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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Woohoo

  1. Thomas Edison x Miss Fowl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MordeTwi :eww:

  2. A swamp that consumes you when you're sad. Who are the members of the Teen Titans?
  3. Ever feel this way?


    Left Millie: Me liking something because it's niche.

    Right Millie: Me not liking the thing anymore because it became popular.

    1. Splashee


      I like things that become popular, but it also has to be good. I like to see reactions, but not fake reactions (like people trying to pretend it is good because it is popular). Very complex.

    2. Woohoo


      Reminds me of fans of some artists/bands they used to like because they were underground, but then they lost interest once those said artists/bands became mainstream.

  4. I was taking a shower 10 minutes ago. Feeling fresh.
  5. Woohoo

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Will I ever get out of bed?
  6. Tartarus. Who is the current lead singer for Journey?
  7. Why do I keep listening to this song? :BornAgainBrony:

    And why do I keep imagining a fictional artist covering it? :Cozy:

  8. Do you have headcanon for your favorite characters? :confused:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Rarity makes Nightmare Night costumes for her friends instead of getting birthday presents. :grin:

    2. Megas


      In Sleepless In Ponyville Rainbow got a dream warning her about Scootaloo running away and that’s how she was able to find 

    3. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      S9 Sombra was a Mean 6–style clone.

      Hence the similar-looking ritual (which noticeably never showed the horn piece, while Comic Sombra's revival did) and death, and the suddenly opposite personality. The fact that both they and he attacked the Tree is uncanny, too.

  9. Woohoo

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Will I finish my entire taco bowl for lunch?
  10. "You look marvelous sunny side up, sire. that's no yolk."


  11. "We've got ourselves a bogey..."


    1. ZiggWheelsManning


      Not just any bogey, a TIE FIGHTER:wau:  

    2. Woohoo


      Not a TIE Fighter, just Jimmy.

      YARN | Gotta blast! | Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius | Video gifs by quotes |  2f53890d | 紗

  12. Tonight, I will start watching Jimmy Neutron.


  13. Would anyone play behind a hot pink drumkit?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woohoo


      Also, what artist/band would have a drumkit in hot pink?

    3. Splashee


      The Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust Band

    4. Woohoo


      In case you're wondering where I got this picture, the drumkit was originally purple but I changed the color in Photoshop.

      It's the kit currently used by Lars Ulrich of Metallica.


  14. Luca "Nothing can stop this thing! We've hit it with everything we've got!" "Not everything, General, the bomb..." 😳🕶 "The Nautilus has first strike capability and is not far offshore." "You scare me, man. You want us to bomb ourselves in order to kill it!?" "General, it seems to follow whatever attacks it. We can lure it away from the town, then destroy it."
  15. Beast Boy singing karaoke.
  16. Taking a walk outside. Hopefully the weather allows it.
  17. I've decided on my next show to watch/rewatch this month...






    Gotta Blast GIFs | Tenor

  18. Back to normal me. :proud:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Woohoo


      Sometimes I wish I was Mark... :BornAgainBrony:

    3. Splashee


      Mark :yay:

      I mean Woohoo :yay:

    4. Woohoo


      Splashee :ButtercupLaugh:

  19. Woohoo

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Should I stay as Mark or revert back to Woohoo?
  20. I bet most of you don't even understand my display name. :crackle:

    1. Splashee
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Isn't he from that boat movie? :wacko:

    3. Woohoo


      It's the name of my original character that I have a hard trying to imagine what he looks like.. :wacko:

  21. I've decided on what show to watch during the month of April...








  22. *sharp inhale*



    My friends on TikTok send me Chaggie. On Discord, it's fucking RadioDust! I was on a Sub-Reddit, right, and AAAAAALLLL of the posts are just Hazbin stuff!

    I showed my Champion shirt to my friends, and the logo I flipped it and said, "Hey guys, this little darling is Niffty!" HA-HA!

    *dings the intro to "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow"*

    I looked at a trash can and said, "That's a bit Husky." I looked at my pingas, I think of Angel Dust, and I go, "OH, HARDER DADDY!"


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