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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Starlight Sky

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Everything posted by Starlight Sky

  1. Beautiful banner, Blue Moon :)

  2. This banner...I haven't thought of Moon Dancer in a while. It's wonderful to see her here, and the use of their tails is brilliant ^^ I really like this banner. Think I'll find/make a wallpaper like it.

  3. Emotion trumps logic, always xP They're equivalent, but fewer recognize gender dysphoria for what it is than depression. That unfamiliarity, and the phrasing, makes it sound like a disease. I'd use it for bookkeeping, since it notes the specific cause of discontent/anxiety; in everyday discourse, I'd break it down for people. That's all.
  4. So, you view it in cultural terms? I recognize everyone has a preferred way of thinking about things, it's just rare for me to see that "ism". Most I know say, "I support transgender people". Using it as an adjective seems more effective in the public spheres by reminding us that there are people behind the cause, and the unacquainted probably find it more approachable (since it's how other minority groups are referred to). Both are perfectly valid. I'm just curious as to why else you might use it. You make it sound like I think it was xD Technical definitions aside, the phrase "suffering from gender dysphoria" does connote a disease. At least, to me. That's all I'm saying As for "transgenderism", I get the idea, I just tend away from the usage. In the public sphere, the adjective seems most effective. Feminism is such an "ism", but saying women's rights sparks less controversy.
  5. Logitech M705. Not much of a story there
  6. First off, awesome thread! "Transgender" is a great umbrella term, and people have many ways of thinking of themselves. Some things caught my eye though, so gonna ask. Sounds like a disease when you put it that way ^^' "Suffering with gender dysphoria"....Gender is a social construct of which behaviors belong to each sex. It's completely artificial. What's with the "ism"?
  7. I really need to get to bed >.< Have a long day of volunteering ahead, but my new computer is calling me. Once I confirm if Steam runs well, I'll take my leave ^^

  8. I've been tired-bored most of today. Gonna wade through the forums for now.

  9. Most shows are already male-centered, so I don't feel like they need to make one. It wouldn't add diversity as much as checking a box. Having strong female leads helps set it apart from all the usual stuff. It brings diversity by being exactly what it is.
  10. That Roseluck banner is beautiful. Thank you, Misty Rose :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh that is good to hear YAY =)=)=))=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) sometimes its good to take it bit easier YAAAYY=)=)=)=)!

    3. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      Definitely ^^


      As I calm down, I'm finding more things to do. And that I can do them longer. It's nice.

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      YAY =)=)=)=)=)=) it is =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)!

  11. Yes. Yes! It's Taco Tuesday!! As luck would have it, we're going out for tacos today x3 Thanks to the awesome banner (and Dawning Demon) for reminding me of that ^^

    1. Dawning Demon

      Dawning Demon

      Your welcome! :3

    2. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Have fun on Taco Tuesday but beware of Sonata Dusk.

    3. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      @Photon Jet, If I see Sonata, I'm probably gonna join in the hype :3

  12. *sigh* O-k! Gonna chill out a little longer, finish up my exam prep, then finish my final ^^ After that, it's the 5 hour drive home ^-^'

  13. No opposition here! ^-^ Just blatantly ignoring you x3
  14. Oho! Princess Derpy, the majestic muffin mare :3

  15. A guy at the front of my class had a desktop with pony silhouettes and the words, "Band of Bronies". I walked up to him after class and "randomly" met him. Someone wore a pony shirt, and I went up to tell them how awesome it was. Gave another shout-out..thing to another pony shirted pedestrian. Huh, I've randomly engaged a few people on this. Oh! I met the voice actor for Scootaloo in Friendship is Witchcraft They noticed Twilight's cutie mark on my computer and we started talking.
  16. Amazing banner ^^

    1. Flutterstep
    2. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      And thank YOU for freshening the atmosphere :)


      Quite a balance of characters you achieved, which I thoroughly appreciate ^^

  17. Happy birthday, Batbrony ^_^

  18. *blinks* Oh...another cool banner. Wonder how long that's been there ^^'

  19. Why would you hit someone like that? *creates a crater from stomping on her plushy* Guess I should return the favor.... *transforms into a sadistic goddess* Now. You disfigured duck! Let's see if I can find that sweet spot. *grinds her heels into your neck, then travels to...you know*
  20. Just watched The End of Evangelion..hahaha, hahahahahahaha...ahh. Amusing.

  21. A wall. Well. You're about to get a real good look at it.
  22. Yay for Cinnamon! ^^ Ah...whoops :3
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