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Samurai Equine

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Everything posted by Samurai Equine

  1. There's Forggy! He's green! Oh, but he's behind an Achievement Wall... I miss Froggy. Clearly you're talking about me. I'm the green one! Well, there is also Jet, my rival from Riders. But he's also behind an Achievement Wall right now, so... Depending on the conditions, you can raise a Chao to become green. I think there was a green rival from the Classic era that loved throwing bombs, but for some reason, I can't quite recall his name right now...
  2. All of these questions will be answered on the day of the race. I'll have an NPC explain the rules.
  3. ...Spoilers. As long as the magic is being used on your own kart and not someone else's, I thin that should be allowed. I honestly don't see why not. I'll have it covered. Dude, stop reading my mi--Err, I mean, SPOILERS! Heh. Honestly, I was floating between 3 and 5 laps to make it interesting, but 3 laps might be enough.
  4. Jingle jangle jingle. Reminds me of the time I had Salmonella Fitzgerald.
  5. This week's reference game is over. The winners are: @PoisonClaw & @Dynamo Pad
    The answer I was looking for was Kamen Rider Zi-O!

    Thursday's reference was a translation of the TV show's OP theme, "Over Quartzer".


    Tuesday's reference was a translation of the movie's theme song, "P.A.R.T.Y. ~Universe Festival~"


    Well, that's The End of the Kamen Rider reference game. Hopefully I've inspired at least ONE of my followers to check out the franchise some time.
    To all those who have played along, you just got a crash course in Kamen Rider history. Together, we have risen above fear and pain, awakened our spirits, fought inside a mirror, opened our 5 eyez, got a royal straight flush, resonated with demons, walked the path of heaven, traveled through time, sharped our vampire fangs, journeyed through parallel worlds, saw double, counted medals, made friends in space, cast magic spells, squashed fruits like samurai, had a nice drive, put a ghost in an eyecon, healed the world with no continues, built something better, and ushered in a new king.

    But now, this game ends, and it will be replaced by a new game. So thank you to everyone who participated and/or won. You made this game truly worth it. B)
    Starting next week: We're going to see just how well you know the ponies. Take care, my crowd.

    1. Bastian


      Now that I will participate! Im actually grinning lol. :D :fabulous:

  6. @Windy Breeze, @ExplosionMare, @Dynamo Pad, @Pastel Heart, @Kronos the Revenant, @Astral Vision Well, I put all the events through a randomizer, and kart race came out on top! Hope that'll excite ya'll. But if not, don't worry, I can work out some details for those who don't want to take part in the race. In fact, I've all ready got some specific things planned out, so everyone will have something to do.
  7. @Windy Breeze Trilby thinks about it then nods. "Maybe it's for the best for now." Trilby finishes his food. "Well, that was delicious. Would you like to get dessert?" Trilby asks. He notices that the sun is slowly going down. @Astral Vision, @Dynamo Pad, @Pastel Heart, @ExplosionMare Samurai nods and takes in what his friends are saying, though Astral's suggestion seems to ring the most interesting. "Use magic? I never thought of that before..." But he notices Dynamo is still out of the loop. "It's a long story. The box is magic, it was made by a gifted unicorn named Final Premonition, and now we need to solve the box to fix the town. That's the jist." Samurai says, and just in time too. Dynamo's attention is momentarily split. Still, he gives a friendly wave to Pastel and Pencil. He didn't mind if they watched, Samurai figured they might end up finding out about this sooner or later. But soon, Dynamo redirects his attention, and they can get started. "We all want more information, Dynamo. The box has never fully opened before, and there is no key or easy way to do so. I'm still figuring it out as I go, but I think trying everything is better than trying alone, which I've been doing for too long." When Astral adds his magic to the box, it makes a few gears move a little bit then stop. Samurai tilts his head and adds his magic as well. More gears move for a bit and then stop. (Sorry, I'm skipping ahead a bit. Hope that's okay.) And when Dynamo adds his magic, more gears turn, and the box begins to glow. "This is it, everypony! Heads up!" Samurai warns, moving his head away from the box. The box makes a magical projection of the next major event that needs to take place in the town. The images are always crude, but not impossible to decipher. "Huh... Looks like... A cart race? A city-wide cart race?" When Samurai figures it out, the box stops glowing and the image disappears. "That doesn't make any sense to me, but neither did yesterday's music concert. So I guess that's what needs to be done. I should make a call to town hall, see how fast they can set this up. None of the mayors are ever present there, but they always have workers there doing official business."
  8. It's cool, bro. We all have responsibilities. I have to work during the day, and during the evening, I'm taking on so many responsibilities that I can barely keep up with everything on this message board. Thanks for all you do in the Navy, and you're welcome to rejoin the RP any time.
  9. We all ready have one winner from earlier this week, so if you want to win, now's your final chance to copy that answer! But if you still want figure it out for yourself...
    This Kamen Rider premiered in 2018, and was the last show of the Heisei Era before the Reiwa Era kicked in. As it is written, average high schooler Tokiwa Sougo embarks on a path which leads him to become the overlord of time. The legacy of the Heisei Kamen Riders has carried on throughout the era. And now they pass their power on to the next generation, ushering in the beginning of a new legend... Rejoice, for the birth of the new, ultimate king!

    Gonna grab it in a second, so are you ready? (Are you lazy?) It's a brand new history, can you feel it? Feel it! (Crazy baby!)
    Making our bonds the guiding light... Now it's time time to shout it out! Shout it out! And move forward through the present.

    No matter how often you feel lost, make sure you knock on the future's door.
    Once you've got your sights on what's beyond, just jump in and believe in yourself!

    Now Over "Quartzer"! We'll slip through the raindrops of time, together.
    You Over "Quartzer"! Go beyond the future!
    The lessons of the past can't be clouded by lies. Now feel the Nexus Future!
    Now Over "Quartzer"! A brighter world is coming.
    Take me there!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      @Dynamo Pad That's correct! It's Kamen Rider Zi-O! :kirin:
      I know it's confusing, but the name of the TV show is the same as the main hero. It's named after him.

    3. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      @Samurai Equine Awesome! ^_^ 


      I haven't watched much of Kamen Rider, but it does look like a really cool show. I think it's like Power Rangers, or Super Sentai, but a sort of more mature version of that kind of series?

      Some of the one's that looked appealing/cool to me were W (The one with Cyclone Joker) and Zi-O. The Zi-O series kind of reminded me of the Gokaiger based on what I believe was the anniversary of Kamen Rider. 


    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      @Dynamo Pad

      Kamen Rider and Super Sentai have the exact same audience. They air side-by-side on the same programming block. The difference is that Kamen Rider can sometimes take itself just a bit more seriously. Super Sentai, sort of like Power Rangers, cares more about promoting the traditional super hero image, team work, and all those feel-good messages. Kamen Rider tends to be about the solo hero; and even though others may rise up to either help or challenge the main hero, ultimately the main hero has to stand alone. I like to describe the difference in dynamic between these two shows as the same difference between Batman and Superman. It's easy to like one and assume that's the better one, but the other has a strong following and a large group of fans for a reason.

      And you are correct, Zi-O is an anniversary series. It's celebrating 20 years of Heisei material, but also celebrating the last year of the Heisei era. In my personal opinion, it handled the themes of Kamen Rider Decade (the 10 year anniversary series) MUCH better, had more satisfying movies, and even had a better ending over all. But that might just be my personal bias. :) If you are looking for a show to get started with, I usually don't recommend Anniversary series. Some fans will say that it's a good way to quickly learn about all the other shows, and Zi-O did a much better job than Decade, but a lot of the inside jokes and references will be lost on you.

      I prefer to tell people to start at the beginning (Kuuga was the first Heisei show in 2000), and then work your way chronologically. But if that doesn't suit you, find a motif that you like. There's been Riders modeled after all kinds of themes and gimmicks. Playing cards, samurai warriors, wizards, space, race cars, vampires, demons, etc. You're bound to find one you like!

  10. Grab a brush and put on a little makeup. Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup. ...Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
  11. Time for some boopins! First, my friends that I follow: @Altastrofae, @Bas, @Bastian, @Blivy, @CatCat, @Cocokoru, @Cwanky, @CinnamonPop, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Derpy Pon-3, @DivineDivine1000, @Dynamo Pad, @Emerald Heart, @ExplosionMare, @Fasu, @Goofyg23, @J.T., @Jesse Terrence, @Larksy, @Limestone-Pie, @Lord Midnight Madness, @lyrabetes3939, @MapleMoon, @Muffinnz, @Nsxile, @Pastel Heart, @PoisonClaw, @Prince Doopliss, @Princess of Hearts 💛🧡, @Prospekt, @RaraLover, @Renegade the Unicorn, @Rising Dusk, @Rixton, @ShadOBabe, @Sherbie, @SolarFlare13, @Sparklefan1234, @Stone Cold Steve Tuna, @Tacodidra, @TheRockARooster 🐔, @ToastedScone, @Windy Breeze, @WinterMane A very special boop to these lovely officials: @Dark Horse, @Randimaxis, @Bakugou Is My Man ❤, @Totally Roseluck, @TBD, @Lord Valtasar, @Lucky Bolt, @TheTaZe, @Pathfinder, @Meemfestivefox, @Odyssey, @Jedishy And finally, just some awesome peeps I've seen around here that equally deserve a boop: @ChB, @Astral Vision, @CypherHoof, @Tropical Melody, @Ganaram Inukshuk, @Ninja Pizza BatCat, @ShadowEclipse, @fare67t, @Dark Qiviut, @applesjck, @Twilight Luna, @Longhaul, @Ragland Tiger, @Cagey, @Cash In, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Phosphor, @R.D.Dash, @Flutterstep, @EquesWrestlingEnt, @WWolf, @TigerGeekGuy, @Photon Jet, @AveryGamerDude, @LeafFerret, @Yoshi89, @TheAnimationFanatic, @Tao, @SpittyPie2005, @Dreambiscuit, @Dawnchaser, @Dank Pony Child, @PuddingPonyPal, @Nightfall Gloam, @Hierok, @CookieCake, @Wayzer, @Treeglow Flicker, @Deerie, @Dabmanz, @Sondash Studios, @Lyra Heartstrings TR, @Joker Q, @Js250476, @justNatsuki, @zoloft, @Midnight_Danny, @Cyclone1066, @Cyra, @Sonata~, @tylad, @Antagonist, @Will Guide, @Rarity the Snowperior, @Live Spark, @Worldfrog, @Hightlyze, @DasCapschen, @FalconBrony, @Dustlicious, @Osoka_Topez, @DJ Wolfe, @Frostgage, @BastementSparkle, @Sunamena, @Elements of Chaos, @Flow, @Spidey10, @Le Trotteur Sauvage, @Kyoshi, @vampireponyprince, @King of Canterlot Congratulations, you just got boop'd!
  12. Who's awesome? You're awesome! No take-backs or substitutions allowed. First, my friends that I follow: @Altastrofae, @Bas, @Bastian, @Blivy, @CatCat, @Cocokoru, @Cwanky, @CinnamonPop, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Derpy Pon-3, @DivineDivine1000, @Dynamo Pad, @Emerald Heart, @ExplosionMare, @Fasu, @Goofyg23, @J.T., @Jesse Terrence, @Larksy, @Limestone-Pie, @Lord Midnight Madness, @lyrabetes3939, @MapleMoon, @Muffinnz, @Nsxile, @Pastel Heart, @PoisonClaw, @Prince Doopliss, @Princess of Hearts 💛🧡, @Prospekt, @RaraLover, @Renegade the Unicorn, @Rising Dusk, @Rixton, @ShadOBabe, @Sherbie, @SolarFlare13, @Sparklefan1234, @Stone Cold Steve Tuna, @Tacodidra, @TheRockARooster 🐔, @ToastedScone, @Windy Breeze, @WinterMane Here's some very awesome officials: @Dark Horse, @Randimaxis, @Bakugou Is My Man ❤, @Totally Roseluck, @TBD, @Lord Valtasar, @Lucky Bolt, @TheTaZe, @Pathfinder, @Meemfestivefox, @Odyssey, @Jedishy And finally, some peeps I've seen around here that are equally awesome: @ChB, @Astral Vision, @CypherHoof, @Tropical Melody, @Ganaram Inukshuk, @Ninja Pizza BatCat, @ShadowEclipse, @fare67t, @Dark Qiviut, @applesjck, @Twilight Luna, @Longhaul, @Ragland Tiger, @Cagey, @Cash In, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Phosphor, @R.D.Dash, @Flutterstep, @EquesWrestlingEnt, @WWolf, @TigerGeekGuy, @Photon Jet, @AveryGamerDude, @LeafFerret, @Yoshi89, @TheAnimationFanatic, @Tao, @SpittyPie2005, @Dreambiscuit, @Dawnchaser, @Dank Pony Child, @PuddingPonyPal, @Nightfall Gloam, @Hierok, @CookieCake, @Wayzer, @Treeglow Flicker, @Deerie, @Dabmanz, @Sondash Studios, @Lyra Heartstrings TR, @Joker Q, @Js250476, @justNatsuki, @zoloft, @Midnight_Danny, @Cyclone1066, @Cyra, @Sonata~, @tylad, @Antagonist, @Will Guide, @Rarity the Snowperior, @Live Spark, @Worldfrog, @Hightlyze, @DasCapschen, @FalconBrony, @Dustlicious, @Osoka_Topez, @DJ Wolfe, @Frostgage, @BastementSparkle, @Sunamena, @Elements of Chaos, @Flow, @Spidey10, @Le Trotteur Sauvage, @Kyoshi, @vampireponyprince, @King of Canterlot Now feel free to rock on and rule the universe!
  13. Hey everypony, come and get your hugs! First, my friends that I follow: @Altastrofae, @Bas, @Bastian, @Blivy, @CatCat, @Cocokoru, @Cwanky, @CinnamonPop, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Derpy Pon-3, @DivineDivine1000, @Dynamo Pad, @Emerald Heart, @ExplosionMare, @Fasu, @Goofyg23, @J.T., @Jesse Terrence, @Larksy, @Limestone-Pie, @Lord Midnight Madness, @lyrabetes3939, @MapleMoon, @Muffinnz, @Nsxile, @Pastel Heart, @PoisonClaw, @Prince Doopliss, @Princess of Hearts 💛🧡, @Prospekt, @RaraLover, @Renegade the Unicorn, @Rising Dusk, @Rixton, @ShadOBabe, @Sherbie, @SolarFlare13, @Sparklefan1234, @Stone Cold Steve Tuna, @Tacodidra, @TheRockARooster 🐔, @ToastedScone, @Windy Breeze, @WinterMane A very special hug to these lovely officials: @Dark Horse, @Randimaxis, @Bakugou Is My Man ❤, @Totally Roseluck, @TBD, @Lord Valtasar, @Lucky Bolt, @TheTaZe, @Pathfinder, @Meemfestivefox, @Odyssey, @Jedishy And finally, just some awesome peeps I've seen around here that equally deserve a hug: @ChB, @Astral Vision, @CypherHoof, @Tropical Melody, @Ganaram Inukshuk, @Ninja Pizza BatCat, @ShadowEclipse, @fare67t, @Dark Qiviut, @applesjck, @Twilight Luna, @Longhaul, @Ragland Tiger, @Cagey, @Cash In, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Phosphor, @R.D.Dash, @Flutterstep, @EquesWrestlingEnt, @WWolf, @TigerGeekGuy, @Photon Jet, @AveryGamerDude, @LeafFerret, @Yoshi89, @TheAnimationFanatic, @Tao, @SpittyPie2005, @Dreambiscuit, @Dawnchaser, @Dank Pony Child, @PuddingPonyPal, @Nightfall Gloam, @Hierok, @CookieCake, @Wayzer, @Treeglow Flicker, @Deerie, @Dabmanz, @Sondash Studios, @Lyra Heartstrings TR, @Joker Q, @Js250476, @justNatsuki, @zoloft, @Midnight_Danny, @Cyclone1066, @Cyra, @Sonata~, @tylad, @Antagonist, @Will Guide, @Rarity the Snowperior, @Live Spark, @Worldfrog, @Hightlyze, @DasCapschen, @FalconBrony, @Dustlicious, @Osoka_Topez, @DJ Wolfe, @Frostgage, @BastementSparkle, @Sunamena, @Elements of Chaos, @Flow, @Spidey10, @Le Trotteur Sauvage, @Kyoshi, @vampireponyprince, @King of Canterlot Warm, caring hugs from a true, true friend.
  14. Come get your cake, everypony! Don't worry, this cake is safe for any dietary needs and restrictions. First, my friends that I follow: @Altastrofae, @Bas, @Bastian, @Blivy, @CatCat, @Cocokoru, @Cwanky, @CinnamonPop, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Derpy Pon-3, @DivineDivine1000, @Dynamo Pad, @Emerald Heart, @ExplosionMare, @Fasu, @Goofyg23, @J.T., @Jesse Terrence, @Larksy, @Limestone-Pie, @Lord Midnight Madness, @lyrabetes3939, @MapleMoon, @Muffinnz, @Nsxile, @Pastel Heart, @PoisonClaw, @Prince Doopliss, @Princess of Hearts 💛🧡, @Prospekt, @RaraLover, @Renegade the Unicorn, @Rising Dusk, @Rixton, @ShadOBabe, @Sherbie, @SolarFlare13, @Sparklefan1234, @Stone Cold Steve Tuna, @Tacodidra, @TheRockARooster 🐔, @ToastedScone, @Windy Breeze, @WinterMane A very special slice to these lovely officials: @Dark Horse, @Randimaxis, @Bakugou Is My Man ❤, @Totally Roseluck, @TBD, @Lord Valtasar, @Lucky Bolt, @TheTaZe, @Pathfinder, @Meemfestivefox, @Odyssey, @Jedishy And finally, just some awesome peeps I've seen around here that equally deserve a slice: @ChB, @Astral Vision, @CypherHoof, @Tropical Melody, @Ganaram Inukshuk, @Ninja Pizza BatCat, @ShadowEclipse, @fare67t, @Dark Qiviut, @applesjck, @Twilight Luna, @Longhaul, @Ragland Tiger, @Cagey, @Cash In, @strongwilled_pegasus, @Phosphor, @R.D.Dash, @Flutterstep, @EquesWrestlingEnt, @WWolf, @TigerGeekGuy, @Photon Jet, @AveryGamerDude, @LeafFerret, @Yoshi89, @TheAnimationFanatic, @Tao, @SpittyPie2005, @Dreambiscuit, @Dawnchaser, @Dank Pony Child, @PuddingPonyPal, @Nightfall Gloam, @Hierok, @CookieCake, @Wayzer, @Treeglow Flicker, @Deerie, @Dabmanz, @Sondash Studios, @Lyra Heartstrings TR, @Joker Q, @Js250476, @justNatsuki, @zoloft, @Midnight_Danny, @Cyclone1066, @Cyra, @Sonata~, @tylad, @Antagonist, @Will Guide, @Rarity the Snowperior, @Live Spark, @Worldfrog, @Hightlyze, @DasCapschen, @FalconBrony, @Dustlicious, @Osoka_Topez, @DJ Wolfe, @Frostgage, @BastementSparkle, @Sunamena, @Elements of Chaos, @Flow, @Spidey10, @Le Trotteur Sauvage, @Kyoshi, @vampireponyprince, @King of Canterlot This super sonic cake is just for you!


    Gentlemen, behold!
    The absolute HEIGHT of Pop Culture!

    Who's floss dancing now, Steve? Who's flossing now?!?!

  16. But I can't open it. All I want is the tiny toy inside, or the little candied peanuts, or the electronic doodad. ...Unless it's underwear again, in which case, I think I'd rather return the gift to seller.
  17. Off topic: We will never reach Tomorrow or get back Yesterday; cause we are perpetually in Today.
  18. Hey sis. Have you ever seen this anime?


  19. @Windy Breeze Trilby laughs a little. "No, not necessarily. When I was a young colt, I loved putting pieces of fabric together. I had a friend who got lost in a cave and honestly thought he saw an Ursa Major. The next day, he told all the kids at school about it!" Trilby eats between sentences. "Well, you know how kids are, they wanted him to prove it. So he took us all to the cave, and... Turns out, he was seeing things. It wasn't an Ursa Major. It was just a harmless grizzly bear that accidentally got covered in some sparkly blue confetti." Trilby finishes his hay steak and moves on to his salad. "The next few days, the kids kept making fun of him for making such a big deal about an Ursa Major. It was making him sad, so I made a hat to cheer him up. And it worked! He loved the hat, and everypony in class thought he looked so cool. He went on to be one of the popular ponies. And helping out others with my hats made me feel so happy, it made my cutie mark appear." @Astral Vision, @Dynamo Pad "Before we find a game that allows three players, I'd really like your help." Samurai pulls out the enchanted puzzle box. "I've tried, but I can't seem to unlock the next thing this box wants me to do. Would you both be willing to help me solve this box? Right now, you're the only friends I trust." Samurai holds it close enough for Astral and Dynamo to try. It looks very complicated with all its millions of tiny moving points, but any help is better than none.
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