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Mr Dash

Poniverse Staff
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Everything posted by Mr Dash

  1. I'm dyin here! XD
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr Dash

      Mr Dash

      One of my cousin in law's favorite songs in Purple Rain. He even named his band Purple Rain at first and does a cover of it too.


    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      That's freaking awesome. :D

    4. Mr Dash

      Mr Dash

      His band is a local band in my city. It is now called Civilized Natives.

  2. I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, didly dee. And there they are a standing in a row...bum bum bum bum.......

  3. Mr Dash

    animation Archer

    I'm currently caught up. Started watching I think when maybe season two or three had finished. One of my favorite adult animations.
  4. *Note to self*: Do not mention Lightwing, expecting Lightwing not to show up.

    1. ponylaces



    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      *Note to self* Don't do anything that gives Lightwing the opportunity to ship me with someone.

    3. Mr Dash

      Mr Dash

      *hugs hypno* <3

  5. Too much cake bloats an already bloated stomach.

  6. Come join us in 25 minutes for Movie's and Fun at Movie Night! http://equestria.tv/r/cmc_clubhouse Playing tonight: Star Wars Ep VII and The Dark Knight Returns!

    1. glitterbomb


      Wish I could make it! Have fun!

  7. "Tonight, a comedian died".....Wait....That's not right. "When one finds a penny in the shower"...........That's not right either. "Obey Feld0"........Still not right. Hang on....Yes....I got it. "Be yourself, because you are you. No one has the right to tell you who you are, because you know who you are." "Like what you like because you like it. Not because others like it."
  8. Coming up on movie night this Friday night. Star Wars Ep VII: The Force Awakens and The Dark Knight Returns! The real Batman vs Superman.

  9. Yup. It's correct. Done and done. Now go buy some steak.
  10. First in line baby! Alrighty. So if I got all the correct items in the cart, then Imma press that button and give you those fat stacks.
  11. Woot woot! You got it up and running! Let's get this ball rolling! Inked Full Color of course. Detailed background. Extra character This will be my OC, Crescent Star. Sitting in a comfy chair with legs crossed. Holding a glass of champagne with a smirk oh his face (the smirk you will see in the references. Doesn't have to be just like in the references though). He will have his goatee, top hat, and monocle. Which you will see in the references. He will be sitting next to a lit fireplace with a picture of Viridian Meadows [doesn't have to be full body, can just be her head] (I'm assuming this will count as an extra character) above the chair hanging on the wall. You can do whatever you want with the wall. Add any details you would like. You can add a fancy looking rug in front of the chair, unless that might be too much, in which case a wood floor or simple floor will be fine. Unless a floor isn't necessary. References Thanks in advance and good luck with your commission shop!
  12. Not for me. It's almost 9am. Wow. Did I say 9am? I meant 9pm when I made this post.
  13. Are you older than 102? At least, I think that's my age.......
  14. Of you bake two eggs with a leather strap, you get a stuffed alligator.

  15. I've got go. The hot nurse wants to see me.
  16. When you kids get to be my age, uh....... What was I saying?
  17. I wouldn't want to giggle to hard. My teeth might fall out again and I might dislocate my jaw.
  18. Thanks. I've been eating my raisin oatmeal and taking my medication.
  19. *Hack* *cough* *hack* *weeze* *weeze!!* Excuse me..... Whoops, there whent my teef.
  20. Do you ever wake up, and feel old? That everything is old. Even friendship?

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