your guest here. This is your place. Have over who you wish. I mean a young, attractive college student like yourself has to have a special somepony anyway." She smiled but for some out of the way reason she felt a slight ache in her heart. Was he taken? She should have asked! But why should she ask, they just met. "I-I can go if I need to. I can just wait till morning outside the Deans door. I don't mine" She meant it to. She suddenly had this need to escape. Maybe it was her fear of this other Mare. I mean sure he said he didn't know her well but all the guys say that and then BAM! They get married the next day leaving more innocent others heart broken! Okay, she had to calm down. This more drama then she had experience in the past two year combined.
  22. Sadly no. However if I could clear up that sound, make it clear, would you be interested then? If not, totally cool. Just curious.
  23. She stood and walked over to him slowly, tilting her head to the side. She thought about the scroll she had...her one favor. Several thoughts raced around until finally she placed a hoof on his. "Listen to me Nightfall....I-I don't have anything really. Nothing but I shady past, magic I can't control and an old scroll my Great Grandmother gave me. But if there is anything I can do to repay the kindness you've shown me, I will." She laughed a little. "Here I don't even know you and yet its like I want to help you as if I've known you all my life. What is it about you dear Nightfall? Maybe I just have a soft spot for those who show me kindness......" Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew it was more then that.
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uFw2aPtt1A&feature=plcp This is a bad recording but Its the accent and the tone. I can get a little better and deeper in the accent. My mic is crap so I'll get another one this weekend and do a track with the lines you wanted.
  25. Okay so this is the applejack Audition. The sound isn't that great at all. I don't know whats going on with it but I think you can get enough of an idea. I used the lyrics to another epic pony battle. Let me know what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uFw2aPtt1A&feature=plcp I'll work on the audio quility problem if you like the voice. Queen Crys is up next I love it. Not bad considering you haven't done a southern accent before. Your audio quility is way better then mine. I don't know what happened to my mic....May just need a better one. Great work!!!
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