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butter scotch

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Everything posted by butter scotch

  1. I don't mind spiders since they eat the pesky flies! Snakes are alright...
  2. I agree! It is now 22:49 and sleeping is for the week! I haven't slept for ages I sleep at the rate of 3 night a month max if I sleep more then I end up out of crazy ideas! I wonder what will happen...
  3. Don't have one although I like "my fail safe spell, failed?" which I used for my video hitler meets heavy weapons guy AdolfShitlerParodies
  4. Simple I DON'T SLEEP I JUST SIT ON MLP FORUMS OR SOME OTHER JUNK! It is now 22:18 aka 10:18
  5. http://blog.ajn.me/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/incoming.jpg Shank must be planning something... Someone already got shanked *Spaz scout laughing* I am such a comedian DISCLAIMER: I am not funny
  6. Tom sat in his room throwing his ball at the wall, he had unblocked the door after he heard about john's release from solitary but he glanced at the door every 6 seconds to check if someone was sneaking up on him.
  7. Note: Pay will come if it is sucessful! Ok me and my friend have a solid idea on what we want to make, a less blocky, more combat oriented(race dpendant), bigger version of minecraft! We want decent coders and artists, we have the ideas you make them a reality! Me and my friend just started learning java and we arn't very good artists! Post here what you want to do etc! Please PM me for any questions!
  8. Tom walked past the broken closet and heard screaming, 'what the hell is going on in there?' he thought. He looked inside to see 2 people running around the room like headless chickens, the one who was panicking looked like, Randy? Randal? He couldn't put his finger on it so he just ignored them and speed walked to his room and barricaded the door until he was hungry...
  9. Tom sat in his room shaken by the recent events, he got up and checked the room over for anything and found nothing so he decieded to get some food and find out what is going on...
  10. Yeah same, I am waiting for shank or someone else to introduce me...
  11. Actually I instantly liked it, not because of the ponies but because of the community and the personalities!
  12. Ok this is my first REAL fan fiction, so I had re-read My Little Dashie and decided to have a go at writing a proper one instead of the usual random junk I post The real story “One small step for man, one leap from mankind” As I said those words and stepped out of the Apollo I carefully studied the landscape around me. No life what so ever, no plants, nothing just a barren rocky hell… 5 MINUTES LATER After collecting some rock samples I got bored and returned to the ship but I took one last glance to see something dark move, I didn’t think much of it as the atmosphere was making me feel light headed so I strolled back and prepared for lift off but before that I cast a glance out of the window to see it staring at me so I stared back and saw a darkish purple unicorn until I saw it open it’s swan like wings. What was this majestic creature that stood before me I thought but before I could think of a logical answer it spoke, “We are the god of the moon, imprisoned here on this barren wasteland!” She spoke with a royal tone and was literally shouting at me in perfect English So I replied “We?” Since there were actually no one out here that I could see, “It is the royal Canterlot voice and we must speak like this!” She screamed at me even with the cold hull of the Apollo blocking some of the sound I was still startled by how load it was. I asked what Canterlot was and she replied in a remorseful tone, “In Equestria, another planet fairly close to” She studied earth then looked back to me “That which I can guess is your home world…” I replied with a meek “yes”, this creature was extremely intelligent and according to myth unicorns have magic powers and since this unicorn, peguses cross breed had a horn it ticked all the boxes for being magical so I had to find out more about this thing and where it came from, “So I can see you are a unicorn, do you have magical abilities?” As I said this her horn glowed and she disappeared in a burst of blue light. A few moments later I heard her appear behind me and before I could say anything she said “Actually I am an alicorn” it all made sense, the wings, the mane, the horn! But one thing still pondered in my mind, why is she saying “I” instead of “we”, could I have made friends with it or is it some sort of greeting? “So how come you are here and not in ‘equestria’?” I said and she answered with a story… END OF PART 1 The Alicorn’s horn glowed once more, this time quite brightly as I felt a strange sensation then nothing as I was knocked out cold. I awoke in a bright land, birds where flying and I paused and thought of this PONIES, ones with wings, ones with horns and ones with nothing at all! First they were the aliens now I am the alien to them I shuffled about a bit and realised that I was in some sort of library, the unicorn sat on a bed reading a book in some unknown language heard this and got up, it walked over to me and introduced itself, “Hi!” She beamed “I am twilight sparkle, please to meet you” As she said this she held out her hoof and I shook it, at least she didn’t speak in the “royal Canterlot voice” as so it’s called. “Why am I here?” I asked not really meaning to but I did anyway “You would have to ask Princess Celestia” Twilight exclaimed, as she said this an alicorn strolled in looking almost identical to the one on the moon except she had a fluid mane and a white coat, I guessed it was the princess. After 5 long hours of conversation we struck a deal, I would help them and in return I would get a home, food and anything else I needed, but Celestia always replied with “You will know in time”… END OF PART 2
  13. I am loaded but have actually nohting I want! I will be getting Halo:4 in november as well as some more XBL but apart from that nothing!
  14. Maybe draw the back of her first before the rest of CMC
  15. Sorry, haven't been able to post! Just came back from Bristol! Just read through most of it, looks like I missed the good parts :'( but anyway does someone want to introduce me?
  16. Looks good! But the hater parents who use Derpy as an exuse to hate will somehow make some bullshit up!
  17. AdolfShitlerParodies I'll try and do something! Can you PM with a basic outline of what you actually want remixing!
  18. "please consider subscribing to mlp forums" Shouldn't it be "please consider donating to mlp forums"?
  19. Contact me if you haven't already for the skype group where we'll be discussing everything
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