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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Spagem

  1. Oh, that's true. And I love that picture. I've seen it before, but I just now noticed the apple lamp.
  2. Huh... never knew we had a Smash Bros. thread. I really need to get out of the MLP:FiM sections some more... Anyways... I love Smash Bros. Favorite fighting game by far. I do have a 3DS, but I decided to skip out on the 3DS one and just wait for it to come to Wii U. ( I don't really want to spend $40 on a game when I can wait a month to get the better version. ) Once the Wii U version comes out, I'll be glad to play some of y'all here. ( Only competitive rules though. )
  3. Yeah, that's true. The reason I wasn't including that though, was because the problem seems to be entirely fixed. Applejack has trusted Applebloom ever since that episode, whereas after the Apple Buck Season episode where she learns to not be stubborn, she is still very stubborn at times. Come to think of it, Applejack's stubbornness reminds me a lot of Rainbow Dash's high ego. It'll always be there.
  4. Yeah, this right here. Like @Sunny Fox said, it's a powerful concept. But, to be fair, I can see what you're getting at. It might be getting a tad overused... Ah, but if there is one fan work I like based on immortal Twilight, it's got to be BlackGryph0n's 'Faster Than You Know' song. :comeatus:
  5. That's a nice picture. Anyways, I actually like her stubbornness. It gives her more of a character... because let's be honest here, aside from stubbornness, Applejack is pretty much near perfect. Characters that are perfect aren't usually very interesting to watch, so... you see what I'm getting at.
  6. In case not b8: She's one of the 3 Dazzlings ( the villains ) in Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. If you saw the trailer for RR, it's this girl:
  7. My favorite is the saving Applebloom outfit. :comeatus: Those fire proof stockings make her look so hot.
  8. Huh, never knew that. The more you know.
  9. :comeatus: You don't know about "crotch boobs"? Pfft. Casual.
  10. No worries. 90% of this fandom gets into theories and the show in general way more than they should be. My thoughts exactly.
  11. I think I said this on another thread where you posted your art, but gosh, man... I dig this style beyond description.
  12. Wow, it's nice to see you already improving so much. Keep at it. These are all great.
  13. Yeah, this right here. That's not to say she's not evil at least a little bit. I'm sure she is, but in the same sense as Silver Spoon being mean.
  14. Both. I don't really consider myself a furry, but I do like anthros. ( Okay, and maybe I find some a little bit attractive too... ) But yeah, a lot of it depends on style. I really like Ambris' art for example: One of my favorite pony artists, that's for sure.
  15. I feel the same way. Applejack is entertaining when she's mad... ... well, not even mad really. Just when she's kind of annoyed. Annnnnd, since we're on the topic, here's my favorite annoyed Applejack expression:
  16. That shot of Pinkie Pie's butt... You've done this to me too many time, Pinkie. stahp pl0x
  17. Definitely a well made SFM, but I can't say I've ever taken a liking to them. The pony models used look kind of... off in all the pony SFMs. It'd be cool if someone got around to making new versions.
  18. Don't get me wrong, I know he was a pretty lousy character. Like you said, he's only there for the sake of being there, and because they wanted to provide a love interest for Twilight. My main point was how hardly anyone complains about Shining Armor, when he's just as bad. When people are fine with Shining Armor and despise Flash Sentry, it just raises a big red flag to me that they are hating Flash for other reasons. ( But I don't know your feelings on Shining Armor, so... this may or may not apply to you. )
  19. Spagem


    Pretty much all of this right here. I'm not a huge fan of that style, but it's still great art nonetheless. It's just my personal style preference. :comeatus:
  20. ... definitely the most unique style I've ever seen for ponies... I'll give it that. That's not to say it's bad though; in fact it's far from it. I'm pretty much thinking what @MaybeRepunzel said is all.
  21. This right here, man. You got to love how Flash Sentry gets all the hate for being bland, but Shining Armor and Cadance get hardly any. ( Well, to be fair... Cadance isn't THAT bad. ) Come to show the hate is mostly for waifu stealing.
  22. If you don't like Equestria Girls, you don't deserve to live. Alright, but in all seriousness... nah. There are plenty of bronies who don't like Equestria Girls; you're one of many. I do think you should give Rainbow Rocks a chance though. A lot of people who didn't like Equestria Girls are loving it.
  23. This guy. Not because I like his design or anything, but because this. ( Skip to 1:27 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujmSMEF4NbE Something about that thumbs up and the music playing makes me cringe. Hard.
  24. Completely agree. Not sure what it is, but freckles on characters are absolutely adorable.
  25. Eeyup. That's our Applejack. Shhhh. Don't tell the Rarity fanclub.
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