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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by SFyr

  1. Sometimes design oversights happen, or rules of consistency/application are figured out for sure after already working in areas they would be used. Or it could be like how a kid doesn't look like his adult self after aging while others do.
  2. Aliens. Demons tend to be supernatural in nature, and for that reason, we don't really have much room to understand them; aliens have power through technology and science, which this world values and weaponizes, unlike the supernatural. Forgot my question: if you could have any fantasy weapon already established, which would you choose?
  3. SFyr

    gaming Pay to Win in Gaming

    @, no shame. Like I said, if we're talking pay to win, I'm definitely on your side there of it just being a bad/unfair strategy overall.
  4. SFyr

    gaming Pay to Win in Gaming

    @, alright, haha. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. "Pay to play" is hugely different than "pay to win;" which I agree is just a terrible/immoral strategy for making money.
  5. SFyr

    gaming Pay to Win in Gaming

    @, by content, do you mean DLC specifically, or...? Either way, that "more than enough" tends to go to the salary for the large number of people making games/content, and support the company through their development of other games months/years before they're marketable. If they did just enough to get by, one wrong move could crash the company, but honestly if that was the case a lot of people would be less willing to get into game creation. They need sizable overall profits. Also, DLC is pretty big in earning power sometimes, and keeps people interested in a game. Also there's this bit from another source. I wish I had clearer sources for this, but yeah. DLC makes a difference, and sometimes it makes good business sense to create it.
  6. Air bending for life. as much as I love all of them. Same question.
  7. SFyr

    gaming Pay to Win in Gaming

    Here's the thing about people wanting your money: they'll make games or provide you with a service to get it. No money means virtually no games; while some companies handle transactions and costs better than others, it still generally serves the purpose of keeping the company alive and willing to do more, take a chance with a new idea, or support games that were successful/profitable. It's already been mentioned, but running servers and paying staff assigned to mmos already out costs a good bit of money. Subscriptions are sometimes just the most sensible course of action. Other times, microtransactions allow your audience to choose how much they want to invest in the game instead of giving a specific amount. DLC is also better viewed as stuff that either would never exist, or does exist solely because the creators thought enough people would be interested enough in adding to their experience to pay a little more to financially justify the effort. Businesses are not evil. they're practical, and motivated by money.
  8. Depends on the life I thought I could live there at the time, but on the large, probably not. I like mankind a little too much. What's a question that you wouldn't want to be asked here (don't answer it)?
  9. This is achieved through cultural stagnation and the death of all conflict; life becomes dull, boring, and nobody has much of a strong opinion about anything, as to not have potential for said conflict. Life loses much of its purpose, productivity declines, and nations begin to fall apart under the weight of absolute equality and unoffensive grayness. I wish for the ability put out fires with but a thought.
  10. And so Princess Luna was killed by the skillfull use of a spiral notebook. Little did she suspect that notebooks are the new God-slaying weapons of choice.
  11. This becomes reality through massive, coma-inducing trauma; within your coma dream you have this exact ability, but it is never 'real' and you spend each day wondering if you'll suddenly disappear. I wish for the ability to heal others.
  12. ...Yes, but not always. Some tools are used to cut down on grunt work or provide easy means to achieve harder effects. Heck, knowing how to best utilize a variety of tools is also the makings of a good artist. It's all in what you're doing. There's no shame in using better tools for your art; the issue comes when people rely on fancy tools to carry the weight of achieving something worth looking at. In the end, it should rely on the artist's grasp of technique and such.
  13. Back from Nightmare Nights! Had a good bit of fun. Next year I wanna vend, haha.

  14. I have two answers for this. First, from a stand point of species differentiation, well, it's an extremely slow and gradual process. The 'protochicken' or parent to the first chicken would essentially be the same animal. Same with the chicken egg and protochicken egg. In that way, neither really came first, they eventually just kinda.. happened. Second, something I picked up in college: the egg has all the makings of a chicken, but no way to synthesize one of the proteins vital in its shell. Meanwhile, in a way, the adult chicken has the ability to make both an egg and a child chicken. Therefore, the egg depends on the chicken to produce it, but the chicken can self reproduce the fetus 'and' the egg. Chicken has to come first in this case. EDIT: this argument kind of assumes we're talking about a chicken egg, haha. Otherwise, fish laid eggs, and fish predate chickens, thus the egg obviously comes first.
  15. Eh. I think her behavior can be explained easily enough by personality, situation of upbringing, and values. Obsessive organization and high intellect, but low social skills is believable if your hero or family believes in excellence, and you grow up in relative isolation. I was homeschooled, and some of the circumstances helped me be who I am, and I'm pretty awkward/unaware socially, as well as academic focused to the exclusion of people sometimes.
  16. Why would a snake make a terrible 80's hair band musician? All they have is scales. Same.
  17. Looks like we get a goat out of all this. Just goes to show, the beginning and end are always the most funding heavy.
  18. Sadly I don't really have too much merch just yet. I got a handful of art pins worth about $10-20 that I used to put on my school bag, and I also have some prototype custom plushies from Nervous Stitch. That last one is probably a few hundred I suspect.
  19. Finally hit changeling. c: Next best thing to the bat pony ba--oh wait

  20. Banned for causing a time paradox that destroyed everything in the original timeline
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