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Everything posted by Jeric

  1. As someone who spent three full months from April of June of last year doing a systemic Six Sigma DMAIC analysis on how to restore it, it seems a shame. It might be worth mentioning that each visit to that section to moderate it would take me all of five minutes, and it really wasn’t much of a headache. That’s coming from a left leaning trans woman in a sea of comments that are rather more conservative. People like @Props Valroa and @Luna the Great of all the Russias actually brought a lot of well thought out comments to the forefront that I personally loved reading. I’ll be honest, I felt if I didn’t jump in then shit would just eventually tank, since it would run very well if there was active staff engagement so I guess I’ll take DP closing a final compliment. FWIW, the current debate pit was super tame compared to the heyday of this forum. Since I’m a major fan of transparency, I want to point out, and as I told @Props Valroa previously in one of the public topics, the old DP topics are not deleted. They are archived and hidden and my plan was to make them visible like we did with the Twilacorn Archive. If it remains closed here it may be a good idea to initiate the process of moving them all together. Another free solution, if present staff are too busy to manage moderating it, then finding a new staffer willing to take on the challenge should be trivial. That may solve the whole thing and present a win / win to everyone. For some Debate Pit was a primary purpose of visiting. While other homes in other departments could be a better fit, what makes a sub community so unique is not the content but the interactions than can only be replicated if everyone is to move. Otherwise it will always leave a sour taste for some pining for the “good old days”. TL;DR Closing it or moving it may have some unfortunate implications. I just listed some. I’d stay and discuss further, but I have travel arrangements to make and architecture certification to study for. Pony On Forum.
  2. I know that this community was not his pony home. That was FiMFiction, but his impact on me was profound. 

    Last night, one of my closest friends, Josh known here and on FiMFiction as @Level Dasher, passed away surrounded by his family. His impact on so many people is becoming more and more evident as even those with the slightest passing interaction are recounting the small kindnesses and displays of authenticity. 

    As a young child, he underwent a heart transplant. As an adult he received his second, and earned his nickname “2nd Hearted Hero”. I used to make Dr Who jokes with him the whole time. He battled a schwannoma and won. He battled leukemia and won. No matter what he dealt with in the past, and knowing his life was not going to be blessed with longevity, Josh always made it his mission to enjoy the world and make the people he met feel like they mattered more. He treated any of his friend’s most trivial complaints with genuine empathy. 

    He never complained himself. He carried himself with an unmatched dignity and grace. He never had an unkind word for anyone. He would let his neighbors know when he was going to the grocery store so they could save a trip. For all people endeavoring to lead lives filled with kindness and positivity, he left behind a beautiful template to follow. 

    Grief and I are well acquainted friends at this point. I see it now as life’s way of giving you a receipt for having cared about a person. I was lucky to have known him, and to have him a my closest group of friends. 

    His spirit, his heart, his soul were absolutely bigger on the inside. 

    In one of his hospital visits this last Christmas. A few of his friends chatted with him on Discord. In his own words, “ I bet nobody rocks a flannel tuxedo better than this!”



    He was the fifth member of our “Fellowship” of friends. His loss will be felt tremendously. 

    Josh, you were an amazing human being. Thank you for being you for the time I was able to call you my friend.




    Please do not reach out to me here or Discord with condolences. Those efforts can be best placed on trying to emulate one of the kindest men I’ve known. Be kind, be generous, be loyal, be honest, find the humor around you. Make your life and others experiences filled with Magic. 

  3. Jeric

    Rarity Fan Club

    Almost forgot to post a Rarity pic. hm what should I use
  4. Jeric

    Rarity Fan Club

    This is where it all began for me, when I fell in love with the passion and quirky nature of the Brony Community. The RFC was full of the most passionate individuals, and whatever my journey will take me, I’ll keep this place close to my heart. After a nice break to work on some personal and professional projects, I will likely return to participate as I once did, a user. A part of me can never shake this place, not the friends and family I met here. Thank you to Troblems, PathfinderCS, Spoon, Arty, Navel Colt, Dark Horse, SCS, Hugs, Lightwing, Ashley, Odyssey, Eloquence, Kiwoy, Arc, Silky, Sparklefan, Brony Number 42, Rocky, Dynamo, Jedi, D&V, Ganondorf, Props, Tank, Yozer, Venny, Simon, PanPan, and more than you I can ever list, and especially thank you for @Just Jessi for encouraging this journey.
  5. We received Five submissions from individuals for this contest. Thanks all who participated. I’ll be creating a special badge for all of you for participating and as my last staff task on MLPF. This past weekend was a busy one due to the con. During a few trips to the vendor / artist area I harassed a few creators and art focused individuals to vote on their favorite of the five. I also gave them some background on one of them as the medium was more unique since it was created out of construction paper! The winner by one vote is @Nitobit second place was a two way tie and third place was a two way tie. One of these items was a personal fav of mine, and when I saw it it brought be a teary eyed smile. Nitobit definitely put a lot of effort on design and composition. I’ll allow the others to decide if they want to claim their work. Thanks all for making this contest a success.
  6. Goor catch. Forum Staff Online does indeed ignore some of the built-in anon browsing features. I do not recall if that was intentional or if filtering down to a specific group automatically ignores anon browsing configuration (which is usually not completely anonymous anyway).
  7. Love the guy in the grey hoodie who is smiling at that whole thing. Flying hugs are a surprise and delight!
  8. Jeric

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I’ve been thinking of the Con throughout the last two days. So many great moments throughout with everyone
  9. Jeric

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    These moments when we are together are indeed rejuvenating my cloven brother
  10. Jeric

    staff Free Hugs Inside

    I swear @Sir Hugsalot has a name that I could pun for weeks. I feel disappointed that I chose an easy one. So I’ve known the guy since I joined April of 2014. Back when we were both users the forum was full of hijinx and shenanigans, most good, some toxic. Hugs was in the positive column. A natural jokester, he always had me laughing. Late last year I had the first opportunity to work with him. He is honest, authentic, and deeply cares about this community. Though not exact, he shares a similar philosophy of moderation, and will be able to persevere among any challenge as he develops his own style. Kindness, empathy, and humor are his calling cards. In the recent years, Moderation has been discussed in sites and servers outside of this community. The words I’ve seen and heard, were not entirely inaccurate. I believe that Hugs may be a force for positive change that MLPF moderation needs. It just takes a few with a gentle, fair, and understanding approach to make a difference. The users will be able to approach him in confidence as a peer and in some cases as a friend. He is fair, and that is the greatest compliment I can give a person. So effective immediately Hugs will perform dual roles as the newest member of the Moderation team and maintain being a member of Events. He lives in Europe so let’s do him the honor of having him wake up with all the good vibes in here and also on his profile. Bury the guy with virtual hugs.
  11. Non merch memory was picking up @Sir Hugsalot from the airport. Can confirm, dude has off the scale hug powers.
  12. During Making Christmas Merrier I volunteered myself to dress as a character at a convention and the community chose Cozy Glow. So this convention I spent 10 hours on Saturday in a pink dress. Here are some of the moments captured
  13. It’s not post it’s points. This is a massive distinction because some things that never caused you to rank up now do
  14. Just creating this for those that attended to post a few of their memories. This is a full shot of this years haul.
  15. This is my 25th convention and 5th Pony Con. It’s crazy to think back on the previous cons and consider how much has changed. I wanted to create this blog to populate and communicate the interesting sights after the next five days. My bags are packed and I’m ready to go! I haven’t slept yet. What could possibly go wrong.
  16. Jeric

    staff The Silk Road

    This is … I haven’t laughed this hard since the Swedish Chef chased the Gamorean Guard. You now get to face @Twilight Sparkle ✨ in the ring for a chance to be Emperor for a day!
  17. Jeric

    staff The Silk Road

    I am Rarity and you, dear reader, are AJ. Deal with it, you ARE the new Applejack! I have always said that this Community is smart as all get out. You notice things. You notice changes. There have been a lot of changes of late. Back in November I had a discussion with a certain magical mare who was interested in lending a hoof in bringing some mirth and joy to the community. 2020-2022 were rather exhausting times for many staffers and several in the community. I will admit that we lost a little bit of that typical bounce in our step. I dusted myself off and went on a mission to bring on new Event staff. One individual sent me a PM, but it wasn't a normal PM. It was a video message. In all the years I have worked here, nobody had that level of confidence and trust to break that veil. I was intrigued. We chatted on Discord. This individual felt like a breath of fresh air, and was actually rejuvenating. Her enthusiasm and joy were infectious. I snatched her up quick and she made a big impact almost from go, even while she was tending to the stress of her soon to be special somepony. @Princess Silky has been a boon for Events and for the Forum as a whole. In our discussions I realized the depth of love for this place came for a place of authenticity, and her soft touch to those she meets fits my own view of community stewardship. It wasn't just my eye she caught. She managed to impress many, including the very founder of this organization. Driven by the potential of not just MLPF, but many of the other services of Poniverse, she found herself just as energized as the the staff who worked with her. She is meant for bigger things. She is exactly what Poniverse needs, what these forums need. Many of you have had interactions with her and can agree that she is definitely one of the most friendly, approachable, and charismatic members here. I asked her for the opportunity to type this up, introducing her as the Head of Poniverse Public Relations. I put my full faith in her. I ask that you do as well. Silky will be tasked with helping to ensure a friendlier, more active, and more engaging experience in all the Poniverse sites, including here. Her elevation to help overseeing and promoting all levels within Poniverse should not be a shock to anyone who has discussed ideas with her. She will be working hoof and hoof with her colleagues in Administration, various departments in the Forums and beyond, for the sake of making this site a greater place to relax, meet friends, hang out, play games, and talk about ponies. You will see her around. If you have any concerns or ideas, her stable is always open. On a personal note, I am thankful to have met her, and start to call her a friend. You got this.
  18. https://www.babscon.com/2023/who-we-are/covid/ That is a breakdown of requirements
  19. Their policy is updated vaccinations, and masking on the con floor. Distancing can be difficult due to how everything is laid out.
  20. We have received five entries and I personally love all of them. I am not voting on this though so I don't have to make that difficult call. As I mentioned I will be creating a blind vote by a few fandom artists. Stay tuned for the announcement.
  21. Pinned this topic after request from OP as it generally does a great job as a living tutorial for generating AI Art Creations
  22. Final Fantasy XII: ZA for the platinum.
  23. Was actually about to walk again with a cane.
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