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man dude man

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Everything posted by man dude man

  1. Seeing as Twilight and Spike were the only ones to cross through realities, my mane concern is A. Does that mean that if any of the other of the Mane six or any of the other supporting characters crossed realities they would have doubles, and B. does this suggest that Twilight is the only one without a double? Just a thought I suppose.
  2. I am the type of fan that talks on forums and skype calls, waits to watch the new episode on the hub every Saturday morning, wears the clothing, and collects MLP merchandise. Admires the artistic community, listen to the music, and read the fanfics. MLP changed my life. I love it, love it, love it.
  3. That makes me really jealous, here I was sitting here being proud about talking ponies for a straight 9 hrs.
  4. We could be friends. We could change the world together. I am no worse, and you are no better, so open up your heart, and lend out your hand, it takes coming together, to really make a stand.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      What the hell? That is the most unintelligable, disgusting, shit I have ever heard, like I can't ask, who can be that stupid, because clearly someone has already answered that question by being the person that is indeed that stupid. That is what this generation is coming toward, they are insensitive brats with self entitlement and little to no regard for human emotion or life. People joke about rape and murder these days like its funny. That guy took it to the gross next step.

    3. inactive_user


      Exactly... I can't stand things like this... The masses are told to believe that fame takes prerogative over lives of anyone...... It's sickening......

    4. Thunderchild


      The main thing is to remember that an empty bucket makes the most noise. You take an individual who consistently devalues others and calls what's wrong right, I'll show you someone with a hole through the middle of them-someone with no identity, and who desperately wants one.

  5. I'm not bothered nor am I overly enthused. I am a little bit concerned as to why this has been the third post about anthro ponies I have seen make an appearance in the index in the past hour or so.
  6. I guess my take on it is just that I don't really understand what exactly it is they are trying to do lol. Like I understand the pathetic desperation of the anti brony troll, but infiltrate trolling really is the largest indication to one that your troll has already made himself the overrall loser. Like I am here acknowledging my artistic tastes, and the troll is here doing what exactly? Trying to make people upset that like the show because they don't like it themselves, like they dislike it so much they went out of their way to make an account on here and to stick around and stalk peoples conversations about it lmao? Like what a real winner lol?
  7. I am just as willing as the next guy to attempt to make friends with anyone that seems interested in doing so brony or non brony alike. However it doesn't make much sense at all to me, that non bronies, would find their time spent useful on a forum site about MLP. Like, I get it, you don't know why the show is so great, but what I don't get is why you are trying to troll about it? I mean the majority of the logical bronies around here don't mind that you don't like it? Like are you just trying to start an open debate? I feel like you are your biggest victim if you don't like ponies and you are subjecting yourself to them at multiple points through out the day, deciding to spend your time on a forum site about MLP?
  8. Haha, well that is easy, you don't lol. Unless you want to join the community of unfunny emotionally and sexually repressed social parasites that mistake cruel intent for a rough sense of humor that nobody but themselves finds funny. You will spend the majority of your time correcting peoples grammar or typo's or trying to find a way that they slightly contradict one statement to another in a pathetic and miserable attempt to give yourself the satisfaction in believing you made someone upset. You will then go on to make fun of victims of suicide, rape, or murder because you have no respect or sense of humility for anyone or anything and then you will end your week acting like you created a meme that has become viral due to a mass of insecure spineless young fat men in their mid 20's to 30's anonymously spewing hate and trying to take credit for anything that has passed through the internet because their actual lives simply don't exist.
  9. Another 7 hrs spent in skype talking ponies<3

  10. The Dark Lady, And far to many other characters to list. But my idols are the mane six, and Sylvanas.
  11. If your question is, "do I think of anything besides ponies". My answer would probably be not really, I honestly love this show more than I have ever loved anything, this coming from an ex addict. This show and fandom has helped me re shape my life, given me motivation and made me a braver and better person than I have ever been, and so made me happy while doing it.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. inactive_user


      This is exactly what I am hoping for... But you say you never have heard the other song... Well you should know the lyrics: "We're never gonna win the world, we're never gonna stop the war, we're never gonna beat this if belief is what we're fighting for..." Meaning We will keep warring and depleting resources as well as losing innocent lives until we realize the folly of trying to change others to become what we want them to be... It's sad really, but... From a te...

    3. inactive_user


      technical standpoint, it seems an accurate measure of what may drive this nation to realize this concept... :(

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      percisely, the only thing worth fighting for, is to end the fighting!

  12. I used to wonder what friendship could be, until you all shared it's magic with me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. inactive_user


      Oh... :( I wanted to say Fluttershy's part with sharing kindness... But... W/e...


      My Little Pony, don't you know you're all my very best friends. :D

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      I'm sorry :o dude I am such a fucking sucker for that, every time I hear the theme, I get this weird warm feeling in my stomach and like feel this force of happiness.

    4. inactive_user


      It is a very uplifting theme, and I do feel similarly whenever I hear it myself, so I know exactly what you mean. :D

  13. I'd tell them I love MLP no matter what you believe, and I would also happily hold on to my "man card", while saying it.
  14. I can never make statuses about the new episode, becasue I can't risk spoiling anything to someone who hasn;t seen it.

  15. IMO, Applejack didn't directly lie, she just didn't own up to the truth because she didn't want to hurt everyponys feelings. Overrall good message. Honesty is always good in the end.
  16. I like her, I feel like it was the new subliminal message for, don't force who you are on someone that just can't relate, let them be who they are, in the end you will realize what priorities you need to have in check. Really like Maud, really like the episode, I am a huge advocate for family values, and she was so awesome literally destroying rocks with her bare hooves, but the fact of the matter is, she hoped in there to save her sisters ass, no questions asked. No matter who they are, they love eachother.
  17. I think if you are thinking that, that must be what you believe. It doesn't matter either way.
  18. Whats most impressive to me about all of this is that this debate on these forums has lasted almost 2 years lol. Go to bed, don't do meth. Adjust your sleep scheduale, utilize your time accordingly. If you work/are a night person sleep during the day. If you are the majority of the blue collar day workers, or go to school, or do whatever it is you need to do during the day, sleep at night. You can press on easily on 5 and a half hrs, and if take time for an hr nap some time within the next few hrs. Just don't go schizophrenic drug binge, or fry your motor skills, and attention span. Sleep.
  19. Anything safe and gas efficent is a go in my opinion. Cars just aren't that interesting to me. Like what am I supposed to say, "beatiful death shuttle GM factory robots created, I wonder how much money they spent crashing them into brick walls with test dummies in them". I just have to be honest, I have been hit by three cars in my life, and been in 2 car accidents, and I have had family die in car accidents, and another be put in the hospital in intensive care and had to wear a halo for months, close to a year. I mean people idolize leased cars that they don't even truly own, and they funnel money to a credit lord until they actually do own it, times away from now. I am against industrial life completly haha, so people would disagree with a lot of my opinions anyways.
  20. dang they must have got him for terrible puns. haha just kidding. Hope he works out whatever issues hes encountered. The forums are a wonderful place, and you will meet a lot of interesting, artisitc and open minded people.
  21. I don't think they notice instantly, because I thin in the case of the CMC they wouldn;t have to keep checking to make sure it was there, and the times with the joke outlines for cutie marks that just washed right off as they got their hopes up. I think you may possibly instantly be able to notice once it actually appears, but you want to make sure that it is indeed what oyu think it is. Haha, but that moment will surely define itself.
  22. percisely, if he would have just been "ignored" to begin with, nobody would even have to worry about ignoring him.
  23. Yeah I really like Luna and Sweetie Belle as well. They are just all awesome. lol
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