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Everything posted by DragonKing235

  1. This question is kind of hard for me to talk about you see so i'll tell you that when some one a care a lot about die's i'm sad at first but I think of all the good times that iv had with them and that makes me move on and I know that there always looking out for me up there so i'm happy. I agree with you all the way Bliss
  2. Well i'm thinking of what am I going to do for the rest of the day.
  3. @Lightning Bliss this is a awesome party i'v never had this much fun in my life for along time but as much as I would like to stay I got to fly because my job needs me to help the other weather pony's out so have a great b day Bliss and thanks for the invite so peace.
  4. @Lightning Bliss Told you I would be here happy b day here have this nice gift I got for you anyways time to go to the dance floor for so cool music and food gose over to the dance floor and says to the DJ trune this song up it is awesome and he starts to dance.
  5. Today work was okay but i'm still not a 100% better yet but going out means i'm getting there

  6. ((00C; Great i'm late for my first party that I was invited to all because of my job oh come on!! 2 seconds later okay i'm finally here now good thing I got Lightning her gift I hope she likes art okay now to join the fun with my friends. @Lightning Bliss ((OOC; Is this a good post.
  7. fighting for something that holds close to your heart means your fighting for the people that means most to you.

  8. I would but I have a long list and I would hate to write it all down lol.
  9. Day two of being sick

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DragonKing235


      I well thanks lightning your a good friend.

    3. NeedsMoreGoth


      Hope you feel better soon! Have a pancake! *slides the plate*

    4. DragonKing235


      thank you takes the gift


  10. Well you want my life bio you got. It all starts like get up have a shower go to work come home from work chill with my friends and family eat talk on Skype go to sleep repeat. there is more but that's all i'm going to say for now peace.
  11. I miss my too but were I live now I have a lot of great friends witch I like back in my home town I get no one well but I still like going back there for the summer to see my family and go swimming and stuff.
  12. still sick and chilling and talk on Skype to whatever brony is on my list.

  13. well one more day untell my first RP thing I hope it goes well

  14. every year goes by faster and faster man now i'm 24 the next thing i'm going to be old oh well

  15. hum every ones home town or city has it's good and bad sides.
  16. still sick but whatever a little cold is not going to put me down

    1. Malinter


      good to hear :)

    2. Malinter


      good to hear :)

  17. great my brohoof's are stuck on the number 69 deer god here come the dirty jokes.

  18. sup I have just wondered what your old home town or city was like? mine was thunder Bay ont and I miss it the lakes the hills the everything.
  19. On my first date i'm going to take my girl to a movie of her choice sounds like fun.
  20. I would be like what how the hell did I get all of these brohoof's and then it might crash my lab top and then I would like well shit.
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