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Dead account67902568

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Everything posted by Dead account67902568

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    2. Dead account67902568

      Dead account67902568

      actually im not out to get brohoofs,i see alot of poeple wanting to brohoof each other on status comments


    3. lomk


      I've seen that before lol But I think the general community just doesn't care too much about whether status updates get brohoofs. Maybe a few here and there, but I haven't seen many people on here who think it's a big deal. I may be wrong lol I haven't been too active lately because of real life getting in the way :P

    4. Dead account67902568
  1. i see,lets make this topic more public for the others to see
  2. i just want to make this clear on my first dream log that i will not be having an entry everynight just posting when i have the time and this is not my fist time in equestria last night i got twilight to use a memory spell on me out of curiousity cos im like 20 years old there but i just started dreaming in equestria like a month ago so theres odviously lots of holes inbetween what i saw was traumatising;my parents died in an accident while i was still a philly and im an orphan(in equestria)i ran away to everfree forest in fear and got comforted by animals to get my cutie mark and thats where i met fluttershy! this concludes my identity in equestria
  3. i see...iguess this is something that cannot be done...nevermind!
  4. i'll like to request the admins/moderators to make brohoofting of comments possible please(there isnt much to descibe anyways)
  5. for those ponies curious about my lucid dreams in equestria,i've made a dream diary blog!

    1. otaku4242


      *sigh* wish I could remember my dreams

  6. i know what you all mean,you should not cover the internet with sexual and mature content especially if this is a little girls show,i mean who knows,a little girl goes on the internet,see those stuff gets curious and ends up hatting mlp for life due to some asshole's work!
  7. in lucid dreaming the interval between the 30 moons,the mirror is just a mirror,no portal whatsoever
  8. I lucid dream in equestria so I know their exact ages rarity:24 fluttershy:24 pinkie pie:23 twilight:24 apple jack:23 rainbow dash:21 no confirms though
  9. what do you do if you just confessed that your a human in your lucid dream to twilight cos your forced too?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      i know, but in my case the gun will explode in my hand killing me in an horrid way

    3. Dead account67902568

      Dead account67902568

      mornin,just dealt with the case last night,felt how strong the bond of friendship was between me and twilight

    4. Dead account67902568

      Dead account67902568

      she said:no matter how different we are physically,underneath we are all the same

      she hugged me afterwards

  10. cant believe i just confessed!lucid dreaming tonight is gonna be rough!

  11. technically the definition od bronies are anyone who likes the show!
  12. I can speak mandarin!try finding people from Singapore cos we're multi rational
  13. YAY!time to party!MUST CONTROL WANT! could I get mlp season 5 for my birthday?
  14. while im at this,i'll like to tell the moderators that I think there is a glitch;im able to post with less than 20 characters
  15. my likes are complicated;fluttershy and twilight tied in 1st place applejack and rainbow dash tied 2nd place its 2:40pm in singapore
  16. I got fluttershy spam as a response in their fanclub
  17. I like her only cos I can relate;bookworm and science nerd!
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