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Everything posted by Zoraxe

  1. Luna was evil for a while. I think Celestia wants alicorns to just be good, as one of the last of her kind I think she wants Alicorns to only be good ponies. There may have been some outrite nasty alicorns in the past but now Celestia is in charge and she won't have it.
  2. "Accent does not change between Arizona and Georgia", what!? I don't know anything about Idaho, but I don't think its southern, culturally. Applejack's influences are southern culture in general, her look and rodeo skills are cowgirlish, but accent is not. Thats what I think anyways.
  3. I doubt there would be a city of just rich folks, cities just don't work like that.
  4. I just re-watched 'Games ponies play', and Shining Armor mentions something rather interesting to somepony he thinks is Miss. Harshwinny "I'd think in your line of work you meet Princes all the time". So that settles it then, Equestria has lots of Royal families, probably Republics too (I head-canon that Manehatten is a republic). Non-the-less, I think Celestia and Luna are a different class than the others and are atop the totem poll.
  5. @, Ever have an energy drink? I'd say a Dunkin Donuts coffee is stronger.
  6. Its basically coffee, if you take your coffee with lots of sugar. And some people drink a lot of coffee everyday.
  7. It could be that Twilight could go to Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns is because education isn't outrageously expensive in Equestria.
  8. The artificial sugar in Diet sodas are worse than sugar is (Stevia is alright for you though), they are terrible for your body. I avoid Diet drinks at all costs. I wish there were more mildly sweetened drinks, everything is either full of Sugar or full of fake sugar. Anyways, Energy drinks are only a hazard if you are very sensitive to caffeine, or you drink a ton of them in one day. Every story of somebody dieing from Energy drinks involved drinking like 6 in a row and often involves attempting to play sports or something afterwards.
  9. I just looked that up on the MLP wiki, it isn't sourced.
  10. Tennessee and Kentucky are right next door to Arkansas and Missouri, so... I guess she can be seen as either more Eastern or Western. But not Texan, as you say.
  11. Applejack is pretty much generically southern, and in a fantasy world to boot, so it doesn't matter. But I was wondering what you think Applejack is most similar to. There's actually a lot of differences in 'Southern' cultures if you didn't know. Her cowgirl hat and rodeo skills are wild west influenced (even though she works on an orchard instead of a ranch) so that points to western. But I have heard her accent is most like Tennessee, and that points to eastern. I actually want to know what people think. When you think about Applejack, do you think of Texas, or do you think of the deep south? Or something ells? I however think we can rule out Louisiana, because Applejack isn't French (albeit French that have been living in the deep south for a long time). There is no right answer to this, as I said, she is generically Southern, and voiced by a Canadian. On a side note, I would love for there to be a Southern Belle type character.
  12. I cringe at most of Applejack's southern-isms, you know, when she says some folksy saying nobody says in real life. I love that girls accent and the way she talks but she needs to lay off some of those sayings. This, yeah, like at the very beginning of 'Rarity takes Manehatten'.
  13. ? I'm going to have to say that this is unlikely. For one Celeatia has gotten her Flank kicked and regular Unicorns have raised the sun.
  14. I guess Twilight's family might be upper middle-class. -edited because this post made no sense after this thread was merged with an older one.
  15. I think since Twilight is going to be going various places next season, we can see what the reactions of the various folk to princess Twilight is, and that will be interesting.
  16. I seriously doubt it was born in any way due to Bronies humanizing ponies, and being created had everything to due with Hasbro using already popular characters from a known brand to compete with Bratz and Monster High.
  17. Actually, I think that may have been a case where the animators put something in they shouldn't have. Didn't we hear that Flash Sentry wasn't supposed to be there either, but the animators put him in. Maybe the same with that Crystal Pegasus. The animators seem to have a lot of freedom in what they do, but that does seem to backfire everyonce in a while. Is Raven a Unicorn who works as Celestia's secretary, or a Earth Pony who works for mayor Mare? Because both have appeared. http://mlpforums.com/topic/88476-mayor-mares-assistant/
  18. @@ShadOBabe, I think its reasonable to think that a Unicorn King and/or Queen still exists, I think Equestria is a collection of realms and the Alicorns are mediators and symbols of unity. And Yes, Celestia is at the top of the totem pole, but not able to do whatever. Just because Twilight is a Princess in Ponyville doesn't mean Mayor Mare's job is any different, or that Twilight can order Mayor Mare to do anything. Its actually a tricky situation the writers are in, they can't have Twilight expect special treatment because then she would be entitled and show how much above the other ponies and her friends her status is, unless being treated different is a plot point of the episode. So most of the time ponies seem to have a "Princess Alicorn? Huh, thats weird, whatever" attitude.
  19. No, just the first two seasons. And I don't know what they were expecting, airing the show in such a terrible timeslot. When the Watamote manga referenced MLP (and its really cool that happened) even that mentions what a terrible timeslot it had. I wonder if they will reference MLP in the Watamote Anime if they have a 2nd season? That show references other animes a lot.
  20. What I think is that besides being protectors, the biggest role of the Alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna is promoting harmony among the different pony and non-pony races in Equestria, which is why the alicorn sisters were made royals in the first place, and now I guess Twilight has this job. Cadance seems to be the 'local ruler' kind of job with Shining Armor, alongside her Alicorn Princess role of realm guardian and Harmony promoter. They rule equestria in a rather hands-off fashion, and likely have boundaries that would be unpleasent to cross in regards to the authority of the various groups that make up Equestria.
  21. Yeah, thats the reason why he was made a Prince. There is an equally aweful reason why Celestia is a Princess instead of a Queen. So... I guess this means that Celestia and Blueblood are equals as far as 'title' is concerned. But it is what it is, Celestia is a Princess because she was one of the last two Alicorns (what happened to the others, I do not know), and Blueblood is likely in his position from birth from some royal family from some part of Equestria, maybe the son of the current Unicorn King.
  22. There are no unicorn crystal ponies, and that one I mentioned is the only Pegasus. Its why I consider Crystal ponies a race, being crystal is what makes them different, even when under Sombras influence they still look distinctive enough. So a crystal Pegasus suddenly is a character that would have a unique characteristics of muliple races, like an Alicorn sorta.
  23. Silverquill pointed out a certain pony in one of his reviews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g35Hl6QvyP0 Now, I always thought that Crystal Ponies were their own type of Ponies. Like there are Unicorns, Alicorns, Earth Ponies, Pegasus ponies, and Bat ponies. So is that guy an animation mistake, like with all the alicorns we sometimes see in the background? I'm thinking that this guy is an animation mistake, most likely. Or I guess a Pegasus who joined Cadances guard like Flash Sentry, and then got hit with that Crystal heart wave thingy and temporarily turned him crystal.
  24. I think the writers had a bit of a problem with the whole 'Princess' title, first with making Celestia a Princess rather than a Queen, then with Cadance and Twilight being princesses. But its not like traditional concepts of 'Princess' can be tossed away either, because Princess Platinum is a princess, meaning a daughter of a monarch. The Journal of the two sisters, and if you accept it as canon, the IDW comics, provide some insight into what Princesses are. And why ponies don't seem to care too much that Twilight is a Princess, especially in manehatten So here is my theory. The 'Journal of the Two sisters' makes it clear that Celestia and Luna are not really 'rulers' of Equestria, more like 'protectors', so I think the princess titles that they have are just that, just titles. They didn't make them Queens because they don't have the authority. In the Luna micro-comic, Celestia's main job (other than protector) is a Bureaucrat, and has another job as head of a magic school (in the Celestia micro-comic). Luna fights monsters and... I guess jumping into ponies dreams. So if they rule Canterlot directly, they don't seem to rule anywhere ells in Equestria directly, like the people in Manehatten don't seem to care about royalty (entitled aristocrats can wait in line for the taxi like everypony ells!) So maybe Princess Twilight was just a curiosity at best because as far as anypony knows, all she did was was study in a library (not including the times she saved the world, nopony remembers those for some reason, so lets forget that point), so who cares what some minor-aristocrat with no job does? But now Twilight both has a Castle and a job, and so does Cadance with that Crystal Empire thing. So to put it simply. For Equestrians I guess its like this... Twilight becomes an Alicorn = Rare, but whatever, its just wings. Twilight is a Princess = And Blueblood is a Prince, so what? Twilight has a Castle and a Job? = OK, now she is important. Thats how I think it is anyways.
  25. What if Sweetie Belles talent is in stand up comedy?
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