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Pencil Hoof

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Everything posted by Pencil Hoof

  1. Even if it looked bad, I would still give it a try at the very least. If MLP has taught me anything, it's that staying ignorant of shows like this can lead to missing out on something good. If I give it a try on the other hand, what do I have to lose (besides 20 minutes of my time)? No setbacks, + possible benefits is always worth trying also Replace LPS with My Little ponies, and you sound a lot like an anti brony... just saying...
  2. Well I've had three and a half I guess. I say a half because my first "encounter" was when i wasn't actually a brony. I won't go into detail about that though... However, I will go into detail about the other three. The first one was nothing special. Saw a niner (term for grade nines in my school (don't know if it's common outside of my school)) last year when I was in grade 10. He was wearing a brohoof shirt so I said" Brohoof." and held out my fist. I think he was listening to musci (can't remember), so he didn't hear me, and said "What?" And I said "Brohoof." This happened about three more times, then "Oh!" , a bro hoof was given, then he walked away chuckling Second one is a little more substantial. I was walking to sit with my friend, and his friends, and I had just come from doing an art project, so I had a Pinkie Pie picture in my hand that I'd been using as a reference. So two of my friend's friends say "Is that Pinkie Pie?!" "Yeah. Why?" *starting to get nervous* "Oh my gosh, you're awesome." *turns to my friend* "I approve of him being in our group." My third is very recent, maybe about a 2 weeks ago. I was in art class, and was doing another Pony project ( ), when someone said "What is that? A cow?" Me: "No () ask (someone I knew who wasn't a pegasister, but knew about MLP) what it is." She says "It's a My Little Pony!" As she said it, and I was nodding, this kind of goth girl I sort of knew whips around immediately (I was behind her) and says "Which one?" "Scootaloo." "Nice." But that's about it :/ I never followed any of these up (I'll try and work the nerve up to do so for the last two soon though :S ).
  3. My friend was going to try MLP today, but he wached cupcakes before he started. It made him cry, and now he doesn't want to watch the show cause he'll be reminded. What do I tell him?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Thank you again ^_^ All this will be told to him, and I hope it works :)

    3. NavelColt


      Np :3


      Last thing you can tell him is to join MLPForums if he ever feels like discussing things xP He's not the only one who thinks Cupcakes is horrible. I for one felt horrible for Dash too, as I'm a tad sensitive as well. There's online communities like this one that can help him have a hands-on connection with the topic, and others who he can sympathize with.

    4. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      He says he'll try and take the advice

      thanks again ^_^

  4. They look great, as usual, however this one: I had to show to my friend who was sitting behind me in school (he's a non-brony). Once again great job
  5. I'm gonna join this topic methinks Name is BlackWydra, but I haven't played in about 2-3 months due to school :/ I'm a Nidalee player cause Nidalee is best champion (always AP (dat spear))
  6. NOOOOO It's locked! It's locked? I can't... I just spent HOURS for nothing? I'm done. I can't do anything for a while. Feel like crying...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ProjectRKA


      Ah... I read that topic. :P

    3. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      LOL you didn't get to read my second comment though. It it's a masterpiece :') (IS because Chigens is posting it for me :D)

    4. ProjectRKA
  7. I finished my reply! I'm FREEEEEEE... for the next minute (until I start my school project). *sigh*

  8. Aaaand now a spoiler isn't working... *loses elated feeling* :/

  9. I found the missing quote tag! Yes! YESSS!!! :'D

  10. Almost done with my reply... That is, arranging the quotes for my reply D:

  11. My reply to this topic already has almost 300 words... in quotes alone. This is gonna be a LOOOOONG reply D:

  12. 62 notifications? D:

  13. *sigh* Making EDM is impossible :( I don't even know where to start with the synths :(

  14. Silva Hound's part of Pon-3 Power hour was :o Got goosebumps more than once :D

  15. I'm sure if you're in here it's for your outstanding positivity Anyway, I know I'm not since I barely show up in any threads (I have my reasons for that though).
  16. I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts. Swag.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      being funny is not swaggy :/

    3. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Dang, you're right. :/

      I guess no nut-sucking for me :(

    4. Motion Spark
  17. From this point forward, I'm going to try and take my art more seriously!

  18. Listening to some of SimGretina's old stuff, and i have to say, I like it more :)

  19. LOL I don`t think you make requested on this thread (if I remember correctly) But I think he has a thread where you can make some (could be wrong about that)
  20. For some reason I find great pleasure in reading how much of a ripoff beats are :P

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      yes, yes they are


      un robo

    2. I_wesley125


      I got some free ones with my laptop. total crap.

  21. Wii U looks AMAZING! So hyped for it right now :D

  22. Like in music and art (our musicians, artist constantly blow my mind) and of course in video game creation.
  23. HBD man, I hope it's a good one.. and that you aren't too turned off meat to be able to eat some celebratory bacon or something :P

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Huh? Nah man, I'm still going to eat meat, it was just how disgusting the making of hot dogs were.


      Thanks a lot though, appreciate it!

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