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Everything posted by Megas

  1. It was really fun, albeit ridiculous. I guess the fact that I came in with low expectations helps. I wasn't expecting the show's quality writing, but Double Rainboom still suceeded in entertaining me
  2. BEN Drowned kept me up at night for a good week, I couldn't even sleep without seeing the bastard's creepy stare, whether it was in the dark or in my head
  3. I kinda wish they would do character commentaries, I'd be interesting and funny to see what the characters would think about certain episodes in the season, like what AJ would think about Derpy, or Rainbow Dash on Mare Do Well as a whole Which episodes I'd like commentated Mane 6 - Both two-parters(Return of Harmony, Canterlot Wedding) Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity - For the first half of season 2: Luna Eclipsed, Mysterious Mare Do Well, Hearth's Warming Eve Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rarity - The second half: Last Round-Up, Hearts and Hooves Day, Hurricane Fluttershy
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true. Hell the way I see the crossovers with MLP is probably what made the game Lollipop Chainsaw successful in the first place
  5. I feel like watching G Gundam again

    1. Just some guy

      Just some guy

      You should.It's only the best Gundam series of all time.

  6. Wasn't FiM being girly/frilly all they said? That's not necessarily something worth getting mad over, especially since it kinda true. Plus I've heard far worse from other major publications and etc. Honestly I don't think GI's that bad, sure a lot of their opinions kinda piss me off, but I still trust them more than the likes of IGN or Gamespot, whom I find to be even bigger jokes. That and they do acknowledge their brony community once in a while(which is fairly big over there)
  7. I think the issue is that some mane 6 are a lot more hated than others, and sometimes it can be undeserved. I mean, I've seen a lot more fans hate on Rainbow Dash and Rarity than say, AJ or Fluttershy, and a lot of the reasonings behind the hate can get pretty stupid
  8. I don't care what anyone else says, this looks like the greatest thing idea I've ever seen in a long time. If I had the Hub, I'd definitely watch it
  9. I highly doubt it'll be able to top this But none the less, I would love t see this type of episode, they always end up being my favorites
  10. Zero(Megaman X) - Yes I consider Zero a sidekick Tails(Sonic the Hedgehog) - Love the little brainiac Sylvia(Viewtiful Joe) - The love interest is always the greatest ally Jamie(Megas XLR) - The skinny wimpy guy is always fun to have
  11. The 3DS is selling like hot cakes, even if the Wii U does fail, which I don't think it will, Nintendo will still likely stay afloat for a few more years. And even with that said, I just can't see Nintendo going third party even if they did fail
  12. Meh, I don't care much for her. I don't like her, but I don't hate her. Some fans obsession over her can be grating*coughsethcough* and no I don't think she's misunderstood. On the plus side, she is pretty
  13. 1) Vinyl Scratch and Cloud Chaser - Dem manes 2) Rumble - My favorite colt, rivals Sweetie Belle in adorableness 3) Thunderlane - I dunno why, he's just the only background stallion I like 4) Flitter 5) Most background pegasai in general
  14. Ninja Gaiden(Xbox) - The disc is near flawless, yet every time I play it, the system stops reading it after the first 30 seconds of gameplay... I really want to play it
  15. Do I look like I know what a jpeg is? I just want a picture of a god dang hot dog.

  16. I dunno what sites you go to, the only place I've seen a lot of DBZ hate was at Nsider2, and that place is full of so many hipster douchebags that it's no wonder why everyone hates them so much The only legit reason I could see people saying they dislike DBZ is because a lot of it just isn' their cup of tea, though personally I think the whole "they spend 20+ episodes just fighting and staring!" argument is really bogus considering that the series started as a manga and the existance of Kai
  17. I'll also say the Camp Rock and High School Musical movies, and any other movie that has all of that tween pop dreck, you couldn't even pay me to watch or listen to those
  18. I redid it, looks a bit more accurate: 1) Rainbow Dash 2) Rarity 3) Scootaloo 4) Twilight Sparkle 5) Lightning Dust 6) Soarin' 7) Vinyl Scratch 8) Spitfire 9) Applejack 10) Gilda 11) Cloud Chaser 12) Flitter 13) Fluttershy 14) Pinkie Pie 15) Spike 16) Big Macintosh 17) Sweeite Belle 18) Fancy Pants 19) Discord 20) Cheerilee 21) Octavia 22) Zecora 23) Queen Chrysalis 24) Princess Celestia 25) Braeburn 26) Iron Will 27) Princess Luna 28) Applebloom 29) Colgate 30) Nightmare Moon 31) Lyra 32) Granny Smith 33) Shining Armor 34) Princess Cadence 35) Pipsqueak 36) Twist 37) Silver Spoon 38) Fleur de Lys 39) Photo Finish 40) Babs Seed 41) Berry Punch 42) Derpy 43) Bon Bon 44) Hoity Toity 45) Carrot Top 46) Dr. Whooves 47) Rose Luck 48) Diamond Tiara 49) Caramel 50) Trixie 51) Snowflake/Horsepower 52) Flim 53) Flam 54) King Sombra 55) Prince Blueblood Again, first 4 is pretty accurate, but still a lot of the placements are weird(WHY IS FANCY PANTS SO HIGH?????)
  19. I dunno honestly, outside of Anakin's mom's death, the Clones, Jango Fett, and count Dooku, it just didn't have much that really stood out for me, plus I didn't like the Anakin/Pademe romance subplot much. Though I will admit, it's been a while since I've seen the movie, so maybe my opinion will change if I watch it again
  20. I'm a huge fan of the Star Wars, and have watched all of the movies so far, and loved them all maybe except for episode II(mainly because it comes across a bit more boring than the rest). I'm also really excited for Episode VII One thing I love a lot about Star Wars though is that they usually pump out awesome video games like Battlefront, Knights of the Old Republic, Republic Commando, and Rogue Squadron(all of which need sequels)
  21. 1) I'm gonna have to agree with this one, when ever she shows any sort of negative action, a lot of the fandom seems to blow it out of proportion(I mean look at the comments at EQD when the released the extended synopsis for Sleepless in Ponyville and how everyone was flipped their shit on Rainbow just for telling freaking campfire stories before the damn episode even aired, and after it aired, some still complained) 2) But she is a tomboy, but there's absolutely no negative connotation with the word, all it means that she has a more boyish nature than most girls do. Just to clarify, Applejack is also a tomboy, it's just not as obvious as Rainbow Dash 3) This feels more the result of annoying stereotyping than anything(whether it actually is is up for debate), though the fact that most of the characters are female helps. Also she does have her fair share of straight ships which has been gaining steam, but in all honesty the lesbian shipping isn't a big deal, and doesn't really factor if the people hate her or not. To be fair if people hate her, she either wouldn't be shipped at all or be shipped with Cupcakes Pinkie 4) I've seen this a lot top, though I've never figured out why 5) If Rainbow Dash really was one of the most hated characters in the show, Cupcakes would be a lot more popular. But alas, neither are hated for involving Dash, Cupcakes is hated because it's a demented take on a fairly innocent show that serves no purpose than to make the reader sick to their stomach, and many fans hate it for how it portrays both Pinkie Pie and what happens to Rainbow Dash throughout the story. For MLD, many probably hate it because they find it overrated(As a Rainbow Dash fan myself, I could honestly care less about that fic) In my opinion, yes and no. She does get some of the most hate in the fandom, especially after season 2, but she's also has one of the biggest fanbases as well so I guess that sort of negates everything. I think the biggest reason why RD hate is very noticable is because her hater tend to be an incredibly loud bunch(and to be honest, based on personal experience, I think they tend to be some of the biggest assholes in the fandom, with them presenting their opinions in a douchey and rude manner, behaving like bigger jerks than the character they say they hate so much) Granted not all of them act like that, I've meet some friendly ones, and some have good reasons for not liking her(not everyone has to), it's just that I come across a lot more that act like that tl;dr She's not very hated, people just have loud "opinions"
  22. Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Way!(Milky Way!)

  23. I'd love to see more of the background pegasai from Hurricane Fluttershy and Wonderbolt Academy, especially the likes of Flitter, Cloudchaser, Thunderlane, and his adorable brother Rumble
  24. 1) Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past 2) Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater 3) Final Fantasy Tactics 4) Megaman X 5) Resident Evil 4 6) Metroid Prime 7) No More Heroes 2 Desparate Struggle 8) Capcom VS SNK 2 9) God Hand 10) Medal of Honor Frontline
  25. Megas

    gaming EA CEO steps down

    When did I say I ever buy their products? Last time I did was back in 2007 for the MoH Anniversary collection, and I haven't bought anything from them since because I didn't like the direction they were taking my favorite franchise of theirs(Medal pf Honor in case you were wondering). In short, quit lumping people to gether, a big reason is because a lot of their games are very popular among average/"casual" gamers, you know people who usually buy nothing but latest Madden, Call of Duty, other Yearly Shooters, etc, and they're usually not only uninformed most of the time, but are far numerous than the nerds complaining about their products on the internet. Granted, once people DO catch sight of their bullshit, then they start seeing the message; again, no one bought Medal of Honor Warfighter because they were well informed enough to stay away from it, and now EA isn't gonna make any MoH games for a while.
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