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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. Every since I joined this forum I've noticed so many different kinds of ponies. The vastness of various personalities is remarkable really; but its led me to wonder how much of it is just a mask? What draws us to this show? I can tell you its the fantasy that groups of friends like the Mane six exist somewhere, even if only on TV. It truely exhibits every facit of what I have always believed true friendship should be. I love to get lost in the show and cast away this ugly world and let myself, even for only half an hour, see something beautiful. So many ponies out there are friendless, depressed and live in this ugly world and thats really all they have. The internet has allowed ponies all over the world connect in ways never before possible, so I guess in that folks can find company. As I lay here at the end of my day after first watching the Amanda Todd video on YouTube and then 3 hours of MLP, I find myself wondering if there really is or every will be the kind of friendships in the Adult world like that. I say adult world because I've had groups of friends in High School. I have known many ponies who had groups of friends in High School but as we age I notice adults get more busy, selfish and isolated. Is it too much to hope that True Friendship.....True family like that can exist is this world. Ponies are so wrapped up in their fantasy worlds because THIS world SUCKS. Between Poverty, bullies, and other life stresses, its like we forgot how important Friends are. Families are not always what you are born into but can be what you build and create yourself. In the end, this rant is just a sick epiphany that our world is falling to pieces and its not getting better. I think ponies in this fandom...or those in Warcraft...or those in other popular RPG's that idolize Loyalty, Honesty, Generousity, Kindness, Laughter and yes, Magick could bring some of that out of the fantasy world and into the real world. Because right now, our real world is being left to Corrupt politics, Bullies, criminals and those who revel in the destruction of everything we love about our fantasies. Obsidian Winter
  2. *Yawn* Long day but my Pony pic is almost done!!!!

  3. YOLO has been taken to the furtherest extremes. I've seen it used to justify some really stupid stuff. "I'm gonna have sex without a condom 'cause YOLO!" "I'm going to shirk all my responsabilities and do only what I want! YOLO!" "I'm gonna leave this chick I just knocked up because I wanna party! YOLO! "I'm gonna try hard core drugs 'cause YOLO!!" It basically became an excuse for every stupid thing someone wanted to do: YOLO /facepalm
  4. This. Totally this. I have no CLUE why people like Trixie. There was not a single good quility about her. As I said in my post. The only reason I am looking forward to this episode is to see Twilight Kick her ass in the end.
  5. WHY, oh WHY did my mind go someplace bad when I read that. I'm a bad bad Pony.... As far as the topic, I think that in many cases they end up with a more family name. Like Applejack is part of the apple family, thus Applejack. All of the apple family names have an apple theme even though Applebloom is shaping up to look like she'll have a non apple themed cutie mark.
  6. Have faith....the season has only just begun. Maybe it will surprise you and be totally amazing in the end. Ya never know. Cheers!!!
  7. From a bullies perspective, I would say Trixie. She was just outright a Bitch, hands down. She sought out people to people and belittle for no reason at all. She wasn't even kind to people who adored and stood up for her (Snips and Snails) I am so looking forward to Twilight kicking her rear in the end. From a bullies perspective, I would say Trixie. She was just outright a Bitch, hands down. She sought out people to people and belittle for no reason at all. She wasn't even kind to people who adored and stood up for her (Snips and Snails) I am so looking forward to Twilight kicking her rear in the end. From a bullies perspective, I would say Trixie. She was just outright a Bitch, hands down. She sought out people to people and belittle for no reason at all. She wasn't even kind to people who adored and stood up for her (Snips and Snails) I am so looking forward to Twilight kicking her rear in the end. Obsidian
  8. After careful consideration and review of you artwork, I have concluded its rather good. In fact, its really good. This artwork is Obsidian Winter approved!!!!! (Not that it means much....<.<))
  9. I was torn between RD, AJ and Twilight when I first started watching. Now, at season 3, Its still a tie between Applejack and Twilight. RD just kinda fell to the side. I guess its because Applejack and Twilight are pretty much me if you rolled them up into one. Obsidian
  10. Galaxy, is everything that happens in the show "Fan Service" to you? I just noticed you were complaining about Trixies eyes turning red. Maybe chill a little? Anyway, if it is King Sombra, it would be the first time in any of the seasons where there is a central villain throughout the entire season. I'm pretty sure the magick she's weilding belongs to Sombra but I don't think he is controling her. Trixie was arrogant before and humiliated last time she was in ponyville. If she found something that made her truely powerful, she seems the type to come back a get revenge, no King Sombra possession required. I hope in the end Twilight Sparkle kicks her ass......
  11. I.......actually......like that name........ ....It somehow fits and yes...many ponies have two names. I really think it should be a name to consider. But shes all yours so thats your choice. Thanks for letting me be apart of this process!
  12. I'm boring and unoriginal so I would go with Constance or Constalation. Darling piece though. Well done! I have to have people draw the pictures I want...sigh.....sad, non artistic pony I am.
  13. So, I've been on and off the forum most the day and have tried to read as much as I can and I've seen a lot of drama, some over reacting, mean ponies and some jerk offs destroying some kids art project and the pony wrath that follows. Back in the day when Otherkin where fairly new, they were a lot like I've seen the fandom here. Just kinda there, doing their own thing, but some of them would do some dumb ass thing and all of us would get slammed for it. This lead to a Council being formed that eventually turned into just a few community "Authorities" that helped govern, lead, teach and help guide the community as a whole. My question is thus: Are their prominant Bronies out there that have garnered the love and respect of the community....someone who the community by and large would listen to? Should there be a group like the Mane Six in the community who is around in case the stuff hits the fan? Should the community go on unregulated and just do as it pleases. The thought base here is that Equestria has Celestia, Luna and now Shining Armor and Cadance. The Main Six arrive when the its an earth shattering movement. This arrangement allows for most of the ponies to live in peace and harmony withouth getting involved. Should we havbe that here? Obsidian Winter
  14. Well, something like this is right up my alley. Yes, it is easy to say that this is internet stuff and doesn't matter yet people have died.....killed themselves over internet stuff. The line between the internet and our real lives is getting hazier every year. I personally feel that the point of a community, clan, family is not just to love and tolerate but to protect. I know if someone destroyed something I made and posted a YouTube movie about it entitled "How to deal with pronies", I'd be pretty pissed. An example of this is how the Mane Six have dealt with the truely wicked of the villains. There was no trying to understand King Sombra. There was no tolerance for Crystalis. They were doing other ponies harm and they stood up to them. Being a Brony isn't just a fandom to me. Its like a code. There are many levels of bronies, some are hard core and others not so much. For those of us that it matters...that it really matters, we have a duty to stand by our fellow ponies. As the old saying goes, you;ve got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. Maybe we should be discussing more how we should respond to things like this. Also, on a kinda side note, kinda makes me wish we did have a kind of leadership councel or a Mane six of our own to help us during times like these. Just a random thought. Obsidian Winter
  15. Just kinda curious...thats a line used by people against gay marriage....which can be kinda offensive and had nothing at all to do with the post. I think you just stepped on that slippery slope... Obsidian
  16. Personally i love season 3. Darker villains, intense story for the season opener, a nice funny episode and then one about a really serious problem having people of all ages.....bullying. I think as they notice how diverse the community is you'll see episodes that are child friendly but have slight ly more mature subject matter. Shows cater to their audience. It well be interesting to see how they handle this season. So far so good.
  17. Okay, I'll be honest...i read the title of this thread and when i read the opening topic my first thoughts were.....wtf... As some one new to the community i have to admit i know nothing of the Sonic fandom or what it is nor am i familiar with fan service though i have a general idea i think.... Could someone please explain and then explain how this thread had anything to do with season our story thus far? Obsidian
  18. I want to thank you all for replying to the post i started. Its been really insightful. It also brought up the topic of closet Bronies which i don't think gets near enough attention. To me, its sad that people can't like what they like or even be who they are without some judgmental jerk bringing the rain. In the end i think all of you are right. Do no harm to others with your fandom and make sure to take care of your self and your responsibilities first. Sounds like a good lesson about friendship to me as well.
  19. I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I made this post with the intent for us to explore our own personal limits in the fandom but to also explore how far we would go into it if we had the means (money, time, etc). Instead for a while there it turned into a flame war. Now I'll admit, I'm a darker pony and seeing people get into a little scuff now and then I feel can be healthy. However the back and forth between Tycoon and Galaxy was useless, counter productive and simply immature. Frankly, you two ponies should be ashamed of yourselves acting in such way with each. The attacks were personal and that goes beyond a friendly "heated debate". I would hope you two take a lesson from this and remember that name calling and attacking your fellow brony are not ways to go about things. We can agree to disagree. If somepony wants to be a closet brony, thats their choice. We don't know all the circumstances in their life that makes them feel they need to do that. We can encourage them to come out, but in the end they know whats best for their life. I like puns like anypony else but when you start to use them to tease somepony about something personal, it goes to far. The only solution here is a letter to the Princess about what you learned from this. /sagenod ....or just an apology to each other would work. I'm going back to bed. Remember guys, we have a world out there that doesn't understand us and we are going to have differences ourselves, but lets not let it come between the friendships we're trying to build here. Obsidian
  20. Well i was going to sleep until i read the past phew post. Lets remember not to jump to conclusions. Ask for clarification first. I don't want to see any pony getting their tails in knots over misunderstandings. Remember, this is just an inward look at outsellf And how far we see ourselves going into the fandom.
  21. Well its off to bed. I hope this continues. I'll be excited to see of catches on. One way or another we are whe are. People can either dig it or screw off.
  22. I can honestly only think of one thing to say when I read your story above........PURE EPIC. Again, remember, this post is all about YOUR personally lines if you have any and things you would like to do or have done to express your fandom. Great comments so far!!!
  23. Must Sleep...have work......ZZZZZzzzzzz

  24. I think there really are people out there that NEED the show because it fills a void for them. Thought we may not understand it totally, really the point of the show is friendship. Some of us older ponies may lose sight of what real friendship is and how to be a good friend. this show goes back and gives you tips on that. As I said, I personally had my partner design me as a Pony and I'm getting that and my Cutie mark as a tattoo because I want to remember all the fun I've had here in the community and watching the shows with dear friends. Its a physical memory for me when maybe later on in my years I would otherwise forget. I think its like people who are adicted to World of Warcraft....in some cases its their escape...their world. Maybe its like that for MLP for others. Their reality sucks so bad this is a nice friendly place to retreat to....Just my thughts.
  25. Really glad we could all help with yer problem! Just remember not to worry. Keep doing what you do until he says otherwise and don't forget to talk about new things HE enjoys too! *Brohoof from one pony sister to pony brother*
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