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Everything posted by AmberDust

  1. That's a very good point! Although I'm not certain that the comics (Leon) or the toys (those other royals) are very deeply rooted in canon though. I tend to go on the side of Fawst in saying that Celestia and Luna are the only remaining born Alicorns ( as opposed to ascended Alicorns) to still be alive. It's also important to remember that the goal of mlp fim is spiralling further towards making money off of toys. I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I think they might be selling their souls (and authenticity) for money in the near future. I guess I'm just saying that Alicorns were never intended to be common, and if they do become common, it's for the sake of making money, and goes against the show's old rules that they've already established regarding Alicorns. I prefer to go along with the non-retconned info...that's just me though. I still want to point you towards the other points I've made.
  2. Wow, thanks. *In my mind*: I harshly critiqued someone's OC and not only do they they understand and agree with me, but they want to be my friend now? I must be magical. 0_0' Either that or they're planning something.
  3. Why are some topics pinned? Is it because they're made by staff members? Or are they just considered crucial information in a given section? I've noticed that some sections have more than others, and frankly, the amount of pinned topics in the creative resources section in particular is kind of annoying. I know it's not a huge issue, but it makes navigating especially annoying when you're using the mobile website. A lot of these topics haven't been adressed in a while, and I'm sure some of them could be combined. I for one would really appreciate it if a few of these were unpinned. Besides, if they were really that important, I'm sure thud find their way back to the top of the list through other means. Don't you think?
  4. Over qualifying isn't a good thing when it comes to OCs. I suggest you tell us all WHAT her abilities are so we can better judge her, instead of just taking your word for it. Just be careful and make sure she doesn't fly into "Mary Sue" territory. And remember what I said earlier! I don't agree, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  5. Heh heh thanks. I agree that number two is good but doesn't suit her. Thanks for voting. I sent you my review...it may be a little harsh a some points. Sorry in advance if you don't like it. ^^'
  6. Sure thing. Just out of curiosity, did you read my entire original post? If not, please do so now. There's something I need help with.
  7. That IS a lot of spandex lol. But it still looks cool I think. Maybe add a belt or wear pants or something.
  8. Hello Arua! I was wondering what exactly it is that you need help with? The backstory? The personality? The appearance? Or did you just want an opinion on the whole thing? Also, are you sure you aren't looking for the word AURA? (Not ARUA?)
  9. Yes, but, if you remember, she was aiming for something canonically accurate. And not just anypony can ascend to Alicornhood... They need to overcome great trials and be exemplary models to society, as well as bein able to play an important role like creating love, frinendship, etc.
  10. Very sorry if i came off as rude, it wasn't my intention. I guess tone really changes in typing. u_u I suppose I've just seen a lot of posts like this already and I feel like this information should be widely known at this point. You do understand what I was saying about how Alicorns are supposed to be deities, right? Also, I think Lauren Fawst has the right to make her OC an Alicorn, considering she made up this entire universe. She's definietly an exception. Anyways...let me try this again. The problem here is that your Alicorn... Is based on youself. Ponysona alicorns give off an impression of massive self-importance. I know everyone wants to be this important and this powerful, and even I've designed Alicorns Ponysonas for the fun of it, but if you're aiming for realism (canonism?), well...Just keep in mind that alicorns are gods. By making youself an Alicorn, you're putting yourself above not only all of the canon characters, but above everyone else who's ever made a non-alicorn ponysona. That's probably why most people dislike Alicorn OCs so much. Her powers aren't crucial to survival. I like art and imagination and inspiring hope as much as the next person (check out my OC for example), but it's not really on par with harmony, love, and keeping the world turning...which are the responsibilities our canon Alicorns have. In your initial post, you didn't really tell us anything about her. Maybe that's why I was so quick to pounce eariler (sorry)--because you gave us her physical specialness, but your didn't give us any persoanlity, any backstory, or anything else. It feels like you thought of appearance and powers FIRST, which is a big red flag. You know what I mean? It wasn't until I sent you my opinion that you tried to redeem her/explain why she deserved to be an Alicorn. Maybe you ought to put a more detailed bio in your Original Post to help clear things up. Again, sorry. ...You said in your reply that her power is actually creating universes? Or, did you mean fictional universes? Anyways, judging by the first paragraph of your original post, you understand (or at least know about) the stigma around Alicorn OCs...how they're overpowered, underdeveloped, (self-important,) and they don't usually fit in with the canon world...so I'm wondering, why do you want to make Foxy and Alicorn anyways? She can be a special character without being an Alicorn. And, again, I'd hardly call art a "serious role", as you put it (and this is coming from a fellow artist. As much as I like art and imagination, I don't think it's worthy of great power and immortality, never mind a royal title). All in all, yes, I do think Alicorn OCs are a bad idea. :/ ESPECIALLY if your goal is to have her "as canon as possible"--because in canon, Alicorns are very rare, and very important. They're gods and they're royalty. Does your ponysona really deserve that? (I'm not trying to be mean, I just want you to think about these questions. You were aiming for canon, after all.) To make your OC seem like they'd fit into the canon world, it's better to make them less PHYSICALLY special and more PERSONALLY special. :har: But to answer your orginal question... Alicornhood can be achieved in two ways--You can be born an Alicorn of Royal blood, like Celestia and Luna, or you can achieve Alicornhood though "being a good pony who shares the gifts that they have been given with others." This is how Cadence and Twilight became Alicorns, and it was no easy feat. This basically means you have to have earth-shattering powers, a heart of gold, and a big important life-changiing event before you ascend to alicorn/princesshood. I hope that helped.
  11. Yeah. I could scan better quality pics, or I could re-draw them with my tablet.Unless you want to use the ones I already uploaded, in which case, be my guest. Just credit me. I'm literally just taking a picture with an iPod and uploading them. I don't even care that they're upside down anymore. YOU CAN FLIP THEM YERSELVES, INTRATES!!! lol
  12. http://mlpforums.com/topic/114246-colours-help-me-decide/ thanks. check out the link above to see some of my final picks.
  13. I've seen some members requesting help lately, so I'm just gonna bump this back up. Please read the ENTIRE original post if you want help.
  14. I was thinking maybe of making her body more of a minty colour, then makin her mane a little darker. ( based on the first scheme) Thoughts?
  15. I think IF you want to add blue to it, it should be in his mane. Otherwise, keep him the same. I've grown to like his colours as they are.
  16. I have a really hard time understanding what you're saying... But what I did figure out is that you obviously don't know what "canon" means. Seriously, google it. Anyways... The reason you shouldn't make Alicorn OCs is because Alicorns are deities (god-like figures) in the world of mlp. Also, they're royalty, and need to serve an important purpose. Important for everypony. Celestia and Luna were supposed to be the ONLY Alicorns in the whole world, and their jobs are literally what keep the world spinning. THAT'S how important they are. If you make an Alicorn OC, it's more than likely that nopony will take it/you seriously, simply because Alicorns are supposed to be very rare and very important to survival...and, chances are, yours isn't, and therefore wouldn't fit into the canon world at all.
  17. AmberDust

    Amber Dust

    , did you read any of my edits? I took your advice to mind and changed my wording regarding the element, and also organized some things better. I'd love to have it critiqued again--maybe your opinion on her colour scheme can cement it. then I'll replace the image with a better drawing, if that's okay. Her personality is "passable"? Welp... I'd love your suggestions if you think she could be improved.
  18. Does this colour sheme work? They all end up upside down...ugh
  19. Firstly, to quote someone you have to click on their entry, the a button with "quote" on it will appear.Secondly, everyhing I posted was CANON. It was stated in the journal of the two sisters that Star Swirl was one of the ponies who raised the sun before the rule of Celestia. It was ALSO stated in the same book that Celestia met Star Swirl at her coronation...and I have reason to believe that the coronation happened after they bested Discord (because that's when they became true rulers). I just figured Discord was "born" when the land was in disharmony. He could have been born before that though. All I know for sure is that he came into power when the world was lacking harmony. So, I guess the disharmony between ponies made him stronger, if it wasn't what created him.It's hard to tell if he's older than the sisters. He SOUNDS and LOOKS older, but that doesn't really mean anything when you're a spirit.
  20. . I wanted to make an OCD canon-only timeline, but the thread got merged with this one lol. So, if you do that, don't do it on mlpforums. And contact me first, because I'd like to be a part of it! I heard that the second half of that book is just recaps of the episodes, but the first half has some nice concept art and commentary from Fawst. You should get it. Also, there's some interesting points made here regarding canon: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Ghostkaiba297/Canon_Discussion
  21. Yeah, I consider that book canon, too. As well as the guide to the elements of harmony. I'm just no sure about those comics... And it seems like a lot of the info on this timeline is derived from them. I guess I'd better research Jose comics, first. I wish I knew where to buy them ^^' Oh, and by the way, it's "canon" not "cannon". A cannon is a weapon that fires big metal balls. Canon is a weapon that fires solid facts. XD Both sink ships. But yeah, the word "canon" was originally used to describe stuff written in the bible, as a way of saying "official"... I think. :S a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine. "the formation of the biblical canon"
  22. I wonder if all of this is actually considered "canon" by the producers of the show. :/ Or by Fawst. Like the dread pirate Roberts? It's a nice idea, but I doubt it's something the creators would do.
  23. Hello everypony! A lot of people have been trying to find a proper timeline of Equestrian history, but because of limited access to resources (like the books, which are sometimes canon), and animation/ story oversights, (like the Celestia/Luna banner in Hearth's Warming Eve,) there's been a lot of confusion. I'd like to try and rally together some ponies who DO have access to these things and discuss the timeline--figure out what's canon and what's not, by using Logic, Knowledge, Precision, and Imagination. So, I'll start us off with the basics. I'll change it as new info comes in. 0. Luna and Celestia are born. 1. Pre-hearths warming-- the tribes are separate. The moon and sun are the responsibility of Star Swirl and other unicorns (according to the journal of the two sisters). 2. Hearths warming-- Equestria is formed and the tribes are united. The tree of Harmony begins to sprout, and the two Sisters are crowned (although they don't rule anything yet), and they meet Star Swirl the bearded. 3. Discord's rule-- disharmony returns amongst the now-united tribes, and Discord is born 4. The sisters rise-- Celestia and Luna (who were born as Alicorn royals, but perhaps just figureheads at the time) stand up to Discord and take over, using the newly discovered elements of Harmony. He two take over as rulers. 5. The crystal empire vanishes (1000 years ago, I think) 6. Luna is corrupted, then banished. Celestia now holds all the elements. 7. Where our story begins--Luna returns 8. The elements of Harmony gain new weilders, and their bonds to the princesses are severed. 9. Discord's spell is broken...but that doesn't last long. 10. The crystal empire resurfaces, and Sombra is defeated. Also there's a royal wedding. Woo. 11. A new princess is crowned. (Fawst states Twilight was supposed to be Celestia's heir, but as of yet she doesn't really rule anything. Hopefully season 5 will clear things up.) 12. Tirek escapes and is defeated 13. Twilight is officially crowned Princess of Friendship. Let's add to this as much as we can, and try to clear up some speculation. With some work, we can baptise an agreed-upon timeline amongst fans. What are your thoughts? And before it comes up, Discord isn't Star Swirl. The makers of the show have already told us.
  24. AmberDust

    request shop Tao's Sig/Avi Shop: CLOSED!

    I'd love one as soon as I get my OC's design down.
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