"...Now what do you have to say for yourself young man?!" A teacher, now chaperone, asked a boy of 15 years of age, though he looked younger due to his height and somewhat cherub-like face. This was Axiom, and he is currently getting chewed out. "I don't suppose saying sorry would help me, would it." Axiom said, sitting back in the chair with his arms folded. This wasn't the first time he has been in this office. Minor theft, vandalism, fighting, and worst of all, lollygagging, Axiom had done it all. This was just one of the rare times that he got caught. "What are we going to do with you." The teacher asked, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Who even puts habanero sauce on a cake?"
"They had it coming." He mumbled to himself, looking away and crossing his arms. "Be that as it may, I cant allow you to go back to the party. You are to head back to your dorm room for the night. Are we clear?" The teacher said, now moving toward the door. "Crystal" Axiom grumbled out before walking out. The office was a part of the gym where the party was held so he then made his way toward the gymnasium doors. "I might just take the long way back though." He said under his breath with a shady looking grin.