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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. "A general you say?" In a puff of spoke he reappeared in a full general attire including really big sun classes and saluted. "The title of general sounds aweful pleasent BUT it also sounds like a step a down." He lowered his glasses a bit so he was peering over. "I mean why settle for less when I can just take on all equestria like I did before?" He vanished again and reappeared in front of Lightening. " I mean this one here is one of yours isn't he? He's about crazy as it is and...-gasp- THIS one, called Shadow if I'm not mistaken. Are you sure you can trust her?" He smiled and winked at her knowingly but said nothing else of it. "Frankly my dear, you offer me sections of Equestria, when I could have the whole thing. Can you give me a single reason I should follow yooooou, hmmmm?" He walked over to what was left of his stone prison and began to juggle the piece, then stopped moving his hands as the piece STILL juggled themselves. He then sat on a throne that appeared out of smoke and summoned a chocolate rain cloud to fill his glass as he listened. ((Thank ya!))
  2. She laughed a little seeing him light up his own horn. It really was a cool trick to learn. She propped herself up and looked him over careful. "So, you are an Alicorn I see.......where do you come from? I mean are you a royal or something else? Before you ask I can already tell you I'm -not- a royal myself. Maybe a long time ago my family was, but I certain haven't grown up in any castles or had anyone serve me. I can't even find good friends for that matter." She snorted at that, her mind thinking back on some of the more cruel incidents she had endured. But they got what was coming to them...oh yes, they g.....NO! NO NO NO NO, don't ever go back to thinking like that! You're here to learn control. You've come so far since then. She smiled sweetly hoping she didn't display any expressions that would have given away her inner conflict.
  3. She heard a noise and looked up. She applied a slight about of magick into her horn to create some light. She was a little skidish being in a new place. She smiled to herself seeing him. "Hey Nightfall. Can't sleep either I see. Since your up, I've been thinking on if I should ask you a question. Its kinda personal though. Do you mind?"
  4. Well it seemed he wasn't going to take no for an answer so she walked over to the bed and curled her legs under her, snuggling in to get comfy. She curled her tail around her and checked to ensure her beads were secured to her. As usually, they were. She was about to lay her head down when she looked over at the kind Colt who made all this possible. She had questions, but questions from her would lead to questions from him. She opened her mouth, then closed it again....then went to speak and decided again against it. She laid her head down and closed her eyes, but sleep just wasn't happening.
  5. Listen to me close sugarcube, I've been where you are now only for a different reason. Some people just cannot accept certain things about their children. They have their own preconceived notion of how we should be. But when we fall short of that plan or if we take a different road, that us being who we are...human. Your dad is taking things too far and he has no business placing any kind of blame on you about his physical health. I assure you, you being a brony did not cause his illness. Something like that builds up for a long time. Keep it from him if you must but don't sacrifice your happiness. I mean out of all the things you could be into, he should be glad its MLP and not drugs, gangs, smoking, etc. I was disowned from my family for about 2 years because I chose to be with another female. But you know what? My family came around and I swore to myself I would never....EVER do the same to my daughter. Life is about choices and yes, there are some reasons to get mad and fight over life choices with your kids. MLP is hardly one of them in my opinion. So, you just remember, IF God forbid something ever did happen to him, Your love for a series and fandom that promotes love, kindness, understanding and the elements of Harmony is hardly the root cause. Be strong and remember we are here for you in these dark time. Brohoof my little pony...brohoof... Obsidian Winter
  6. The stone cracked and chunks of stone began to fall apart and away from whatever was inside. A bright glow iminated from the statue until finally it burst apart in all direction exposing......nothing.....nothing at all.....Where the statue once stood was nothing more than broken rocks. "Why Nova! How long has it been?!" a voice echoed through out the cave. "I don't think I can even remember that far back. I hope your not surprised I know about you. What kind of Lord of Chaos would I be if I didn't know about YOU dear!. I'm actually quite flattered you know of me, seeing as you've been locked up for so long." Discord suddenly appeared floating above them with a drink in his hand, sipping it up with a twisty straw "So tell me because I'm just DYING to know....What brings you to my less then elegant prison, hmmm?"
  7. She stepped through the door and looked around. It was nice, actually. She had heard stories of how colts in school leave their living quarters but obviously those statements had been either not true, or this room was the except. She saw the two beds and then looked at the floor. It was way cleaner then about 80% of the places she had slept recently. "Oh, I couldn't take your bed, but I agree it may not be the best idea to sleep in your roommates either. I really don't mind taking the floor. You've been good enough to a total stranger as it is." She contemplated just leaving her cloak on but reminded herself she wanted to relax and plus, he was an alicorn too. Seemed as good of time as any to let go of one of her secrets. She laid her cloak neatly to the and using her magic, unraveled the cloth she had around her sides. Most ponies would think she had been injured. It was a clever little ruse she thought. Afterword she stretched out her wide wing span, one wing being nearly all white and the other being nearly all black. Afterward, she took a deep breath and turned around to face Nightfall.....maybe he notice.......heh..heh....
  8. So, I'm at work, doing my thing and I find myself whistling various songs from MLP:FiM. On my break I play the Gameloft game and while I do my rounds outside I rehearse my voice acting for Applejack and Queen Crys. Then I come home, do my chores, play with my daughter, make dinner and then hope on here to round off my night. This begs the question if maybe I spend a little TOO much time in the fandom....maybe...What say you? How much time of the day or week does being a Brony take from your schedule? Obsidian
  9. I just sent Friend requests to everone on this thread. My ID is: Obsidianwinter. I hope you all add me or accept my friendship request. I need scootaloo too!
  10. I'll do what I can. You can expect them at some point late tomorrow.
  11. "Well, you don't have to worry about that. I don't lift my tail for just any Stallion or Mare, but thank you for the warning. I really am grateful to you for this. Not many have shown me this kind of kindness recently, though there was this pink pony that threw me a 'welcome' party out of no where when I first came to ponyville. It was a little odd. Outside of that, this is the nicest thing anyone has done for me.....well...in some time. She wondered as she followed the young colt down the hall what exactly this school would hold for her. So far she met a drunken pony, his very pleasent and friendly roommate and friend Spark and now Nightfall. She knew college would be a conglomeration of personalities both good and bad, but she had a feeling if she stuck close to Nightfall, at least she would survive the immidiate future. Maybe it was her just wanting to believe in someone, in kindness again. Maybe in her tired state she just needed to believe there was more to her world then shadows and secrets. Tonight she would relax and feel safe. She would sleep soundly and try to let her troubled mind rest. Tonight she would trust that maybe some ponies just want to help others with no strings attached. She followed Nightfall till they reached their destination and took a deep breath..."Trust, Winter....Trust someone for once" she said to herself. And she did.
  12. That is so cool!!!!!!!!!! I love it. You even put it to music. I use to be into the visual arts like you...but then I took an arrow to the knee... Yeah....that joke is way too old.....>.<
  13. "Well, actually I do have a few things left in my saddlebag to munch on, and I don't want to end up sleeping the hallway..." She stood up straight, her head held high. "Seeing as I have no where else to go, I would consider it kindness if you could put me up for the night. I would be in your debt Nightfall."
  14. She frowned hearing the office was closed but then perked at his offer to stay in his quarters. But, should she?! It would be....scandalist...I mean what would all the ponies say? Maybe nothing....I'm sure its co-ed. I'm over reacting..YES. Of course I am. I mean its just a place to sleep....but what if he wants something in return?! And I don't KNOW this pony...He could be a crazy night stalker looking to take advantage of poor innocent ponies traveling far from home.....if I had a home....Oh no, I'm taking up to much time worrying about this. He's going to walk off and then I'll have no place to go....GO..I should go...yes...Go..No go...GO...NO GO... "I CAN'T DECIDE!" Opps...she said that part out loud.......she giggled nervously "I mean..uh...I can't decide....umm, if I should take your offer to rest or find something to eat first...heh heh....heh....." She sighed and lowered her ears...epic...fail....Winter...
  15. I just did an Applejack track. It was fun. There are some Rap battles on Youtube that have Big Mac on them. You may want to listen and try to match the accent. If you need tips, I'm southern. Maybe I could help!
  16. Obsidian smiled and nodded in gratitude to the drunken pony. "Thanks, that helps a lot. Maybe I'll see you again when you have fewer spirits in you." She turned her attention to Spark "I'm sure I'll see you sooner then later if I make it in the College. Your friend needs you. Go take care of him" She offered a friendly wink and moved past the ponies towards the Deans Office. And as luck would have it, a break in the conversation came just as the other ponies parted inside their rooms. Obsidian stopped suddenly in her tracks but still bumped into the new pony in front of her. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I was just saying goodnight to those gentlecolts over there and totally didn't see you!" She looked up and took a few steps back to get a better look at the pony called Nightfall. She smiled a little to herself and blushed. He looked rather lovely and....and....was he an alicorn? He WAS. She quickly gathered her wits about her and spoke. Hi, I'm Sexy....Wait, no! I mean Your...No! I mean Hi! I'm Obsidian Winter. I think I'm more tired then I thought. Forgive my lack of proper edicate. I was told the Deans office is down this way but I wouldn't mind a guy, err a guide if you have some time." Oh by the stars what was wrong with her. Its not like this is the first attractive colt she's ever seen. She just saw two that weren't half bad a moment ago, plus all the ones seen in her travels. "Get a grip Winter" she told herself. "Your tired, you have a headache and yes, its been a lonely journey but have some self respect, gah!". She then did the only thing she could think of....smile stupidly.
  17. She did the same, but making sure she didn't raise her leg high enough to move her cloak out of the way from covering her wings. "Pleasure" She lowered her leg back down and glanced at the sleeping pony. "Well, I'm sure you need to get your friend back to the dorms and I have the Deans office to find."
  18. "err, Hi". She took a few steps back from the intoxicated pony so he didn't fall down on her. She didn't bother with introductions because honestly, he wouldn't have remembered anyway. She turned her attention to the other Colt as the drunken one passed out. "Hello Gentlecolt. My name is Obsidian Winter and yes I am new here. I'm actually trying to find the Deans office. I have a scroll I must deliver as quickly as possible." She looked again at Draco. She could smell the Hard Cider on his sleeping breath "Its alright about your friend, though he may want to take it easy on the cider in the future."
  19. OKay, I've got my track of AJ and Crys recorded but I was curious if you wanted the raw track or the echo effect put on Crys' voice. My Dad always said he liked to hear raw, unedited tracks first.
  20. Where can you order them from? I looked around a bit and I couldn't really find a place to order the one with AJ on the cover. Can some pony help? Obsidian
  21. Obsidian Winter boarded off the train from Ponyville to Canterlot and tried to get her bearings. None of her family line had been to Canterlot in generations. It felt strange to be in the seat of power for all equestria and a little intimidating as well. She checked her satchel to ensure nothing had been dropped or lost. She paid extra close attention to the old, sealed scroll that had been given to her by her great grandmother before she passed on. She was told to never open it. It must remained sealed and it was good for one favor from any royal in Canterlot. Her dying request was for Obsidian to use it wisely. She never asked what it said or how our family, which had fallen so far from grace, could demand a single favor with such authority. It didn't matter. She knew what she would use it for. She needed help, a guide, a teacher. Someone who could help her gain control of her talents to prevent what happened in the Hollow from happening elsewhere. She had to go where the best and most elite went. She had to go where the brightest and most gifted were sent: Canterlot College. Obsidian set out to find directions to the College and who to speak with to enroll. She kept her wings tucked close to her side, hoping the traveling cloak she wore would cover them from anyone checking out the new comer. People would notice an Alicorn and attention was the last thing she wanted.
  22. My ringtone is the MLP:FiM theme song and several contact ringtones are other various songs from the series. I have a Luna T-shirt that I adore and I'm getting a cutie mark tattoo soon. So yeah, I'm pretty open. I have been judged all my life for one reason or another. Haters gonna hate regardless. I won't let them take something from me that I hold pleasure in. Obsidian
  23. Discord was playing a game with himself in his head. No one ever stops to think that just because the outside of you is stone, everything under the stone still works. The game was simple. Replay in your head how many different ways things could have turned out had he taken the elements of harmony a little more seriously. He was imagining freezing them all in a giant cupcake when something got his attention. Someone had shattered the nearby seal. "Oooooh, whats this now?! Could it be I have a visitor? What fun! By the feeling of it this one seems quite dark. Oh, I hope they aren't all depressing and bent on world domination. Wheres the fun in that?! But still, -any- visitor would be delightful at this point! Discord waited eagarly for the dark entity to get closer so his muted magic could feel out more information about his guest.
  24. OMG.....I cried.......I actually shed a tear...That was beautiful beyond words. My partner and I both just adored it. Thank you so much for sharing and making that....
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