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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Steelstallion

  1. Morning everypony!

  2. Anypony know a reliable place to watch season 7 episode 10? The one on Dailymotion was taken down I think.

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Episode won't air till Saturday morning.

    2. Steelstallion


      Oh, haha! Silly me. I haven't been keeping up very well, so I've just been watching one episode after the next. Good to know I am finally caught up! Thanks! :)

  3. Is there anyway to edit the home page with this new update? I've been looking and cant find it.

    1. Cl0udChaser


      I don't think so.

    2. Mentis Soliloquy

      Mentis Soliloquy

      Well not yet anyway.

  4. Well something is certainly different about this place! I think the change was for the better, in my opinion. :)

    1. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Yes, I happen to like the new look too. It was much needed.

  5. Anypony have the exact release date of season 7 for me?

  6. To any Halo and/or Call of Duty and/or dance lovers out there, i found this the other day and thought id share it with you!

  7. Finally did a count and I've only seen the first half of season 6. Cant wait to graduate. >_>

  8. FINALLY got arround to replacing my About Me page after it was deleted somehow a long time ago.

  9. Hoi

    1. Zachary
    2. AmarisNsane


      Hello hello! Hope that your day has been going well! :3

  10. Dang I miss this place.

  11. Hay look, my ENTIRE about me page got deleted! >:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      I luckily didnt had thar

    3. Steelstallion
    4. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      never happined to me before but heard others had that problem too

  12. Hay everypony! Great news! I found time at school to watch season 6 finally! I can now watch about 2 eps a day. the net one to watch is the fifth one. I'll catch up in no time! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ponylaces


      That's cool, but how are you able to watch MLP at school? xD

    3. Sweetie-Belle


      Watching MLP at school? Won't others make fun of you for that?

    4. Steelstallion


      Sorry I couldn't reply yesterday.

      @PonyLaces, I had collage classes in the morning, but I finished them before I finished normal school so now I have extra time! :D


      @Sweetie-Belle, Nopony makes fun of me. Nopony even cares really. And if somepony does, I know how to easily not care.

  13. This new banner is so gorgeous!! :D Hay, everypony! Just hopping in to say hi. But I haven't seen the new episode so I'm gonna get off before I see a spoiler. Bye!

  14. ooOoo! Another b-e-a-utiful AJ banner. thanks for that one Sammie.

  15. Dang! Love this banner! Morning everypony!

    1. DashYoshi


      Good morning. ^^

  16. Anypony that plays Magic:The Gathering, I need to meet you cause I would love more Magic friends.

    1. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      You could always play the video game. Not the most ideal way, but it allows for you to play with even more easily.

  17. Love your picture! Welcome to the Forums! =)

    1. AbsolJack


      Thanks a bunch! Hope to see you around! :P

  18. Your name is great!

    1. randomgermancupcake


      Thank you very much! So is yours! <3

  19. Happy Hearths Warming Eve Everypony! Just stopping by to wish you all happy holidays! Merry Christmas!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Derpy Hooves

      The Derpy Hooves

      happy hearts warming :D for me there are still 1 and a half hour remaining XD

    3. Kenshiro


      Your profile is so colorful =)

    4. Steelstallion



      Thanks! I dont get loads of visitors. I appreciate the compliment. :D

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