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The Pulse

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Everything posted by The Pulse

  1. Crud... Sooooo difficult... umm... 1. Star Wars: Battlefront II 2. Star Wars Battlefront 3. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum 4. Fable II 5. Halo 3 6. Halo CE 7. Pokemon: Fire Red 8. Perspective (Digipen Mind#*^! game) 9. Portal Series 10. Sonic Adventure 2 1-3 are concrete, others could be switched around a bit. I have the horrible feeling i left out games I adore...
  2. Just wondering what you guys listen to. My personal favorites are Gypsy Bard - The Living Tombstone Small Wings - Sim Gretina Discord - The Living Tombstone Remix Feel Free to post more songs. By no means are you limited to posting 3!
  3. I've messed around with inkscape and illustrator a little bit, but nothing serious. I wanted to try my hand at vectoring a pony and this is what i came up with. I think its disproportionate but not bad for a first try.
  4. Hmm... I like Information: Vsauce Minute Physics Effects and Videos: FreddieW Corridor Digital Gaming: OfficialNerdCubed CraigAA1028 (XBL brony troll, pretty funny at times) Node Niichts Music: Sim Gretina Lindsey Stirling The Living Tombstone
  5. I find this to be very funny. It'll start kinda slow in the beginning, but watch the whole way through and if you don't laugh, something must be wrong. Sorry if this has already been posted.
  6. I'd have to say that Rarity's Singing is more professional and in a sense beautiful. However Rainbow Dash's singing is nice in it's own way. Over all I think it is really quite pointless to try and judge and rate singing styles that are INTENDED to be different based off the attitude and background of the character.
  7. I'll just come out and say that I play WAY to many video games. If I had to guess around 3-4 hours everyday. Aaanyways, I used to play mainly on the Xbox 360 with games like Halo 4, MW3, Skyrim and a couple others. However I decided that the benefits of owning a monster PC would be worth it so I saved up and worked for around a year to build my own gaming computer last december . Gaming on the PC is truly amazing as long as you are willing to spend a decent amount of money on your machine, Especially Skyrim with loads of graphics mods. Ironically the first thing I bought was a bunch of old sonic games from a steam sale (which are amazing). Got to love the classics. On to what I actually play. Currently I am playing Guild Wars 2(MMORPG), BF3, TF2, Awesomenauts (if you get past the name it's a pretty good game), RTC3 Platinum, And of course: minecraft. So basically, I play any type of game I can get my hands onto. MMO's, FPS's, MOBA's, I like them all.
  8. I extremely dislike: Homework Swag- I believe the actual meaning came from the 70's-80's as "secretly we are gay" Yolo Self-praising Jerks boasting Inability to do something you want to do feeling inadequate being lazy (and knowing it) but being lazy anyways deliberately doing something your not supposed to people who always have to get the last word having bad grades doing poorly on a test
  9. Ok, I am not really sure what to think regarding Twilicorn. On one hand, I feel that it can genuinely disrupt a lot that the show has built up. First, It interrupts the equality of the mane 6 because it is obvious that Twilight is now more special than any of her friends. Second, Since they're going to make a season 4, it seems out of place. I half expected Twilight to eventually become an alicorn, but only at the very end of the show. This is because by becoming a princess, it implies that she has learned everything that is needed to be know about the magic of friendship (at least in my opinion). And if that is the case, why continue the show. It kind of robs closure to the story. Last, What happens to all the other characters of the main 6? Since Twilight is now a princess, wouldn't that mean that she needs to go someplace far off to rule. I think ponies maintain the tradition of loyalty being aloof from commoners, which goes against all the values being built up. I can only find a couple ways of this working out. One being Firelord Derpy's Idea I remember seeing this idea somewhere but can't find the exact location/ Plus i've modified it a bit to make a bit more sense (at least to me) The basic premise was this: In one of the premiere episodes Twilight becomes greedy with the power of being an alicorn (unlikely I know), when a powerfull evil starts taking over ponyville. Only Twilight isn't there to help stop and the other ponies in the Mane 6 need her help. Over the course of the episode, it will become apparent that in order to save ponyville and her friends, Twilight would need to give up her wings in some attempt to stop the evil from spreading. Thus returning her to her normal form and giving her an even deeper meaning of friendship like being willing to sacrifice something you like to help your friends. The only problem is that there is still the spell in the book at the beginning and end of the episode. All it would take is for Twilight to utter the complete version of the spell and become an alicorn again (A fact that I think most people over look). Please correct me if I am wrong on that point. Ok, so the pro Twilicorn side. First, after all this is a show primarily for little girls. And as prevalent as the brony fan base is, they still come second to the original audience. And with the original audience being girls. Twilight's transformation into a princess reflects the dreams of thousands of girls. In essence they were trying to say "you can be a princess" without truly considering how hard it could be to continue the show after the transformation. Further more it IS possible for the Mane 6 to stay together with a scenery change albeit with a few problems. Look at dekutree64's theory Overall, I think the last episode of season 3 was a bit rushed, and unfortunately I think it led to some decisions that may not have been completely thought out. And really, there is not much the fanbase can do to change what has already been aired across hundreds of thousands of t.v.s across America. And that it is just a better idea to trust in the writers to continue making the brilliant show that caused the brony phenomena tl;dr Both sides of the debate have merit (read the post if you want to know a few). And there is not much that we can do to change it anyways, just rely on the writers to make it good. I sincerely hope that I did a good job putting this thread together and that it will be understood for what it is. Thanks, The Pulse Wow... 2783 Characters.
  10. Nice to meet you! Although I don't have to much to say because I only just joined myself, However so far its really cool.
  11. Mines rather simple, It's a nickname I got from cross country. Not because I am fast, or anything related to that. It's because of my real name which, unfortunately, I don't like to post online.
  12. The Pulse


    @Starflower Yeah, different definitions for graphic design as of right now, BUT... I do plan on getting into the sort of stuff you are currently learning. @AngryUnicorn Definately! I came onto this site looking to make some more friends, so why not! OH and if you need any pointers with Gimp, I'd be happy to help. Images Should be in above post, And not that I think you will, But please don't rip the images. I still need to put tags on some of them.
  13. The Pulse


    Awesome! And thanks for the quick reply. So what type of Graphic design do you do. Cause it may be different depending on definition. If I'll try to find one (or many) of my signatures to upload. Edit: Images should be attached The one that looks crappy with the weird fire is the first one I ever did. Oh, and one more thing: I am not an extreme music fan, so I can't list off band names and such. Except for Two Steps from Hell I love them, and no, they're not screamo but rather epic movie trailer music type-ish. A lot of there pieces are on youtube, so you can look them up there.
  14. The Pulse


    I decided with a great amount of deliberation(not really) to join these forums. So. I found out about this site from two guys I run cross Country/track with. (Kolth and NeonDinosGoMeow) A little about me: I might or might not be slightly crazy. I enjoy a multitude of things. A couple examples being reading, gaming, and just about anything related to computers. I intend to get into programming 3d modeling and just about anything I think will be useful. I dabble with an open source program called gimp to create cool looking signatures from pre-existing images, layering effects on them until I am satisfied with the way they look. Unfortunately I am not as adept with vector graphics as I'd like to be. I plan on getting better, but alas, a serious gaming addiction usually devours most of my free time. Eventually i'll get back to learning. Let's see, I have put together my own computer (what I use for gaming) so I could help out with any computer problems(probably) that people may have. I love running, hence the cross country/track with the people that got me onto this site. One more thing- I like to debate and try to fully flesh out issues. Why I got onto this site: YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW! Just kidding... OK so I have like the show for a while now but have never really had someone to talk to about it. So I look forward to hanging out and doing just that. If your thinking these sentences seem to lack coherence, I couldn't agree more. tl;dr I might be crazy I love computers I like graphic design (art) I game way too much I love running I enjoy talking and listening to people I enjoy debating (even though I might lose) I suck at writing hello posts This is longer than it should be Looking forward to having a great time hanging out!
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