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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Vexx3

  1. Holy damn, we have the same birthday down to the same year. =o

    1. Vexx3


      Happy Birthday! (wanted to add that to the main message, but I guess you can't add new lines, lol).

    2. Radiance64


      Ha, it seems that way(you weren't by chance born at 7:21 pm were you?). XD

      Anyway, thank you!

    3. Vexx3


      Haha, nope. Around 5 in the morning. :P

  2. I look stoned in the banner. @_@

    1. ----------------------
    2. Dsanders


      LOL where are you in the banner?

    3. Vexx3


      I'm on the far right, right next to the "View New Content" button.

    1. Devious Detonation

      Devious Detonation

      I can't even see the image, is that the fun thing on it?

    2. Vexx3


      It's the "howrse" ad. Saw it on these forums and the spelling made me laugh perhaps a bit harder than was necessary.

    3. Devious Detonation

      Devious Detonation

      Ooooh... I tought it was an add of the page.

  3. Looks like I can expect to be reprimanded at work today.

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Oh crud. Lemme guess. Retail?




      Either way, don't let it bother you. Remember, you are not your job. Mercifully, your self-identity goes beyond that environment.

    2. Dave247


      That's never good. But now you can get another job that is better then the last one.

    3. Vexx3


      This is my IT job. I forgot to let my boss know that I couldn't finish setting up a new employee on Friday. He left me an email this morning that started off with "We need to talk".

  4. Onion dip is best dip. Any argument to the contrary is moot.

  5. Man, I don't think I've ever been so excited to go back to school. :l

  6. Crap ton of art to do tonight. :<

  7. Everyone better keep a close watch on NC. http://prntscr.com/lumjw

    1. NewCalamity


      Hahah, just noticed this status now. ,_,

    2. Vexx3



  8. Nothing to eat here. I may have to result to... cooking. D:

  9. Contacted a company that fraudulently charged my debit card and demanded a refund. I was pleasently surprised today to see that they did indeed refund all the money.

    1. StingeMuffin


      I feel paranoid now. D:

    2. Vexx3


      They're sneaky, but so long as you only use your debit card for store purchases and online transactions from retailers you KNOW you can trust (such as Amazon, Newegg, etc.) you should be fine (the latter of which I think is what my mistake was).

  10. Just a few days left.

    1. Otter
    2. Vexx3


      Until I finish moving into my grandparent's house.

    1. Dave247


      Your becoming quite the popular one but it's all well deserved for all the work you put into your wallpapers.

    2. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      Vex is going to become a dA LEGEND!

  11. If I had a nickel for every time I had a nickel, then I could double my profit.

    1. Leafeon


      I like this plan.

    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Wait... More than double... Because... You'd get nickels for those nickels as well... The nickels would flow like the waters of the Nile.

  12. After 3 days, I finally have Skyrim installed on my desktop.

    1. Zero000


      LOL! PC gamer!

      I wish I could.

    2. Vexx3


      Hell yeah, PC! I do enjoy Oblivion on the Xbox, but I really only like consoles for racing games and most RPGs.

  13. Apparently, my last wallpaper was put into the Drawfriends article. I'm a bit confused, since I didn't really draw any part of it.

    1. Trixies Apprentice L

      Trixies Apprentice L

      probably because it looks a lot like a drawing xD Dath LunaxTwi wallpaper was trully remarkably :P

    2. Vexx3


      Lol, thanks. I'm guessing they didn't read the description. :P


      Oh well.

  14. After almost a year of being a member here, only now do I have anything on my About Me. :P

    1. Fox


      Woah, you suck.

    2. Blizzard Gale

      Blizzard Gale

      I should probably delete my about me. Now you peeked my curiosity. :[

  15. Happy Birthday, Arylett!

    1. Arylett Charnoa

      Arylett Charnoa

      Thank you. You know what would be the best birthday gift ever? Post Bello Nock everywhere Tom goes.

    2. Vexx3


      Consider it done.

  16. Great. My decision on a career is in flux again...

    1. Dave247


      Mine has been since I left school 2 years ago. Feeling lost really gets to you after a while.

    2. Vexx3


      Ugh, I know. I had zero clue about my career until two semesters into college. I thought I wanted to do web design/development, but now I'm just not sure.

    1. Jokuc


      Very talented.

    2. Dave247


      I feel it's a tiny bit too fast but still really good.

  17. Happy Birthday, Dizzy! :D

    1. Dizzy Ditzy Doo!

      Dizzy Ditzy Doo!

      Thank you so much! You're awesome! ^3^

    2. Dizzy Ditzy Doo!

      Dizzy Ditzy Doo!

      Thank you so much! You're awesome! ^3^

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