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Everything posted by GaleFenrir

  1. Hmm, as much as I'd like to see a drawing of one of my OCs, I can't help but wonder how you would go about drawing Princess Sunbutt Celestia. So, yeah, I'd like to see you draw Princess Celestia.
  2. ooh, I've always been interested in playing a proper table-top RPG like Pathfinder. I've already done quite a good amount of reading on the system(though, can't say recently; I remember quite a bit, though). So, yeah, you could count me interested. (I rather'd like to play a sorcerer, perhaps) edit:(OH! No, I'd much rather play a bard, on second thought.)
  3. @@Leafeon, Cecil was not expecting to take a bubblebeam to the face, and was caught completely off-guard. Remarkably, however, he managed to not be annoyed by the torrent. Instead, he played it off, by closing his eyes and basking in the sudden moisture. He slicked his hair back, and allowed stray water to drip down onto his chest, causing a glisten. "Ah, it's nice to be hit with a move that isn't mud for once. This is actually rather refreshing, really." he reopened his eyes when the stream of bubbles ceased, and smirked slightly in satisfaction when he noticed that the gym leader was bashfully looking away. The growlithe, for its part, continued to run around at top speed, keeping its eye on the enemy. An idea struck it, and as it bounded towards the tentacool to deal another take down, it jumped as it went, hoping to hit it right on the top of its 'head' to both deal additional damage and avoid retaliation, and then bound away to safety. Cecil took a moment to consider the battle, "hmm, we've dealt a number of significant blows to that tentacool. Hopefully we can knock it out with this or the next attack." He turned his attention back to the Gym Leader, "but I must fulfill my duty on this team! I must not let up my suppressive fire!" "Yes! Magnificent! It truly is a word fit to describe thee! But, nay, not alone! Along its ranks are terms such as wondrous, lovely, beauteous, splendorous! Oh, I fear even all together these words are not enough. You are beyond words, your glory and radiance defies the tongue of mere mortals!"
  4. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon,@@Leafeon, Abigail never let her eyes off the bunnelby, "I'm not a fool; I know what you're planning, you sneak. You're not the first to try and hoodwink me! Though... they all succeeded in the past... but, still! Not this time!" Abigail thought to herself. Still, despite the mischievous nature of this pokemon, Abigail wanted to avoid conflict and resolve this properly. Before she could try to carry out the trade, however, she saw the heart scale float out of the bunnelby's paws and towards the vulpix. "Heh?" She uttered, noticing that the pouch she was holding to her chest was getting lighter as berries floated out of it and towards the bunnelby. She stood in blank confusion until she heard her clefairy utter, "-ryyy." She turned to see her pokemon glaring irritated at a familiar looking elgyem that was shaking her shoulders. "Clef! Clef-ay! Ry ry ry!" The clefairy scolded the elgyem, clearly displeased with its intervention. It was attempting to communicate to the psychic type that her trainer could've totally handled that trade by herself, and that it had disgraced both Abigail and the clefairy by taking the matter into its own (metaphorical)hands. "Now, now, Isabella. That's not necessary. It was just wanting to help, and it did. Nothing wrong with that." The clefairy simply puffed out its cheeks and turned it head away. Abigail looked at the elgyem and smiled at it, "Merci bien de votre assistance, Elgyem." She turned her attention back to the vulpix, still smiling, "there, see? No one had to fight." She petted it on the head, scratching lightly behind the ear. Soon, Elias had caught up with his elgyem, carrying an odd pokemon in his arms. "Oh, hey Elias! Um... but, uh." She handed her pouch of berries to her clefairy, and it zealously held the remaining berries to its chest tightly. Abigail pointed at the bonsly with her newly freed hand, "why would you want to bring that pokemon to a dry place? Surely a grass-type should need plenty of moisture." Meanwhile, Abigail's krabby was doing its signature walk, pacing back and forth as it eyed the situation between the vulpix and the bunnelby. It came around behind the bunnelby, and snapped it pincers in its general direction to attract its attention, "kooky!"
  5. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, "Hweh? Non-non! You two..." She said, putting her hand on the vulpix to dissuade it from pouncing on the bunnelby. She looked at the hairy hare, and then back to the vulpix, to notify them that she was addressing both of them. "There is no need to fight!" She she looked back at the bunnelby, a smile on her face, "come here, little fella. Surely, there must be something you could want for that scale." She looked at her clefairy, and motioned to it to bring her their food supply. The clefairy puffed out its cheeks, clearly not happy to be sharing her food with these wild ruffians. Abigail gave a stern look, however, and silently goaded the clefairy into complying. The clefairy presented its trainer a pouch of berries, and Abigail grabbed it with her free hand, her other still comforting the vulpix. Abigail looked at the bunelby, a cheerful smile on her face as she opened the pouch by tugging at one end with her mouth, not wanting to let her hand off the vulpix. She dangled the showed the opening of the pouch to the bunnelby, presenting the delicious pokemon food in it. "I'll give you all these berries if you give us that pretty scale." She ceased presenting the berries to the bunnelby and held the pouch to her chest. She didn't want the pokemon to just snatch her bargaining chip away, after all.
  6. Cinnamon rolls. GAWD... I love me some cinnamon rolls. I never eat as many as I want because they are not healthy at all, but pls, magic hypothetical question, make cinnamon rolls healthy.
  7. hmmm... 1) Any of the drivers from Kamen Rider. Seriously, I totes wanna Henshin into a Karate fightin Bugman. If I had to choose one, gotta go Kabuto. 2) Well, with a rider belt, I'd already have augmented super-human abilities. If I were to pick something innate to accompany that, gotta go with superman's vision. 3) A sandshrew. Just, I wanna sandshrew, okay? So long as it's not a total arse.
  8. Gardenia "Timber wolves? How dreadful... I don't even know how I should consider those. Are they flora or fauna? Hmm, either way, I suppose they're too dangerous to observe up close, anyway. Best if I avoid such." Gardenia mentally shuddered at the thought. As a scholar, such creatures were quite interesting; there was scant documents on them in the Royal Canterlot Library. But, it wasn't exactly a mystery as to why. More then willing to allow Cask to settle her lodging arrangements, Gardenia's mind and gaze had wandered about. Her eyes would occasionally stall on one of her new acquaintances, but she kept a check on herself to not stare. In her head, she was considering what laid ahead, what to do with the day. The playhouse was certainly interesting, and she reconsidered all of her acquaintances, considering whose company she would most enjoy in that situation. "Hmm... Emerald is such a pleasant mare; and we have plenty in common, or at least I would think so. Perhaps I should..." but before Gardenia could invite Emerald to such, Sunset spoke up. "Oh, what a pleasant coincidence," Gardenia said, walking up alongside Emerald, opposite Sunset. She gave a friendly smile at Sunset, "the theater had piqued my interest as well." She turned her head slightly to look at Emerald, and she fluttered her eyelashes a bit, not entirely on purpose, "it does sound quite delightful, surely you'll accompany us, Emm?"
  9. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, "Ah," Abigail smiled in understanding of the vulpix, "you need help getting that? I can do that for you." She nodded as she pointed to the hole, attempting to communicate non verbally in case the vulpix couldn't quite understand. She leaned forward, and stuck her hand into the hole, feeling around for the object the vulpix wanted. She smiled at the vulpix when she felt it, and grabbed onto the object, so as to pull it out and present it to the vulpix.
  10. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Vaporeon,@@Leafeon, @@Umbreon, "Hweh?" Abigail uttered in surprise at Elias's statement, before beaming in happiness, "you are from Lumiose, too, Elias? No wonder you seemed familiar! I must've seen you around the city!" Unfortunately, before she could discuss her beloved home further, Elias's Elgyem had run off. Abigail had turned to start talking to Cilla about this sudden development, but she had to suddenly run off to find her own pokemon. "Oh, um, okay..." Abigail said dejectedly, continuing to walk along the path by herself, clearly not noticing that Elias had remained standing where he was instead of chasing after his pokemon. She figured that since the other two trainers were occupied, she could afford to take some time to look around the route herself. "D'aww, looky, Jeanne! Look, Isabella! Aren't they all adorable?" The clefairy simply puffed out her cheeks, "-ry," whereas the krabby didn't have much to comment on. "Hmm?" Abigail said, seeing a wild pokemon scratch at a hole in the ground. She set down her krabby onto the ground, "I wouldn't want to intimidate it, after all." She slowly and quietly walked up to the vulpix, and knelt down beside it, "Bonjour! What are you up to, little one?"
  11. @@Leafeon, Cecil's growlithe was eagerly chomping at the tentacool, its eye closed in bliss. Thus, when the tentacool fired its light of confusion, the growlithe was unaffected by it, though he did open his eye lids and let go of his prey. He had to be careful, after all; sometimes a hunter must play with its meal, to avoid retaliation, this is what his instincts informed him. Of course, he wouldn't eat the poor tentacool, his trainer had taught him better then that. The beam of bubbles struck the growlithe as it was backing off, the fire-type barely escaping the full force of the torrent. "Lithe..." The pup panted. This was a dangerous foe, the growlithe realized. Reckless abandon was not going to serve him further. Further latching onto it with his jaws would ill work out for him. The growlithe resumed its run around the field, quickly returning to its top speed. It ran erratically around the tentacool, and soon found an opportune moment to ram it in its back, hoping to bound back away from it immediately upon the take down to avoid retaliation. Meanwhile, Cecil thought to step up his game, as it were. "She seemed particularly flustered when I implied a compliment directed towards her. Further flattery would probably be a wise course of action." Cecil ran his hand through his hair, before looking directly at Roxie with what he hoped to be a piercing gaze, "ah, yes, as lovely as you are brilliant. There is no measure I would not take to capture your attention." He put his fingers up to his lips, and puckered them, "mwah!" He gestured an air kiss, "For, it is plain to see, I adore you! The way you carry yourself! The music that you play! The pride that you exude! It is all so magnificent!"
  12. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Vaporeon,@@Umbreon, @@Leafeon, Abigail blushed slightly at Elias's comment on 'beautiful Kalos women'. "Oh, uh, I wouldn't know about that... heh-heh..." She laughed nervously. Clearly, that comment had been directed as flattering, or even flirting, towards Abigail herself; she hadn't quite taken it that way, though. "He's right though, but, I certainly wouldn't say the most beautiful is from Kalos... that honor goes to Sinnoh..." her blushing intensified. Her sudden fluster distracted her from the mental battle that had occurred between Elias's and Cilla's pokemon. She snapped back to attention, though, when Elias tried to excuse himself. "yeah, come on with us, Elias. No sense in traveling all alone, right?"
  13. Ambrosia "So... they didn't really know each other beforehand, then?" Ambrosia thought to herself, trying to comprehend the situation at hoof with more clarity. Something that did not escape her notice, however, was Mirage seeming to flirt with the stallion. "Huh... well, um..." Doubts started to creep into her mind, "is she just like that with everypony? Or maybe she doesn't realize that her actions could be thought of as such?" She had been certain that she was of special interest to Mirage, and that had made her feel ecstatic. The thought that she would casually flirt with just anypony was upsetting, "maybe I just had the wrong idea..." Ambrosia didn't let these disheartening thoughts show on her face, though. She kept a measured smile and perked up posture throughout the two other ponies' conversation. Ambrosia considered the stallion again. He certainly had mentioned some interesting things to match his interesting aesthetic. Despite seeming outwardly like Mirage, his voice and mannerisms were noticeably different. It was as if though he was deliberately trying to align himself more with his Equestrian heritage, but neither did he seem ashamed of his more exotic heritage, given his attire. She had to admit, for a stallion, he was quite intriguing. She had no problem with being dragged along on an adventure; she had nowhere to be and nothing pressing to attend to. Further more, this Bardic stallion seemed to have more hefty luggage with him then Ambrosia had. She wasn't too fond of letting herself mooch off somepony else, but she didn't have much to offer at this point. Her stomach rumbled, a most uncouth sound, but it brought up a point that she would've otherwise been embarrassed to admit, "hey, if we're going to be on the road for a while, we should perhaps stock up on some... provisions, right?"
  14. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Vaporeon,@@Leafeon, @@Umbreon, "Oh, non-non! I should've been looking where I was going, I'm sorry." She waved off the concern she thought she heard from the boy. He was being somewhat sarcastic, of course, but Abigail wasn't particularly attentive to his tone, as she was just broken out of her reverie. The krabby in her arms, however, snipped its pincers, clearly irritated by the shock of bumping into someone. "Oh, and I'm sorry to you, too, Jeanne. Please, no need to be so upset." "koo..." She finally brought her full attention, and her gaze, to the person she bumped into. He was an odd looking fellow, or at least his attire was. Not that it was anything particularly special, on paper. No, it was how he wore it. It was as if though the person didn't know that their collar was popped, and their shirt wasn't fully tucked in. But there was something familiar about him, some sort of distinctive air about him that Abigail had noticed before, some time ago. She looked him in the eyes, but it was if though he wasn't looking back, at least not the way an average person would. Then, Abigail heard a distinctly familiar voice calling her name, and she turned to see Cilla greeting her, and a smile reappeared on Abigail's face, "oh, bonjour Cilla! Yeah, I'm ready to go!"
  15. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, @@Leafeon, @@Vaporeon, Abigail woke up to a pressure on her chest. "Huh?" "-ry!" The pokemon had crawled up on to her to wake her up at an early hour. "Oh, Isabella?" She put her arms around the pokemon and squeezed it in a hug, "thanks for waking me up! We wouldn't want to sleep in today, after all." The clefairy puffed out its cheeks and responded with a flat, "clef." Abigail let her pokemon out of her embrace and stood up in her bed. She stretched out her arms and let out a content sigh. Her hair was a complete mess, and it was quite evident upon her face that she had just woken up. She patted the clefairy on its head and stood up to go open the door of her room. She peaked down both sides of the hallway, and satisfied there was no one there, she proceeded to the restroom on that floor. Stepping out, she felt quite refreshed, her hair neatly combed and her skin newly moisturized. She slapped her cheeks in a final resolution to face the day with a bright outlook, and walked back to her room. She looked at her two pokemon, the clefairy and the krabby, and then looked at the egg she had set down in its container. "Well, sorry you two, if I'm to pay enough attention to this little fella, I can't have you out of your pokeballs and running about. Especially you, Jeanne, I don't think you could keep up walking along." The krabby snipped its pincers once in dissatisfaction, but couldn't really argue. Abigail picked up their pokeballs from the nightstand and returned the pokemon to them, before clipping said balls onto her belt. She picked up the container and the egg inside of it, "hmm... I should probably get a bag to carry this around in. I'm sure a mart here would sell one, and some nice comfortable cloths to pack it in with." She walked out of her room and down the stairs, and bade the nurse on duty good bye and thanks before heading out the door. She walked to the local mart, and soon stepped out of it with a new back-pack on her shoulders, the eevee egg comfortably inside. Content that it was now okay to divert her immediate attention from it, she summoned her two pokemon and picked up her krabby to cradle it in her arms. "Alright! I think we're ready to go!" She looked around her, looking for a familiar face, "huh, I guess we should meet up with Cilla first, huh?" She looked down at her pokemon, "I think it'd be alright if we took a stroll around town for a little while, y'know, get the muscles warmed up for our long day ahead." The pokemon nodded their heads. Abigail smiled and took off at a leisurely place, humming a soft melody as she walked along, her thoughts wandering as she considered the day ahead of her.
  16. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, "Hyeh?" Abigail uttered, partly in surprise and partly in relief, when the bell rang and the students started to leave. Her clefairy had stepped forward to continue her battery, but Abigail walked up and picked her up, knowing the battle was ended. Her pokemon squirmed and wriggled around, but Abigail patted her on the head and she calmed down in resignation. "-ry." The clefairy puffed out its cheeks. "It was our pleasure, really. I think I learned a lot, too." Abigail said in response to Rin thanking her for her participation, before running off to supposedly grab something. Abigail looked in blank confusion as she heard a cacophony of sounds from Rin scuffling inside the school. She looked down at her clefairy, who simply shrugged her little shoulders in mutual confusion. When Rin came back, Abigail beamed as she saw what was being presented to her. "Oh, wow! Really?" She let Isabella down so as to receive the egg. "Of course I would want it. That's so generous of you, Rin!" She nodded her head in excitement, "don't worry, I'll take good care of it! This wouldn't be the first time I took care of a pokemon egg," she looked down at her clefairy, "isn't that right, Isabella?" The clefairy puffed out its chest, turned away with its hands on its hips, but had a fluorescent blush on her cheeks. "Clef." Abigail simply smiled at her suddenly embarrassed pokemon, but turned her attention back to Rin and the egg. "Thank you so much, again, Rin. I hope we meet again sometime!" She held the egg and its container in her arms, and bowed in a respectful farewell to Rin. She headed towards the pokecenter, to heal her pokemon first, but also because she hadn't noticed anywhere else to spend the night. Upon receiving her newly refreshed pokemon, Abigail headed upstairs where a helpful nurse had directed her to a vacant room. She stepped into the room, and carefully set the egg's container down, and summoned both her pokemon out. She let out a hearty sigh as she flopped onto the bed, eager to rest in a proper bed for the first time in a while. She stretched out her arms and then looked at the egg she had received that day. "We're gonna have to figure out a way to carry that around with us, team." She looked at her clefairy, "back when you were just an egg, I could just carry you around in my arms wherever we went. But I fear I'll need to keep my hands free now... that is, if we're to help with this, um, situation we found ourselves in now. Heh-he." She nervously laughed. She was quite scared of what laid ahead of her. "Non-non. We can't just stand idly by, right? I mean, that's not what she would do in my position." She resolved, trying to follow the example of someone she admired dearly. She stood up out of her bed and turned off the room's lights. "Dormez bien, Isabella. Dormez bien, Jeanne." She laid back down on her bed, and fluffed her pillow before resting her head on it. "Clef!" "Koo!" Her pokemon bade her good night, as well. Abigail smirked in appreciation of her pokemon's responses, and quietly fell asleep.
  17. @@RetroArcadeRat, I do like it! Never seen her in a style like this before, it's cute. Thanks!
  18. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, The clefairy was struck by the quick attack, and barely kept her footing. It raised its arms in retaliation, to slap, and then slap again, of course. "Alright, use double slap this time..." Abigail said, since her clefairy was going to go ahead and do it anyways.
  19. @@Leafeon, "Disgraced?" Cecil balked, and put a hand over his barren chest, fingers splayed for dramatic effect. "I'll have you know that you should consider this an honor! Back in Kalos I was a well-known and well-regarded male model!" He exclaimed, mostly lying. "To think I would waste my talents in a filthy city like this, why, the very idea of it is absurd!" "Okay... not well known; it was just that one time that I modeled. But, still, I am very talented, and could make a career out of it if I chose." "But alas," Cecil said, putting his hand up to his lips, before flourishing his hand for further dramatic effect, "I am more then willing to put up with such an environment for the benefit of such a lovely person." He gave a wink to Roxie "as in, myself. This is proving quite beneficial to me. Silly Gym Leader." Meanwhile, his growlithe was bounding across the field, maneuvering every which way, accelerating further and further, keeping his eyes locked on the enemy. Upon reaching his top speed, the growlithe considered simply barreling into the enemy. But... it looked so soft and squishy. Not the red parts, of course, those looked too... odd. But, still, saliva was forming around its lips as it imagined biting down into it. Not for food, but simply to bite for the sake of it. Oh how the growlithe loved to bite new things. It ran towards the tentacool, putting its entire weight and speed into a take down. But so, too, did it open it maw and attempt to bite into the squishier blue parts of the enemy.
  20. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, Sand got in Isabella's eyes, and so she used her hands to clear her eyes instead of following through with her double slap. "-ryyy..." she said irritated. "Isabella, please, use disarming voice this time." her trainer called out, a concerned timbre to her voice, just in time for the swift stars to hit the clefairy. This knocked her back, and she was none too pleased. She let out a pained cry that would make the coldest heart shatter, intending to make the eevee feel bad about itself for daring to hurt her.
  21. @@Mint Drop, (('tis alright. I am a patient person. 'tho, now I am not certain of where exactly we should go. Most everypony seems to be in the library. Perhaps you could think of someplace that could exist our characters could check out?)) "Ooh?" Ambrosia exclaimed with chipper enthusiasm, her tail twitched. "Great!" She smiled widely, and got up from her seat with excitement. But then she remembered that Kisu was still enjoying her own snack, so she sat down, a slight blush of embarrassment on her face. "Um, whenever you're ready to leave, that is," she rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof, "heh-heh."
  22. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, "Well, it's rather late, so 1v1 would be best. Though I would want Jeanne to get some action, Isabella would throw a fit if she didn't handle this," she looked down at her clefairy, "alright, Madame Isabella De Pompadour, you're up!" The clefairy puffed out its chest and strutted onto the clearing. "Let's keep this a 1 on 1 battle, 'kay?" She gave a friendly wink to Rin. "Hmm... what move should we use? If we start with Sing, we could put it to sleep... but if that doesn't work, we would be in trouble. Perhaps we should just attack?" Abigail was uncertain of the course of action, and the clefairy had walked up towards the eevee, "use disarming voice?" Abigail said, but instead the clefairy raised its hand to slap a fool. "-ry!" "err, Isabella..."
  23. We don't even know what the Equestrian legal system is like. What, exactly, would be illegal? I call shenanigans.
  24. @@Leafeon, Cecil blushed a bit at Roxie's remark, as he stood up. "I couldn't help it!" He shook his head, regaining his nerve, and straightened his posture. "no, wait, I can totally work this to my advantage. I must! Great trainers such as myself must always use whatever resources they have for victory." He ran his hand through his hair, and gave the Gym Leader a (what he would assume to be)seductive glare, "why, do I make you bothered?" Meanwhile, the bubblebeam was too much for the valiant sandslash to handle, and it could not get up from the ground, "-sand..." Cecil let out a sigh, "it's alright, partner. Come on back," he returned his pokemon to its pokeball. He turned to his last remaining pokemon, "alright Scout, let's finish this." "-Lithe!" the growlithe bounded on to field, landing with his legs spread far apart as he readied himself to face the foe. "again, she may have the type advantage, but I will not allow that to determine the outcome. A truly great trainer such as myself can overcome such adversity. We should utilize Scout's superior mobility. And, hopefully..." he gave Roxie another wink, "we can catch them unawares..." Cecil bent down to order his pokemon beneath his breath, "agility, don't stay still for a moment. Keep picking up speed until you see an opening, then Take it Down!" The growlithe yelped a "grow!" in understanding, and started running around the battlefield. Cecil straightened back up, and every now and then would strike a pose for Roxie's sake.
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