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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Woohoo

  1. Did Ymza spike Kronk's spinach puffs?

    Also, the stage looks like a giant sandbox.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woohoo


      Probably just a stock Guitar Hero character. :sunny:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      We'll call her "Roxanne". :P

    4. Woohoo


      Also, why are they playing at a stadium that's been demolished for over 25 years?

      That being Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium.

      The Ballparks: Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium—This Great Game

  2. Maybe this thread is quite unfair since users outnumber staff by at least 10 to 1.
  3. When the guys of Breaking Bad aren't cooking meth, bending laws, and selling fast food...


  4. Have you ever hyped for some movie/show; but by the time the thing comes out, you end up not watching it? :sunny:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woohoo


      That'll probably me whenever Hazbin Hotel comes out... :yeahno:

    3. Megas


      I mean I was hyped for MGSV but never played it until 8 years after its release.....

      Goddamn was it seriously 8 years ago?

    4. Woohoo


      I was hyped for Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie back in 2017, but I didn't watch it until four years later... :lostit:

  5. These vids keep getting weirder...

    Why can't I see the drummer?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Woohoo I would have seen it if you'd tagged me sooner, Bestie.

      Rapunzel, John Cena, Blackfire and Marty McFly? How did they know what I liked so accurately? :PIPPIPHURRAY:

    3. Woohoo


      I don't want to abuse my tagging power... :lostit:

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Woohoo I'm totally cool with being tagged, Bestie. :eager:

  6. Haven't heard this song in decades...
  7. Did Pingu get a B+ on his report card?


  8. >goes on Derpibooru
    >sees this image



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Woohoo


      I'm pretty sure Blitzø would want to hang out with all the ponies... :sunbutt:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      While saying really mean stuff to hide his overwhelming joy. 

    4. Woohoo


      What if Loona met Luna? :orly:

  9. "My mom wouldn't notice me if I was an alien pod-person chanting 'Hare Krishna' and spitting nickels."
  10. This one scene from Hey Arnold.
  11. The Scooby Doo/King of the Hell/Duke Nukem/Metroid crossover no one asked for...


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Woohoo


      Here's an idea, but it'll never happen because this song was never featured in any Guitar Hero game...

      • Song: "Wild Horses" by The Rolling Stones
      • Lead Vocals: Blitzø (because he loves horses)
      • Guitar: Moxxie
      • Bass: Millie
      • Drums: Loona
    3. Sparklefan1234


       I didn't have a song in mind. I'm not super into music. :please:

    4. Woohoo


      Here's a lineup and song you'd might like...

      • "We Got The Beat" by The Go-Gos
      • Lead Vocals: Molly McGee
      • Guitar: Della Duck
      • Bass: Judy Hopps
      • Drums: Rapunzel
  12. Finally changed my avatar to Asexual Alastor for Pride Month.


    Art by Ayyy-Imma-Ninja

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woohoo


      I wonder if Della is LGBTQ+... :dash:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      I think Della might be. We know Penumbra is LGBTQ+. 



    4. Tacodidra


      Happy Pride Month, my friend! :D


  13. We are the youth gone wild!
  14. Forums are buggy. :crackle:

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      "The forums are buggier than a big bug bugging out in a dune buggy."

    2. Woohoo


      Now the forums are unbuggy. :Pip-giggle:

  15. These vids keep getting weirder and weirder...

    Does Gary have telekinesis? 

  16. *boops* @Sparklefan1234 @Kyoshi @Princess Silky @Tacodidra @Flutterstep @Lightwing @SolaceFall @Denim&Venöm @Megas
  17. Woohoo

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Why do I feel so fatigued?
  18. I'm not sure if I'm up for watching a whole show this month. I'm starting to feel fatigued... :scoots:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Woohoo


      It's definitely one of the best episodes of S5. My only issue with it is it's attached to what I consider the worst HA episode "Curly's Girl." :eww:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      Curly and Sid are two of the worst characters of all-time

      in one of my favorite shows of all-time. :eww:

    4. Woohoo


      I liked Curly in S1-S3, but then they made him a Rhonda obsessed stalkerish simp in S4. :Cozy:

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