It's always been a love hate realtionship and it always will be. 4chan is really just kind of a place for social outcasts and or beings with socially awkward or subpar communication skills, go to say all the things they wouldn't have the balls to say if they weren't saying it anonymously. Some of the jokes and memes are rather humorous but then at that note some of the things they have done are what I would consider malcious troll attacks, rather than a troll feast or merely feeding the trolls. They have went as far as shaming victims of suicide, vocalizing racial intolerance, and anonymously spewing hate filled remarks in direct regards to things that are beyond a trolls comprhension on what is or coud e serious or a touchy subject. Anyways it has brought many genuine and also "fake" bronies, to the fandom, and I guess you could say made the internet more aware to the existence of the extensive and rapidly growing community. At that, 4chan funny idea, the people that use it, masked and insecure internet trolls that are sexually and emotionally repressed, and escape a reality they fail in by pointing out the overrall fails in todays society.