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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. You get something that I'm not sure what it is. *inserts Le doge*
  2. Do it again...! I'm going to have a hard time licking the person below me lol.
  3. I love you because...of your name..twerky!!.. Darnit! After reading y'all's last posts, I feel like poop since my comment sort of sucks compared to yálls. My chariot awaits lol.
  4. DubWolf


    Tell me what's going on or I will...do something about this book!
  5. 3013 A thousand years from now...
  6. Why yes I do have pets................ I have an english cocker spanial (I think he's five years old) and a gray/orange tabby cat (six or seven years old). I don't have any pics of my cat, but here's my dog: Nah I'm too lazy. He's a golden cocker spanial and his hair is not very curly.
  7. Happy 3000th everyone (hooves and hugs people).
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