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Everything posted by AmberDust

  1. Bonjour, Starchase! Je comprend que tu n'est pas trop doué en francais? As-tu besoin des leçons? Ha ha... Anyhoo... Who's your favourite princess? And also, what do you look for in a good friend? Oh! And your favourite song?
  2. ((I'm going by American definition of the word "pudding" here))As far as desserts go, my answer is butterscotch or pistachio. But as far as friends go, I'd say Plum Pudding. Ha ha.
  3. @@Yoshi89 "Yes!" Plum said excitedly. "Well, almost. I'm opening up a bakery here in Ponyville as soon as preparations are done with the building I bought." Plum was trying to hide her excitement, but in truth, she was unbelievably enthralled with the idea of owning her own bakery--it had been one of her lifelong dreams. She grinned widely "Are you interested?"
  4. Ah yes, the alchemist. I'm still unsure of whether alchemy exists in mlp, but anyways, lets get going. Sure thing! Here we go:
  5. @celtore Type: Ice/fairy Ability: serene grace ( I dunno ) Moves: Fairy wind Ice beam Sheer cold Charm
  6. I like most types of music, but I really love orchestra music--its not necessarily classical, just fully orchestrated, which makes it sort of feel classical. I really love the way it can tell a story without words or pictures, and give you chills without being scary, and overwhelm your senses without being chaotic, and make you feel your heart pound against your chest withou--Oh. I guess that doesn't really answer your question, eh? Heh heh let's just say it all depends on the song. I generally like songs that have a bit of a mysterious feel, like old music boxes and organs and other ancient-feeling instruments. That's why I like foreign music so much, too--it just feels different. I especially like music from the cold north.
  7. @@Yoshi89 As Thrillseeker trotted away, Amber stared into the fire for a moment, shocked. I didn't mean to insult him, she thought, still confused. She decided he must have misunderstood. Amber stood up to go apologize, but Thrillseeker was already in conversation with another pony--Plum Pudding. Although he didn look angry or upset at all. Amber backed down hesitantly. She instead trotted to the front entrance and pulled a few things from her bag--a sketchbook and a case of pencils. Returning to the fire, she started to draw while she watched the other ponies chatting happily. Amber gave a little smile. "Hello," Plum said to Thrillseeker. "Yes, I'm Plum Pudding...sorry for not introducing myself." Plum instinctively reached for the platter of sugared plums and offered one to him. "So, Amber's been talking about me?" She asked, eyes darting to where her friend sat.
  8. How about...favourite starter? Favourite Pokemon game? Favourite Pokemon character? Can you tell I'm on a Pokemon kick at the moment?
  9. What are the four Pokemon moves of the poster above you? (Or their OC) Bonus points if you add type or special ability!
  10. What's the first word that comes to mind when I say... Harmonia?
  11. Who's your favourite Pokemon? If you don't like Pokemon---well...
  12. Oh. I don't really think about things like that, really. I've never had a special somepony so I don't think I know what's best for me. Of course I still have my...ideals, though. This is a little uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to answer. Hopefully somepony kind, empathetic, determined, and full of thought. Somepony who isn't TOO energetic, and who isn't afraid to just be who he is. Maybe somepony who needs me, if that makes sense... Of course I'd be more interested in somepony mysterious and interesting, but those qualities are easier to find in fiction--plus I'm not sure if I'm good enough to be with somepony like that. Oh, and somepony who's honest--not just with me, but with themselves, too. I can't believe I forgot to include that. It's very important to me. I hate dishonesty.
  13. "I still have a lot if preparation to do inside the new building, but until then I'll be working from home," Plum explained. "To be honest, the hardest job is thinning out the menu!" She picked a sugared plum off a platter and popped it in her mouth. "I have so many things I want to sell, but not enough space or money." She laughed."...and maybe if I can't sell from home right away, I'll see if I can get a job at Sugar Cube Corner. The Cakes seem really nice, so I think I'd enjoy working for them." That pink pony is another story though, she added in her head. "So, is this season busy for you?" Plum asked, admiring her own Hearth's Warming Tree.
  14. And remember everypony, Paradoxical names ARE allowed. (I.e. Names that implied their destiny before they knew what it was) Like Granny Smith (who is NOW a granny), Rarity (who can find gems), Rainbow dash (the fastest in the sky), Nurse Redheart (self-explanatory), and, of course, ALL of the princesses. There are also alliterative names (Pinkie Pie), word names (Rarity), and wordplay names (Fluttershy, which is shutter-shy+flutter). Don't limit yourself. Okay, that's my "contribution", if it was at all helpful. I helped a friend of mine develop some names as well. Here are the names I've come up with, if you still need help and think I may be of assistance (those listed are in use): Storm Jumper Plum Pudding Sepharus Amber Dust Amber Relic Rosemary Honey Bumble And probably more. Please excuse my shameless self-advertising.
  15. @@Eloquence Thanks for your reply. I never considered that teleportation was uncommon. But I guess that part was just added for a fighting game Amber was in. I'll consider your other suggestions as well--although it's unlikely I'll drop her artistic ambitions. I know it seems cluttered, but it's currently the thread that connects her to me. I probably could have described her ambitions a bit better though--I certainly see how it could look a bit busy lol. What would you suggest I omit in the personality description? (Also, please direct me towards the wall of good qualities so I can interject some of her bad ones--she does have them, but I guess I didn't write many down.)
  16. http://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/amber-dust-r248 Hullo! I figured its about time I got a rating/critique on my OC.
  17. @@Red Cedar Plum's ears folded down in embarrassment. She had disappointed more than herself this time. She smiled with the tray between her teeth, then trotted to put if down at the nearest table. She looked back at Red. "Sorry," she squeaked. "I just want everypony to be comfortable--but I guess that means me too, huh?" She laughed quietly and flopped her ears back once again. "Let's go sit down."
  18. @ @Red Cedar Plum's face reddened at the complement. She was never good at taking them. "Thank you," Plum said quietly, voice cracking. She straightened herself out and began heading for the parlour--but in a fit of nerves she changed her mind at the last second and went to the dining hall instead, picking up a tray of cookies. She felt the need to offer something to her guests--she couldn't just walk in and interrupt them, right? Plum could almost hear her friends scolding her in her head. This is your party. don't hide behind your cooking! Sorry, guys, she thought, and she trotted into the parlour.
  19. @@Yoshi89 "She certainly is," Amber assured him. "The most hardworking I've ever met. She's been that way since she was a filly." Amber gazed down at her plate then chuckled. "I've never been to Manehattan, but Plum has. She says that Red Velvet cupcakes are just chocolate cupcakes with a little colouring and huge ego."
  20. @@Red Cedar "Oh, I can eat these anytime I want," Plum said with a chuckle. "But I guess I should go out there and talk to my guests instead of hiding away in the kitchen..." She peeked around the corner and saw all the ponies eating and chatting happily together. Then she looked into the dining room, where the table's surface was hardly visible beneath all the food (despite Spacer's best attempts). "I think there's enough food for now," Plum said reluctantly."I guess I'll go join them." She quickly double checked all the elements on the stove and made sure the tap wasn't running, then turned to face Red. "How do I look?" she asked, trying to wipe flour off of her face.
  21. @]member='red cedar'] Plum Pudding's head turned at the sound of her name. She had been busy as ever in the kitchen, and hadn't realized she was neglecting her guests. Getting nervous once again, she quickly twisted a few knobs on the stove, then turned towards the stallion who had called her. It was Red Cedar. Plum smiled. "Hello," she said happily. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Plum was wiping her hooves on a towel. "Is there anything I can get for you?"
  22. Hello everypony. I've been critiquing OCs recently, but I've never had anypony critique my OC, Amber Dust. I think i know what makes a good OC, but I still have a feeling I've fallen into a few clichés. So, would you consider critiquing my OC? Be as harsh as you want--if I can dish it out, I should be able to take it! Here she is. And her colour scheme is still in development...I think. See here
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