fuck that new vocalist. I don't wanna hear it.
They some how remind me of ISIS with their guitars. Rare to find hardcore punk that chugs like this.
>he doesn't like doom
Not everything has to be fast to be good. Even some black metal can be slow.
those aren't bad lyrics sometimes. Do you even emo?
@, we get it, you don't like prog besides Opeth and all. Maybe you don't have to be every other post in the thread?
Not technically "prog", but a boundary-pusher for sure.
I know right? I just hate how misconstrued some people's thoughts on emo and screamo are. It's nothing like what people ever think it is.
Downloadin some of their stuff now.
Or even Minor Threat or Embrace.
Almost have their entire discography on vinyl. Missing Salad Days, I think.
I love the cheesy breakdown at the end of this song.
NNL: Fugazi is a band made by the singer from Minor Threat, an influential hardcore punk band. A lot of thrash bands liked them.
lmao @ ur swag
do you even worship satan?
I rep lucifer like there's no tomorrow.
tfw no one cares about your emotive hardcore thread even though it's way better than prog ;_;
So does anyone else like this genre?
I usually like more modern emo bands like Dowsing and Snowing, but recently, I've been getting into older bands, like Lifetime.
This is more slowed down death metal, but death metal nonetheless. Even for all you tsundere lolis.
Learn to like non-metal stuff ;D
Depressive Suicidal.
There's also Post-black, atmospheric, blackgaze, first wave, national socialist, and a bunch of other stuff.
tfw you will never be in a crust punk band called crustin beiber