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man dude man

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Everything posted by man dude man

  1. Can you get ROMs there or did you also share a good website for that?
  2. At that, do any of you guys know a good place to get a DS emulation that works well. I am trying to play pokemon lol.
  3. Holy crap, I totally forgot to mention Sonic Adventure 1 & 2.
  4. Banjo & Kazooie franchise, Donkey Kong 64, Animal Crossing, All Smash Brothers, Quake III Arena, Kingdom Hearts Franchise, ALL POKEMON GAMES.
  5. Do melodic tunes from Video Games count, because If so I would say the Banjo & Kazooie franchise, and at that most of all Rare games. As far as musicals go I always liked a lot of music from disney movies.
  6. Screw Facebook, Screw Mainstream media, Screw Social Media, Celebrities are over glorified nit wit puppets that act on command and have no skill or talent ultimately. The industry is bought, every length of it. Politics are nothing but a sham in regards to wealth and warefare and geopolotical agendas.
  7. Every Saturday Morning when I get to see the new MLP.
  8. Uncle Grandpa/ Whatever it is they have done to Teen Titans.
  9. I would have to say I have far more than one, but a character I directly connect with would probably have to be Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Harry Potter from that obvious self procclaimed franchise and MLP's own Twilight Sparkle. Very head on with my adventures but I realize it takes the strength of those I love and who love me for my ultimate motivation.
  10. Correction it's a McDonalds MY LITTLE PONY toy. Happy Meals are going to be selling everywhere.
  11. You have got a talent, thats art. Looks like you need to team up with someone writing fanfics.
  12. Had one of those days yesterday haha, Couch/Bed, heat packs, cold milk & Gatorade, Chicken Noodle Soup, TV. lol
  13. Even just the idea of what she has done for MLP is remarkable, I would like you to watch the old my little pony, and then take another look at the justice that Lauren Faust's creative energy has spawned. A fucking masterpiece, that's what. I love all the writing for FIM, and I don't out her on a pedastool, but I revere her amongst this community and in my heart for what she has done, and the idea that has ultiamtely changed the way I view the world and life itself. All the writers that continue this legacy are beautiful people.
  14. It's always been a love hate realtionship and it always will be. 4chan is really just kind of a place for social outcasts and or beings with socially awkward or subpar communication skills, go to say all the things they wouldn't have the balls to say if they weren't saying it anonymously. Some of the jokes and memes are rather humorous but then at that note some of the things they have done are what I would consider malcious troll attacks, rather than a troll feast or merely feeding the trolls. They have went as far as shaming victims of suicide, vocalizing racial intolerance, and anonymously spewing hate filled remarks in direct regards to things that are beyond a trolls comprhension on what is or coud e serious or a touchy subject. Anyways it has brought many genuine and also "fake" bronies, to the fandom, and I guess you could say made the internet more aware to the existence of the extensive and rapidly growing community. At that, 4chan funny idea, the people that use it, masked and insecure internet trolls that are sexually and emotionally repressed, and escape a reality they fail in by pointing out the overrall fails in todays society.
  15. I know that this is "semi" off topic here, but who else is really upset with what they have done to Teen Titans, that used to be one of the reasons in itself I would watch Cartoon Network. Teen Titans Go, I mean its the charcters you know and love, but not the show.
  16. Also, Toon Link? Really? We still seem to need another link skin? I would rather they have brought back Ganondorf and spruced his moveset not to be a Falcon clone. It would appear they are removing the other space animals aka (Falco & Wolf), like really, some of the Brawl Chracters deserve to stay, but then watching others return that need cut while losing our Melee veterans is kind of insulting, I think you can make space for Falco, Game and Watch, Ice Climbers and Ganon at the very least, bc they were also Brawl vets. I never got why they had to get rid of Mewtwo, but I wont accept it. With any luck we will just have to be surprised and unlock the charcters we know and love after the games release and they just aren't telling us who is in and who is out for certain.
  17. I know, it really makes you wish you had saved yourself some old ones to watch in the mean time, but like said, there is never enough FIM, and eventually you run out of episodes (within the first 3 or 4 days of watching) lol.
  18. Sadly because Rare is owned by Microsoft now. & I don't want to get started on how Nuts and Bolts broke my heart. However Banjo Kazooie is my favorite childhood memory let alone game, and I thought that Banjo and Kazooie should have been fighting since Smash Bros 64
  19. Not to be bitchy, but I really want a roster replacement for Wii Fit Trainer, I mean, I understand why she is there, but I don't like it. I have crazily anctipated so many fan favorites in this game since I was 6 or 7 years old palying it on nintendo 64. Also note 3 spots appear left open and we have yet to hear about Jigglypuff(who in the new pokemon deemed "Fairy Type") Could suggest a new move set, Cpt. Falcon, who I have seen countless people main charcter choice him, and Ness. This leaving the theories for most other newcomers incredibly unlikely as most of us would prefer we at the very least keep our veteran fighters.
  20. Thats just the thing, there is no good answer to "why?" Rule 34 exists, it just does, it's pretty unfortunate but my childhood had long been scarred by some shit posted to forums and when I was 12 and didn't yet know of the dark side on Newgrounds. Anyways, it's best just not to concern yourself with it, because if you do I promise you will regret it.
  21. In my opinion, she wasn't completley out of character, she just acted in ways that were uncharcteristic of her due to the circumstances of the episode. In a way we have to obviously take into consideration that apple bloom being left alone to the acres is an entirely new concept for AJ to fathom, thus the reason for her returning, thus apple bloom becoming entirely fed up with being treated like a baby, thus apple bloom wanting to go out of her way to prove she's not. Apple Jacks uncharacteristic behavoir in end cast a butterfly effect on the plot for the whole episode. I think it's also because they like Apple Jack to have some realizations from time to time, and this episode really puts an emphasis on the "family values" that the Apple family holds close.
  22. Oh I'm glad she did find out, and well partially we have to account for apple bloom indeed treading with a cart full of pies and Apple Jack who is indeed a carrier to an element of harmony and has helped with the defeat of numerous corrupt foes, running full speed to catch up with her baby sister. I would say I could believe it. Stranger things have happened in Equestria haha but that is aside the point. I loved the episode all in all,
  23. Scary Movie 5, but that was probably obvious, The Host, The New diehard movie, 23 minutes in got my money back from family video, World War Z was dreadful, I am a sucker for post apocalyptic nonsense, but I at the same time I would rather live in a post apocalyptic than have to watch the first 10 minutes of that piece of shit ever again. Finally Grown Ups 2, there had to be a second? enough said.
  24. Saturday and my favorite day of the week, because ponies of course, anyways, loved the new episode.

    1. inactive_user


      I can't wait for it to be out on DailyMotion! (I can't watch it on Saturday, I have no TV service... *we can't afford it*) Great to hear it's a good episode though. :D

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      Imo I cant speak for everypony else, but I sure love it, and I sure you will.

  25. Loved it. the "theres no time for a song" part was adorable, only thing is I would have thought Scootaloo would have been smarter to scream in a closet when they were trying to be sneaky lol. Also the part with the country folk and "now momma don't be like that" was funny. Just kind of crazy that anyone would risk treading through a flaming swamp and attempting to route a chimera to deliver some pies lol. damn,
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