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  1. Adorkable's post in The "my content" tab is not showing my post. was marked as the answer   
    Just an update, the issue has been fixed.
    Have a good one! ^^
  2. Adorkable's post in The search option is not working along with "my content" was marked as the answer   
    Hey, @@Echo Narcissa! ^^
    This is actually a well known issue among the staff, and we're working our hardest on fixing this issue for you and every other member of this forum. All we ask is that you be patient, and we'll have things working again very soon, thanks! ^^
    EDIT: A temporary and easier way to search for threads on the forums is to use Google, give that a try! ^^
    EDIT II: Everything should be back to normal now! ^^
  3. Adorkable's post in An occasional second MLPForums page in the PM reply box! was marked as the answer   
    Hey, @! ^^
    The issue you're having has happened to me many times. I always thought it was kind of funny having the entire MLP Forums in your reply box. The weird part is, you can even go in the site inside the reply box, and reply there. How weird is that!
    Anyways, this is, what I believe, to be a browser derp. The easiest fix is to refresh your browser, and the reply box will reappear as expected.
    Hope this helps! ^^
  4. Adorkable's post in How do I find my OC that I made in my character database? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @@Cyan Blue! ^^
    The best way to find your OC in the database, is to first access the database itself, located here.
    Next, you'll want to search for your character's name, just as you would search for a thread, with the search function at the top right of the corner. (The little magnifying glass!)
    Search for their name, as I said, and they should appear before your eyes! 
    Hope that helps you out! (\
    Locking this thread, since your question was answered!
  5. Adorkable's post in Could I make a Thread to promote my YouTube Content? was marked as the answer   
    Hey, @! ^^
    The answer is no, you can't make a thread to promote your YouTube channel.
    BUT, you can post a link of it in your signature, and also post a link of it in this thread (please be sure to provide a video), that's about all you can do.
    Oh, and you can make a Blog post about it too, just be sure to get the "okay" from a Moderator.
    Since your question was answered, I'll go ahead and lock this thread. Have a good one. ^^
  6. Adorkable's post in Testing Forums; How does it work exactly? was marked as the answer   
    Since Moony and SCS both answered your question, I'll go ahead and lock this thread. ^^
  7. Adorkable's post in Trouble with signature was marked as the answer   
    Hello, ! ^^
    After you've reached Muffin Rank, which is 5 posts, you are able to create your own signature. ^^
    To get to your signature settings, locate your name at the top right corner of your screen, and you'll see your username.
    Click it, and select "My Settings".
    Once the screen appears, one the column at the left side, you should see "Signature".
    Here's where you create your signature! ^^
    Just remember to stick with the rules:
    - 1 image
    - Image can be up to 600x100 dimensions. (Unless you're a subscriber/donor, then you get 600x200) 
    - Up to 5 lines, and 5 URLs.
    Have fun, bro! ^^
    Does that answer your question? ^^
  8. Adorkable's post in Won't let me post status was marked as the answer   
    Both of these posts seem to be equally incredible answers. ^^
    As you've updated your status since this thread was created, may I assume that it was a temporary glitch, and your status posting is functioning properly once again, ? ^^
  9. Adorkable's post in Inviting people back who have left a personal message was marked as the answer   
    Hello, @C. Thunder Dash! ^^
    My apologies for the late response!
    However, after testing a theory, I've come to find an answer for your question.
    As Shift said, if this is a PM between you and another member, you can simply send them a new PM, it's that easy! ^^
    Can't say it will pick up where your last conversation left off, considering in order to leave a PM, you have to delete the message.
    Now if this is a PM between you and a few other members, and one of them decided to leave, it's sad to say that you won't be able to get them back.
    When they leave, they're gone.
    I hope this answers your question, friend! Have an awesome day! ^^ (\
    Locking this topic, question has been answered. ^^
  10. Adorkable's post in Any tips to earn post count quickly? was marked as the answer   
    Hello, ! ^^
    As Happy Plant said, if you're goal is to just improve your posting rank, then you're missing the point of the forums.
    It matters not what your rank may be, but that you have fun posting when or where you want to.
    Also, the post rank really doesn't mean anything besides showing how much you have posted.
    You can easily gain friends and a reputation (etc.) without having a high post count, just be yourself!
    On top of that, becoming a Unicorn would take a long time. I mean, that's 7,000 posts. Even some of the oldest members here have yet to reach it.
    But as I said, worry not of your rank. Just have fun being here, apart of our wonderful Brony Community.
    You may find it just as enjoyable!
    And with time, your posts will go up, just don't manely focus on your rank while you're here.
    That's what I would recommend.
    I hope this helps you out, friend!
    Locking this topic, question has been answered.
  11. Adorkable's post in Status Update Notifications: How to Enable? was marked as the answer   
    Hello, ! ^^
    Just to add onto what Carbon Maestro said, you can find your Notification Settings by clicking on your User Control Panel (Your name in the top right of the screen, to the left of the Sign Out button!), and selecting "My Settings".
    When the page appears, on your left hand side of the screen, you'll see a list of different options to choose from.
    Please select "Notification Options".
    When they appear, scroll down (if needed) until you see "Status Updates".
    Here, you can toggle on and off status-related notifications to fit your needs!
    I hope this helps you out, have a good day! ^^ (\
    Locking this topic, issue has been resolved.
  12. Adorkable's post in Firefox isn't acting right on this site was marked as the answer   
    Hey, @@Gourgeist! ^^
    I asked Feld0 about this, and this is what he said to do.
    So, try all of this out, and let me know if you still have an issue afterwards. ^^
    Please and thank you! ^^ (\
  13. Adorkable's post in Trouble posting pictures... D: was marked as the answer   
    Hey, ! ^^
    I think what Lightwing was trying to say was that it didn't matter if it was NSFW or not, if you try to link something from that website, it won't work because it's blocked from MLP Forums.
    As he also stated, using an image hosting site like Imgur or PostImage is an easier way than most to put a picture on the forums. That's how I usually do it! ^^
    With that being said, are you still having issues? ^^ (\
  14. Adorkable's post in My Anti-Virus is Trying to Block the Forums was marked as the answer   
    This is true.
    Unfortunately, for Microsoft Security, there's no way you can "allow" or "white list" a trusted website.
    However, I would recommend never disabling your Anti-Virus for anything, unless you're uninstalling it for a new Anti-Virus program.
    If this issue is giving you problems, I would suggest you finding yourself a new Anti-Virus program. ^^"
    That's about all I can say! ^^"
    Does this help you out or anything, @@baltoist? ^^"
  15. Adorkable's post in Why can't I upload midi? was marked as the answer   
    Hey, @@Vinyl Scratch.! ^^
    How are you today? Good I hope! ^^ (\
    So, I spoke with Feld0 on the matter, and he said that ".mid" and ".midi" files were basically never really requested, or "white listed".
    While during our chat, he decided to generously add ".mid" and ".midi" files to the forum's supported file types.
    So basically, you can now use ".mid" and ".midi" file types! Have fun with that. ^^ (\
  16. Adorkable's post in Popular Stars? was marked as the answer   
    Hey, @@ghostfacekiller39! ^^
    You remember me, don't you? ^^
    Sorry for the late response, I was just recruited, you know! ^^"
    Anyways, I believe the answer you're looking for is pretty simple. ^^
    Basically, the Administrators of the forum felt the popular stars were unnecessary and distracted people from reading other posts that deserve just as much attention, as all posts are important! ^^
    Don't want to leave any pony out of the spotlight now, do we? ^^
    It makes sense though, don't you think? One member could find an interesting topic, but pay more attention to the posts with a popular star on them, even if posts without popular stars could have the same or more information. ^^
    It's just to balance, I believe. We don't want members thinking some posts are more important than others. ^^
    I hope that answers your question! ^^ 
    Have a good one, Ghostie. ^^ (\
  17. Adorkable's post in Is there a way to fix the copy/paste problem with Internet Explorer was marked as the answer   
    It sounds like this is manely a problem with your browser, did you try switching to Firefox? It seems to work a little better with the forums than Internet Explorer. ^^"
    If using CTRL+C and CTRL+V doesn't work, then you may want to consider changing browsers. ^^"
  18. Adorkable's post in How Do I Add Signature Images? was marked as the answer   
    Hi! ^^
    To add an image to your signature, the first thing you have to do is answer this question. Is it on your computer? Or somewhere on the internet? There's a simple explanation for both! ^^
    If the image is on your computer, I would recommend visiting http://postimage.org/ - Here, you can safely upload your image to the internet, so you can copy the image URL.
    - After uploading the image, click on the small icon of it.
    - Once the picture comes up, right click it, and you should get an option to "Copy Image URL", select this.
    Now, if the image is already on the internet, you can simply go ahead and copy the image's URL.
    > To add the picture to your signature, go to your profile page, and click on "Edit My Profile".
    > Once the page loads, on the left side of your screen you should see a block that says "Signature".
    - Paste the Image's URL into the text box, and the image should load perfectly. ^^
  19. Adorkable's post in not getting password email was marked as the answer   
    Hi! ^^
    Did you make sure the password was sent to the correct Email?
    Make sure that the Email that MLP Forums is sending the password to is correct! ^^
    Also, sometime it takes a few minutes to a little while, just be patient!
    Don't forget, sometimes these Emails can be placed in the "Junk" or "Spam" box, so be sure to check there too.
    Hope this helps! ^^ (\
  20. Adorkable's post in I just deleted my friends.help was marked as the answer   
    Hi there!
    Why not just go to their accounts, and add them back? Seems simple, right? ^^
    If you can remember their usernames, you can use the search bar and enter their name and search for them. Just remember to click on the green box that probably says "This Topic" (if you're searching from here) and click on "Members" from the little drop down box.
    You can get to the search bay by clicking on the little magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the screen, to the right of your username.
    I hope this helps! ^^ (\
  21. Adorkable's post in Signature help was marked as the answer   
    Hi! ^^
    If you're seeking advice on how to actually post your picture in your signature, I may be able to assist!
    You have your image at the recommended dimensions, correct? Well, the next part is pretty simple!
    There's a website I usually used called http://postimage.org/ and basically, you upload your picture to it, then copy the Image URL. Go back to where you customize your signature, and click on the button to the bottom left of the smiley face, this lets you post pictures with their Image URLs. Click on it, then Paste the Image URL into the text box, click go and you're done! Simple as that! ^^
    I hope this helps you out, good luck! ^^ (\
  22. Adorkable's post in How do I get my Commissions topic approved? was marked as the answer   
    Say pretty please with a cherry on top?
    Haha, I'm kidding.
    It usually takes time for a commission topic to be approved by an Admin, they have to see it first. It can take a little bit of waiting, just be patient! Thank you! ^^
    Hope this helps! ^^ (\
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