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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Laydee Kaze

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Everything posted by Laydee Kaze

  1. Updated my signature n.n bloody LOVE this banner... took all day to make like, but yeah! :D <3

  2. I've seen how people can do it, Daring Do, but I don't think I'd be good enough to put that much effort into it. xD It means cutting off the manes and tails with a craft knife, and doing it with that special modelling dough/clay that sets in the oven, and getting it to attach to the pony. But it would be a good idea.
  3. Do it! ^^ All you really need is model paints from a model making shop [Mine cost about £1.50 a pot, I only needed 3-4 to do both of them] and just need to try sand off the hair. x3 t's not neccessary, it just makes the hair stand out better, as you're re-putting the paint on the plain model, instead of over the existing paint and losing that little bit of detail in the hair... if that makes sense
  4. Thankyou n.n AAAND here we go xD lots of random pictures :3 Spoilers just incase they're too big or something xD
  5. Haha, yeah :3 but they're still awesome, I've JUST made them into necklaces n.n I'll try get Meeps to take a photo :3
  6. After alot of effort, I made two custom blind bag figures :3 It took ALOT of time and effort. I had to use nail polish remover to get rid of the cutie marks, then I had to sand off the thick paint on the mane and tail of the two ponies, with very fine sand-paper This is the most I managed to get off the head: After that, I bought some enamel humbrol paints, and very carefully painted the mane and tail of each character. I also painted over RBD's eyes so they were the right color for Meeps character too... I left mine as it's not overly far off anyway. I used RBD and whatever that green one was :I, since they were the closest colours to mine and Mr Meeps characters, as I didn't want to paint the bodies and lose the eye pattern. I did mess mine up a bit, and had to use white spirit to get some blue off her leg and wing where I'd accidentally got paint on her [Once that stuff is on, it's -on-] Then I did the cutiemarks :3 <3 Really pleased with the outcome anyways :3
  7. Hnng, I'm sorry everypony! D: didn't know commissions were advertising and against the forum rules >< I'm just so used to being able to do it from furry forums and stuff... Hope this doesn't change anyone's opinion of me >< I'm sorry!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      naw, you should be just fine. you seem like a nice girl, really. i don't think anyone would think badly of you just because you made a mistake; we're all human, after all. ^_^

    3. Laydee Kaze

      Laydee Kaze

      Thankyou :3 and true! n.n this IS a lovely forum, full of lovely people! :3

    4. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      yes! fun, lovely place filled with fun, lovable people in it. i fit in here so well i wouldn't think it was possible, but it is! i wubs everyone on the forum. <3

  8. I completely agree. :/ Not really fair having someones post count go up for spamming in essence... but even though it's not a game, it should go in the Colosseum.
  9. Me and MrMeep ready for a nice meal <3
  10. I do really cheap commissions if you're interested xD I might end up doing requests at some point though x3
  11. Happy Birthday Jokuc! :3 Hope you have a Pinkie-tastic day! :DD

  12. This thread... really? REALLY? Welcome to being in a fandom. If you really think that stuff like gory fanfics and slightly dark parody video's 'tarnish' the fandom, I suggest you check out Urban Dictionary or something and look up bronies again. I don't see what's the problem. Every fandom has 'darker' stuff so to speak. You have to take into account that various people are in the fandom for various reasons. Be it art, writing, making parodies, music, etc etc. :I
  13. <3

    1. Shadow Stallion
    2. Laydee Kaze

      Laydee Kaze

      Just felt like having a positive status for once! haha.

  14. Not OVERLY detailed x3 hmm. I'll boop you a PM. >:3
  15. How much would it be for a two character coloured piece? :3 I know you seem to prefer to draw darker stuff, but I'd want it themed all lovey and stuff :U
  16. You have amazing art :3 It's so lovely~ I love your style! HNNNNG, Might have to commission you at some point ;D
  17. I drew this for Mr Meep, as a little gift. Just wanna show everypony else it, because I'm really pleased with it; Considering I did it in about half an hour, with a very bad, unreliable netbook, which I hardly do art on because of how small the screen is, etc. Direct link to the one on my DA: http://fav.me/d4s1h2 Feedback? Is it alright? x3 I haven't been able to do digital art for a while now, so I don't feel it's that good, but hopefully it's alright.
  18. Look for 'C4D's' on the internet. They make good effects for layers in making signatures.
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