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Strong Hooves

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Everything posted by Strong Hooves

  1. Welcome to forums Suffice! we're always glad to have another member on here! I'm still relatively new here myself haha. Anyways, I hope you have a great time on this and I hope we get to chat more! see ya
  2. Second day with this profile and I already love it!

  3. welcome to forums! I'm still pretty new here too so dont worry. but trust me you will love it here, since you like fanfics, I will tell you I have a fic on here called Rise of a Hero, if you want you can go check it out. as i said, Welcome:)
  4. I've decided to share my very first fanfic I have ever written with you all on here. It has many good reviews from others who have read it before and I am confident that you all will love it. This includes one of my OCs, a pegasus stallion named Static. Below is the prologue to my fic, when you read the story, let me know what you think:) Rise of a Hero Prologue: Escape… that was all that was racing through his mind… I’ve got to get away… get to Canterlot… warn Celestia… He pumped his wings harder as the pegasus sped through the air, trying desperately to escape the dark mass that was gaining on him. It would be a matter of time before the menacing Shadow would overtake him, and he knew in his weakened state, he would be no match. The pegasus raced through escape options in his mind, each seeming more impossible than the former, until an idea finally popped into his head, but it was risky. I have to do it, he thought, it’s my only chance, he closed his eyes and began to concentrate as he used the last of his strength to speed up even more. Come on come on… he urged himself mentally, and soon small sparks of electricity began to crackle at the end of his forehooves, he felt the last of his energy begin to deplete, and he prayed that he could last long enough to escape. The electricity began to intensify, and just as the Shadow was a mere inch away from the pegasus’ tail, his body burst into the form of a lightning bolt, blasting him far from harms reach and zooming him hundreds of miles across the sky. As if in surprise, the Shadow stopped abruptly, it was certain it had that pegasus in its grasp. Very well… the conscious Shadow thought, he got away for now, but I will find him again. His futile efforts to stop the inevitable is only a mere annoyance, one that I intend to erase permanently… and at that, the dark mass moved forward, slowly and menacingly, as if it was taking its sweet time, toward the direction that the pegasus disappeared too. rise of a hero chapter 1.docx rise of a hero chapter 2.docx rise of a hero chapter 3.docx rise of a hero chapter 4.docx Rise of a hero chapter 5.docx rise of a hero chapter 6.docx rise of a hero chapter 7.docx
  5. I would have to say I would like to see more of the veterinarian pony (idk if she has a name yet, does she?)
  6. Haha yeah true, that's where the relation ends lol. when it comes to attitude, i think of myself more as Applejack. I also relate to her because i live on a farm too! lol
  7. Whenever you get time, could you make one of my OC? If you need to see him, then just look on my profile picture. I came across this and saw the avatars you created, and I must say I am impressed. Details of him include tan colored fur, black mane and tail, and green eyes.
  8. Well, I would say my favorite so far would be Fallout Equestria. It is very well written, and keeps me wanting to read more. I love the action, and more than occasional humor in the story.
  9. Well... I see myself more as Applejack, not Fluttershy. Libra is my horoscope, but the description to the right of Fluttershy is not me at all.
  10. It's kind of a weird story of how I became a brony. During school one day, I had left my binder in one of my classes, when I went to get it, someone had drawn RD's cutiemark and wrote 'Rainbow Dash was here'. My natural curiostiy led me to mlp:fim. At first I was skeptical, but as I started to watch the show, the more I realized that I liked it. I then started to check out all of the cool fan stuff about it, the art, songs, fanfics, etc. and it all leads to today:)
  11. Pinkie Pie as a babysitter... 0__o that cannot end very well... but I could be wrong... let's hope I'm wrong...
  12. ive been taking up drawing mlp characters for a hobby recently. I'm not all that bad either! but i would like to expand my experience by taking requests. let me say first off, i do not use any kind of drawing program for this, i hand draw all of my work. if anypony has a request for a drawing, just ask away!
  13. Hello everypony of MLP Forums!!! I'm a new brony in the herd, name's Jackson, but I will be taking on the name Strong Hooves on here (That is my OC's name). Hmm... where to begin? well my favorite pony is Rainbow Dash all the way! RD is probably one of the coolest ponies, she's athletic, headstrong, determined, and proud! I relate to her in a way in that i hate losing, in anything I do. I play on my school's varsity basketball team, i throw discus in track and field, i play piano, i sing (and rap about ponies), and i write fanfics:) if anypony has any questions, feel free to ask, i love to make new friends and i hope to make many on here:)
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