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King's post in Unapproved comments? was marked as the answer
I believe it means that you have unapproved comments. Basically meaning you need to approve peoples comments on that blog before they become visible.
Your blog isn't unapproved at all, its still visible and you haven't broken any rules
King's post in Commission thread being deleted over and over was marked as the answer
Feld0 has to set up the store for you first before your thread will be approved. It still exists, it just needs approval by an Admin. Felds has been busy lately due to recent engagements such as BronyCAN and other such things, but I'll see if Im able to remind him next time he is on
King's post in The Profile Views... was marked as the answer
Straight from the horses...or..site owners....mouth.
[9:46:13 PM] Feld0 | Poniverse.net: profile view count does not differentiate between "types" of views to my knowledge.
[9:46:13 PM] Feld0 | Poniverse.net: it's a dumb counter that increments every time a profile is loaded
King's post in How do I progress through the ranks? was marked as the answer
Hopefully this helps you
Ima go ahead and lock this up considering this seems to be all good now
King's post in What Happened to the Minecraft server/forum? was marked as the answer
The minecraft server was shut down after a long period of inactivity and due to a lack of manpower to run it essentially.
But there is a high chance of it returning sometime in the future.
King's post in Following A Topic was marked as the answer
To make it easy I'll quote both answers.
No Problem
Sorry I wasn't able to help directly though.
Good luck with it
Ima lock this up now
King's post in Un-able to post. was marked as the answer
This was because of the server Migration that took place last night. Everything should be fixed for you now though
King's post in Who Do I Do With My Banner? was marked as the answer
These 3 posts pretty much sum it up...
King's post in For the episode discussion boards do we need spoiler warnings in topic names? was marked as the answer
(Best answers together for convenience)
Now that this has been answered, Ima go ahead an lock this up
Have a great day
King's post in I'm confused on where to post my topic. Unsure where it feels appropriate. was marked as the answer
Brony related news not Directly related to the show belongs in Sugarcube corner.
So you can go ahead and post it there when you are ready
King's post in Cannot Access Minecraft Details was marked as the answer
The Minecraft server was shut down a while ago due to on going issues with lack of interest and how much it was taking to keep it up and running. If you would like to recommend it come back, you can always post in the suggestion forum
But for now, no one can access it.
King's post in signature was marked as the answer
The default signature size is 600x100, so i don't believe that would fit the bill.
The reason as to why others have larger signatures is due to a delayed community gift of 9 days Subscriber status from a previous Christmas Fundraiser. Thats ended now so if anyone wants to change their signatures, it has to be 600x100...unless you donate, in which case it goes back up to 600x200.
Sorry for the confusion , hopefully this help
Edit: Judging by the fact that Brick now has a spiffy new Signature, It can be seen that he has fully understood our answers x)
With that said, I shall lock this up now.
Have a good day
King's post in Problem With Member Title was marked as the answer
The Member Title privilege was a part of the delayed "Christmas Gift" to the community. the privileges given were only to last something like 9 days, but ended up lasting a bit longer. It was talked about in a thread in here as well that if you choose a member title to be careful as eventually you would get stuck with it.
That being said, if you ask a moderator to change it back to normal, most would be happy to help you, so that would be your best bet
Edit: With this answered, Im gonna go ahead and lock it up here
Have a good day
King's post in Two questions: Private online status & Donars was marked as the answer
When you log in, you are given the option to log in anonymously, this will mean that your online status will only come up as Private and people won't know you are online unless you post or specifically say you are online.
A Donor is someone who has donated money to the forum upkeep fund. Thats the fund that helps keep the forum going as it isn't cheap to run MLPF.
Hopefully this help you
EDIT: Judging by the Bro-hoof I see that you understand
Thus, Im locking this up
Have a good day
King's post in Offline was marked as the answer
EDIT: As something both Megamare mentioned and something Key had told me (That I had forgotten <_<) this is purely a Tech issue.
Your best bet is a Support Ticket, as while this may be a minor issue, it should be brought to the Tech Admins attention.
With that said, Id like to keep this thread open for a while just in case the issue is solved.
King's post in Concerning the Page Footer was marked as the answer
(Thank to Neikos for this Info)
Exec. Time = Execution time, basically the time it took for the server to generate the page
Queries = the amount of database queries
And neither of us are quite sure what Load means.
King's post in I need to enter a name to post in the RP? was marked as the answer
Ok, this appears to be a Technical Issue that we are simply unable to assist with at this point. I recommend creating a support Ticket, and a Tech Admin will get across to helping you as soon as possible.
I apologise, it just appears that this may be stemming off of an actual site error that we are unable to fix ourselves. Only a Tech Admin can do that.
With that said, Im locking this up
Have a nice day
King's post in Something's up with the recently discussed topic list... was marked as the answer
Ahh, I've seen that one
Yes that one is an RP Topic. The reason you see two is because the creator used the exact same name for both the discussion topic and the actual RP itself. This will happen sometimes, nothing to worry about really
Hope this answers it for you
If you see any more duplicate topics, take into consideration the other answers above. If you see a topic that simply been created twice for no real reason, reporting it as Duplicate content is greatly appreciated.
With that Im locking this up
Have a nice day
King's post in Blogs was marked as the answer
Please use the Search Bar to make sure your Site question doesn't already exist, as in this case, it does already exist.
To add on, read our FAQ entry on blogs:
That will tell you everything you need on how to create a blog, just incase you just weren't going about it in the correct way.
You have to be at least a Muffin to create a blog (5 posts)
If you are still unable to create a blog, please open a support Ticket as it could be a Technical Issue.
With this said, Im locking the thread up.
Have a good day
King's post in Signature Help was marked as the answer
In an effort to create a single "Best Answer" I'll quote the two best in this thread...
Hopefully this helps you
With this appropriately answered, ima lock this puppy up
Have a good day
King's post in Would Custom Ponies fall under Pony art or only traditional Medium ? was marked as the answer
These would gladly be accepted under the term "Pony Art" Considering they are Ponies and art
So if you're asking if you can post pictures of them in the Pony art section, then yes you can.
King's post in Member Titles? was marked as the answer
EDIT: apparently the Subscriber privileges have been taken back now. not sure why your names are still gold, but you wont be able to get your name changes unless you donate now.
At the moment, ALL members are able to edit their member titles due to the Christmas gift to the community of 9 days Subscriber status (Even though its been longer then 9 days )
Just head into your settings area and it should be right under your Profile Information area, like in this screenshot.
Edit: Also take these into consideration...
King's post in Where to post "Apology Letters To Twilight"? was marked as the answer
Something like this kinda teeters between show discussion and forum Lounge, however id recommend Forum Lounge as this isn't technically discussing the show itself, but rather taking a single aspect and turning it into a random fun thing to do. So yes, your best bet is forum Lounge
King's post in Breaking a large quote into sections? was marked as the answer
The above answers both would help solve your current issue, so it's all up to you which one you adopt. The code option would be more detailed if thats your sort of thing, while the simple highlight and click would be alot easier, thats the one I'd recommend for you in all honesty.
If you aren't quite sure what is meant by that, have this screen shot:
When you click and drag over a piece of text you wanna quote, a small box will appear that gives you the ability to quote or mention
Hopefully this helps
EDIT: Judging by the lack of response and the abundance of help here, Im going to assume you understood what has been said :3
don't be afraid to ask again if you still have issues...
for now though, Im locking this up
Have a nice day
King's post in Google Chrome crashing on this forum: Anyone know how to fix it? was marked as the answer
As the others said, your best bet is to perhaps reinstall chrome. I used to use it myself and it would act a little slow on certain sites for some reason or other. If you continue to have the problem them perhaps change browser, unless you're overly attached to the google franchise
I use Firefox now and haven't had any issue's related with this site as of yet, so tha'ts always an option to toss around in your head.
Either way I wish you luck in sorting this out, and if you need any more help, Id be glad to attempt and walk you through via a PM to make things more smooth for you.
With that said, Im locking this thread up
Have a great day