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Jamaican Jam

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Everything posted by Jamaican Jam

  1. I don't mind Flash Sentry at all as a character. But I think that the romance part wasn't necessary. But it's high school so I guess they were trying to appeal to that.
  2. That would be bad. The reason why male and female have different reproduction systems are there to be used for reproduction, that's the whole point of having those.
  3. Accent:Jamaican And Australian My mother is a full Jamaican and speaks it all the time. Me and my family can obviously understand her but most people here in the states can't understand it, lol. I technically however don't have an accent.
  4. I have both copies of Sonic adventure 1 and 2 for the Dreamcast and GameCube. The reason why the Dreamcast bombed wasn't solely the Ps2, it was a combination with the failure of the Sega CD, Sega 32x, Sega Gamegear, and especially the Sega Saturn. By the time they released the Dreamcast, they were pretty much on their deathbed after the Saturn was flopping. The Saturn was supposed to be released a year after it was originally released. Because of that, many developers' time was cut about half or more but also the Saturn was harder to develop for than the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 mainly because it rendered quadrilaterals. This also made retailers upset about that and refused to sell anything Sega related for a little bit after their previous blunders; Of course, Sonic owes his existence to Mario. Naoto Ōshima loved Mario and even stated he wanted a game like Mario but faster and to compete with Nintendo's Mascot, Mario. But other than that, I loved Sonic (along with Mario) a ton when I was a child (and still do) and still play his games on my GameCube, Sega Genesis, and Dreamcast (although the Dreamcast makes loud noises when reading a disc, lol).
  5. Yes, because of the stereotype that G3.5 carried of it being excessively girly.
  6. I've been done with it for a few years now. It was fine in the beginning, but with the fan servicing it's been doing for a while made me lose interest in Adventure Time.
  7. I'm probably the only person who isn't interested in Doctor Who.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jamaican Jam

      Jamaican Jam

      Lol. So did I.

    3. Homura Akemi

      Homura Akemi

      I'm not interested in Doctor Who.

    4. KoGy


      No, you are not alone.


  8. Guess what Trixie? I'm more great than you are!
  9. It feels like I'm the only type of Brony that watches the show and leaves it at that. No merchandise, no fan music, no posters, etc.

  10. Other than my dislike of the intense heat of summer, I absolutely hate mosquito bites it itches like crazy!

  11. wow, I actually stood up all night and still wide awake with no indication of being drowsy! I'm trying to get my sleep back on track again.

  12. The rectangular pupils thing is also applied to horses.
  13. Um, guys I think you should let others react to another's avatar that's different for once.
  14. I don't know. For the comics, he's doing great there. As for the games, the early ones from 2d to 3D (up to sonic Heroes) was great. Sega has done questionable things before and still do. Let's hope they don't rush him again and wind up like sonic 2006 (the game that almost destroyed Sonic's career). Of course, Sonic owes his existence to Mario. Naoto Ōshima loved Mario and even stated he wanted a game like Mario but faster and to compete with Nintendo's Mascot, Mario. I find it funny that people say Mario is repetitive. Does anyone pay attention to his other games, like the Rpgs, party games, fighting games, etc? The main Megaman games (1-9) are the definition of repetitive. Sonic has been repetitive too, it's almost always Eggman or when a new character is introduced, they almost never come back or get used again.
  15. I think shipping all together is pointless. What's the point? Why do that on a show that focuses on friendship? Is friendship not enough?
  16. Anything that spins around. I get dizzy REAL quickly in like 3 seconds. I can't handle it!
  17. Join me, Link and I'll make your face the greatest in Koridi or else you will die!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jamaican Jam

      Jamaican Jam

      Noo! You haven't seen the last of me!!

    3. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Oh! I thought you were going to do, "No! Not into the pit! It buuuuuuurns!!!!"

    4. Jamaican Jam
  18. Just got a new 42inch LG LED 1080p TV!

  19. Jamaican Jam

    gaming Mario Kart 8

    Same but agony is included. It takes 5 minutes to complete that course in Mario Kart 64. Plus whenever you hit the cpu, they come back instantly as if nothing happened to them. That rubber band effect.
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