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Status Updates posted by Anneal

  1. lol that Australian senator got egged

  2. Not sure if it’s an appropriate time to say this but Governor Newsom has ended up breaking state constitutionality by repealing the death penalty via executive order while Californians have already denied it through referendum. While I’m all for repealing it, this is a blatant breach of the California constitution and it should not be ignored.

    Also the shooting in Christchurch is terrible. I hope those far-right supremacists get what’s coming for them, whether it’s rotting the rest of their lives in prison or being beaten to death in the interrogation room. My heart goes out to the Muslims affected by this horrible tragedy.

    1. Twiggy


      Karmic justice. Before the attack, he could not get a girlfriend. After the attack, he will likely BE someone’s girlfriend. 

      Also surpried that a court hasn’t called Newsom on it yet. Should happen soon if the judiciary has any consistency or honor. As for repealing the death penalty, I’m on the fence. The arguments against it are good, but I just feel like there are some completely irredeemable people out there that need to be culled. 

  3. So Amazon cancelled their HQ2 plans for New York City due to fierce protesting. NYC gave Amazon a $3B tax break in return for building one of their HQ2s in Long Island City in the Queens borough, which would bring 25,000 jobs. 

  4. Wish there were more bronies who are as much as an urban planning nut as me. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phosphor


      Yep, light pollution. Suburban sprawl is always on an amateur astronomer's mind.  :(

      There's quite a few ways for cities to reduce skyglow: Shielding light fixtures and/or reduce color temperature. Suburbs tho, I doubt much progress will happen there as most folks like to light up there houses like prisons.

      Obesity is an interesting one. I didn't think it would be related to how a city is developed. :mlp_huh:


    3. Anneal


      It’s generally because suburban communities are usually too far away from most services in general to be walkable. If the only option is to drive to literally so anything, people are going to walk less. When there are more services and options for public transit within walking distance, people will use it. While correlation doesn’t always equal causation, it’s a bit noteworthy to point out that obesity is more common where cities sprawl more, and East Coast cities, which commonly have less sprawl, have less obese people in general.

    4. Anneal
  5. I should be a cynical hardass for the rest of my life so I can show people how defeatist and negative I am and get views off of it. 

    1. Anneal


      People might hate me for this, but I'm going to be blunt. Experiencing this on a regular basis is already starting to get exhausting as hell. 

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      From my experience the word 'cynical' has wildly different definitions from person to person.

  6. The president should maybe save his criticism and complaints on Twitter until the Camp Fire is over. 

  7. Is the Camp Fire affecting you, by the way? I went back to San Jose for Veteran's Day and the sky was all hazy from the fire up north. 

    1. Twiggy


      Nah. I live in Bakersfield now. Though we’ve been getting smoke from the one that’s destroying Malibu. 

  8. Twilight, I don't feel so good...please, I don't wanna go...

    1. Silver W. Valensnow

      Silver W. Valensnow

      *nuzzles* You'll be okay. l am here for you too.

  9. Famous people who are frequently misquoted: Oscar Wilde, Winston Churchill, Adam Smith, Albert Einstein, Dr. Seuss.

  10. Buffy has been offering me stuff recently. They must be clues to the case of the missing...something!

    1. CypherHoof


      Or they are just messing with you. Who knows? :)

  11. Just realized I have a Hug A Pony – Debate Pit award after three months lol

    1. Dabmanz


      Congratulations :)

  12. "The left is becoming toxic"

    "The right is more toxic"

    "no u"

  13. Rest in peace, Stefánsson. May you be Number One in heaven. 

  14. Happy birthday! You are now one year older. 

  15. Pats doggo pega in the head.

    1. Wonderbolt Slipstream

      Wonderbolt Slipstream

      *happily boofs at you*

  16. You know, KSI vs Logan Paul is the dumbest, most ridiculous thing I have heard this year by far. 

  17. You know, just as much as it's insulting to generalize liberals into one category, I find it just as insulting to generalize conservatives. All is does is breed an "us vs. them" mentality. 

    1. Admiral Regulus

      Admiral Regulus

      Yep yep. One thing I've learned in recent years is that the "bad" people in the world aren't necessarily the ones I disagree with. Instead, the "bad" people are those that adopt this mentality rather than attempt to look deeper into the issues which divide us.

  18. Not to trash them in any way, but is cynicism a prevalent thing in millennials? 

  19. Those who do not know their opponent’s arguments do not completely understand thier own.

  20. Feel like people just doesn't want to hear positive stuff all the time, because it easier to complain and blame someone than to actually act on it. 

  21. As much as this site has plenty of conservatives there are plenty of people who hate them, even more than those who hate liberals. What’s with that?

    1. Strong Copper

      Strong Copper

      Personally, I have nothing against conservatives in general and I acknowledge that I'm generally more liberal minded. However, I feel like the hate for conservatives stems from the fact that some of the louder, more attention seeking conservatives tend to try and draw attention to themselves by saying and doing stupid and hurtful things. Granted there are those who are liberal who are also assholes who do idiotic things as well. Extremes are bad.

    2. Twiggy


      Much of it stems from Trump. Everyone must acknowledge how polarizing he was. Even this far into his presidency, there are still people who are convinced that he is a Fascist, and that those who voted for him are at least crypto-fascists. Certain figures in the media, Hollywood, and even in government (looking at you Auntie Maxine) have been actively fueling this, leading to hostility. Hostility from the left naturally results in reaction from the right. Thus the rapidly accelerating temperature in the country. 

      It's gonna get worse before it gets better. 

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